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RPG Maker Digital Decadence - English Adult RPG [DEMO UPDATED]

Re: Digital Decadence - English Adult RPG [DEMO UPDATED]

Just played it and seems like a good start (really good liking tilesets and sprites btw!).

One thing that really bothered me: During conversations there is a noticable delay between individual textboxes, it actually feels like it takes longer for the next textbook to appear than for me to read it. Should be easy to fix I guess.

Thank you. Having a good looking map and sprites (animations included) is really important to me, even if it might not be to everyone who plays rpg maker games. I needed pixel art that would make things look dark and grimy, like a cyberpunk game should portray a poor town. These ones were just the right thing.

You're not the first one to mention the delay. It's not by accident that it happens, but since it's not well received I will begin purging the dialogue events and erase those one second delays.

Nice to see this! The h-game genre could use some variety and I'm a fan of cyberpunk. It looks like you've redone a lot of things to create a pretty nice aesthetic overall. While it's too early to see how the combat system will balance, the changes you've made look like they might have some potential.

I didn't do a thorough playthrough, but some things I noticed you might want to check:
One request, possibly speaking just for myself: you've added a lot of 60 frame pauses to the dialogue. My preference would be strongly against this, it slows the game down a great deal.

You might want to check passability on the following tiles: toilets, green barrels, red boxes in stores.

Your lighting effects are nice, but when moving in and out of buildings they occur too late. It's tedious to set up, but you can avoid this by fading out, changing the tint and other effects, then fading in after you've moved. Conversely, on the transitions where you already use this, you may want to set the fade to "none" or they'll take twice as long as a normal transition.

One bug I don't think I've seen reported elsewhere: the notification about getting an AI seems to repeat.

Thank you, that means a lot coming from one of my favorite developers. I hope people will agree with you regarding the setting. As for the delay in dialogue it's being removed. The next update should be clear of it.

Yeah, I'll have to add that method to more transitions. I'll also check the bugs you mentioned. I don't remember seeing the notification but I think I might know what's causing it.
Re: Digital Decadence - English Adult RPG [DEMO UPDATED]

This game needs more attention. Cyberpunk is very rare, not only in porn games but in porn in general.
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Re: Digital Decadence - English Adult RPG [DEMO UPDATED]

I can't get this demo out of my head and I also wish it was getting way more love.

One thing I think could be expanded on, in an overall thematic sense, is the 'cyberpunkness' of some of the dialogue. I'd really like the characters to have more assumed knowledge of their own unique world than we do as players... I mean in the way that we'll talk about 'tweets' and 'googling', 'streaming services', 'broadband', '4k' and the like in a way that would have been meaningless to a person just 20 years ago.

I think if you could take a dialogue like Paco's, replace 'credit chips' with 'gold' and drop it verbatim into a fantasy RPGMaker game, then you're probably not making the most of the setting.

So the thought experiment I've been running the last few days is to pick a job and think through how that job and its language would change in a cyberpunk universe. A couple of examples:

Prostitute: "Hey Honey! You want me to jack you off? Jack you in? Ride you old school, or full-duplex?"
Spiker: "I'm here for a backdoor."
Prostitute: "Well now sweetie I don't do that for just anyone, show me your chit up-front."
Spiker: "Not that kind of backdoor."
Prostitute: *Looking the spiker over more carefully* "Down the alley honey, blue door on the left, knock once and wait. They'll scan you and decide."

Cabbie: "Where to?"
Spiker: "Coords. I'll just..."
Cabbie: "No data Mac, I don't truck with that. You read 'em out and I'll plug 'em in manual."
Spiker: "Whatever, I've got them written anyway. Here..."

Checkout Clerk: "Your chit scanned red when you came in that door brother, how you gonna pay for those?"
Spiker: "Analogue."
Checkout Clerk: "You mean magnetic? Far out brother, that machine's reeeal dusty!"
Spiker: "Pure analogue." *pulling out some antique paper currency*
Checkout Clerk: "Well...Shit man... I'm gonna have to get my manager."