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Demon Lord's Dungeon



Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

The demon lord politely raised a hand towards Atril's offer. "Thank you, but not right now," he declined before shifting back to rub his face once more with another soft groan. "So... Zeha's betrayed me, huh? A pity, I was rather fond of her and did have hopes for her. But she always did have a strong sense of ambition, I simply hoped she would be fond of me enough to curb her from turning against me." He chose to ignore Vexa's jest.

"And brothers of light hrm... could be a nuisance... oh well, I'll see about sorting out..." the demon lord began to rise, then gave a sharp intake of breath and sunk back into his chair. "Right. I think I might just sit here for a moment then. Perhaps it'd be best to hold onto that dagger, it seems to be quite the potent little thing. I wonder how our dear Zehasael got her hands on it..."

Everyone gains 5 favour

It was at this moment that one of the many imps who worked in the dungeon came running into the room, yelling loudly. "Boss! BOOOOOOSSS! Dere's dis army o' guys in dat fancy white armur stuff attackin', collapsing tunnels and making dere way here. Whatawedoooo!"

The demon gave another groan. "Brothers of light. Right. This is what she meant. How did she... that damn spymaster. Calling in a paladin army to solve a demon power struggle... that's low... she really is good..." He tried to rise again, and once more gave a grunt and after a moment of fighting it, sunk back into his chair yet again. "Well, I guess I won't be seeing them off right now. I hope you're up to the challenge Vexa, and the rest of you for that matter. I'll just... uh... stay here for a bit, do try and rally out forces into something of a cohesive defence, would you?"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

"Paladins. Right, I'm on it."

Vexa kicked the whimpering Imp aside and then yelled at it.

"Get me my gobbo commando's on the double! Ready the War Moles! And I want those pit traps and poison spikes traps checked and accounted for! Do it now!"

Vexa donned her helm, a horned war vizor that had small holes in the top to let out tufts of her spiky blond crop of hair. Her teal cloak hung from her black breastplate's shoulder clasps. She hefted her round shield with a spike on its center on her left arm, letting her hammer hang by her side until she was ready to use it to crack some skulls. Without asking for help, she marched toward the forward defenses, rallying the goblins to her aid.

The ashen skinned goblins of the Death Fog tribe were not the typical "weak" goblin often associated with the race. They were the height of a short man, but with long, lean, muscular arms and toothy maws. Their ears were pointed and their eyes glowed green in the low light of the tunnels. They were as strong as human folk, and twice as cunning. They fought ruthlessly and in the tunnels of the underdark, they were in their element. Vexa had every confidence that she would be able to defend her master's lair.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

"No?" Atril repeated, apparently shocked someone would turn down a drink. "Ah, vell arrigh', I 'spose ut migh' jes' spell ootta ya rrigh' now ennevae," she said, dropping the bottle, glass and screw back into her tunic, where it all seemingly vanished.

"Eh... vell, ha' boot I help y'lordshep get a'mite less messe?" she asked, looking at the gory hole in his chest. The only thing perhaps better than good, strong alcohol was warm, irony blood. She... didn't think she'd ever tasted a demon's blood before, but her memory, as always, was hazy. Scarlet was powerful, right? And that was even after considering that he was a demon... 'Would she be able to taste that in his blood?' she wondered, as she stared at his bloody injury, inadvertently licking her lips.

She tasted blood. Bringing her hand to her lip, she saw her own, black, sluggish blood. She then remembered that her nose had started to bleed during the fight, and tilted her head back to keep herself from losing any more. Pulling off a glove, she wiped up what she could with her fingers, licking them back up. "Ah... sorreh, boss."

When the panicking imp came in, she turned to look at him. With the dagger no longer glowing, she was back to her wide-eyed stare.

However, his news rapidly transformed it into a very angry glare. "COLLAPSING TUNNELS?!" she screamed, furious. "Vhy zose gingerr-hairt, shiny-arsed yellow-gooly gobshites! Em ginnae wrring ze life atta'em en terre'm limb from rruddy limb!" She carried on, cussing incoherently as she stormed out.

"OY, YOU!", she said, screaming out at one of the workers she recognized cowering behind a statue just outside the room. "Verre are zey coming frrom?! Is it jes' the gate, orr are zerre more brreaches?"

Once he'd answered as best he could, she spoke again, and giving him orders. "Ge' all ze boys togezarr! Tell 'em t'ge' wha'everr tools zey kin find, and once ye do, find me! Ahl be following Captain Vexa to ze fight, so ye know wherre'll te find me!"

She grabbed a statuette of an elephant that had fallen off it's pedestal shortly afterwards. It was made of granite, and menaced with spikes of bronze - a fancy magic hammer it wasn't, but big chunk of rock like this would have to hurt to get hit by, right? She probably should have been organizing the workers... but Atril was so angry, it barely even mattered to her. They were wrecking her halls, and setting them what was probably months back in a schedule she hadn't even had time to make made! She She was pissed - and she was going to bust some heads.


Jungle Girl
Jan 25, 2012
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

Aura stepped forwards and set the dagger on her master's lap so he would not have to move much. She then bowed her head lightly, her hair flowing around headdress. She then picked up her rifle and pulled back the hammer with a click as the spring locked into place. Her hands ran down her weapon lightly and she smiled somewhat cruelly. A moment passed before she slung the weapon over her shoulder as it had been previously. It was loaded now, and as such it would be ready should she need it. With the somewhat heavy weight back in its traditional place she was ready for what was coming.

A bit of dust shook from the ceiling and fell about her. giving an annoyed mutter she quickly brushed her robes off and turned. With a deep breath she collected herself. While emotion did have its place, it could not override her focus. At least not yet.

"They call themselves brothers? Yet they would collapse someone else's home? How rude." Aura would run her fingers over her amulet, the small chain giving off a slight bit of energy. "I would say we should show them the door, but I would dare say they might not know how to use it."

She quickly made her way to the front after sending her personal attendant to, hopefully, reach her sanctum and help her acolytes keep it secure. The priestess stood behind Vexa and her guards, her eyes falling shut and her hands resting together, somewhat far from her body. The high priestess would admit, though only to herself, that she could not heal in any capacity. But one thing she would vocalize to anyone who would listen was her ability to weaken her opponents.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

"That I will, my lord. The mages should be up to the task." the cat demoness gave her assurances about the abilities of the group under her command. They were not numerous, but had the skill and power to make up for that lack in body count.

Making her way into the areas of all things magical, Kirie called in the underlings to have a brief talk. "Alright, nya. We are about to be attacked by some misguided fanatics of light. They seek to further the plan of a traitorous spymaster and former concubine by attempting to cut down our good master. This is not something we will allow. Get prepared and bring your best offensive magic along, we will march to aid Captain Vexa and her commando goblins. They might be a bit thuggish, but still better company than these idiots barging their way in." the white-skinned mage went through the instructions, her tail swishing with a degree of excitement as she gave out the plans. They would act as fire support to the stronger soldier types, staying away from a battle unless absolutely necessary.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

As the group left the throne room to go about gathering their various minions, they discovered the situation was worse than they'd realised. Another crash of a tunnel collapsing could be heard off in the distance but the battle had almost made it all the way to the entrance. Before them, small groups of minions clustered behind shelter and makeshift barricades while flashes of magic blasted the area; it would be impossible for any of them to make it to their respective rooms without passing through the fighting.

Still, as orders and instructions were yelled out, various minions emerged; some from hiding, others reporting from the barricades to relay orders to the remainder.

The imp Atril found gave a soft meep. "Dey comin' from everywhere, herdin' us all before 'em so dat no one can get behind 'em. An' if dey think an area'd be too risky or dangerous to take, dey jus' collapse it."

Having spotted the Captain, one of the goblin warriors had made their way back from the barricades where the others remained pinned. "I'm afraid it's true. They hit is before we were ready and caused a panic which has given them the upper hand. Many of our forces have fled or been cut off by the cave-ins. We've got them stalled at the barrier if only because they can't bring the roof down on us if they want to get through, but their mages are just frying anyone who sticks their head up and they don't seem too desperate to overrun us, at least until the rest of their forces link up. Still, I and mine are ready to serve, there may only be eight of us here, but we stand ready to show our foes the wrath of Fellhammer."

Meanwhile, Atril's bellowing had attracted a dozen or so imp workers, some looking as scared as the one she had first found, others looking almost as pissed off as her and wielding mining picks menacingly. One of the larger, meaner looking once gave her a bow. "We'll keep da weedy ones in line. Tell us what ye wantta do."

Aura had only her attendant and two others gathered there, the rest likely cut off back in their temple. "There is some luck, Lady Winter. Because the invaders hope to sanctify our temple and "purify" it to their oppressive gods, they have not collapsed the tunnel. The power of demons flow through us and we are ready to defend our faith and send these lightsworn to their doom." Bold claims, for those who were until moments ago all but cowering by the entrance, but the emergence of their leader had put some steel back in their spines. "Our powers may not be much directly, but our presence will inspire others nearby, direct us as you will."

Off to one side, there was a flutter as one of the mages stepped from the shadows, a tall, dark haired elf maiden. "Mistress Kirie, I apologise that only I could make it. The others are all trapped by the cave-in, but they have loaned me their power so that I could get to you. Some are busy trying to clear the tunnel so they can join the fray, while the diviners are trying to learn all they can. If any developments occur, you will know." She felt the contact of a half dozen or so mages against her mind, brief as to not distract her from the task at hand.

On the other side of the barricades, there was a shield wall spanning the length of the corridor, great white tower shield emblazoned with golden symbols. And from behind that wall, magical energies shot forth at irregular intervals. A formidable formation for tunnel fighting, as long as they weren't flanked and apparently, they had taken every effort to prevent this.


Jungle Girl
Jan 25, 2012
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

"Doom, yes..." Aura chuckled and spread her arms wide. "Join me, then. And let us be the ones to," Her eyes opening and her fingers crackling with dark energy. "Purify..."

The two other priestesses moved to form a crude circle, though it was far more of a triangle. They followed suit and soon a swirling of energy formed between them. chaotic by its very nature, the darkness whirled, tuning in on itself and occasionally giving a soft hiss or a crackle. It was nothing to what could have been done with all her acolytes present, but the high priestess was certain it would be more than enough.

"We, who live in truth and embrace all it encompasses..." The three began, the energy growing more and more agitated as they chanted in unison. "We cast those of the light into the abyss, where they shall have their faith and bodies shattered..." So it continued, repeating the two lines over and over. Each repetition caused the darkness to grow more coherent. More solid. By the tenth or so repetition, it was a solid orb of nothingness. It exuded shadow as the Sun would light, though to a far lesser degree.

"And in the name of our Master, I condemn those of the light to die!" Aura broke the chant while the other two continued. The orb seemed to melt and seep into the shadows cast on the stone. It surged forwards, past the barricades and to the shield wall. Once there it spread upwards. With only three priestesses, however, it could not actually cause any true harm. It could, and was intended to, weaken the resolve and sap the strength of those caught above it.
