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[DMM] Grand Quest

Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Found Aka-su in the event dungeon >.>
I almost* got list, almost ><
20 minutes of pure refresh later, I raise white flag. Will keep on looking! *determined look*

Soon to have a full 4 star team too....
Been there done that, now need another element. Hate friendship gacha with a passion -> insert "le sigh"
You have no idea how many max level characters and all items ready for evolution except the one that requires the friendship gacha.
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Can someone tell me each monster with element weakness from other dungeon [Special dungeon or something from top at the leftside] I couldn't even survive from 1st dungeon. The wiki doesn't have information about it either.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

It's called special dungeon (or daily dungeon to be more correct)
Today's is
Fire - Red, Water - Blue, Wind - Green.
Fire > Wind > Water > Blue

Today's dungeon to be honest, is much easier than yesterday's.

Another 600 friendship points down the drain, another day without evolving 3 star unit. (Would happily be limited to only 1 star gacha items if only if it means a 3EV4 ._.)
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

So, it changes everyday huh? That's quite risky to do the dungeon without knowing what kind of monster will be there for the next day.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

It's more exciting that way :p But seriously, I laughed as I was going through the dungeon around 12:05am Japan time. Everything died in 1/2 aoe fire attacks...
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

All wind mobs today huh time to max my 4 star fire girl to 15 -laughs evily-.

Hopefully the drops from this daily instance are better than yesterday I would really love to get a water 4 star.

Wish my luck and good luck to all of you.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

@silence: I'm running the 4 star fire magician girl as lead currently. You might have a chance of running into me since all I've been doing is both sides of the daily.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

@silence: I'm running the 4 star fire magician girl as lead currently. You might have a chance of running into me since all I've been doing is both sides of the daily.

I'll keep a look out for you would be nice to have someone form the forums on my helper list just waiting for my ap to regen for one last run to level.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Ah dang, gotta rush my fire mage to 9 for her massive aoe spell for the daily. I have a friend with the Oki at 3ev4 and level 15, her aoe can one shot every enemy on the first daily today...easiest/quickest map ever. I think I'll get rid of the attack buff aoe, it's really specialized...I wish it worked with spell damage. Alright my girl has the lvl2 aoe too, enjoy her in the daily dungeon, lol.

Are any of the rewards even exclusive to today's dailies?
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Ah dang, gotta rush my fire mage to 9 for her massive aoe spell for the daily.

That's exactly what I did... using other people's fire mages :p

Of new things, I found a 4 star red orb. No idea who uses it but I doubt it's exclusive. Also I haven't had fire sandals before either... The girls dropping are really lame though.

Oh, and a 4 star water ribbon. All of the above are from the darkside one. The light side only dropped usual things for me (unless people haven't gotten the 3 star fire bird statue yet?).
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I don't think hearing Oki's battle cries will ever get old. I like her melee one better than her spell casting one, but they're both so awesome.

That's exactly what I did... using other people's fire mages :p

Of new things, I found a 4 star red orb. No idea who uses it but I doubt it's exclusive. Also I haven't had fire sandals before either... The girls dropping are really lame though.

Oh, and a 4 star water ribbon. All of the above are from the darkside one. The light side only dropped usual things for me (unless people haven't gotten the 3 star fire bird statue yet?).

The light and dark side are both full wind maps? Geez, this makes things so easy....

Edit: At least until two of my teammates get killed on 5/5 before they even have a chance to move...high agility OP. Guess I gotta max Oki's level before attempting shadow side.
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

The light and dark side are both full wind maps? Geez, this makes things so easy.

Yeah it's amazing. Such an easy grind, and all people who evolved the 3 star fire girl are having a field day after getting her to lv 9... So many people with her in front running around in the dungeons (myself included) :D
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Sorry, I don't have 3 star fire wolf girl evolved. In fact, I don't even bother with fire element for the daily dungeons, except maybe 1 more fire for the dark side.
*Friend gacha is very unfriendly*

sagitta's got it right, except I am on a different scale.


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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Sorry, I don't have 3 star fire wolf girl evolved. In fact, I don't even bother with fire element for the daily dungeons, except maybe 1 more fire for the dark side.

sagitta's got it right, except I am on a different scale.

Haha I noticed too, I was like "How did all my friends suddenly acquire 3EV4 Oki? She's like 25% of the girls found from randoms too, though most are still at 3. At least people are catching on to switch their helper for the dailies now <3

Damn I just reached the item limit, I can't spin FP gacha x.X Did you guys just sell all the level 1 items?
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I did some selling on things I don't need anymore - they still drop like crazy. The item limit a really annoying feature considering the variety in girls and number of "ritual" items. Just a way for them to get money.

I eventually did fall for it and suckered a dollar in to get 4 extra item slots, though - too many rares and super rares dropping in these dailies.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I did some selling on things I don't need anymore - they still drop like crazy. The item limit a really annoying feature considering the variety in girls and number of "ritual" items. Just a way for them to get money.

It's about the only thing I invested in, holy ritual items I mean. (That and a few rolls of gacha) At the moment I am at 52 types of item out of 58, I am safe for now, but not sure for how long.
Not sure what to sell? Whatever you have a ridiculous amount of in terms of normal items (non-friend gacha, non items you only have 1~2 of, non rare items. Though you can sell super rare items since most of them just take up space atm)

Still searching for list and manten. No luck so far. What level are you 2?
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

plv 28, 3 exp away from 29, but ran out of AP ;p
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

*is impressed* way to catch up sagitta, now if only I could find you as a helper *sigh* same with missing list, now I know how Fruit feels (except fruit's case was even worse)
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I'm out of AP or I might be searching too. Daily dungeon isn't too great on exp today.

Oh anyways, goodluck everybody on finding evolution items you need for your 3 star girls. I know how painful it is to not have a 3EV4. I could still use some different elements myself. I just need that wind ring for Meiling/Shin'en Misuzu (Chinese vs Japanese, I saw Dragon calling her Meiling and didn't get it till I tried the Chinese translation) now.
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

*is impressed* way to catch up sagitta, now if only I could find you as a helper *sigh* same with missing list, now I know how Fruit feels (except fruit's case was even worse)

It's ok, I'll probably fall behind really hard during the week ;p But at least leveling is a bit slower now since the daily doesn't give -that- much exp (120 for 16 ap isn't bad, I guess... but yesterday was 120 for 13ap)