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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia




My guess based translation based solely on Kanji:

There is a leader of many ugliness.
In possession of a human body to destroy man(kind?), the symbol of hostility.
The second generation demon king, what is his true name?

There was probably lore in game somewhere that hints at this name.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Aw, don't tell me that. I'm gonna have to go back and look now.
EDIT: Backtracked, took another route. The Boss from the Demo makes an appearance, but you don't fight her yet.

...I think the game is getting self-referential with the Demo. The Mini-boss fight before the Boss in the demo? It's happening again, and I think they're talking about it having happened before.
EDIT2: It would seem that you can just go through a tough fight and break the Statues asking the questions. Let's see if that works... Yep. Tough fight, but it worked.

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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

For anyone getting the tileset error when you start a new game. You need to download the Standard RTP required for the game.


Make sure you set RTP1=Standard in the Game.ini file.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Lol,lost in the first battle.
I'm a failure
Anyone might explain what does what in the system menu?
And,uh,what attack does what
UPD 2 - Fuck. You can delete monsters in the party/house. Like,totally delete. Fuck-fuck-fuck.
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Takito - the first thing I'm gonna recommend you do is grab the RPGMaker Games Manager, which can be found in a stickied post in this forum. Get that and set it up with translation software. It'll help you tremendously.

That in mind, there are some attacks that are unique to characters, with a few universal ones.

The top row of your skills menu contains two keys - the left key removes the enemy's clothes, the right key removes your own. Under that, you'll have 4 colored icons. Top left is a kiss attack. Using this also increases Mood. Top right attacks the breasts. Bottom left attacks the butt, and may delay the enemy. Bottom right attacks the vagina, which also gets the enemy wet.

After that, there are also ornamental keys. These usually refer to a technique that locks you in with that enemy. You can usually tell what it does by the symbols in the description - for instance, ♂→♀ means your penis in their vagina. ♀→♀ means vagina to vagina, the female-only equivalent of the last one. Then there's also a japanese character that looks like a box. I'ma use □ instead. There are a couple that are □→♀ and ♀→□. That's your mouth to their pussy, and your pussy to their mouth, respectively.

Lastly, anything with "EP" in the title is something that restores health.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

well, here's what I have for now: Config menu, enemy & skills names. Many things still don't show, but that should help a bit for starters.
I'm unsatisfied with a lot of stuff, but I'm likely not to do any more, so...

...Come to think of it, I have yet to try playing the game too -_-

removing old stuff=> http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=870743&postcount=279
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Thanks for the work you put into that :) I feel like i'm missing so much of the game, am lvl 35 now. Got into some area with a Succubus surrounded by 5-6 huge weird looking creatures. She gave me a coin (i think?) and now i have no clue where to go.

Aw, don't tell me that. I'm gonna have to go back and look now.
EDIT: Backtracked, took another route. The Boss from the Demo makes an appearance, but you don't fight her yet.

...I think the game is getting self-referential with the Demo. The Mini-boss fight before the Boss in the demo? It's happening again, and I think they're talking about it having happened before.
EDIT2: It would seem that you can just go through a tough fight and break the Statues asking the questions. Let's see if that works... Yep. Tough fight, but it worked.


Also where did you find that maid? I've yet to see her.
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

well, here's what I have for now: Config menu, enemy & skills names.

Well that quickly answered my question, great work on all of this, really appreciate it!
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

I apologize for my lack of knowledge but how do I use the script file?
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

I apologize for my lack of knowledge but how do I use the script file?

Browse into the Data folder inside Succubus Rhapsodia, find the file Scripts.rxdata and make a backup of it somewhere, then replace it with the modified one that you downloaded from here. Hope that helps.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Thanks for the work you put into that :) I feel like i'm missing so much of the game, am lvl 35 now. Got into some area with a Succubus surrounded by 5-6 huge weird looking creatures. She gave me a coin (i think?) and now i have no clue where to go.

Also where did you find that maid? I've yet to see her.
At some point, after the church section, you get to an area with floor panels that move you around. You end up following them into a trap hole, where you first encounter the new Slave Girl enemy, with the Maid/Familiar girls present as well. There is, in that room of jail cells, a special Maid with green hair and a strap-on. Keep in mind, that is a fight against SIX SLAVES, PLUS THE POWERED-UP MAID. Very difficult fight if you're not careful.

There is also a section that you guys will really want to know about - you walk into a fairly big area with a pillar in the entry. Reading the pillar tells you that, to unlock the door up ahead, you need to find four more Rhapsodia coins. You're also going to have enemies chasing you while you look, and these enemies can GO THROUGH WALLS. Every time you find a coin, you get another enemy chasing you. If you defeat them, they disappear and you're free to continue searching (but if you leave the area and come back, they ALL reappear). Further, the fights get harder and harder with each coin. Now, where do you find those coins?
1. Behind the Pillar that tells you stuff.
2. On the far right, there's a corridor with four bookshelves. The top left one will be glowing. Search to the LEFT of the glow.
3. There's a demonic shrine. Go all the way DOWN from there until you hit the bottom wall. Search the wall.
4. There are three stone columns near #3. Search the MIDDLE column from its right-hand side.

Also, golden slimes do not fuck around. Beware.
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

If anyone still needs help on how to import you trial info, I figured it out. You need to have the whole trial folder in the same root folder and the trial folder named "Succubus Rhapsodia Trial". If you have the special trial save, it should grab it when you get to the replica of the beginning trial town (when you go to the shed and tell the game to import it).

EDIT: However, you need to defeat them one by one to recontract them.
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

This is a member of the game staff who has said he's been put in charge of making an official English translation I believe. You can check in his tweets, so for any who are working on a translation, you can try getting into touch with him and he can probably give you a hand!
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

More info on the game. I guess this is kind of a lazy walkthrough.

So, you're gonna come to an area with 6 doors. There's a lounge, a kitchen, a room filled with slimes (be careful if you interact with the bookshelf, 3xGolden Slime fight. They're tougher than you think). There's also a room with a chest and some bookshelves. The Chest tells you to go count (I think) how many Bookshelves there are in all six rooms. I counted 27, and that was WRONG. After some trial and error, the correct number was somewhere between 30 and 35. There does not seem to be any consequence for counting incorrectly, so don't worry about that.

More info as I continue playing.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Well, I seem to be encountering an issue that someone had way back on page 4 but never got an answer for:

I can't see any text in the game. At all. I can see the highlight graphic on the start screen and move it between what are presumably New, Load, and Quit, but there's no text, not even in japanese. When I actually get into the game it's the same way.

The only character I *have* managed to get to appear in any of the dialogue boxes is a heart (in one of the space dream area dialogue boxes), which leads me to believe this may be a missing font issue.

EDIT: And I just crashed trying to leave the house you wake up in. Hm. Might be a corrupted extract/download, I'll try redownloading and unpacking it again.

EDIT 2: Nope, completely redownloaded, extracted again, even tried twice using different programs (winRAR vs 7-zip), still no text.
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Check your Game.ini file, that's the only thing that comes to mind for missing text. For example, my copy of the game has Library=RGSS104J.dll
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Mimic found! Don't know if this was found.

In the "demonized church", in the back of the left room, behind the pillar you see lines on the wall. There's a secret door there followed by another secret door in the room inside. There's a mimic chest in this room.

Edit: Never mind...there's a lot
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Bought game, grabbed up my companions from the trial without much problem despite only being about level 5 by the time I reached the place you can do that :p Worth it for picking up the gears I had on them anyway I suppose (particularly the glass ring... probably should have got more runes on them too but too late now)

There's a pretty decent amount of secret places to find if you're looking around. You might need to look a bit close but they're usually pretty obvious if you're paying attention (for example, slightly off wall color; stuff that might indicate a path where there doesn't appear to be one). These can have some very nice things in them as well so it's worth keeping an eye out for them. Pretty sure the one gear I picked up with +10 speed and paralysis resist was from one of those areas.

Anyway still haven't gotten further than the first real boss (as in one that actually changes poses - lv20, in the dark cave)... probably should get a few more levels and maybe actually get some runes, since level 11 without runes isn't cutting it - though the normal encounters are easy enough there if I start one up. Probably should try getting strong enough for the stationary OFE encounter before trying the boss again

Noticed pretty quickly that the Embrace skill isn't nearly as OP as it was in the trial... probably a good thing to be honest :p Still hold that Casts are a decent support with increased EP/VP recovery for out of battle, as well as helping out @ scavenge points (Familiars can help with scavenge pts as well, and also have 蒐集 skill to increase drop rates for after battles). Probably should try using other characters to see if they get useful passives as well
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Getting an error when I try to run it, "RGSS-RTP STANDARD (japanese characters)" and then it closes. I thought I had all RTPs installed :confused:

Edit: Or rather, where do I download the file I need? neither Google nor RPG maker's website is getting me anything for "standard"
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