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[DMM] Grand Quest

Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Not a timer, but til they relog-in after you used them as a helper?!
Possibly both, but the timer idea definitely felt too long. And I just tested it with one of my wind helper who's on atm, used her, used another helper, and she's available already. Hence it's spammable if both of you are on at the same time.

Reroll randoms and see if you can get a high level, think there's a PLevel limit around you in terms of what kind of helper you are more likely to get though. Hence go after 3 Star Lv10~15 magic based miko. (Especially maxxed out Lv15s) and if your lucky, I am available as a rare unit. (Lv15 4 star melee with aoe heal) [Helper gacha? Yup, they are great since they don't steal exp]

If you roll around with a set of near max 3 Star Lv10 units/etc you should be fine doing the event dungeon when you have another maxxed 3 star. (PS: The answer to this event dungeon is aoe heal + strong physical attacker. Since 2.4k takes a while to kill and wastes a lot of mp)

This dungeon drops only 1 alternative miko that isn't available elsewhere. (Water Gunner) fire and wind are the same as anywhere else.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Ah man, I lost power for an entire day in the middle of winter, that was fun. At least the freezer food didn't go bad o.o All those wasted resources in my DMM games (Aegis was the worst...) x.X

Yeah I was going to mention that I think those are just daily quests, but it seems people noticed already. So one of the daily dungeons drops a rare girl? D: I haven't even attempted them yet. Which map is the water gunner from? I still don't have an aoe heal, I could use that...

Oh and yeah Dragon, I sent you the wrong screenshot in pms. This is why I edit things constantly, haha. The actual screenshot wasn't helpful anyways since it was the first time I found Tsubaki, not the 2nd time when I also found the coat. So atm I can't prove it anyways, might as well just hope it drops from FP gacha, sorry. I ran it a lot yesterday and never found it again. I was even checking all my edits of posts in the thread to see if I could piece together any better clues than I already had, but I got nothing else. Still seemed like 6-4 was my best answer for where I found it. I try to be really careful not to give bad information so I wanted to double check, but not being able to prove it now is really bothering me.
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Sorry to hear that Fruit, good thing the food is ok.

... hard hatred for 6-4, and they didn't even find it in the wikis orz
Maybe the maintenance removed it? Either way, I think I am sticking to farm 10-2 instead.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Oh and it was already kind of mentioned by Dragon I think, but you guys should really just fill up your friendslist until it's full. If you find a player from here, you can always remove one. Getting FP is so much quicker when you have like 16 friends... I usually have a spin waiting for me now whenever I come online with that many.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Usually I mute games and play some other music but this one actually has nice music. Indeed it reminds me of persona which in turn makes it worth a try

Add me please. IGN: Nereid
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Oh are there even any girls from stages with an aoe heal? Preferably you know, before 3EV4, because that's not happening any time soon. Looking through the wiki but it's still kind of a mess regarding skills.

Usually I mute games and play some other music but this one actually has nice music. Indeed it reminds me of persona which in turn makes it worth a try

Add me please. IGN: Nereid

Oh yeah the music is pretty nice. I just wish that you could turn down the SE and voice volume like the music volume. I don't know why games usually don't allow that. The sounds are too high compared to youtube videos, so I'm going to have to turn them off soon even though I like hearing the voices.
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Oh yeah the music is pretty nice. I just wish that you could turn down the SE and voice volume like the music volume. I don't know why games usually don't allow that. The sounds are too high compared to youtube videos, so I'm going to have to turn them off soon even though I like hearing the voices.

I would suggest turn Youtube video sound up, turn music volume up, turn Earphone/speakers down.

Note: Bug update
Please do not use fusion to level your character if your character's skills are maxxed.
New skills that arrives will override? or be ignored? Either way, you won't be able to change the skill if compared to doing it normally. (Only gaining 1 skill aside)
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

So nobody has found any girls beyond the 3 star dungeon ones you can obtain on 10-5 and some higher maps yet? That's a bit sad. At least 11+ maps drop higher charms more reliably. I can see getting stuck soon or needing to use 2EV3 girls because the base 3 girls are weaker and finding their final evolution items is so difficult.

Kind of feeling trapped in this game atm, not cool. You come to a point where your girls even maxed can't win and all you can do is pray that gacha drops what you need. I think I'm reaching that point soon. Might as well level all my 3 star inventory girls while I wait for gacha, lol. I'd guess that's at about stage 16 because the wiki hasn't mapped out any drops there yet.

The 3 star water girl may be my favorite look wise (For a non monster girl of course).
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I kinda curious, how you got the girl in blue dress that holding spear [3 star girl]?
If you don't mind, add me IGN : Anyone. I'll add everyone here as soon as someone tells his/her IGN.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I kinda curious, how you got the girl in blue dress that holding spear [3 star girl]?
If you don't mind, add me IGN : Anyone. I'll add everyone here as soon as someone tells his/her IGN.

You can't add people here that easily, check the first post for a player list. I'm not sure if Dragon has an explanation there for how the friend system works, but you have to find them and try to ask for their assistance in a dungeon before you have an opportunity to add them as a friend. It means it's basically a roulette/gamble just to find your friends...

I assume you mean Tsubaki, the catgirl? She's holding a bardiche, not a spear, but it's similar I suppose. I think the first level she drops in is 5-3, and it's a very high drop rate for all the 2 star dungeon girls there. If it's not her, I haven't seen another water girl that uses a spear. She dual wields bardiche's when she evolves into a 3 star. We won't question why a mage is dual wielding heavy two handed weapons.

The first girl in my lineup, if that's who you mean (and also to show her amazing damage~):
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

It's not her. I'll post the picture soon,sorry if my description is not accurate to you. I have that cat girl [lvl 5 now]. She's good but her HP is kinda low for now. It seems like you can also have a chance to get 2 star miko from 8-4 since I got one for my 1st run.

It's hard to add someone since mostly I got someone added me instead and it's in japanese language. I haven't read the guide 100% from previous posts

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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

It's not her. I'll post the picture soon,sorry if my description is not accurate to you. I have that cat girl [lvl 5 now]. She's good but her HP is kinda low for now. It seems like you can also have a chance to get 2 star miko from 8-4 since I got one for my 1st run.

It's hard to add someone since mostly I got someone added me instead and it's in japanese language. I haven't read the guide 100% from previous posts

View attachment 15943

That is quite a small image. I believe she's gacha only. There's a set of 3 star girls for each element that are only available from gacha atm to my knowledge. The wind fox girl, the fire puppeteer girl, and the water girl you're referring to. I forgot about her since she's so rare, I've only seen her a couple times. I think at least two of them have aoe heals, which makes them extremely useful.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

That one specifically is a gold gacha girl, so your out of luck if you are expecting them to drop. She's decent until evolved, after evolution she gets better and better as you level her up.
Also, the only unit that doesn't need an item from friendship gacha despite being 3 star. Just need items from event dungeon (Hence a lot of people have her evolved and maxxed. Also high drop rate from the 100 yen gacha)

Rare is a relative word. I have over 8 of her in my friend list *sweat drops*

Kind of feeling trapped in this game atm, not cool.
Get 2 set of lv15 2EV3 (water and fire mage) and your meiling at lv10. Then get a good helper (preferably 4 star near lv15) then start spamming the event dungeon.
Seriously though, I think we need to do random refresh until we find each other in the event dungeon. Then you can take my 4 star and grind in that event dungeon until easily lv20+ Takes 2 run only before Lv20

(Note: you waste any extra AP points in regular dungeon, preferably 10-5 farming for 3 star units)
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

You can't add people here that easily, check the first post for a player list. I'm not sure if Dragon has an explanation there for how the friend system works, but you have to find them and try to ask for their assistance in a dungeon before you have an opportunity to add them as a friend. It means it's basically a roulette/gamble just to find your friends...

I assume you mean Tsubaki, the catgirl? She's holding a bardiche, not a spear, but it's similar I suppose. I think the first level she drops in is 5-3, and it's a very high drop rate for all the 2 star dungeon girls there. If it's not her, I haven't seen another water girl that uses a spear. She dual wields bardiche's when she evolves into a 3 star. We won't question why a mage is dual wielding heavy two handed weapons.

The first girl in my lineup, if that's who you mean (and also to show her amazing damage~):

I also got that girl yesterday.. o.o she seems op huh lol..
oh and maybe someone want the gold glasses I got it here...


how to cancel the heal? : v
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I grinded enough dungeon at the moment that anything that's not friendship gacha can be considered non-rare. Cruzz, it's easier to check items by scanning the wiki for what you need.

You come to a point where your girls even maxed can't win and all you can do is pray that gacha drops what you need. I think I'm reaching that point soon.

# of max level 3 star miko unable to level due to lack of friendship gacha holy ritual item. >10. # of max level 3 star food > 4.
You get the idea. I haven't evolved one 3EV4 miko yet, only the one that doesn't require friendship gacha item.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

am I correct in the wiki the one with 1-10 is the dungeons? hmm and there is no pic yet.. gonna be hard xD
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Bout to log off for the night but has anyone else made it to the second page of dungeons im on the first one also they drop the ap cost to enter dungeons a ton holy crap can do 3 dungeons and be recharged for a fourth with two points makes it alot easier (on a side note one water in my team (tsubaki)and all iget is the third level water drops sigh welp good luck everyone and good night
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Bout to log off for the night but has anyone else made it to the second page of dungeons im on the first one also they drop the ap cost to enter dungeons a ton holy crap can do 3 dungeons and be recharged for a fourth with two points makes it alot easier
You can actually marathon by doing the event dungeons given that you can finish it.

(on a side note one water in my team (tsubaki)and all iget is the third level water drops sigh welp good luck everyone and good night
There's only 1 water gunner (2 star, 1 evolution available, requires friendship gacha item to evolve even at 2 star ...) that's from the event dungeon. Other than that, there's only 1 star element units, 1 star alternative element units, 2 star element units, and 3 star element units.

That's it in terms of free drops. Friendship gacha has a very low chance to drop a 3 star gacha girl though.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

very low chance is better than nothing! well.. I dun really mind getting strongest card atm.. what I care about is "gotta catch them all mikomon!"

got dc while doing dungeon, NOOO
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