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[DMM] Grand Quest

Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Guess I have to keep trying to do the special dungeon for the water gunner. I have AP atm :p

Annnd there goes my AP. I clicked, waited like 10 seconds thinking maybe I missed the button or something, clicked again, game took all my AP from me x.X It is really not wise to play at rush hour in Japanese time zone.
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I've gotten that blonde gunner girl recently, and seems to be an attacker type (high attack, low magic att., has a foreign noble personality it seems).

I'm working on her and the 3-star wind archer girl since I found that I have their evol. items.
Still got no reliable fire girl, though, wiki says the daily dungeon has that 古神楽の鈴 item for that chick w/ the white tiger, but so far found not one yet...

Game crashing is happening more often this night for me. Hope it's only one of those nights...
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

When doing daily dungeon, refresh after every battle.
Game crashes on a timer, if you ctrl+f5 it refreshes the timer. (Yes I know, crazy right? But it's so much safer ap wise)

All holy ritual item has decreased drop rate the first time you get it. (The blue hakama/blue pants I did more than 10 daily dungeons, now it drops every 2 or 3)
Just keep on going at it, you can usually marathon the daily dungeons.

PS: If you do your friend/helper properly, you end up with the army below.
3 Star? That's actually pretty rare at this point. 4 Star near max level is the norm. |"'orz
Attachment 3: Pick the one that doesn't belong ... obviously all the water elemental girls


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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Do you guys keep your items below 30? Cause something's keeping me from doing the FP gacha, and I recognize 'item' and its 30/30.

Considering how much variety and rarity, as well as not knowing what items future mikos will need, this isn't exactly an easy decision.
Of course, it's better to trade away 1-star items, but considering how relatively new this game is, I can't help but think I might get screwed later when the developers adjust items and their drop sites + rate.

edit: How many friends slots are there?! I've been keeping them somewhat low in case invitations I've sent get accepted...
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Do you guys keep your items below 30? Cause something's keeping me from doing the FP gacha, and I recognize 'item' and its 30/30.
You can keep 30 types of item for free, but otherwise you have to pay to expand it. $5 for 20.
It's one of the only thing I invested in, since I don't want to organize these items. Frankly, it's one of the most annoying thing to sell items in here. (Much more so than units)

edit: How many friends slots are there?! I've been keeping them somewhat low in case invitations I've sent get accepted...
Current level +2 (So at lv10, you should have 12)
Needless to say, at high level, that count gets ridiculous.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Yup. My inventory is way past 30 right now. Gonna be wasting time selling stuff.

Much thanks for your help, ダラア! Hopefully, I come across you in the game soon.:D
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Another 2 friendship gacha down the drain and nothing in terms of items I need orz.

Good luck on finding me, I usually grinding event dungeons. (But not at the moment, clearing story atm)
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I've hanging out in those too. Or more like, clearing story, then back to event dungeon to level and go back to story :p But really, the only one I found was tenshiryu

And just looked at first page, failed to add lightfellow when I saw him today >.>

I got the gacha rare ring, but for fire girls from the saturday dungeon. Haven't had a go at the sunday one yet... And still no water or wind coat ;p

edit: wind coat from today's event dungeon. The boss is a 3k hp wind version of the 5-3 boss.
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Got this at 5-3 :eek:

Now only need someone who needs that... xD


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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Are the 200mp single target spells worth it? Seems like overkill when the 80mp version destroys most things in 1 hit :)
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I imagine later you'll be wanting the 200mp spells to do the damage, so it's a good investment for future enemies.

Also, I got a 4-star item for wind types, namely a rifle. And I have none to use it on T_T
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

4 star holy ritual item are for gacha girls, and super rare ones at that. 友情ガチャ item aside of course. (Ariel is very unlucky in that aspect)

Are the 200mp single target spells worth it? Seems like overkill when the 80mp version destroys most things in 1 hit
You will usually want both, the 200 mp specifically is too high of a cost for 3 star girl (who can only use it 3 times) but is perfect when 4 star maxxed.

However, it's almost a must in later map stages (read event hard maps) where enemy has over 2.4k and hits like a truck. Then there's the aoe spell and heal, decision decision :X
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I imagine later you'll be wanting the 200mp spells to do the damage, so it's a good investment for future enemies.

Also, I got a 4-star item for wind types, namely a rifle. And I have none to use it on T_T
T-That's what my Ariel needs...

Haven't gotten lucky yet at the FP gacha but basic girls and items (' 3')

I've hanging out in those too. Or more like, clearing story, then back to event dungeon to level and go back to story :p But really, the only one I found was tenshiryu
Pretty much same here. Daily dungeon + story advancement (though halted) and training gals for food (w/ ulmf member helpers)
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I imagine later you'll be wanting the 200mp spells to do the damage, so it's a good investment for future enemies.

You will usually want both, the 200 mp specifically is too high of a cost for 3 star girl (who can only use it 3 times) but is perfect when 4 star maxxed.

So it's not really useful for the 2EV3 units then? Darn. Well, I guess it's better than having the 30mp heal on my 2EV3 Ema since she didn't really use it anyway :/
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I don't think you'll keep using any 2V3 after getting 3V4 units, but still not that far since I don't have 4 star units :/
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Yeah, I think the most I have for any of the 3-star units is 2 out of the 4 holy ritual items... the drops and gacha are not in our favor it seems :(
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

3EV4 Lv15 >> 2EV3 Lv15 >> 3 Star Lv10
However, you can use the water 2EV3 even in the hard event dungeon due to 200 mp skill.

News: After farming and stacking up 800 FPs, I finally got 1 of the item I needed to evolve a 3 star unit *is moved*

Update: Random growth has been confirmed, although the difference is only around 5%. (1645 damage against a 1650 hp enemy ... doesn't happen often)

Note on evolution in terms of growth > evolution Lv1 status. Some of your status (2? At the moment only attack and defense are kept as far as I know) will be kept, others will be removed and reset to evolution's Lv1 status.
Say if I got a 3 star fire with 499 Atk, 599 Def, 479 Mag, 345 Agi. After evolution, I keep the 499 Atk (compared to 475) and 599 Def (compared to 575), Mag and Agi over bonus are discarded.

The below is a comparison chart of 3 different 2EV3 Characters at Lv1.
2V3 - Level

#1 - Level 1
750 135
343 292
240 350

#2 - Level 1
750 135
355 305
240 350

#3 - Level 1
750 135
356 264
240 350

This shows that the higher a character's atk and def is, the better the character after post evolution.
Confirmed on keeping only atk and defense for Strength and Defense growth types. Magic growth type is different? Need to test.

PS: Getting 4 star unit is all about getting lucky with friendship gacha. End of story. (Only exception is that water gacha girl on first page who doesn't require a friendship gacha item. That's the only one I know and she requires gold ticket)

Before I forget:
Spell Lv1 - Mag x 1 (AOE, around 0.8x)
Spell Lv2 - Mag x 1.5 (AOE, around 1.2x)
Spell Lv3 - Mag x 2
Spell bonus damage x2 (Before magic defense is applied, hence you get ridiculous damage on weakness with a spell)
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Grats Dragon :D I'm online btw with max AP if you care to test the friend system.

So it's not really useful for the 2EV3 units then? Darn. Well, I guess it's better than having the 30mp heal on my 2EV3 Ema since she didn't really use it anyway :/

Yeah as Dragon said, the 200mp move is awesome and will be needed in higher maps. I thought 80 was enough too until I came to the bosses/mini bosses with 2500ish health. 2EV3 Tsubaki water girl's 200mp move does 2700ish damage to them, so it's the only way to one shot them. If you don't they'll probably wipe most your team.

I kept heal, element aoe and massive single element damage on Tsubaki. The heal will always save lives, but I rarely would use the 80 mp damage single spell now since there are few enemies that survive the aoe, or wouldn't die to the 200 spell. aoe = 1000ish damage, 2700 from 200mp spell. There aren't many enemies in between that range and even then, a water helper with an aoe will clean them up.

And yeah, what Dragon said about the strength of different units I also agree with. "3EV4 Lv15 >> 2EV3 Lv15 >> 3 Star Lv10". You'll quickly find that 3 stars that you cant evolve are weaker than 2EV3 girls at max. So it's really good to keep leveling up 2EV3 girls until you can evolve 3 star girls. That seems to be the way the system always works.

3EV4 > 4 star > 2EV3 > 3 star > 1EV2 > 2 star > 1 star, etc, etc. So always just stick with the evolved lower ranking girls until you can evolve the higher rank girls, basically. That will probably continue to the highest rarity, maybe with some exceptions for fighters who have rare abilities like aoe heals.
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I kept heal, element aoe and massive single element damage on Tsubaki.

Gaaahhhh, dced right after finishing a level where Tsubaki got enough exp to reach lvl 8 and learn the 200mp skill. Guess I gotta level up another one >.>

Thanks for the tip though!
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Gaaahhhh, dced right after finishing a level where Tsubaki got enough exp to reach lvl 8 and learn the 200mp skill. Guess I gotta level up another one >.>

Exp carried through and you kept the player exp, but you don't get to edit skill.
Frankly, the best way is to refresh after every long battle. (Safer)