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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Ah, thanks. Yeah I read through that at the bottom but still somehow missed it.
One more question, do you happen to know what the BP bar is for?

I tried searching for it in the first few posts but didn't get any results.

It's an unused energy currency atm. It will most likely be the energy required to participate in the future competition/pvp mode. Probably stands for Battle Points.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

playing this games makes me forgot to try all other offline games. i guess i'll take some rest for awhile now.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Yo! I am currently playing this game too, sooo...
If you want to add me my nick is Suranis (like here).
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Yo! I am currently playing this game too, sooo...
If you want to add me my nick is Suranis (like here).

Added you to the front page as well.

Does anybody know if there's a way to link to a certain point in a post? I know you can link to a certain post with


But I want to add links to parts of my 2 main posts in the Table of Contents. Better if it just scrolls you down to those parts in the post without opening a new window, but I doubt that's possible.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I think the [ code ] tags should let you link to a specific point in the post; essentially anchors. Offhand I'm not sure how this forum handles it though.

Is anyone else getting the blank error message screen if you spend too long in a fight? I keep getting it which costs me all the rewards if I spend too much time in a fight; it also occurs randomly at other times.

Only started showing up since the last patch but it's VERY annoying.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Two more questions at the minute, how do I add people to my friends list? I'm thswherizat if anyone wants to add me.

Second question, I'm stuck on 10-3. The bazooka girls just always end up overwhelming me. I'm running with N+ Porco (L19), R Minamoto Yoshitsune (L16), R Ultimya (L17), R Elfella (L18), N+ Mitsuyanagi Nishiki (L15), and R Jeanne d' Arc (L12).

I've hit a total wall in all three of those opponents, 10 11 and 12. Wat do?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I think the [ code ] tags should let you link to a specific point in the post; essentially anchors. Offhand I'm not sure how this forum handles it though.

Is anyone else getting the blank error message screen if you spend too long in a fight? I keep getting it which costs me all the rewards if I spend too much time in a fight; it also occurs randomly at other times.

Only started showing up since the last patch but it's VERY annoying.

Nah it's not new, been around since I first started playing.

Two more questions at the minute, how do I add people to my friends list? I'm thswherizat if anyone wants to add me.

Second question, I'm stuck on 10-3. The bazooka girls just always end up overwhelming me. I'm running with N+ Porco (L19), R Minamoto Yoshitsune (L16), R Ultimya (L17), R Elfella (L18), N+ Mitsuyanagi Nishiki (L15), and R Jeanne d' Arc (L12).

I've hit a total wall in all three of those opponents, 10 11 and 12. Wat do?

Level your Elfella to 20 and evolve her, problem solved on most maps lol. Make sure all the characters in your roster have 10 obedience as well if you haven't already.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Level your Elfella to 20 and evolve her, problem solved on most maps lol. Make sure all the characters in your roster have 10 obedience as well if you haven't already.

I thought Jeanned'Arc was the more important card there...

I already have Poroko and Elfella at 10 obedience, working on Jeanne now. I only get so many whips though D:
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I thought Jeanned'Arc was the more important card there...

I already have Poroko and Elfella at 10 obedience, working on Jeanne now. I only get so many whips though D:

Jean is the best defense, but in this case, that isn't the best offense, lol. Elfella's offense is so good you barely need defense. Two evolved Elfella's can solo any end game content without projectile immune enemies basically. Even with projectile immune enemies, you just need a few quick meleers to lower their guard so they'll die to Elfella's arrow spam. Jean is amazing but evolved Elfella is OP.

You can buy whips from the shop.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Two more questions at the minute, how do I add people to my friends list? I'm thswherizat if anyone wants to add me.

Second question, I'm stuck on 10-3. The bazooka girls just always end up overwhelming me. I'm running with N+ Porco (L19), R Minamoto Yoshitsune (L16), R Ultimya (L17), R Elfella (L18), N+ Mitsuyanagi Nishiki (L15), and R Jeanne d' Arc (L12).

I've hit a total wall in all three of those opponents, 10 11 and 12. Wat do?

you'll want to replace Porco with Akeno Hibiki when your Porco gets one hitted by those mobs in Hell Mode. you might want to replace Nishiki with anyone (preferably beelzebub) since Nishiki does low damage to more powerful enemies even if you spam them they wont do much. get Hybrider she's good at reinforcing the line. if your Jeanne unable to handle ranged enemies, get Sasuke and evolve her. that should do good against rangers
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Still can't post images, but to add people, go to (from main menu):

Second button from the right (smiling guy), second button from top row (looking glass). You'll see two tabs. Next to the back arrow, there's two tabs. Click on the second one, and you'll see a box where you can put people's names in. Click on that, and click the big purple bar at the bottom of the screen to search.

Once you see their name pop up, just click on the button on the right-hand side to add.

Full disclosure: joined ULMF for the game. I typically help ferry/translate information into the Glorious People's Republic because of their growing interest in ... *ahem* unorthodox games, so I could (in theory) help with information gathering.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

are guys connected to the game using VPN? one of my mate cant access the page because it blocks foreign IPs (obviously) but i never use VPN everytime i'm loading the game.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Well there's no hard facts on the 2nd bit, it's just something I've noticed in every match. Problem is that it's difficult to tell if it's by a timer like that or by how many girls are spawned, like if only the first 100 enemy girls spawned can have items. It could be that each map has a different amount that just makes it seem like the only girls that can drop items are the ones spawned in the first 5 minutes. So I just leave it up to people to find their own method for determining how long to farm a map for items. I wouldn't want my opinion on it to mean other people miss items.

The one thing I did figure out is that items are tied to the girls and not just on a timer or specific kill amount, I let a bunch of snipers clog up on the other side of the field one time and beat them much later after when items would normally be unable to drop, and they dropped items. So that's good to know. It could also mean that certain enemies have different loot tables.

I probably missed something, but as far as I know the only things that limits the items you get per run is the 10 max items/cards per run and the 20 minutes timer. Other than those, the loots are generally the same for all x-5 and x-6 stages (leather whip and refresh potions), except of course for the cards and the ST potion that seems to be exclusive for 15-6. And the fact that drops are still based on a fixed rate. So basically, its by chance. As for the loot table, its hard to say who drops what since all items have green back. Only way I can think of to see who drops what is for you to kill each mob til they drop and finish the stage, hoping you wont get anything else besides that first item. But even then, that's too much work. On the bright side though, you can map out a rough loot table for each stage/area. Though wiki already have that covered.

Sorry, I can't help you much on that one. I don't have much trouble logging on to dmm site so I dont use those either.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I probably missed something, but as far as I know the only things that limits the items you get per run is the 10 max items/cards per run and the 20 minutes timer.

I don't know about you, but I've consistently been stuck on 0-2 items before no matter how long I play. It doesn't seem a coincidence to me that the only items I have ever obtained are early in the match. So it seems to be that either A: The max items you can get on a map are predetermined before you start the fight or B: Item drops are on a timer of sorts (Or both, which I believe it is).

This is really noticeable if you intentionally fail at 20 minutes and use a revitalize potion to continue. I bet you won't find any items regardless of how many times you continue past 20 minutes. I'll test it again right now. Let's hope I don't crash.

Current progress:

1. 19 minutes in, 46k gold, no items yet, lol. Mitsuyanagi Nishiki is still useless. Let's see how far I can get before I crash.
2. 30 minutes in, 70k gold, no items yet :p
3. 39 minutes in, 92k gold, no items. I might stop at 100k gold because I don't want to lose all of it haha. I am curious though...
3. 50 minutes in, 118k gold, no items. I'm glad I'm screenshotting the timers because it's becoming difficult to keep track of the time.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

China and a few other countries have theirs IPs blocked. He might be living in one of those countries.

In terms of the item drop, it is my personal opinion that it is probably pre-determined. Their forums/boards are debating over this as well. A closer inspection will show that the enemy AI will summon exactly the same type of minions depending on whether or not you have girls on the field. Therefore it is possible that what you get has already been RNG'd ahead of time, you just get a visual indication of the card being dropped at the appropriate time.

Example: Caesar. If you don't summon anything, her minion order (for me) always look like pink ninja - pink ninja - pink ninja - axe girl - pink ninja - purple ninja. I've been farming her for her high levels of R boost drops, and I've noticed the general patterns:

- The normal N card (axe girl) always drops from the axe girls after defeat/or is otherwise indicated graphically as such.
- The items appears to be able to drop from anyone. I'll have to pay closer attention if it's tied to a specific girl.
- Caesar herself does not actually have a drop indicator - ie. I'm sitting on 5 of her and I have not seen it once as an item. In fact, I want to say that she actually showed up as an extra (albeit pleasant surprise), and I also observed the same when farming for Pirate Sapphire.
- On occasions (such as x-5s) I did see red card drops, with the result of receiving a red. Whether or not this is again, just a visual indicator or something mechanistic no one has any clue.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

My wondrous journey:


What a surprise ending :rolleyes:
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Wow, that must hurt... well atleast you expected it beforehand.

Yeah, I got Jeanne D'arc just after 10-15 runs or so :D
When do you get that large amounts of Money? I am currently stuck on the stages 10-4... also i got the feeling that bosscards just never drop >.<
I am in desperate need of flying units or midrange units <.< but that elf on 4-6 won't drop x)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

i agree on drops being pre-determined. however i will say that boss drops are added on top of that (item or the card).

on a side note im what 190 or so runs into space pirate and still no luck (about 20 rare card boosters for the wheel though)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Guess they really nerfed Nishiki bad. She was good before. Anyhow, I did the same test as Fruit but only for 20 mins and its two runs. I'm surprised I didn't get any items either. I'll test something out later though. My theory this time is it might have to do with our levels, seeing how each area has a minimum level requirement. Reason being is I'm pretty sure I always capped the item limit way back then when I did these stages in my earlier days there. As for Ragnelle said, I agree with most. Boss cards doesn't have any indicator of them dropping. From what I see, they "drop" from the boss themselves after you beat them with the humiliation mini game. The red cards just means its Rare. Good examples of these would be Jeane and Elfella. So if you go Red cards where in stages where they drop, it means you got them. Although the exception to that rule is Sasuke from 15-6, with her card having a blue back even though she's rare.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Guess they really nerfed Nishiki bad.

The red cards just means its Rare. Good examples of these would be Jeane and Elfella. So if you go Red cards where in stages where they drop, it means you got them. Although the exception to that rule is Sasuke from 15-6, with her card having a blue back even though she's rare.

Yes they did :p A whole group of her evolved can't stop the enemy from advancing on you, even just on Beelzebub's stage, it's pretty pathetic. I'm about to toss her.

There are a few instances where R girls drop from blue cards. I believe the difference between blue/red is that blue more likely drops the common cards for the map and red more likely drops the uncommon cards for the map. These vary on each map. Some only have uncommon cards for example.