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Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Nap time
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Wide awake, honest
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Sleepy

With Lieze preparing to have her nap as she so desired Mina immediately set off to leave the Mistress in peace. Of course in doing so she passed by Isabell as the knight took her position, and seeing the smile on the demon's face had the spider blushing before offering her own somewhat timid smile in return as she bowed and left the room. And once she was gone there was nothing left to bother the pair that remained, their bodies immediately starting to unwind and relax after the intense activity just a few hours earlier. Nothing would show to bother Lady Bachsmien as she slept, even if Isabell could periodically hear the faint steps of some servant moving down the hall. It would be up to the Lady to decide when her nap would be done.

But for Anael a very light knock sounded on the door to her room only a few short moments after the Master Suite had closed. It sounded like someone very delicately rapping their knuckles near the frame to garner some attention while still being subdued enough to prevent anyone from being outright disturbed. If it went unanswered the light knock would repeat, but after that the angel would soon realize that whoever had been at the door simply surrendered in the face of refusal and went their merry way. It was up to Anael to decide whether that happened or not.

And if xivvix decides to answer then what follows can be kept either in spoilers or something similar to keep from interfering with everyone else.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

With nothing there to distract really distract her from the sleep after the spidermaid left the room and Isabell assumed her guard spot, it was easy for Lieze to find herself snoozing shortly. The knight demoness had always been a close presence, so the guard being there didn't really bother her in any way. So, in the relative quite, the Lady took her nap as a random servant walking was the last thing she really noticed for a while.

But she didn't quite manage to spend the needed time to reach evening. As she kind of restlessly woke up and still felt a bit tired, Lieze decided to play a bit. With Isabell there, it would be easy. "Isabeeeeeel, come here..." she told the guard in a sleepy voice, flailing one arm in the air to signal her.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Anael could feel herself drifting off to sleep after the long day she had experienced. It was not to be however, as she soon found herself lifting her head off the soft pillow at the knocking at the door. The knock was soft, but she heard it clearly and udnerstood that she had to answer it. No matter how sleepy she may be, a proper servant was ready to respond to any call made to her.

Stifling a yawn, the angel pushed herself off the bed and quickly recovered the racy dress. While it was only slightly better than being nude, she had to cover herself in order to properly answer the door. Thankfully, it's flimsy nature made it quick to slip into, and by the time the second knock came she was already straightening the dress out as she turned the handle to the door. "Yes?" she asked, politely, but sternly enough to let the caller know that she had been disturbed. "How may I be of aid?"
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Awake... Stay... Awake... Say... Awa... Say-wake...

Isabell's consciousness drifted away as she fell asleep in a standing position, her head lowering off to the side as she finally passed out after staying awake for... possibly over a week. She'd spent many nights guarding Liezelotte, and the slight security she felt from this fortification was just enough to tip Isabell over the edge. And so off she fell, fell down the chasm that was unconsciousness after such long endurance. She had no dreams she could even discern from how heavy her consciousness was clouded with fatigue. Drool dripped down from her mouth in her sleepy stupor. There she slept, all the while Liezelotte rested quietly.

However, when Liezelotte awoke, and decided to be playful, her sleepy siren voice rang through Isabell's ears like cupid's arrow. Sluggishly, Isabell moved from the wall, her body limp like a zombie with her eyes only opening half way as she moved with barely a sparkle of consciousness. "Mai-lay-dee..." Isabell answered as if drunk, turning herself slightly, before heeding the beckon of her mistress' call. Her hips hit the bed, and Isabell promptly fell forward, her face crashing into the bed as her lower half hung off of the side, looking either like a murder victim, or a woman about to 'take it' from behind.

The comfy bed immediately knocked her back out, drowning her in a wonderful bliss of comfort.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"Huh? What are you doing?" Lieze asked as she heard the reply that was not really the best she could imagine from the knightess demon. Before she could investigate further, Isabell was already crashing onto the side of the bed. Tiredly getting up to llook up the situation, the lady rolled over to see what was bothering the guard. "Hmm, looks like she's sleepy. As much as she should rest here and there, I was talking to this silly woman. And I'm not one who likes to wait..."

Having seen what was the whole deal, Lieze positioned herself on the side but near Isabell still. Seeing a chance to have some fun, she remained in a position where the guard would see her as the very first thing when she would get up from her nap. But there was need to get her awake. Reaching her arm underneath the demoness from the side, the lady applied a shock to the thing that had just been discovered in the bath and prepared for the snapping wake-up.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Once the door opened Anael was treated to the familiar sight of the manor's resident spider maid. She looked nervous and apologetic as she stood at the door, and after a short bit of fidgeting she managed to curtsey even with all those extra legs. "Sorry for the intrusion, but I thought it best to get your measurements now so we can have your clothes ready tomorrow. May I... May I come in?"
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Anael stared down disapprovingly at the nervous spider-girl. Shouldn't Mina have mentioned this prior to showing her guest to their bedroom and leaving them to rest? Anael sighed as she pitied the manor's apparent lack of qualified servants. Still, she was quite interested in the promise of a new dress.

"Yes, you may," the angel said, stepping aside to let the large spider-maid into the room. She watched carefully as the girl entered, watchful in case the creature managed to damage any of the room's decorations. "I take it you are the manor's seamstress," Anael said as she closed the door and stepped into the room. She walked to stand directly in front of Mina, and quickly removed the dress, standing proudly before the shy girl. "Have you worked with fine clothing before, or only with maid's livery?" the haughty angel asked with the appropriate amount of condescension, "Though I too am a servant, as a personal attendant of the Lady I am expected to wear some finery."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

With permission granted Mina slid herself through the door. Watching her enter sideways once again to get her lower bulk past the frame left her crawling on the wall for a second, but once she lowered herself back to the floor she moved with a surprising amount of grace that left her legs nearly brushing but otherwise unmolesting the furniture and the fineries. "No, it's one of the duties I can't-oh!" She had been turned and was still entering as she answered Anael's question, but when she faced the angel she obviously didn't expect to find the woman already baring herself to readily. It left her cheeks a rather rosy shade of pink that refused to fade even when she managed to regain some composure, and as she continued she raised a hand and splayed her fingers. "I can't be a seamstress. I can handle clothes well enough, but the fine touch needed to work with cloth is a little beyond my grasp..." With those razors on her fingertips it was quite easy to see why. "I do supply the raw material, though..."

With that answer rendering the second question moot Mina acknowledged Anael's request and took a few steps forward. Though she still blushed she started looking the angel over, and once a lap was completed she seemed to take an even more nervous approach. "There's um... There's a way we can help the tailor prepare your dress even faster, but... well..." Her anxiety only grew at this point. "It's a little...disorienting...and embarrassing..." Her entire body started fidgeting in place. "But it would let us make a dress in whatever style you wished..."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Isabell let out a pleasured moan as her length was grabbed by her mistress. She began to murmur further in her sleep, dreaming happy dreams, before the shock came and gave her a rude awakening. "Ah... I'm sho happee mai laydi uses me as her t-OOOOII!!!" Isabell cried out, awakening with a start as the shock came to her length. Pushing herself up from the bed, she looked around, before she appeared as if she wished that shock were a deadly one that knocked her dead rather than have her live to feel the shame that she felt that moment.

"I... I have failed... I fell asleep when my lady was most vulnerable!!!" Isabell cried out, distraught, before burying her face in the bed, distraught. "I am not worthy! I only ask that my lady enjoy turning her useless guard to ash!" she cried as if the momentary weakness she showed was a crime worse than any other.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

While she had fully expected this outcome, the loudness that Isabell broke into was bad for Lieze's ears. "Oh, quiet you. Stop it with the moaning and get yourself over here." she told the bodyguard before helping her towards the center of the bed by the collar or whatever the demoness had. When the other woman was indeed there, she got closer and grabbed onto her back, cuddling against Isabell. While she did enjoy the closeness somewhat, the uneasy nervousness she was more than likely causing was the biggest reason she was doing this. And it would help her sleep better for sure.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Isabell looked up from the bed, confused. "Over... Where?" she wondered aloud, before Liezelotte suddenly grabbed her by her collar and dragged her in. Isabell's eyes went wide, and her face went red as her head began to fill with the blood rushing into her brain. "M-M-M-M-M-M-My L-L-L-L-Lady!!!" Isabell nearly cried out, but her voice was forcibly restrained after being given her order to remain quiet. Pulled into the bed, Isabell went stiff as a board as Liezelotte suddenly snuggled the armored demoness. Taller and seemingly bigger though she may be, Isabell took on the appearance of an insect trapped in the legs of a spider, paralyzed by it's venom.

In her arms, Isabell shivered, twitched, and made various unexplainable noises, all of which a result of the situation she found herself in. Liezelotte might be able to feel both the throbbing of Isabell's heart, beating impossibly fast, and the throbbing of her hermaphrodite length. Though Liezelotte might get sleep, Isabell was far too excited to even consider that.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Mina's shock at seeing the angel nude brought a smirk to Anael's face. Without a hint of modesty, she posed confidently with her hands on her hips and her chest thrust out. Pleased with the spider-maid's reaction, Anael held that pose even as she considered Mina's words.

Despite her interest in clothing, Anael had no real understanding of tailoring, and so only nodded when Mina revealed her inability to act as seamtress. Similarly, she had no idea what Mina could mean with her shy suggestion. The idea of her dress being finished not only faster, but made to better order precluded any hesitation on the angel's part and she quickly agreed. "It seems quite easy to disorient and embarrass you, my dear," Anael replied mockingly, not taking the spider-girl's warning seriously. "Fine clothing is worth more than a little embarrassment to me," she continued, before adding with finality, "Begin."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

The plan had been a success, not that the small-statured part-demoness didn't know it fully well from the get-go. The reaction from Isabell was just as hilarious as expected, with accompanying silly sounds that she decided to stop with a few pats onto the other's body. "Quiet now, Isabell. Your mistress needs to nap. And it appears that you might benefit from it too..." Lieze told her trusty bodyguard as she cuddled in properly, eventually slipping away into her previous dreams again. So silly, it was, this whole situation.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

A slow nod was given by the spider maid, and after looking around the room for a bit she slowly took in a calming breath and let it out in a low, quiet sigh. "Okay... I'll need you to close your eyes and raise your wings as high as they'll go over your head." And there she waited until the angel complied. After a few seconds the spider's light steps could be heard circling around the woman, and once there Anael would feel the maid lifting her wings just a little higher. "Hold them like this for just one second..." A little more shuffling could be heard, and for a few brief moments there was only silence.

Then all hell broke loose. A string of some kind bound Anael's wings at their tips. Before she could even think of pulling them back down a pair of legs gripped her by the body, another pair soon joining them to flip the angel on her back, and she was dropped and held mere centimeters from the ground. She was given no chance to recover before her body was suddenly rolled side over side. There was nothing keeping her from looking at that point, and should the mood strike her she would be greeted by Mina's lower half spinning her in place.

All it took was one rotation for the angel to feel her arms locked in place, and though she could struggle there was no way she could break the sudden film that had wrapped around her upper body. Another loop had the silk creeping lower by the second, and bit by bit Anael was constantly rolled and bound until she was trapped up to her nose in a rather tight cocoon of silk the hugged her body and left little to the imagination.

Once she was fully bound and the world stopped spinning Anael would find very carefully passing the angel under her body until the woman was upright and in the arachne's arms. There Anael would notice the spider blushing furiously, and she would understand why when the back of a finger slowly traced along her thigh and up over the peak of a breast before the hand opened and lovingly caressed the angel's cheek.

The spider lingered there for a moment, the blush only growing more furious by the second, but eventually she seemed to gather some bit of self control. The hand that was at the angel's cheek rose and cut the binding that held her wingtips together, and a moment later another finger traced along the angel's back and around her wings' base. She could feel the razor tip biting through the silk almost effortlessly, but once it had it didn't linger long enough to leave a mark on her skin. A slight tug left the silk that had wrapped around those wings to be peeled away, and Anael was finally allowed to let herself relax a bit. After a second or two of relief a finger traced along her jaw, and another pull allowed her mouth to be freed. "I'm guessing you would like an open back for your dress..." A line was traced along Anael's back, one to show how deep the cut would go, and it dove down enough to loop just around the base of her tail to leave her entire back the barest hint of the angel's ass on display. "Or would you prefer something more modest?" From that point on Mina would listen to Anael, a light touch tracing whatever cut the angel would like to her new dress and peeling the excess away to reveal more and more of the fallen's body to whatever her heart desired.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

So Liezelotte said, but Isabell just felt too excited. She had never shared a bed with her mistress, so the bed which Liezelotte slept in was like forbidden ground to her. And yet she was dragged in by her mistress to join in her sleep. For all the while it took for Liezelotte to go back to sleep, Isabell's tired, bloodshot eyes remained open. But once her mistress was fast asleep, Isabell thought her sleeping face was something of a great artist's craft. Watching her for a while, the need for sleep slowly came back to Isabell, and with a vengeance. Before she went to sleep, Isabell couldn't resist. Reaching her arm out, gently going around Liezelotte's waist, the demon knight let out a small, happy squeal as she hugged Liezelotte. And if Liezelotte saw her guard's facial expression, it'd be a happy and goofy one indeed.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Eager to get the started, as well as her new dress, Anael complied with the spider-maid's request immediately, closing her eyes and stretching her wings up high. Thinking the girl was simply going to do measurements, the angel felt no concern at the strange proceedings. As soon as she felt her wings bound by the strange string, though, she gasped in shock. It was all she had time to do, however, as before she could react, she was already being flung towards the ground. Anael's eyes shot open as she was caught just inches from being slammed into the ground. Before she could even think to struggle, however, her view of the ground was replaced with a blur of activity as she was spun around and sealed in Mina's threads. With the world spinning and her body becoming increasingly encased in the sticky material, Anael's struggles were feeble, and felt more a formality than anything. Even her cry of alarm was muffled to a whimper by the silk covering her mouth. By the time the flurry of activity was done, all Anael could do was stare forward, her eyes swimming and lids half-closed from a bout of dizziness.

Dazed, Anael fell limp in Mina's arms as the spider-maid lifted her to an upright position, but she recovered her senses quickly. Her composure regained, Anael simply glared at Mina as the spider-girl softly explored the contours of her body. With no way of voicing her displeasure, she merely huffed in annoyance at the soft touches, but offered no resistance. Once Mina began to free her, though, Anael held back her anger, allowing herself to relax by spreading out her wings and sighing. She had agreed to this, after all, even if she had not known what was about to happen. And it was obvious that Mina was taking great care to make the process as easy as possible for her. Angry though she may be, she couldn't blame Mina for doing what she had agreed to.

The feeling of Mina's finger along her back prevented Anael from relaxing too much however, and the angel stiffened up slightly at the touch. With the spider-girl asking for her input on the dress, though, the angel was quick to bring her mind back to what this was all about. "Yes," she replied softly, after the spider-girl had finished tracing the proposed cut, "An open back would be best for my wings and tail. Make it wide enough for my wings, but taper it down quickly towards the base of my back." Once Mina traced the cut again and Anael agreed, it was only slightly less open than the original cut. "I'd like it to have a high neck, to come up just under my chin," she continued, and after the cut was made, continued, "The shoulders should be bare. For better range of movement, of course." Once Mina began to cut the material from her shoulders, she added, "Leave some material for gloves, above my elbow."

Although Anael had ignored the question of modesty, it was obvious she considered it to be important. Anael was a proper servant of a noble lady, after all, and must appear as such. That didn't stop her from suggesting other, less modest, alterations though. "The chest is, somewhat tight. Open a window in it," she said, instructing a diamond shaped cut to be made that began just under her collarbone, extended past her breasts, and ended just underneath them. The window would display her cleavage, but not be terribly inappropriate. After that cut was made, she continued, "I'll need my legs free, in case I must defend the Lady in combat. Cut a wide slit in both sides, to the waist, but leave the hem down to my ankles." The cuts would leave the dress flowing and looking sophisticated, but would show off a daring amount of her legs and thighs, and more should circumstances dictate. Despite her stated reasons, it was obvious the fallen angel was truly interested in something flashy.

Once all the cuts were made, and she was satisfied with the design, Anael looked at Mina and said, "I believe that will be all the alterations necessary." Her face was flushed, though whether it was from humiliation at what had happened, excitement over the new dress, or from how close she was to the spider-girl, would be impossible to tell from the angel's stony composure. "Is there, anything else you need from me?" Anael asked, staring at Mina.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

After she had satisfied her need to play around, there was little reason to stay awake, and Lieze's sleep lasted a few hours as she cuddled into Isabell all the way. But eventually it had to end, and as the evening rolled around, so did the lady of the house snap up from her rest. Seeing that her guard was still asleep, she grabbed the demoness' cheeks and tugged on them hard. "Isabeeeeeeel, what are you doiiiiiing?"
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Even if she seemed a little too eager to cut a little deeper and a little wider than Anael had wished Mina eventually followed the angel's words to the letter. She even let the woman stand on her own once the hemline was finished and left her feet exposed to the open air. Of course the spider still kept herself almost intimately close to the fallen, especially as she rose after finishing her work near the angel's feet, and though she threatened impropriety she managed to contain whatever lewd compulsions she held now that she was done.

Or almost. "Color?" It was a simple question, one that would get a simple answer unless Anael wanted to get fancy, and once that was complete Mina would move closer once again and lightly ease the angel's left arm into the air. "Please hold still..." At that point a razored claw was brought back to the angel's neck, and from there it ran a single line that opened a seam along the side of the modified cocoon that ran down Anael's body until she felt the slight constriction from the webbing give. After that Mina started easing her fingers against the angel's flesh, and once she managed to wedge herself between skin and silk she started peeling the potential dress back bit by bit. It offered little resistance, yet bits and pieces of it still clung to her flesh and gave her a gentle pull as it was removed, especially when it came to her bust and her rear. Perhaps it had something to do with how both areas flared from her body and fought to be contained when she had been initially wrapped. Or maybe it was due to Mina's touch. She did spend a bit of time measuring and remeasuring the area. It was almost obvious she was looking for an excuse to caress that heavenly body.

Either way once 'dress' and 'gloves' were safely reclaimed they would be carefully laid along the spider's lower body. After that it left the girl bowing her head at the once-again nude angel, her nervousness starting to flare back to life. "Thank you for your help..." Her entire face was returning to a muted crimson as she got another eyeful of the nude woman, but... "Even if I was a bit, um... eager..." But there was definitely something else in that look, a bit of longing that looked like the spider wanted to rush forward and wrap the angel once more so she could do far more than simply cut a dress. But it was a faint desire, one that was well suppressed. "If you need anything else simply let us know..." And if there was nothing else Anael needed the spider would exit and leave the woman in peace, her hand reaching back a moment to ensure the dress was properly secured as she crawled through the door and closed it behind her.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"Black," Anael responded after a moment of thought to Mina's question. At first she considered a lighter color, perhaps even red, but then she remembered how little Liezolette liked being outshone. Black would also make the skin she had ordered left bare stick out all the more from the fabric, though the angel would never admit to such a reasoning. As Mina began to slice open the webbing, Anael stayed as motionless as she could, only looking down to watch the spider-girl's work.

Despite Mina's polite attitude and submissive nature, Anael couldn't help but feel as though the spider-maid was the dominant figure in this moment. Perhaps it was merely the fact that she was bound, almost helpless, and had come to enjoy such a sensation from her time with the demons. Still, the angel couldn't deny that she enjoyed the intimate closeness that Mina was forcing upon her, nor the caresses masked as necessary measurements. In fact, each time Mina's hands lingered, Anael couldn't help but attempt to press herself forward against them, though the tight webbing prevented her from managing much. She sighed softly as the material fell off her body once Mina was done, running her hands over her form to make sure her skin was clear of the sticky webs.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Mina," Anael said softly as nervousness once again claimed the spider-girl, "You did nothing I found offense to." With the spider-girl once again bowing and scraping, Anael smirked, their proper hierarchy once again resuming. "Of course, Mina, I will let you know," she replied, smiling as the maid shuffled back out the door.

Once Mina was gone and the door securely shut, Anael let out another sigh, louder and more indulgent than the last. That whole experience had left her anxious and excited, but also tired. Shivering slightly, the angel fell onto the bed, landing face down on the soft cushion and pushing herself into it. The mattress was soft enough to let her sink in slightly, and she burrowed as deeply into it as she could. Perhaps staying in the manor wouldn't be as bad as she had originally feared.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Awake
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = China
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Resting

With Isabell rousing from her nap she may have noticed the light humming coming from the hall just outside her room. It was a subtle thing, made even more so by the walls dampening whatever noise there was to be had, but it was still there. Of course Isabell also had something else that required her immediate attention, but it probably had a little farther reach than intended. With her voice raised she may not have noticed the small eep that drifted into the room, but the sudden bump of a body smacking a table and the telltale ringing of some expensive piece of pottery rocking on its rim led to a very clipped shriek. A moment later equilibrium could be heard losing its battle with gravity, and the small half second of silence that followed said that the cliched piece of pottery was already falling through the air. A moment later something hit the floor, but instead of the expected shatter it sounded more like the thump of some person's body. A rather relieved sigh filled the air. "Safe..."