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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I saw the skulls when i was getting one of them to obediance 8 but hearts were spamming on the screen so dam fast i didnt have time to even click remotely near one lol. but its good to know its insta ko.

Its not an instant KO, they just break your chain and remove a small quantity of points.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Anyway to temporarily disable friend spawns? Its making it impossible to farm for money or cards lol.

They keep poping in and roflstomping everything
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Hey all, just started this a few days ago and I keep getting curbstomped on Stage 8 (Hive Ridder?) with those damn lazer mobs...

I've tried outranging them with a bunch of snipers / elfs, blobbing with a shitton of Akena, all with heals / damage up supports and nothing is working...

Even got lucky and got a Jean d'Arc, but she drops her shield and then gets lazer-faced.

Any suggestions? I've beaten Stage 9, but can't go onto 10 until 8 is done :(
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Not touched that whole section yet cause i skipped it to farm jean, but have you tried flyers?

btw should i bother leveling up? Ive been at 11 for awhile now, been selling my cards to get upgrades instead of xp dumps.
not sure what leveling up does anyway besides unlocks some kinda skill that mostly seems meh

Anyone have an english list of what you get from the event for each point bracket or whatever? I getting mail and i have no idea what it is if its not card or money lol
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Yeah, Lucy Fars, but they get slapped around by the "tank" unit they send out: it hits all units in the area, so if I send out too many fliers, they all go down in one or two hits.

I might try farming Caesar and see if I can somehow range nuke them... those lazers are juuuuust a hair longer in shot than my close-range shooters, and they have a tonne of hitpoints.

Is there a way to gauge attackpower / hitpoints on a unit? I can't read any of it, so I'm mainly relying on the wiki...
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Not sure honestly, i only started recently myself.

im giving it a shot now and those lazer girls arent that bad, but i spawn the 2 purple haired girls who have range and akemi so maybe thats why.

Which stage are you having problem with? 8-?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I'm at 8-2, I've tried spawning those two purple haired magicians and Akeno as well... I only have 5 slots, what are the other two?

Also my magicians are only lvl 1... do they actually get tougher/stronger as they level? Or is the leveling system only for evolving?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

They gain hp/dmg when leveling im pretty sure. i noticed a huge drop once i evolved mine and she dropped back to 1, but now that shes gained a few levels, shes kicking butt again.

my other 3 slots are barely used, but its Seiya, Sarutobi and Y-Poola. im pretty much just leveling them at this point. havent really needed them except Sarutobi every once in awhile for a quick rush.

I did farm quite a bit so my energy regen is up to level 6, that helps alot. i usually have 6-8 ppl half way across the map by the time she starts pumping her spawns out. also my girls all have atleast level 4 obediance

Levels seem to boost hp/atk
obediance drops Cost/Recharge.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

If you have Elfella and Jean you shouldn't having trouble beating 8-X stages.

Had your Elfella evolve yet ?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

No she's only at 8/6 and just got Jean today, so she's only 3/2 or so...
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Then you should try level them up a bit first. Those 2 cards are among the most useful R-tier in my opinion.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Wish i could be of more help. Only thing i can think of is leveling up energy regen or the purple haired girls some and try again. but im still new and not as knowledgable as others.

Are R cards really worth using? They cost so much and even with level 6 regen, id only have like 1 char on screen for awhile
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

The only red I like is that ninja sasuke one... really fast, double strike attacks, decent hitpoints, when it evolves it apparently can dodge missiles? Dunno...

Just got a yellow Seiya from doing that christmas thing? Going to see what that does... costs 500 points :|
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Seiya is slow as hell and is ranged, other then that, i cant tell if shes good at all. shes too costly for no more then what she does imo.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Yeah... definitely not worth fielding.

Going to see if I can level up those two magicians and maybe buy the 50k energy regen upgrade :(
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Im saving for level 7, 116,100 gold for that one tho, im scared to see level 8.

I didnt think the purple hairs were gonna be good, but once u start spamming them both, they buff each other and the Virgin one has a tiny bit longer range.

I wonder if Akemi will skyrocket is cost of i evolve her ... screw it, if she skyrockets, ill just stick with twin purples lol
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

btw should i bother leveling up? Ive been at 11 for awhile now, been selling my cards to get upgrades instead of xp dumps.
not sure what leveling up does anyway besides unlocks some kinda skill that mostly seems meh

at first i think about this too
but after my elfella get to lv 20 i realized i have far too low ST to evolve her as you need 30 ST just to evolve 1 card (and you get 30 ST at lv 21 btw), so i suggest you level up your tentacle along the way while you use the refilled ST to farm
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Guess ill start leveling up then :p

evolved my akeni and she only went up 7 since its 8 obediance so not to bad.
hopefully she dodges and hits harder now :p
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

not sure what leveling up does anyway besides unlocks some kinda skill that mostly seems meh

Leveling up is definitely useful. Each level increases your ST maximum by one. You say you are at level 11? You won't be able to upgrade most R cards without bankrupting your ST for the day, and SR cards will be out of the question . . . some of them actually take 55 ST to evolve. At level 11, you would have . . . around 20ish ST? That is two hours worth of accumulated ST, which means that you can only play a little bit without running out.

I'm at level 101, and I have 110 ST. I can play tons of stages, which is important, because some of the later stages actually cost 20 ST to play each time.

It also increases your BP capacity (same benefit as ST) and friend limit, which is another way of saying "free RP points".

Are R cards really worth using? They cost so much and even with level 6 regen, id only have like 1 char on screen for awhile

Are you getting your girls up to level 10 obedience? That is the first thing to do if their cost is too high.

R cards are the backbone of most teams. Almost all N girls are useless at the mid-to-end game (special mention goes to Nishiki, Akeno Hibiki, Cleopatra and N-variant Valentinius), as they die in one hit to anything. Most R girls don't cost too much . . . ranging from around 90ish to 140ish for the average girl.

There are some high cost R girls, that I like to call "pseudo-SRs" that take a very high amount and are correspondingly stronger . . . these include Kanu, Hybrider 1 and Hybrider 3, who each take around 400 points but hit like a tank and tank like a boss. However, these are an exception, not the rule. Most R girls are NOT expensive, and that "90-140" point cost is just intimidating because your energy regen isn't that high yet. You might also look into stacking girls . . . when you use more than one of the same card, their cost goes down. For instance, if you use two Elfellas at once, not only can you summon two in the same time it takes to summon one, but BOTH of their energy cost is reduced. This stacks up to 5 times, so you could run a team of 5 Elfellas and summon them all for a dramatically cheaper cost than normal. This is one way to counteract a low energy regen rate, and works wonders with prohibitively expensive cards like SRs (you should have seem my 9 Comet team for leveling up).

Ultimately, your team will be comprised of mostly R girls, MAYBE 1 of the specially useful N girls, and 1-3 SR girls. And if you think R girls are expensive, just wait until you get some of the most costly SRs like King Arthur, who's evolved cost at level 10 obedience is a staggering 770 energy. When the Halloween event came out (during which I got my first SR card), my 8-slot team was 2 Jeanne's, 1 Elfella, 1 Yoshitsune, 1 Sarutobi Sasuke, 1 Y-Poola, 1 Maia Mercury, 1 N-variant Valentinius . . . all of which were R-girls except Valentinius (who is useful anyway as a buffer). Not a single one of those girls costs more than 126 energy evolved and at 10 obedience, and Sasuke and Y-Poola only cost 84. That really isn't bad at all.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

damn i got stuck again in beelzebub stage (they have projectile immune units)
best thing i should do is probably get more melee fighter, but what would you guys recommend to get?
i'm thinking of yoshitsune, sarutobi sasuke, space pirate sapphire, hybrider 1 (these are the only cards i'm able to farm now)

my current team
Elfella R+ x2 11/10
Jeanne R+ 4/10
Yoshitsune R+ 4/10
Y-poola R+ 11/10
Akeno Hibika N+ 30/10
1 Free slot