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RPG RPG Maker [Der Abentuer Mann] WIP RPG

Der Abentuer Mann

Jungle Girl
Aug 19, 2013
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Hey all,

I'm in the process of creating an adult rpg using RPGVX ACE. I'd post a demo with this post... but it wouldn't be worthwhile. No porny stuff written yet, and it would mostly just involve walking around. So no point in doing that. Once I get a short demo up, I'll post it here.

General info about the game...

Name: Idk yet. Still a WIP

General Plot: The character (a female anthro bovine) has been transported inside a porn game. She has to beat it to get out and return to the real world.

Content: F/F, M/F, H/F, Bestiality (Horses, giant spiders, wolves, snakes, crocodiles, etc), maybe more as time goes on and I get better with ACE. Most of the porny stuff will be written, as I have no experience with animation.

Length:The game won't be too terribly long. Its my first "real" game, so I'm going to keep it fairly short and simple. A few quests, leading up to the main quest, a few boss battles, a bit more questing, and then the final boss.
I do have a bit of a problem though... I haven't been able to find ANY sprites for the main character, nor any facesets. If anyone knows where I could go to find some antho cow sprites, and maybe a faceset, I would really appreciate it. Till then I'm just going to use a generic human as a stand in.

Progress might be a bit slow, since I'm a college student, but I do plan on actually finishing this game, and possibly turning it into a mini-series where the character finds herself being repeatedly pulled into various game worlds (I might even contact people like Fenoxo and see if he would be interested in me doing a mini-game set within COC, THAT would be fun).

Questions, comments, concerns? Leave em below please! And if you find any sprites I could use, hit me up!

~Der Abentueur Mann
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D: this is the concept for my project im planning on crowdsourcing... 6 game worlds, she's diving in to save other people stuck inside them though and it's fantasy world setting not modern...

main character is the designer of the games and you're supposed to be able to go inside them (illusion/phantasmagoria scrolls), someone has started circulating edited copies of her games, that trap the player inside if they trigger a game over scene (so they have to stay being violated by tentacles etc)

in my case its a pretty large project though... gamplay and story segregation is in play so the PC keeps their level between games even as she switches job classes

not all of the games are straight out rpgs either
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Not to be a party pooper, but, shouldn't this go to Under Construction instead of Hentai Games?

Hmm... maybe. I've never been here before, so I saw a section labeled "hentai games" and thought "Oh! I'll just post it there!" If a mod sees this and it is indeed in the wrong section, feel free to move it. Thanks!
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Ummm, I'd like to know if this game will have anything else "Porny" except from the text.

Unless I figure out how to do spriting/pixel art, or if I get permission from an artist to put their art in the game? Probably not. I'm a writer, not an artist. Think of it like CoC but with actual exploring.

Unless I figure out how to do spriting/pixel art, or if I get permission from an artist to put their art in the game? Probably not. I'm a writer, not an artist. Think of it like CoC but with actual exploring.

In my POV, spriting and pixel art is pretty easy. I learned doing animated sprites with the help of Internet tutorials from various sites. And I am still learning programming in C++ and experimenting with GameMaker. So far, I'm doing good. Keep up the good work.

Oh, and for pixel art tips you should ask UrineOnu.

.... Isn't this just a little idea? I mean nearly everyone calls themself a so called writer. There should be a rule to make it illegal that every hack can call himself a "writer".

Get a FULL Summary for the story.
Then Write a few scenes and use the RPG Maker to create the game.

IF and only IF you do a great work (which would at least take half a year of time) you can get some CG amateur artist to do those H-Scenes for you.
There is also the possibility to just commission all the work. If you are willing to invest a bit of money or find a ARTIST who really likes your work all the Art could be done by the same person. At least the main Scenes. For the rest: The idea to use sprites is pretty much what you should do.

But until now i just saw a pretty BORING overview which has been done a few thousand times. And the idea that the heroine gets sucked into a game world is very much done already. There exist quite a few games with that kind of scenario.

So plz. Don't just "talk" what you "want to do" JUST WORK.

Get the script. Program the game with RPG maker (at least a trial could be done in 1-2 months) and then OPEN a Thread for it.

For gods sake you don't even have a name. Not even a work title. You just have a overused idea.
Also: You are german aren't you?? Do you honestly expect ur english to be at a level where you can write a ENGLISH game for english speaking audience? Frankly as a german myself i can imagine myself to come up with ideas and stuff but my "writing" is at best at highschool level.

Übrigens sollte dein Name nicht "Der Abenteurer Mann" heißen? Ich checke den Sinn jetzt nicht ganz.
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.... Isn't this just a little idea? I mean nearly everyone calls themself a so called writer. There should be a rule to make it illegal that every hack can call himself a "writer".

Get a FULL Summary for the story.
Then Write a few scenes and use the RPG Maker to create the game.

IF and only IF you do a great work (which would at least take half a year of time) you can get some CG amateur artist to do those H-Scenes for you.
There is also the possibility to just commission all the work. If you are willing to invest a bit of money or find a ARTIST who really likes your work all the Art could be done by the same person. At least the main Scenes. For the rest: The idea to use sprites is pretty much what you should do.

But until now i just saw a pretty BORING overview which has been done a few thousand times. And the idea that the heroine gets sucked into a game world is very much done already. There exist quite a few games with that kind of scenario.

So plz. Don't just "talk" what you "want to do" JUST WORK.

Get the script. Program the game with RPG maker (at least a trial could be done in 1-2 months) and then OPEN a Thread for it.

For gods sake you don't even have a name. Not even a work title. You just have a overused idea.
Also: You are german aren't you?? Do you honestly expect ur english to be at a level where you can write a ENGLISH game for english speaking audience? Frankly as a german myself i can imagine myself to come up with ideas and stuff but my "writing" is at best at highschool level.

Übrigens sollte dein Name nicht "Der Abenteurer Mann" heißen? Ich checke den Sinn jetzt nicht ganz.

I am available for commissions at all times, and i would be willing to work on this even though it's similar to my own concept, PM me if interested (my commercial prices are much cheaper than other artists too)

In my POV, spriting and pixel art is pretty easy. I learned doing animated sprites with the help of Internet tutorials from various sites. And I am still learning programming in C++ and experimenting with GameMaker. So far, I'm doing good. Keep up the good work.

Oh, and for pixel art tips you should ask UrineOnu.

Am I really good enough to be giving people tips......?, there are plenty of people who are much more proficient at pixel art than me, I pretty much do it for kicks when I'm bored.

I don't mind if you have any questions anyway. Pm or send a letter by Post.

.... Isn't this just a little idea? I mean nearly everyone calls themself a so called writer. There should be a rule to make it illegal that every hack can call himself a "writer".

Get a FULL Summary for the story.
Then Write a few scenes and use the RPG Maker to create the game.

IF and only IF you do a great work (which would at least take half a year of time) you can get some CG amateur artist to do those H-Scenes for you.
There is also the possibility to just commission all the work. If you are willing to invest a bit of money or find a ARTIST who really likes your work all the Art could be done by the same person. At least the main Scenes. For the rest: The idea to use sprites is pretty much what you should do.

But until now i just saw a pretty BORING overview which has been done a few thousand times. And the idea that the heroine gets sucked into a game world is very much done already. There exist quite a few games with that kind of scenario.

So plz. Don't just "talk" what you "want to do" JUST WORK.

Get the script. Program the game with RPG maker (at least a trial could be done in 1-2 months) and then OPEN a Thread for it.

For gods sake you don't even have a name. Not even a work title. You just have a overused idea.
Also: You are german aren't you?? Do you honestly expect ur english to be at a level where you can write a ENGLISH game for english speaking audience? Frankly as a german myself i can imagine myself to come up with ideas and stuff but my "writing" is at best at highschool level.

Übrigens sollte dein Name nicht "Der Abenteurer Mann" heißen? Ich checke den Sinn jetzt nicht ganz.

First. Thanks so much for attacking me :) As of now, yes, it is an idea. My idea, that I plan on evolving and developing as time goes on. Does your opinion on it matter to me? No. I do, however, plan on finishing the game eventually, but real life and my studies come first.

Second. No, I am not German. I am in fact quite proficient in English, as it is my first language. German is my second language, and a language that I am still learning yet greatly enjoying.

Third. Once I get a job, I do intend on commissioning artists. That is, however, a ways down the road.

Edit: So what if something has been done "a thousand times"? This is my game, not yours. -.- Judging from your post, your English isn't too terrible. I wouldn't have guessed you were German. I've seen plenty of people for whom English is their native language write far worse than you.
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In my POV, spriting and pixel art is pretty easy. I learned doing animated sprites with the help of Internet tutorials from various sites. And I am still learning programming in C++ and experimenting with GameMaker. So far, I'm doing good. Keep up the good work.

Oh, and for pixel art tips you should ask UrineOnu.

Hmm... just curious. Do you do your pixel art/spriting with a mouse or one of those fancy pen things. If it is possible with a mouse then I just might have to learn how to do it! :D

First. Thanks so much for attacking me :) As of now, yes, it is an idea. My idea, that I plan on evolving and developing as time goes on. Does your opinion on it matter to me? No. I do, however, plan on finishing the game eventually, but real life and my studies come first.

Second. No, I am not German. I am in fact quite proficient in English, as it is my first language. German is my second language, and a language that I am still learning yet greatly enjoying.

Third. Once I get a job, I do intend on commissioning artists. That is, however, a ways down the road.

Edit: So what if something has been done "a thousand times"? This is my game, not yours. -.- Judging from your post, your English isn't too terrible. I wouldn't have guessed you were German. I've seen plenty of people for whom English is their native language write far worse than you.

Don't misunderstand me please!
I really root for you and hope you will finish your project and of course i would also be willing to help.

The thing is just that i already saw so many guys like you who had a similar idea and talked big big words and don't even know how much work such a game is. They think they write a bit and after 1 or 2 weeks their game is done.

But it seems you are aware what you need to do in order to finish this game.

So if you need help just ask us and we will be happy to give you support.

I'm just a little sensitive because there are so many guys around who TALK TALK TALK and people really take their time to help them out. But then after a month or 2 they never log in again and the project died because they didn't realize how much work such a game takes.

So i would be really happy if you can prove me wrong and create a nice game. But if you realize that you can't do it don't be too arrogant and just ask people to help. For example someone who is good at using the RPG Maker can create the game world and enter your script into a game. Maybe some amateur artists who have no experience also would like to gain a bit experience on your project.
Also it motivates you more if people depend on your work and you HAVE to work and can't slack off :)

I think if 2 or 3 people would work together this project has a good chance of succeeding.

Regarding your idea. I played a RPG which had the same setting maybe you can also play it to get a bit of a idea and maybe tweek your story??
Don't know the name but it was japanese and i used a translator but the story was very much clear even though it was a machine translation. I try to find the game and post it once i find it.

Anyway GL and keep up the promising work.

Regarding your name: Abenteurer means adventurer. I thought it was a play on words because you named yourself "Abentuer" and the word "tun" means the same as the english word "do". I didn't get the meaning but i guess it was just a typo on your part ;-)

to be fair, the sucked into an alternate dimension idea is fairly common in fiction

to be fair, the sucked into an alternate dimension idea is fairly common in fiction

You are right. But i am talking exactly about what he wrote:

"General Plot: The character (a female anthro bovine) has been transported inside a porn game. She has to beat it to get out and return to the real world."

You are right. But i am talking exactly about what he wrote:

"General Plot: The character (a female anthro bovine) has been transported inside a porn game. She has to beat it to get out and return to the real world."

oooh now i wanna discuss how my game is different... beating the game isn't necessary, all though sometimes it is necessary as the plots have been reworked to include the missing person as a plot related damsel...
plot wise you don't have to beat it but mechanically it probably is...no point in designing a full game if the player can just leave when theyve saved the person from their game over

Hmm... just curious. Do you do your pixel art/spriting with a mouse or one of those fancy pen things. If it is possible with a mouse then I just might have to learn how to do it! :D

It's very possible with a mouse, i mostly sprite with the mouse, but I use my tablet for the rough draft then i finalize with my mouse.

I find it's a little quicker for small sprites but i usually zoom in very close to what I'm working on anyways, both methods are very equal with good cordination, if you want to draw large pixel art drawings/animations,cg art/cg animations or textures I recommend a tablet it's so much faster,precise and clean.

A quick gif i made entirely with the mouse

Well after all that attention and encouragement he doesn't answer. I just hope it isn't exactly as i predicted it.

Well after all that attention and encouragement he doesn't answer. I just hope it isn't exactly as i predicted it.

OOOH OOH, please can i have some encouragement? i'm probably gonna need it since i need to start work immediately on the next game when damsel quest is out

OOOH OOH, please can i have some encouragement? i'm probably gonna need it since i need to start work immediately on the next game when damsel quest is out

Haha do you need it? ;-) We all know that you are actually a guy who gets stuff done. I only played 1 of your games but your artwork is just awesome.
It's totally impressing that you do all of the stuff alone. (Or do you get any help?)

Keep going and i am pretty much sure your next game will be great too.
But you shouldn't push yourself TOO hard.
Just go at a good pace and don't overwork yourself.