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Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

When the butler asked for them to cover their ears, Anael was somewhat slow to react. In fact, all she did was raise an eyebrow until the servant suddenly screamed. Her hands flew to her ears as she shut her eyes and gasped in pain. She stayed that way for a few moments, glaring at the human until she realized that with her hands on her ears they were no longer covering her naked body. Without looking at any of the assembled servants, Anael straightened and returned her hands to their previous positions, an angry blush on her face.

Like with the butler's warning, Anael was slow to react to the appearance of the spider girl servant Mina. To the angel, Mina was simply another lowly creature mingling in the service of House Bachsmien. Still, she spared a grin as Lady Liezelotte punished one of the servants for their impropriety. Not out of any desire to see the spider-girl treated better, but rather simply because she enjoyed the Lady's outbursts against the lower creatures that worked for her. Without a word, Anael followed her Lady, Isabell, and the arachne towards the bathing room. She gave only a proper nod to Mina as the creature left the room.

Once the spider girl had left the three superior women alone, Anael finally felt comfortable enough to lower her hands and sigh in relaxation. The room was not quite large enough for her to spread her wings as she wanted, though she did allow herself to work their muscles as best she could. She didn't see to herself for long, however, as the Lady was more than ready to begin her bath, and as a proper servant, Anael immediately set to work. While Isabell might be more warrior than handmaiden, Anael had served the noble demons long enough to be able to compensate for any of the demoness' shortcomings in that area. Skillfully working the buckle's and ties of the Lady's outfit, Anael made sure that she was always working at the same level as Isabell, so that Lieze's dress came off smoothly and easily. "Indeed, m'Lady," she said softly with a smile, "You are as lovely as ever. I am overjoyed that the honor of serving you falls to us rather than the lowly humans." Once the dress and other accoutrements had been removed and set aside, Anael asked politely, "Would you like us to bathe you, m'Lady? Isabell perhaps could see to your skin while I maintain your hair." It was more than a simple suggestion. Though it wasn't spoken of, Isabell's 'devotion' to her Mistress was not unknown among the servants of House Bachsmien. If the Lady agreed, then not only would Isabell get to indulge in one of her fantasies, but Anael, positioned behind Lady Lieze, would get to watch the demoness squirm as she tried to hide her feelings while enjoying herself.
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

With the help of her two best servants, Lieze got herself out from her dress, the whole thing playing out like a nice play. She could not really expect nothing less from these two, though Isabell had some red on her face, which did not go unnoticed by the now naked Lady. "Does she really like my exposed form that much? Hmm, seems a bit odd, given that I'm not that much of a beauty..." she though, having never seen her own body in more than average light when it came to it. She was hardly a woman when compared to the voluptious Isabell, who had all of the right stuff in her. This only served to puzzle her further, since she had only thought of her face being a pretty thing. Maybe this whole thing could be tested, it might prove out to be fun.

Approving of Anael's idea, Lieze entered the bath first while the other two got themselves out from their clothing. Or whatever they had remaining, in the angel's case. But she could likely help Isabell with her armor, then things could move a bit faster, not that they necessarily needed to. While the other two got themselves naked as well, she would take a quick submersion to get herself ready for the eventual bathing process. The Lady would keep an eye on Isabell's behaviour, since she was increasingly curious about the knight demoness and her earlier blushing.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Isabell would allow Anael to help, but one thing set the Demon Knight off balance. "T-to set hands on... On My Lady...!" Isabell immediately responded to Anael. She truly believed that making such advances on someone so noble while being a woman of such status would strike down Lady Lieze's trust in her in an instant. And yet, as Anael raised the suggestion, Isabell's eyes switched immediately to her Lady, as if to find her own thoughts reveal themselves. Of course, the blush she had seen earlier developed into a nervous blush. Isabell looked more shaken by the current situation than she was of the large alien beast that was attacking her earlier. Having the rest of her armor taken off, the first thing Lieze would notice was that Isabell turned her back to her. Once her armor was off, Isabell would *not* show Lieze her front side.

Only when she was finally naked, would Isabell slowly turn around... Her hands were folded in front of herself, covering her crotch as if a maiden while her arms pushed her breasts together. Like that, Isabell walked rather stiffly to the tub, and quickly splashed into the water, letting out a sigh of relief as she did so. "Well..." Isabell began, her facial expression an exhausted one, as if she ran ten miles before arriving at the tub. "Isn't this like old times, My Lady? When you were younger, I would often wash your growing body..." Isabell said with a small smile on her face, as if the recollection of the memory made her happy.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Following the situation from the bath, Lieze's suspicions were fueled by Isabell's reactions about being one to scrub her. "Surely it's not that much of a task for you?" she called to the knightly demoness as she was getting herself immersed, next coming to face with Isabell and finding her acting like a total shy girl. All in all, it was a strange thing to see from the usually straightforward servant. "What is she doing... it's not as if I need to be protected from genitalia..." the Lady thought about the whole situation, but paid it no real heed. Eventually, both of them were in the bath. When asked about her childhood memories, Lieze pondered a bit. "Not too much, it has been a long while since those times. Anyway, I need my cleanliness, please. If you would." she replied, offering herself to Isabell while waving Anael into the tub too so they could get to the cleaning process. And possibly something more, if there was a right kind of mood to be found. Currently, there was a lot of uneasiness in the air, but the Lady didn't want that to be the mood everywhere she went.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

With Lady Liezelotte approving of her idea and Isabell blushing in shock, Anael grinned mischievously as she moved to assist the demoness remove her armor. The angel had assisted demons remove their armor before, though none quite as shapely as Isabell. Since the demoness was not her superior as Lieze was, Anael was somewhat less gentle with the straps and plates, tugging them free quickly but setting them down gently for other servants to carry off. As she did, the angel took the opportunity to slide her hands softly along Isabell's curves, enough to send soft sensations racing through the skin, but not to be considered entirely lewd. The amount of power she had used fighting the aliens had left the angel with a slight, but noticeable hunger. As the demoness cutely covered herself to face the Lady, Anael teasingly whispered in her ear, "Perhaps if you do well enough, she will bathe you in return."

By the time the demoness' armor was removed, it was obvious that Lady Liezelotte was becoming impatient. Anael swiftly moved to join her mistress, kneeling down in the bath and sighing happily as the warm water covered her lower body. With practiced precision, Anael set about cleaning Lieze's long and delicate hair, scooping up a handful of water with one hand to pour down the strands while using the other to wipe them dry. She did so swiftly, but softly, as causing the mistress pain was the quickest way to receive her ire, and the angel was quite wary of that. Slyly looking over at the nervous demoness, Anael asked, "Oh, you knew the Mistress as a child, Isabell?" The angel continued to tease the stiff and tense warrior, "You two must have been so cute, cavorting and playing together in the water. Dripping wet, enjoying yourselves freely." The angel paused to pick up a nearby brush and softly send its tines through Lieze's hair. "And now you've both become such beautiful women."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Unlike the way she was acting towards Lieze, Isabell seemed to grow angry at Anael's teasing as she turned to the angel as she whispered to her to whisper back, "My Lady will not bathe one of her servants! We are to be seen and not heard above all else! This is an honor I will not disgrace!" Isabell whispered quietly, but sternly to Anael. In all honesty, Isabell would be mortified if Lieze did wish to return the favor, as if she did, there was no doubt she'd discover *that* on her body. Upon such discovery, Isabell could only imagine utter disgust on Lieze's expression. Isabell feared she may never even speak to her again.

Once in the tub, Isabell's smile shrank as Lieze so casually didn't identify with her younger days and simply asked Isabell to clean her. It made Isabell's chest hurt a little bit, and made her feel like an old woman even more than before, clinging onto older days as she happened to be doing. "You were as noble then as you are now," Isabell said, "A proud child," she smiled, before getting up to try and move towards Lieze. Wincing, Isabell already had a plan to deal with the thing erect and throbbing between her legs at the sight of Lieze's fair form. As gracefully as she could without raising too much suspicion, Isabell tried to tuck her extra equipment between her legs, which proved to be a little difficult given the size and pure stiffness of the tool, but she still managed so that should Lieze look, all she'd see was a flat crotch underneath the rippling, steamy water. It would only work if Lieze wasn't paying attention, which Isabell hoped she would not, but her hopes were high in the thought that Lady Liezelotte would have her thoughts in more important areas.

Getting some soap in her hand and a rag, Isabell sought to apply herself to her task. Gently, she started with Liezelotte's back, and smiled as she noticed not much changed with her fair skin. She so wanted to tell her how fair, and fragile she seemed, just like the old days, but at this point she was sure that Lieze knew of this, and would likely find such a reminder useless. There was one thing Isabell had to say regardless though. "Your skin is soft and beautiful as always, My Lady." Isabell announced. The torture of having to hide her length between her legs was completely ignored as Isabell gracefully smoothed the cloth along her back, smiling a happy little smile as she cleaned the woman she had cleaned so often when she were but a little girl. Isabell was as happy as she was excited to once again clean Lady Liezelotte. Every instinct in her mind told her to have sex with the demoness before her, and all of her love she had gathered ever since she was young agreed. Her face flushing red, Isabell fell into a bit of a daze in which she knew she was using the rag and soap as an excuse to run her hands all over Liezelotte's form. To touch her... To caress her shape...

'This is bliss~' Isabell thought happily.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Letting the two servants do their job, Lieze enjoyed herself. All the cleaning and brushing was a thing she had enjoyed always, and the talk was not bad either, since getting praise from these two was more of a good thing in her mind than some average human. They were higher beings after all, one a demonesss and the other an angel while she herself was still partially human though mostly demon. Pushing aside her thoughts about the issues of identity, the Lady focused more on the things being said by the two instead. Those were more pleasant things, and suited her far better. "Well, I have always enjoyed baths. Back then, I was a bit more unrestrained in my behaviour, so it was probably a sight to see." the blonde part-demoness replied to mostly Anael, simply taking in the offered praise from Isabell. Then, she remembered her suspicions about the demoness and her earlier odd behaviour. something needed to be done about that. "Remember to scrub everywhere, Isabell. Once you are done back there, give Anael some space and come over to the other side, there is work to be done in the front side of me as well." she told the other servant, applying more weight to the words "everywhere" and "front side". It would likely be a good thing to see her face-to-face, so further inspection could be done. Maybe Isabell would reveal something if she had to work under the constant gaze of her mistress.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"Quite a sight to see indeed." Isabell acknowledged what Lieze had said with a nod and a smile. Asides from her obvious excitement, Isabell was starting to regress back to her previous mental imagery of Liezelotte. She was starting to recall all the happy times of taking care of the little devil as if she were her own child. Just as she was finding her happy place, Liezelotte shattered her blissful imagery by requesting she clean 'everything.' The very first reaction Liezelotte would see from Isabell is complete shock. Her mouth hung slightly open, her eyes were wide, and all her motions stopped. In that moment, Isabell cringed as she felt the pressure of trying to keep her length between her legs. 'This can't be happening...' Isabell thought to herself. Tense as she ever had been, Isabell meekly replied, "... Yes... Yes, My Lady... Everywhere..." she acknowledged, repeating what she said slowly. Coming to her front, Isabell's teeth clenched. 'I can't keep hiding it like this! I didn't think I would have to clean everywhere! I've earned far too much of My Lady's trust for my own good! I curse my devotion, I curse my love for you, My Lady!' Isabell thought with stress. Taking the rag, Liezelotte would only see Isabell glance at her face once, before Isabell immediately looked away. Suddenly, Isabell's motions lost their tender grace as she began to rub slightly faster along Liezelotte's arms. 'It's going to flop out... I can't hold it, I have to hurry...!' Isabell thought with urgency.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Somehow, the words she had used had an effect on Isabell, the previous confidence and smoothness going away afterwards. Even the reply she gave was a halting wreck of a sentence. The suspicions were getting more and more serious with each passing second and each thing that the demoness did, not even managing to look at her Lady directly, her gaze wandering into the water that surrounded them. But it looked like the more intimate bits were the ones that got to the servant. Sensing good opportunity to break down Isabell's resistance and reveal whatever she was hiding, or possibly make her run out from the bath, Lieze decided to try out another order. This time, she decided to make it much more of a hard one than the previous had been. The faster pace was somewhat annoying as well, since the Lady enjoyed taking her time in baths. And if the demoness did run, she would have to punish her for abondoning an assigned task. That might be fun as well.

Going from thoughts to action, the part-demoness looked down at the suddenly shy Isabell. "What's wrong with you, Isabell? Surely it can't be that much of a task? Anael is going to outdo you with her brushwork." she asked initially, but didn't let that statement linger too long. "Besides, you forgot something back there. Fine work on the back, but my butt is there too. Maybe you should go back for that once you finish with the arms. And after that, there's still more, like my legs. Possibly the front here. Not as pleasingly big as your own, but that should make it easier for you to clean them. And maybe I should let you scrub me down there~" Lieze threw a full barrage at her best physical servant, quite intent on seeing where it went. She was not kidding about any of the said things either, beginning to feel like she was approaching that kind of mood with all this stuff.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Upon hearing Liezelotte's disappointment, Isabell's eye suddenly shined with chance. Getting on one knee and propping a single foot up in the tub, she knelt with angling herself so that her 'secret' would remain out of Liezelotte's sight even when it flopped free of it's temporary prison. Sweet relief was Isabell's only thought at that moment. "I am very sorry, My Lady. You've grown into such a fine woman that I do think lightning will strike me down for laying my hands on you, as such bloodied hands as mine would disgrace your beauty." Isabell announced to Lieze the very truth of what she believed. In this situation though, it served as a perfect excuse to apologize and stop squeezing her length between her legs. But then, she thought of the rest of Liezelotte's request, and immediately scolded herself. 'I still haven't solved the problem!' she berated herself. 'Think', she told herself, 'I can't endure doing that to my genitals again. I need to block her vision...' she confirmed, before getting the idea she needed.

Leaning forward at a completely bent over angle, she rested on her knees and one hand while taking the other holding the rag. Like this, her upper body provided the shield to view her groin, and so long as Liezelotte did not lean over, as Isabell did not expect her to, her secret would remain safe and she wouldn't have to risk the consequences. "Be at ease, My Lady. I will swallow my superstitious fears down and do as you desire." she announced, a sudden confidence in her expression and tone as she knew she was nearing the end of this trial. She made her decision... And she had to fight to the finish, or fail and be discovered. Washing smoothly, and gently as she did before, Isabell made sure she did not give either of Liezelotte's eyes view of her secret. However, a part of her considered a very real possibility.

'Are you merely toying with me, My Lady?' Isabell wondered, looking to Liezelotte's sadistic eyes as if to find the answer.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Somehow, Isabell managed to gather the lost shreds of her composure at the face of the request, suddenly moving to a kind of knightly kneel. "Really now? I think it sounds silly, and somewhat suspicious, but it's not denial of what I'm ordering you to do. Do carry on." Lieze replied after the two-part speech of sorts, letting the demoness carry on with the pleasurable washing process. It was really good, even if it was simply a scrubbing of the rest of her arms. Letting the whole suspicion pass aside for now, she took a moment to herself, to enjoy.

Eventually, there was nothing more to scrub on her arms. Now, Lieze decided to employ her final weapons against the odd Isabell. Or maybe she had to ask her in a more harsh way later. This way would just be more enjoyable to the Lady, she was somewhat bored of all the usual pain and suffering. Maybe if she had a new and interesting way to cause it, but there were none at the moment. She needed to think about those eventually. "Hold up, Isabell. It's about time you took care of my butt. Here, I'll even make it easy for you." the part-demoness said, turning on her place and telling Anael to stop her brushing. Getting up on all fours, she leaned against the angel's shoulders with her hands while presenting her rear to the other servant, even wiggling it a bit at her. "There you are, carry on. Anael, support me. You've done good, your brush skill is pleasing. Once Isabell finishes her current task, you can enjoy yourself as you wish until we are done here and it's time to leave." she told the two, taking a brief look back to urge the demoness on with her task. This would be fun.

Giving enough time to the task, Lieze waited patiently for Isabell to finish. Since she was still in the same awkward position, there was need to instruct the demoness again. "Alright. Now, Isabell, sit down."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

As Isabell seemed to fall into a daze as she washed Liezelotte's front. Smoothing the rag along, she gracefully massaged the soap into her skin. Blushing deep red, Isabell pouted a bit at Liezelotte's chest. 'I tried to tell her mother that she needed to be fed breast growing food...' Isabell thought with regret towards the boobs that could have been. She was about to continue to brace herself to touch Liezelotte's lower areas before her Mistress suddenly moved, and turned to bend over right in front of Isabell's face. Lieze's action managed to strangle out an audible reaction from the demon as she'd hear Isabell gasp suddenly. Meanwhile, as Liezelotte wiggled her butt at Isabell, the blond demoness felt as if she was being torn into pieces by her own desire. 'What a beautiful butt! It's shaped just like a pale heart! And my lady wants me to touch it! Supernatural forces be damned, if I die after this, I will pass on without regrets!' Isabell thought with zeal. "I-I will diligently clean your butt, My Lady!" Isabell responded to her mistress. Using one hand, she slowly began to rub her hand along Liezelotte's butt, slowly washing, and savoring the experience all for what it was worth. The way Liezelotte's ass cheeks spread and closed together, the way her squishy flesh reacted to her rubbing, and the alluring glistening of her ass from the water were all enough to drive Isabell mad with lust. If she were truly suicidal, she'd jump on Liezelotte and immediately insert herself...

But her mistress had other plans. Apparently having washed more than enough of Liezelotte's butt and legs, she asked of Isabell a request that made the blush on her face turn pale. 'She knows! She must know! She's been toying with me all along! It's done, I'm over with!' Isabell thought with fear and desperation filling her. That lightning bolt from above seemed very much ready to take her life now. 'I... I can't... Let her see...' Isabell weakly convinced herself. It was already over, but Isabell would still try to hide it. "Yes, My Lady..." Isabell replied softly, before turning swiftly, and sitting with her back to Liezelotte. By all rights, as she turned, her mistress would have been able to see... 'It,' but at this point...

She was cornered.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Like the previous bits of cleaning, Isabell's butt scrub was a pleasing ordeal. The touch of the demoness was a thing that Lieze liked having, since she was very good at it, just the type that made her like these bath times so much. "Very good, Isabell. You clearly are a servant of great skill, no matter what kind of task it is. Your Lady approves." she told the demoness as they assumed a sitting position. Rising up on the bath, she walked over to the back-turned servant. "Not sure why you did that, but it doesn't matter. There is something you need to do yet, before we can get to finishing here and move on with other matters." she said, taking a seat on Isabell's lap. But something she had not been expecting was there. "Hmm..." she pondered aloud, adjusting her position a bit so the thing wouldn't be in the way, setting it so it was pinned between her buttcrack and Isabell's body. "That I was not expecting. You didn't have to hide it, you know. It was this that caused you to act like you did just now?" the Lady told her servant, taking a glance back at her. "I might have to punish you for hiding things from me. Probably use that throbbing thing in some way. Do things to it."

Snugging herself on Isabell's lap a bit better, the mistress of the house carried on with her bathing and cleaning. There was still something left. "The final part. Can you do it, Isabell? Can you clean your mistress' most intimate part?"
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Anael had said nothing as the scene between Lieze and Isabell unfolded. She couldn't, really, as she was far too busy trying to stifle her enjoyment while she watched the normally stoic demoness struggle to remain proper in her increasingly naughty predicament. And with Lady Liezelotte making it even better by demanding more thorough scrubbings, the incident just seemed to become even more amusing with every passing moment. "Yes, Isabell, do scrub every inch of her," she said after Isabell finally agreed to clean as she was told, fighting to hide the snicker in her voice, "Cleanliness is next to godliness, as they say."

Lieze's sudden turn surprised Anael, who stared wide eyed as her mistress placed her hands on the angel's shoulders. Dutifully, Anael supported Lieze, the angel's hands sliding up the demonic noble's arms until she grasped her tenderly beneath her armpits. She added a polite, "Thank you, m'Lady," for the compliment, though she still stared at her charge in incredulity. The way the blonde part-demon was situated, her face and chest was mere inches away from the angel's own. With the unnatural hunger coursing through her, Anael had to fight to stop herself from acting inappropriately, suddenly feeling a slight kinship with the panic-stricken Isabel. By the time the warrior demon had finished her torturously pleasurable task, the angel was beginning to breathe hard and lick her lips as she stared up at Lady Liezelotte.

Thankfully, the Lady didn't seem to notice, as she was far more interested in Isabell's suspicious inhibitions. Anael sighed as her mistress moved away from her, trying to mask her disappointment by acting fatigued. The act didn't last long though. As the lady moved to sit down on Isabell's lap, Anael grinned wickedly and took the opportunity to reposition herself as well. Moving onto to the side of the two demonesses, Anael knelt back down into the water, then began to bring handfuls of water up to her body as she washed herself, surreptitiously sneaking peaks at the unfolding events. Lieze's sudden and anti-climactic reveal of Isabell's secret nearly made the angel break into a smile, but the Lady's intimation of punishment, naughty punishment at that, caused Anael to gasp in surprise, and excitement instead. Even with what had happened earlier, Lady Lieze was managing to brighten Anael's day right up. The angel resumed her self cleaning, while watching to see how Isabell would react.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Dread was Isabell's expression. Isabell tried to voice out for her mistress to stop when she was sitting down, and her eyes were wide in fear as she nearly impaled herself on all ten inches of her length. Instead, she continued to sit down, but simply pushed her length back with her butt, sending a thrill through Isabell's senses to have her own intimate places touch against Lieze... And so casually at that. "I thought it would disgust you, My Lady..." Isabell barely said with more than a whimper. In her lap, Liezelotte would be able to feel Isabell trembling, and if her back were pressing against the demon's larger breasts, she'd feel her racing heartbeat as well as Isabell's excited, throbbing prick. When Liezelotte announced her punishment, from Lieze's glance, she'd see Isabell become overtaken by both lust and fear. Yet, at the same time, there was a certain devotion in her expression. "... It's true that I have been harboring lewd thoughts of you, My Lady... For not thinking wholly of my loyalty to you... I will accept any punishment." Isabell said with loyalty to Liezelotte in her voice, expecting the worst: Torture until death.

When Liezelotte made herself more snug, rubbing herself in closer to Isabell, her action brought out a quick, lewd moan to escape from Isabell's lips as Liezelotte's butt stimulated her length. Gingerly, she nodded. "I-I... Hah..." she panted, her mind hazy with lust. "I will... Clean My Lady's precious place... With more care than any priceless jewel..." she announced, before taking the rag, and from Liezelotte's belly button, slowly made her way down... Gracefully smoothing her hand over Liezelotte's pink slit. From the throbbing of both her heartbeat and length, it would be extremely obvious that Isabell was locking horns with a beast more massive than any Juggernaut inside of her mind, and that beast was her rampaging lust, twisting Isabell's mind, trying to take over, and attack Liezelotte. She looked truly mad in lust for her Mistress.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Even though Isabell's touch was as pleasant as always, only made more so when it was touching and rubbing intently on the Lady's slit, the thoughts that the demoness had about her thing were not as pleasant. This needed to be corrected, and the blonde part-demon decided to address these things when she was getting cleaned. "Disgust me? This?" Lieze replied in a somewhat baffled manner, giving the tool an additional wiggle since the previous one had affected Isabell in an audible manner. This was getting fun. Such odd thoughts you harbor in your pretty head. Hardly, it will only make you even more valuable as a servant, able to please in more ways than ever before. And is it not only natural to have lewd thoughts about someone else if they strike your fancy? If they are pleasing in your eyes?" she inquired from the literal nervous wreck that was Isabell. The whole deal had gotten her on the edge, and the smaller mistress could feel it clear as day from her current position.

Eventually, Lieze considered that the cleaning was finished. "Alright, I think it's time to get out." she told the servant pair, getting up and sitting on the outside edge of the bathtub as she decided to move the events onward. "Clean yourselves up, we'll be going out to eat. Isabell, we will deal with your punishment later in the evening. You might not like it, but I will enjoy myself fully. Be prepared. Anael, you are welcome to come and see the event, maybe even join in if the opportunity presents itself." the Lady finished dealing out her list of orders for now, remaining on her spot until the two servants were ready with themselves. When they did exit, the trio would leave the bath and head to the next room in order to dress up again.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Lieze's question following further wiggling drew out another moan from Isabell, though at her mistress's reply to the idea of finding her length repulsive in any way, Isabell was shocked to find that... Liezelotte was actually pleased to have found out about that. Despite what Liezelotte said in regards to her punishment, Isabell felt a certain peace of heart upon finding out her mistress was not outraged by the discovery. "If it pleases you, My Lady, then I will suffer." Isabell announced to her mistress with absolute dedication. And when Liezelotte was finished, she quickly went about cleaning herself in a hurry. She tended not to the glamorous parts of the bath, only focused on trying to make her mistress wait for as little time as possible. Meanwhile, the suggestion of Anael taking part made Isabell think for a moment before regarding the fallen directly. "To allow a junior servant toy with me... You do truly aim to punish me, if only by degrading my pride." Isabell said aloud, already woefully expecting her punishment in the evening to be an experience she won't be likely to forget.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Watching intently as the spectacle unfolded, Anael's wicked grin changed to a smile of sweet admiration as Lieze sought to allay Isabell's fears. She may be a fallen angel, but like all angels, Anael saw reconciliation as a beautiful thing. Finally feeling her staring to be intrusive, Anael averted her eyes as she went back to bathing herself. As she really did feel quite filthy after their earlier encounters, the angel was quite thorough, washing every inch of skin as well as tending to her hair in a similar manner to Lieze's. By the time the mistress announced her desire to leave, the angel had finished washing herself and was simply allowing herself to soak in the warm water.

Immediately upon seeing Lieze move to the side of the pool, Anael followed suit, dutifully standing at her mistress' side in case she needed anything. It was with some surprise that she found herself invited to Isabell's punishment later. "M-me, m'Lady? " she stuttered, most inappropriately as her mind began to wander to what kinds of punishment the Lady meant to inflict on Isabell. During her long imprisonment by the demons, Anael had been subject to a number of sexual torments, and as her soul began to bend more and more to their desires, she found herself beginning to enjoy the pleasurable tortures. A lustful grin began to break across her face as she stared wistfully at Isabell, until the demoness spoke. 'Junior?' she thought, incredulously, 'Degrading? Me?' Even though her lustful thoughts remained, they had now been tempered by her indignation at demoness' insults. "Perhaps I will join you, m'Lady," she said, her wicked grin returning as she stared at the bathing Isabell, "Thank you for your gracious invitation."

Still, it would be some time before the 'event' would take place. As they entered the next room, Anael followed Lieze properly, though it would be obvious to all how eager she was to be given clothing. It was more than just a simple desire for modesty, however. Ever since her corruption, Anael had grown fond of trying on various clothing and finding flattering outfits. She would of course assist her Lady first, but the angel would be hungrily looking over whatever outfits the manor's servant might make available to them.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

After quickly cleaning herself, Isabell stood from the tub, and climbed out, a slight blush on her face as she new let her still excited length stretch forth for every eye to see. "I understand, My Lady. I will request however, that I be spared of Anael's draining... I would likely attack someone if I were to become... Hungry." Isabell respectfully announced to Lotte, while looking to slip on whatever basic and easy to wear clothes she could find before putting her armor back on and making sure her shield and sword were at the ready.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Fine

With bath time over and done with the Lady and her servants were free to enter the Master Suite. And there they found a rather familiar spider body poking through the closet. "Oh!" After that Mina's body tried to quickly untangle herself from the various dresses and outfits sprawled over her lower half before turning to face Liezelotte rather nervously. "My Lady! I was, uh, just trying to replace some of the older dresses in the closet. Mister Gerald handed me a number of things he thought you might like..."

At that she stepped aside to allow a more thorough view of her recent work, and a number of dresses could be seen hanging ranging from some elegantly simple wraps to an almost maddeningly complex affair that would put some of the Badarian nobility to shame. But a number of them were strikingly similar to what the Lady wore when she was ordered to flee her father's manor.

With Lieze having her pick of what to wear Isabell and Anael were given...not much... "Mister Gerald said he's truly sorry for not having much choice for your personal guard." Isabell would probably be happy, some simply garments were laid out for her to complement her armor, but Anael...well... "We weren't expecting someone of your, um..." Mina started turning a rather bright shade of red. "...proportions to arrive..." Which left the angel with a rather racy little outfit with an open back that showed far more leg than necessary and would barely keep her chest from swaying freely through the air. "Mister Gerald said it belonged to one of Lord Bachsmien's, um... 'personal attendants'... I guess..." If that personal attendant was hired by the hour. Or maybe for the night. At least she had to cost a bit of money, the material was top notch. But still...