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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

yay more grinding to do... After i get out of my depression of not having any of the SR dropped from hunting(And spending tons of ST)

This. I made around a 80-100 runs on it by my guess. Got to nearly level 40 from running only 3-6 since 25 (aside from clearing the stages up to it). That was just really fucking terrible. I don't think I've ever worked that hard for something in a game and not gotten the reward x.x I certainly know how you all feel.

Well at least I can finally started evolving the 11 girls I max leveled during it. So is there any way to see your current ST with the bugged menu?

The Special Zone now changed again in a powerful versión of the Normal zone Stages and requires as minimum lvl 30.

Your tentacle beast looks awesome, lol. I hope the wiki updates with the drops from these new zones soon. The first zone is hard because it spams anti projectile units at you, so watch out about being mid/long range heavy on it. I got wrecked my first time on 1-2. The units there are one shotting some of my non evolved characters too.

for those with an invadia, is she worth putting in my line?

I didn't like her much. I have her at max level but I haven't evolved her. Maybe she becomes more useful once evolved, but for now her attack speed is so slow and only being able to hit one enemy at a time makes her feel pretty weak to me. The only non evolved mid range attacker I've found so far I like is Gaius Iulius Caesar, she gets buffed from Cleo and has aoe damage. I might get a 2nd of her instead of some other mid range fighter.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

@Fruiti: Yeah, you get a cooler tentacle avatar at 50. And I didn't have much luck either for the Santa Girl.

On another note, I finished the extra stages. So far, I haven't gotten any drops besides the usual Gacha R Ticket when you complete the entire stage. So I'm not sure if its there's anything else worth it in there. Gotta wait for the wiki facts. Feels like headdesking too since I used up all my tickets before they put out the increase of SR card rate in the gacha. :(

Edit: Tip for the first Girl in the new stages, try to bring one or two of Mitsuyanagi Nishiki (the sniper). Her attacks ignores the shield. Two of her makes it easier though for faster spawning since her cd is long. Once you have five to six of her out, it should be smooth sailing from there. Henjin Hunter K helps too, or any multi hitters that forces knock back. Since knock backed enemies can't use their shield/projectile defense while flinching.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

waiting for Hybrider number 2 (the biker girl's partner) for combination duo. i'm starting to like her due to the fact that she's the fastest unit (from the wiki) plus she does AOE melee. she works good when the foot soldiers/jeanne/any melee units are in need of fast backup. wish they'll release more girls that can be paired
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

@Fruiti: Yeah, you get a cooler tentacle avatar at 50. And I didn't have much luck either for the Santa Girl.

On another note, I finished the extra stages. So far, I haven't gotten any drops besides the usual Gacha R Ticket when you complete the entire stage. So I'm not sure if its there's anything else worth it in there. Gotta wait for the wiki facts.

Yeah sorry about the Santa Girl. Man those new stages are hard. I need to evolve some of my girls and train them before I can beat 1-2. I really like how this game never lets you just settle on one team, you have to constantly be changing it or you'll get toasted.

Ah, the translated wiki says something like that, but I was hoping it was a bad translation, it also says it's a test? Or that it was a test stage at one point I guess. All that work just for an R gacha ticket? Eh.

"special area, official test Showing temporarily from 2013/12/13. May fluctuate from the current situation. (From test announcement)
For a test, you have a winning ticket in the rare Boss Clear of ○ -6, but the pattern in the not to drop any cards, such as unit or item (from the test announcement)"
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

@Prima: Didn't know she had a partner. Then again, I saw a cg gallery of this game and there's girls I haven't seen before.

Seems its going to be the same test stages they did before where there's no drops at all then. Atleast now I'll have time to try and get back on farming the SR Nobunaga. :D
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

There will be an emergency maintenance

◆◆◆ 臨時メンテナンスのお知らせ ◆◆◆


◆ ◆ ◆ information of the temporary maintenance ◆ ◆ ◆

For the modification of some bug,
Today, 17:30 to 17:45, and maintain the extraordinary.

Although you and apologize for any inconvenience to everyone in the user,
Thank you very much for your understanding.

and respect to the Special Zone aka "Hell-Class Area"

◎ hell-class area ban
· I have set considerably high difficulty of the stage.
• Do not perform drop any girl and drop items.
· I can earn the first clear area at the time rare ticket.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

@Prima: Didn't know she had a partner. Then again, I saw a cg gallery of this game and there's girls I haven't seen before.

Seems its going to be the same test stages they did before where there's no drops at all then. Atleast now I'll have time to try and get back on farming the SR Nobunaga. :D

they're based on kamen rider 1 and 2 (ichigo and nigo) that's why i had a thought that the 2nd biker girl will appear otherwise she's not so much of use to the peoples. combinations are good since it raises overall stats. better than having buffer that is killed by rangers after walking 3 steps ahead
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

they're based on kamen rider 1 and 2 (ichigo and nigo) that's why i had a thought that the 2nd biker girl will appear otherwise she's not so much of use to the peoples. combinations are good since it raises overall stats. better than having buffer that is killed by rangers after walking 3 steps ahead

She was going to be my 9th slot girl. She seems really fun to use. She does face check a bunch of projectiles though when I fight her, that's why i was wary of using her early on. I usually try to have girls that stay behind Jean, or that have some way to negate ranged damage like Sarutobi Sasuke and Minamotono Yoshitsune.

I'm using up too many slots playing with the support girls atm. Cleo for attack boost and synergy with Galius, and the nurse girl to see how the healing works once she's evolved. Cleo seems worth it spamming her attack boost like no tomorrow, but I'm still not sure on the healer nurse. She has terrible AI and nearly goes in melee range of enemies before healing for whatever reason. I guess it'd be too exploitable otherwise. She hasn't really seemed to improve at all evolved. I thought her range would increase so she'd die stupidly a bit less, but it hasn't, at least not by a noticeable amount.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

@Keima: Thanks for the head's up on the emergency maint.

I thought the nurse was good too, being the only healer in the game and all. But after a while, I decided to take her out. She doesn't heal often and the heal amount isn't much either. And I just got White Black off gacha. I really wanted Realizer though, but still a good draw. :D

Edit: If they do add more girls, I hope they release an event for the storage/invy(?) expansion. Its hard to really collect them all if you're forced to get rid of some good ones for space.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

She was going to be my 9th slot girl. She seems really fun to use. She does face check a bunch of projectiles though when I fight her, that's why i was wary of using her early on. I usually try to have girls that stay behind Jean, or that have some way to negate ranged damage like Sarutobi Sasuke and Minamotono Yoshitsune.

I'm using up too many slots playing with the support girls atm. Cleo for attack boost and synergy with Galius, and the nurse girl to see how the healing works once she's evolved. Cleo seems worth it spamming her attack boost like no tomorrow, but I'm still not sure on the healer nurse. She has terrible AI and nearly goes in melee range of enemies before healing for whatever reason. I guess it'd be too exploitable otherwise. She hasn't really seemed to improve at all evolved. I thought her range would increase so she's die stupidly a bit less, but it hasn't, at least not by a noticeable amount.

regarding the current game's buffer, how big is their rate of ATK up? i was confused at first because there are two ATK buffer early on but i take Otomono just because i've got her first. it'd be nice to see ability comparison between Cleo and Otomono. as for the nurse girl i find her too risky to use since she seems to be in-line with others to use her healing skill. that, and i dont know how big her healing effect is too though
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Good question. I haven't really tested how much atk increase it gives. I'd say a decent amount since the crystal dies very fast with her compared to w/out buffs. Though between Cleo and Otomono, I'll pick Cleopatra. She has a pair buff with Caesar and she moves faster. In terms of durability, they both can't take much hits though.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

regarding the current game's buffer, how big is their rate of ATK up? i was confused at first because there are two ATK buffer early on but i take Otomono just because i've got her first. it'd be nice to see ability comparison between Cleo and Otomono. as for the nurse girl i find her too risky to use since she seems to be in-line with others to use her healing skill. that, and i dont know how big her healing effect is too though

I'll test evolved Cleo for you when the server is back up. Go to level 1 with her and another girl and hit the crystal. I don't know if it increases as she levels though.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Good question. I haven't really tested how much atk increase it gives. I'd say a decent amount since the crystal dies very fast with her compared to w/out buffs. Though between Cleo and Otomono, I'll pick Cleopatra. She has a pair buff with Caesar and she moves faster. In terms of durability, they both can't take much hits though.

well damn.. i planned to get Julius Caesar later on but i wasnt that she IS Julius Caesar (since her name spells Galius not Julius). i'd pick Cleo then since she's great at boosting Julius who'll replace Ultimiya soon (sorry Ultimiya. i had to do this for awhile since your evolved form has nothing. i'll put you back once your sisters are implemented)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

It's nice being at the start of an online game for once. Usually by the time I find good games, I've missed a bunch of limited things. Glad I haven't missed much here. May not have gotten Santa Girl, but I got the Ice Mage and two Comet's (Has the best cg ever lol).

Server is back up already. Let's see what they fixed (Not the ST bug, that's for sure). Edit: Not the crashing mid/after game, that's for sure.

Cleopatra attack buff:

Level 27 N+ Akeno Hibiki

Crystal HP: 250
Crystal HP: 194 (56)
Crystal HP: 110 (84 Crit)
Crystal HP: 26 (84 Crit)
Crystal HP: 0

Level 27 N+ Akeno Hibiki + Level 2 N+ Cleopatra buff

Crystal HP: 250
Crystal HP: 149 (101 Crit)
Crystal HP: 82 (67)
Crystal HP: 15 (67)
Crystal HP: 0

Cleopatra buff = Roughly 20% attack boost. It's better than I thought. I guessed 10-15%. Now I've also learned that crits are 1.5x damage and that the buff damage is applied after crit in calculations. Ah learning.

While we're at it:

Teammate Cleopatra and Galus Lulius Caesar bonus + Teammate and attack buff bonus:

Level 20 R Galus Lulius Caesar

174 (76)
98 (76)
22 (76)

Level 20 R Galus Lulius Caesar + Level 2 N+ Cleopatra on team

159 (91)
68 (91)

Level 20 R Galus Lulius Caesar + Level 2 N+ Cleopatra on team with Buff

159 (91)
68 (91)
20% boost to attack for teammate buff on Galus Lulius Caesar (possibly for hp as well) Her teammate buff does not stack with the attack granted by Cleopatra.

Anywho I now have the most balanced team I've found so far. It can deal with anti missile enemies (thanks to the snipers instead of Elfella and Rider Girl), spammy enemies, tanky, fast, everything I've found so far. I just gotta level up and evolve them now. My team got so much better when I replaced Minamikata Yae with Rider Girl, she was more helpful even at level 1 than Healer Girl. So I gotta not recommend the Minamikata Yae/Healer Girl.

Gaius Ilius Caesar
Minamotono Yoshitsune
Oda Nobunaga
Jeanne d'Arc
Mitsuyanagi Nishiki
Cleopatra Ⅶ Philopator
Hybrider 1

Team is so good, I just had a glitch where my battle screen was stuck zoomed in on the floor below where you can see the characters so I couldn't see anything, and I still won, haha.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I cant get through the game. I think my area is blocked :<
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

yeah i just give him proxy link from that page. maybe you should post this VPN so alot of people didnt have to have trouble joining the game because their government is being an ass (just like mine)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Hello, you can add Ashurmen if you want.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I cant get through the game. I think my area is blocked :<

If you can't get a proxy to work, try tor [google "tor" if you don't have it] just make sure you don't use any passwords or accounts you intend to keep while using tor