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Do you even read ?

Re: Do you even read ?

Sex dialogues are the only thing I read, I mean its the entire reason why I play these games. The non-sex related dialogues are only important so I know what the hell I'm doing.

Interesting, according to these comments, most of the people who prioritize the sex dialogues tend to be more into the dark, dirty, and taboo stuff like rape, NTR, prostitution, old men, etc, while the ones who don't really care as much tend to into harem, vanilla, and wish-fulfillment stuff (Rance, MonsterQuest, etc). Makes sense, harem, vanilla, and wish-fulfillment sex scenes are boring as hell after all.
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Re: Do you even read ?

Sex dialogues are the only thing I read, I mean its the entire reason why I play these games. The non-sex related dialogues are only important so I know what the hell I'm doing.

Interesting, according to these comments, most of the people who prioritize the sex dialogues tend to be more into the dark, dirty, and taboo stuff like rape, NTR, prostitution, old men, etc, while the ones who don't really care as much tend to into harem, vanilla, and wish-fulfillment stuff (Rance, MonsterQuest, etc). Makes sense, harem, vanilla, and wish-fulfillment sex scenes are boring as hell after all.

Well, look at most games dealing with such topics. A lot of time you have view into thoughts and behavior changes of heroine or slave [trainer games]. A lot of stuff that's either a taboo, illegal or super unlikely to happen, those things tend to be interesting due to that. I don't see fans of NTR trying to do that irl, yet still enjoying that topic.
Wish-fulfillment side tends to be more like typical porn: turn on, fap/schlick, done. Not saying it's worse, that's purely a preference and nothing more.
Just like books vs movies, both have pros and cons and both attract different kind of people.
Re: Do you even read ?

Don't bother.

Jap sex dialog is a perpetual flood of facepalm-tier garbage and I legitimately can't imagine a functioning adult getting off on reading "fufufu my penis is inside! so lewd!" five hundred goddamn times every scene.
Re: Do you even read ?

Yes I often read when I can. Static pictures of a scene is little different than just looking at CG. I play games often for story and interaction, reading the scenes and understanding the situation adds much to the experience for me.

Some story or writing is not to my particular flavour, I might skip over.

Reading and knowing what the girl thinks is nice.
Re: Do you even read ?

Part of "Don't Bother" reading sex scene.
They mostly the same stuff again and again thats its geting boring nowday.

Of coz sometime i know there game with some of the plot in the sex scene, but 95% of the time i skipped it.
Note: if its RPG maker then 100% skipped
Re: Do you even read ?

I get the feeling that more people would read if the words were worth reading.

Most of the time they're not, maybe a light skim at best to get an idea for the flavor of the scene and then people head-canon in the rest.
Re: Do you even read ?

I tend to read a few things... mainly.

1. The clues to where I am supposed to go or do.
2. The options
3. What gear/items do and or effects they have
4. Stats

Thats about it, for actual story no...

if it basically said... (example)

Random NPC: 何の猫何の猫何の猫何の猫 Go to the north and kill 3 monsters 何の猫何の猫何の猫.

Thats all I need to know!

same here i'm with this guy ^
Re: Do you even read ?

When You play dozen / hundred H-game
MEH... You will see that sex scene dialogue is mostly the same...
Specially the I'm cumming I'm cumming part - pfffttt... lately for Me it's annoying :V
For RPG maker it's 120% skip , for visual novel around 85-90% skip
Why not 100 or 120? Well , since the girl / some H-VN have voice , sometime I listened to it for a bit XD
Re: Do you even read ?

For me it depends how repetitive it is getting. This applies to both the cg and the dialogue. Often if I have been sat on the same cg for a while I can get a bit fed up and just press enter and skim read the dialogue to check if there is anything worth looking at or if the cg has changed.
Re: Do you even read ?

Good narration/dialogue can add a lot to sex scenes. I always read them, especially so if I like the CG themselves.
Re: Do you even read ?

The importance of translating an H-scene lies in the content of it I reckon. If it's just a simple dicking where everything is obvious and most of the text is just generic moaning, then it's not a big deal.
If it's a slightly story related scene, or one where something a bit more interesting and character relevant is going on, then it's much more desirable to know what's going on.

Although, obviously the player can't always know this, and might still feel like they're missing out even on the more plain scenes, if only half were translated. Story and quest dialogue is probably more important to translate for most, but it really does depend on the game, and it'd be a shame to just leave bits missing.

Most important of all in my opinion, is anything menu or gameplay related. Eg, the partial translation for Seeds of Evil did a great job overall, but sadly missed translating the newgame+ options at the end, and the H-scene related options in the main menu. Stuff like that is a first priority, because no one wants to play through an entire game, only to realise afterwards that they had accidentally disabled part of the art, or could have changed the way that scenes play.
Re: Do you even read ?

For me, the H-scenes are the most import part and I always read them, but there are some games that are not really worth it.
Re: Do you even read ?

Yes, I do even read, bro.

Most of it, anyways. Even if its just panting or sex sounds, it usually manages to add a little bit of variety to the scene. Sometimes it's really not done well though and ends up being a waste of time. Some 'thought process' dialogue gets overly repetitive and cliche too. But I'll still read over it if its not too poorly done. If I wasn't going to... then I would be better off browsing gelbooru or something.
Re: Do you even read ?

I read almost everything except for the H scenes. Even then, I'll still read some. Most of the time I don't find them worth reading, but everything else is fair game, even if the story isn't great.
Re: Do you even read ?

depending on genre i read more

if it is NTR(best)genre i read as much as i can understand and if it is voiced i WILL listen to the voice in detail in the key moments of the scene

if it is anything else i will just read enough to get the context

if it is RANCE(best)games i read everything out of personal enjoyment and garen-teed comedy. which isnt really what you should expect from porn games, but you aint finding more consistent gold in random rpgmaker games

MOST IMPORTANTLY text adds a lot to a scene, it changes mood, creates expectation and sometimes they work as the turn-on of the scene which should be the goal of the game specially if low on cgs per scene.

as an example. In zombies life from nergal (i know, its native english, spare me) the art isnt the most beautifull there is around, most of the animation is computer made and the genre is as vanilla as it can get, but one line in one of the scenes (and the repeated version of the scene nonetheless) where the kid finally bangs the mother was something along the lines of

.-mother to son "your cock is ama..." and she interrupts herself out of realization, that she indeed is talking to her son. that one line made me go to the patreon and donate XD.
Re: Do you even read ?

Yes indeed,i hate watching a H scene without text. It feels empty.