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[DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Are you sure the bosses weren't credited? I logged back in to a handful of rewards in my main page.

Yep, no rewards, no credit. Maybe I just need to give it a little time.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Well, got the 200-ultra SR. A motorcyclist, looks like.

Sword girl is falling so far behind... she's 13 behind my second lowest victory count.

Thanks, nice. We just got a motorcycle girl so I didn't think we'd get another.

Hope you find more of her soon, I just try to keep them all in the same reward bracket now so I ignore any girls that go above into the next one. 58 average kills on all the girls. Lowest is 54 and highest is 67 (Got her way up there before I started pacing my normal boss fights). It's a good way to pace attack usage and I don't want to have to play catch up at the end on a couple of the girls. I recommend you guys do the same before you get too much of a difference in wins between your girls. Imagine you get all but 1 to 100 and the final girl only has like 60-70 wins...just waiting around for that 1 out of 9 girls to spawn 30+ times...ew.

Someone on my list spawned the 200 million cowgirl and didn't even bother to half her health first x.X
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Yeah, the only problem is, even when trying to ignore girls that go too high, the others all catch up and leave sword girl alone in the previous bracket. They've just entered the 60-70 bracket and sword girl only just hit 50. If I tried to wait for sword girl to catch up, I'd have sat here with full energy for two hours.
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Yeah, the only problem is, even when trying to ignore girls that go too high, the others all catch up and leave sword girl alone in the previous bracket. They've just entered the 60-70 bracket and sword girl only just hit 50. If I tried to wait for sword girl to catch up, I'd have sat here with full energy for two hours.

I had that a bit with the cowboy girl, but I don't think quite that bad. If I find her, I won't half her health so she lasts longer for you. I'm glad we can get her from the event though, I like her. Kind of sad we can't obtain some of the bosses shown. At least all the ones I really like are available. I wonder if they'll have attack modifiers.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Sorry for not seemingly spawning many bosses but they get kinda...deleted. I mean it. I spawned one, and for the 10 seconds or less it took me to press the X button and go to the main event page, the boss was dead.

I mean, wow. The hunt is real.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Sorry for not seemingly spawning many bosses but they get kinda...deleted. I mean it. I spawned one, and for the 10 seconds or less it took me to press the X button and go to the main event page, the boss was dead.

I mean, wow. The hunt is real.

Online predators.

I've had some killed before it even loaded up my own attack on the boss. I mean the part where it refreshes the page after you select friends. So it just like immediately told me it was dead.
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Yeah, even now when my normal bosses have 2-4 million health they vanish shockingly fast.

Although, it's possible to limit your helpers to specific people and then call in the rest once they've got the tag. If one of us is majorly lacking one girl by the end of it, that's something to keep in mind.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Yeah, even now when my normal bosses have 2-4 million health they vanish shockingly fast.

Although, it's possible to limit your helpers to specific people and then call in the rest once they've got the tag. If one of us is majorly lacking one girl by the end of it, that's something to keep in mind.

B-but, this is cheating!

J/k, we are the ULMF team, we can do anything to help our brethren >.<
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Yeah, even now when my normal bosses have 2-4 million health they vanish shockingly fast.

Although, it's possible to limit your helpers to specific people and then call in the rest once they've got the tag. If one of us is majorly lacking one girl by the end of it, that's something to keep in mind.

I'm certainly down for this if it comes to it later on. I'll give you a few minutes before I share the sword girl with anybody else if it seems like you're online, lol.

Man I have so many people on my list who don't know to pink potion ultra bosses...Seeing these guys hit for like 150k on a 40 million ultra and you know they don't have many friends that could deal with that...
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Cheating? It isn't really - the option is probably intended, since you can manually check who you want to call in for assistance. It's just that calling in the 20 most recently active automatically is the most convenient most of the time.

I'll give you a few minutes before I share the sword girl with anybody else if it seems like you're online, lol.

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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

I don't know what it is, but it seems like when ever someone on my friends list finds a certain boss, everyone else finds that same boss.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

wow, where did everyone go, died down pretty quick. Either everyone is taking a break, or there starting to run out of peropurins.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Possibly they went to do something else when the game died for a couple of hours? My boss list is pretty active still, although there's fewer ultra bosses since people probably aren't spamming orange potions on normal bosses.

Also yay, sword girl tag get from Fruit. THE SYSTEM WORKS.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Possibly they went to do something else when the game died for a couple of hours? My boss list is pretty active still, although there's fewer ultra bosses since people probably aren't spamming orange potions on normal bosses.

Also yay, sword girl tag get from Fruit. THE SYSTEM WORKS.

Yeah if anybody wants me to tag them on a certain girl who's far below the rest of your girls in wins for you before I let other people in, let me know. Mine are all pretty even so I'm good. As soon as I find one more of the top middle girl, I'll have all 60+ and none over 70. My perfectionism is pleased. She really doesn't wanna show up for me. Ah! Got her, just need to wait for her to die now.

I mean the chance of me spawning enough of a certain girl to really help anybody is slim, but oh well. Maybe if we can all do it in some kind of system. I doubt we'll need to get too fancy to all make 100 x 9 wins before this ends though.
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

depending on the willingness of others to use their event items to spawn certain bosses, we could easily set up a system where we search for specific girls and then tag those that are looking for them. I mean if we get 5 people (myself included) who haven't really used there items yet, we'ed have a much higher chance of making the 100 count quota.

*edit* events already drained me of all my peropurins, though it has stocked me up on a pretty good amount of Peronamin.
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

I'm still sitting on 148 peropurins and 70 halves... but I'm not sure I want to try for the assist ranking. My current position is 130, and that's with pretty fierce tagging. I don't think my consumables can keep this up for eleven days.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Well it's late in US so around this point you stop seeing lots of bosses spawned at the same time.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

I'm still sitting on 148 peropurins and 70 halves... but I'm not sure I want to try for the assist ranking. My current position is 130, and that's with pretty fierce tagging. I don't think my consumables can keep this up for eleven days.

I have like nothing left...

So we just got an SR gacha ticket in the mail for compensations, WHOOHOO. Not sure if I should use it now or what, it looks like the chance of getting a card I don't already have is pretty low. Goodluck guys.

Got R Santa Girl and the new R girl in my 6 options, not sure which one to take x.X The new girl isn't on the wiki yet. Well I like the Santa Girl more, but I took the new one for her modifier. She raised my attack by over 1 million, wow.
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

at first i thought the game would be boring since it is luck based by roulette but then i got a SR in less than level 5 and saw it is the same luck as other games so i am playing it now
IGN : Yukawa - 10321447
please add since i still don't know how to do that ( i did read the first page but still didn't get it)