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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

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Player name: Aliandra
Ref Code: BDE31E
Current favorite unit: Elfella (unevolved still)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Not sure if this has been mentioned. But leveling a girl before using her to raise your tentacle level, will give you much more XP to the point of double just for raising it to 2. I am assuming it raises by that base XP each time.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Not sure if this has been mentioned. But leveling a girl before using her to raise your tentacle level, will give you much more XP to the point of double just for raising it to 2. I am assuming it raises by that base XP each time.

Yep, it's great! I just mentioned a while ago that I train my garbage R girls in my spare slots while farming/grinding now to get a ton more exp than usual. Once most your girls are evolved and max level already, it's a great use of their spot temporarily.

The only problem is that I've been finding out a lot of girls that seem bad on paper actually have their mertis. I ended up keeping a couple of them already, lol.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Not sure if this has been mentioned. But leveling a girl before using her to raise your tentacle level, will give you much more XP to the point of double just for raising it to 2. I am assuming it raises by that base XP each time.

Thanks, didn't know that.

On that point, is exp earned a set amount for each stage or dependant on the number of things you killed?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

So...is anyone else having trouble Jeanne d'Arc? Considering how everyone else is talking about her as if she's already on their team.

I've spent what must be at least 5 hours trying to farm her on stage 9-5 because from what I see she's really my only hope in passing stage 10 with all those bazooka things. Elfella spam managed to get me to her eventually, but with that minigame? I hadn't trouble with the earlier stages but spamming 4 blue hearts AT A TIME and a laggy computer means I'm hardly given enough tries to be able to finish her meter before it times out on me...

Honestly though, on my initial runs when playing I was lucky enough to get Minamoto and my Elfella on their respective stages, but I've not got a SINGLE rare card since - whether through farming or non-R gacha - and I've been spending like 5 days solidly on this game. Is this normal? Because if it is, I'm probably going to give it up right now because it seems a lost cause :(

You don't need to tell me about crappy drop rates, it took me a looong time (about 4 days of straight farming) to get my Elfellas. I've also attempted to farm Caesar for days (minimum of 4 days) and never got her to drop. Gave up and moved on because she's not necessary to my team at the moment, but for cards like Jeanne, you may not want to give up. Not sure if this is true or not, just speculation, but I feel as though adjusting you line up also adjusted drop rates. Whenever I play with the same line for a while my drop rates seem to decrease, but whenever I majorly adjust (3-4 cards) my line, drop rates seemed to increase. May just be coincidence.

The only problem is that I've been finding out a lot of girls that seem bad on paper actually have their mertis. I ended up keeping a couple of them already, lol.

I'm guessing you found out how awesome Akeno Hibiki really is :). never used her before today but shes pretty solid. Low energy, relatively quick cool down, plus a parry skill similar to minamotono. she's becoming my new mob card of choice.

On another note might I just say how utterly dominating having 2 evloved Elfellas in a line up can be when not facing anti-missle enemies.

Thanks, didn't know that.

On that point, is exp earned a set amount for each stage or dependant on the number of things you killed?

Its a set amount. If your just leveling cards, feel free to rush through as fast as you want.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Martian Marte seems to be less useful late game when your enemies can kill them in one hit (not to mention their AoE attack as well). now is it time to replace them with higher stat units but still spammable like Akeno, Kyakko and Wizarda. i'd like to try union combo using Kyakko with Neko and/or Wizarda with Revoice since their cooldown is short. though.. it's hard for me to find Revoice from her stage.. better hoping her to come out from Gashapon.

from level 55 above leveling becomes suprisingly hard. from 25 to 55 i only uses one or two level 20 R girls to get one level but now ZOMG i need 22k EXP for the next level.. damn..
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

That's really vague. Do you mean register on DMM or do you mean register for this specific game? What errors? What browser are you using?

My apologies for the late reply: anyway, I tried to register, but after they sent me a confirmation email, I click the link and it shows up " ERROR - Be Unjust Request Products".
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

... i'm at loss of words... i swear i saw the exp bar needs 22k or more EXP to level up. now what, it's down to 5k at level 56? seriously wtf is happening. at a moment i thought this game can be so fucking ridiculous Late Game and now.. sigh.. they'd better fix this kind of problem it's so irritating =/
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

... i'm at loss of words... i swear i saw the exp bar needs 22k or more EXP to level up. now what, it's down to 5k at level 56? seriously wtf is happening. at a moment i thought this game can be so fucking ridiculous Late Game and now.. sigh.. they'd better fix this kind of problem it's so irritating =/

It's very new, there are bound to be a lot of problems. This is kind of like a beta it's so new and not all the features are implemented yet. I'm sure they'll iron them out. The reward is getting limited content that players who join later can't, so that's nice lol. I stopped using Porco as well at high levels. Once you have enough slots, even if all your girls have a somewhat long wait time, you can usually summon them before you're rushed badly enough to need a low cooldown girl. The wait time/energy recovery special move helps a ton with this.

I've been farming Revoica's stage for 3 days now and haven't found her, the only stage I've farmed more is 15-6 so far or the Santa Girl event stage, though I think I'm even around that for total runs. So yeah, her drop rate could be near as bad as SRs, unless we're all just really unlucky. Hopefully one or all of us get her soon. It will be wonderful when we find her though and just think about leveling up girls for the time being. All those N girls on that stage are really nice for card food.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

here i thought the game has been out there for quite some time by looking at Keima's level so high. by the way what reward are you talking about? never i saw any events besides the last one and daily rewards arent that great either.

yeah Revoica's drop rate is absurdly low for an R. i dunno what are they planning to do making all late stages drop rate so low. even if they do that so old players have something to do, it still doesnt makes sense to me feels like they're toying with players who's working hard morning till night farming just for one girl (that includes me as well). i'll see if i can do 400 sorties to get dat nobunaga.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

here i thought the game has been out there for quite some time by looking at Keima's level so high. by the way what reward are you talking about? never i saw any events besides the last one and daily rewards arent that great either.

yeah Revoica's drop rate is absurdly low for an R. i dunno what are they planning to do making all late stages drop rate so low. even if they do that so old players have something to do, it still doesnt makes sense to me feels like they're toying with players who's working hard morning till night farming just for one girl (that includes me as well). i'll see if i can do 400 sorties to get dat nobunaga.

Ah, I just mean like Comet/Santa Girl/Dharma Yuki for rewards. Later players won't have those. Though honestly I SERIOUSLY hope they bring those back, because Comet is my favorite girl but she's not very good without Santa Girl teammate buff. Comet has like double attack speed/move speed/more damage with Santa Girl on the team and I didn't get her with like 100+ runs...So that kills me. Without the buff, she's mostly just a tank. With it she's like an uppercutting machine.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

i personally prefer all other players can get evrything on any events. it's kind of unfair for those who cant have them and japan tossing off their out-of-date event rewards culture is just unecessary. that aside, how many of you guys getting SR from Gashapon? i saw a lot of you guys were using SR from there.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

i personally prefer all other players can get evrything on any events. it's kind of unfair for those who cant have them and japan tossing off their out-of-date event rewards culture is just unecessary. that aside, how many of you guys getting SR from Gashapon? i saw a lot of you guys were using SR from there.

Well yeah, it sucks, but it's what keeps some people playing. That fear that you'll be missing limited things by taking a break or quitting.

I think I tried 3-4 spins and haven't found an SR. Yeah, I saw somebody with that mid range fire tossing girls I'd like from there and somebody else has the paladin looking girl (Space Sheriff GUILVAN). Congrats to you guys. Oh, whoever had the flame shooter girl (Murakumo Ten) either changed their favorite girl, or I removed them for being inactive.

I'm guessing you found out how awesome Akeno Hibiki really is :). never used her before today but shes pretty solid. Low energy, relatively quick cool down, plus a parry skill similar to minamotono. she's becoming my new mob card of choice.

Nah, it was Space Pirate SAPPHIRES, and now possibly Asmodeus. I thought Space Pirate SAPPHIRES was bad because she always failed to do much when she was summoned from a friend, but she's only bad in duels, if she's with other attackers on your team in a wall, she's amazing.

I tested Asmodeus before and didn't like her because of her slow speed and wait time, but she's growing on me now. She has like the highest attack among R's and with AOE damage. I think I'll keep and evolve her (I just saw her training CG for the first time too...so cute too. She's wearing a tie and has zipper panties~).

Edit: Eh, after more testing, she's just averageish. Even though she has a long attack range, her attack motion takes so long that she usually misses her attack because the enemies are already knocked back or dead. Too bad, I really like Asmodeus' look. Unless she gets a lot better when she evolves or something, I probably won't use her. If she was a bit faster, she'd be so amazing.

I don't know who to ditch on my team now though...geez. Too many great R's x.X I seriously need to unlock that 10th roster slot soon, this is tough. You should see my inventory. I have only two girls that aren't evolved now, Asmodeus and my second Elfella, who I'm finally leveling as well. 21/26 slots. My only N cards are Cleopatra, Mitusyanagi Nishiki and Akeno Hibika, the only N girls I found that still have some use end game.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Oh gods, farmed for minamotono for a day, was lucky if I'd get more than 1 card on a 15 min farm run, really frustrating stuff :/ And still haven't gotten her too :D
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Oh gods, farmed for minamotono for a day, was lucky if I'd get more than 1 card on a 15 min farm run, really frustrating stuff :/ And still haven't gotten her too :D

Probably better to just gacha her. She's awesome but not mandatory and you'll find her somewhat frequently in gacha. Once you have enough friends and max all their brotherhood levels, you'll get so much gacha currency that you won't know what to do with it. I think I have 30k atm. The only girls I'd say are worth farming for are level 12+ boss girls, since they're the only ones I've never found in gacha yet. Elfella and Jean are exceptions though, you should certainly try to pick them up. Still, I found 2+ of each in gacha.

I'm starting to question that some of these bosses even drop. The wiki has an image of the SR girl from stage 15 dropping, but I don't see any for 12-14. You want to talk about frustrating, try running maps over a hundred times and no boss :p I think even if she's terrible, I have to use her now. I farmed her briefly when I first came to the stage + the 2-3 days now, blublub. I don't even remember the last time I found a boss R girl in a story mode map.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

My apologies for the late reply: anyway, I tried to register, but after they sent me a confirmation email, I click the link and it shows up " ERROR - Be Unjust Request Products".

I had this too - try copy and pasting the link instead, worked for me

Nah, it was Space Pirate SAPPHIRES, and now possibly Asmodeus. I thought Space Pirate SAPPHIRES was bad because she always failed to do much when she was summoned from a friend, but she's only bad in duels, if she's with other attackers on your team in a wall, she's amazing.

I think space pirate's attack range is just a little shorter than the "norm" as she is always the one being hit in my roster. Anyone else find this the case?

Also, anyone knows if the attack buffs from Otomonoy akamochi (the shrine girl with the paper) and Cleopatra VII Firopatoru stack?
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I think space pirate's attack range is just a little shorter than the "norm" as she is always the one being hit in my roster. Anyone else find this the case?

Also, anyone knows if the attack buffs from Otomonoy akamochi (the shrine girl with the paper) and Cleopatra VII Firopatoru stack?

Yeah she does get hit first. It might be because of lesser range or because she's constantly attacking, but hey, somebody has to get hit first, and at least she'll get in more damage/attacks than anybody else before then~ Haha. I wish Jean had a shorter range. There aren't many girls who have a longer short range than her. I think Shadmalice, Asmodeus and Y-Poola are really the only R girls I've noticed that last longer.

Not sure. I didn't care to test it. If I manage to find another and I have room I will. I really doubt they will stack though. No other similar buffs have stacked so far.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Oh gods, farmed for minamotono for a day, was lucky if I'd get more than 1 card on a 15 min farm run, really frustrating stuff :/ And still haven't gotten her too :D

Been farming for her for 3 days off and on. gave up and decided to spend some of the RP I have been getting and what do you know I got her.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Probably taking a break from this game until the next event. The drop rate on girls is completely absurd right now and I'm tired of trying to find them. 100+ runs of Revoica, 200+ runs of 15-6, etc, etc. I haven't found any R boss girls I've actually attempted to farm ever. The only one I remember finding was the first R girl boss stage randomly.

I'll still be checking in here and updating info or answering questions though.