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[DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

260... A good streak done in by impatience.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Did you get the SR cards from the rainbow button? I'm thinking about trying the rainbow button once, but I'm reconsidering whether this is worth it or not

Nope- i didnt have anything much valuable in my inventory so far so i could only rely on those bottles since i had lots of those stockpiled from the dungeon event from this summer.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Don't even bother with rainbow button. For the trouble of testing it all I got was 1 EX Wild Card and 100 candy. Yay. :(
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Don't even bother with rainbow button. For the trouble of testing it all I got was 1 EX Wild Card and 100 candy. Yay. :(

Ouch. And those are useless candies as well (ie not the lolipop one)
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

what is it we need to do 50 times to get the SR in this attachment from the event?


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Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

what is it we need to do 50 times to get the SR in this attachment from the event?

What Keima said. It may help to narrow your results to the low card-score tier since you're on a short time span now. For those who don't know, there are two filters for this event above the 6 displayed enemies you can choose to fight:
The numbers are for which total card score the enemy will be in.
5 is for those with a card-score of 0-9,999; if you win you get 1 gacha ticket*
4 is for those with a card-score of 10,000-29,999; if you win you get 2 tickets*
3 is for those with a card-score of 30,000-59,999; if you win you get 3 tickets*
2 is for those with a card-score of 60,000-149,999; if you win you get 4 tickets*
1 is for those with a card-score of 150,000 or above; if you win you get 5 tickets*
Yes, they may have a lower score than you do, but the right kind of card can cancel you out anyway. Green beats Purple, Purple beats Pink, Pink beats Green. The winning type's cardscore is multiplied by 3, so even a silver can beat a gold sometimes.
Any type versus it's own is equal, and equal card-scores go to the attacker. (Watch out for Ex levels though; you may have the best card in it's class, but a second best with maxed Ex levels can still have a higher score)
*5 Tickets are required for one gacha spin. (3 tickets are sent to your inbox for every win you didn't initiate)
Affinity will tell you what cards the enemy has in their deck. (kinda)
You have Green (Moe), Pink (Beauty), and Purple (Lust). If the enemy has 3 or more of a type of card, that type is their affinity. If they don't, they have the black one.
That said, if you have a full deck of Green (Moe) cards, you may want to select Lust enemies to go after since you know at least 3 of their cards are easy wins. The issue here is if they only have 3, and their friends card is a better Moe in that spot, or Pink (Beauty) card, it's a lot tougher to beat them.

Also a heads up:
Ranking ends 23:59:59 10/13 local time.
The event itself will end at 14:00 on 10/14 with maintenance until 16:00.
The old ladder event is also ending at this time.
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Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Ah, so that's where random tickets are coming to my inbox are from. Didn't know this, assumed people build trap decks just because they are being dicks. :)
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

if I actually make it to 50 then this game is the most noob friendly game ever I'll have gotten a pretty good prize just starting the game a day ago. I can nearly guarantee I win by targeting some who is both green and has a N green N card as the leader. I figured out the pvp system late yesterday after repeatedly losing because I was accidentally choosing the 5 ticket tier opponents and then I got a couple SRs from the gacha once I understood how it worked. I dont know what Ex lvls are though
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

EX levels is when card goes above lvl100. Only gives it 3 power per level, but it stacks. For example, strongest non-event Lust card is 13000. But with high enough EX lvl it can beat most cards awarded at events (assuming they are vanilla lvl100), which range from 13020 to 13080. That said, this is not very relevant until much later in the game, so don't think too much on it.

And yes, this event is most noob friendly of all.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

so my friends randomly help in pvp right? Im not completely sure which button on the bottom right is my list of friends nor how to add people but the 3rd button says 9+ and the first button seems to have a long list of people also
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

so my friends randomly help in pvp right? Im not completely sure which button on the bottom right is my list of friends nor how to add people but the 3rd button says 9+ and the first button seems to have a long list of people also

Every time you select an enemy to fight, one of your friends is randomly selected. Whichever card they have in the center of their deck is the help card you see at the top left before you choose to attack. (You could also back out and reselect the enemy to get a new friend's help card.) On your first loss that isn't due to the enemy's help card, your friend's help card is used, which has the chance to overturn the loss.

I'm not sure what the rest of what you're saying is. If you mean the 4 tabs at the bottom, the first is a list of friends. Pink dots mean they're your friends, and then you can see people with higher or lower total cardscores to the left and right of your list. The next tab are incoming friend requests; pink is to accept, gray is to reject. Third tab from the left is outgoing friend requests; people you have sent requests to that haven't responded. hitting the grey button below them will cancel the request. The last tab is for manually entering a player ID to pull up their page, mostly to request them as a friend if they have room.

Ah, so that's where random tickets are coming to my inbox are from. Didn't know this, assumed people build trap decks just because they are being dicks. :)
There's always that. :D Up until a few events of these ago, there were no daily prizes and there was a secondary ranking reward for how many attacking decks you could defeat with your awesome trap defense. It was similar to the support ranking for the upcoming boss event.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

does the bonus thing that tells you when there's a SR in the slots happen in the box gacha or will you actually have to just blindly open hundreds of them to get the SR? also what exactly is this event page saying?


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Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

You don't really have to open them one by one. Accumulating all the tickets needed to empty the active box will make it possible to just get it all in one go. will become highlighted in this case, by pushing it you will get all contents of this box at your inbox.

And this page is saying that you are at least 146% more lucky than me. Enjoy bonus SR after this event.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

well I hope portion will do a collaboration event like this again I was only able to get the first rare from the boxes. The banner saying it was portion was most of the reason I started playing this but I think the event is ending now so I'll have missed out on the SR's from the boxes but I if I get a bonus SR then I guess that's cool
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

No way... pink haired angel won? I didn't pick the N for the 5th time? What is this? Madness?

Grats to those who thought they were in for another loss till the last second. :cool:
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Wait.. Did I win? Why? How? Blondie was 1st all the way with a big gap.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

WELL I BE DAMNED!! And i thought the card i bet on will be lucky enough to be R :D:D
Thats a 2 in-a row-SR card streak from PvP event.
Congrats to all players who won and to those who didnt get that lucky.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

I cant believe the pink haired loli won I want the big boob chicks card I could kind of understand the blue armor angel winning but a loli?
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

I cant believe the pink haired loli won I want the big boob chicks card I could kind of understand the blue armor angel winning but a loli?

Dont worry- that card got the last place :D
1st place was the pink haired mecha girl.