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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Just a question. I haven't installed any of the patches yet. Do I have to install all the past patches too, or will the most recent patch (1.07 at the moment) include all the previous one? Thanks!
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

I'm just really hoping someone will make a "female MC"-mod at some point. I find this would just be the perfect game then.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Just a question. I haven't installed any of the patches yet. Do I have to install all the past patches too, or will the most recent patch (1.07 at the moment) include all the previous one? Thanks!

I think that the most recent patch includes all the previous one. I skipped some patches and my game is fine.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Last script, with version 1.02
I forgot I altered the system words, so I added the file in the package (for the first stats in menu). I might have to wait 'till the patches release rate go down a little before I make something for 1.08 or later...
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Anyone have any tips to catch succubi? I know the flower items help and the lowest rank of those can be collected, just not sure where's a good spot to find them.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Anyone have any tips to catch succubi? I know the flower items help and the lowest rank of those can be collected, just not sure where's a good spot to find them.

It's all about the Mood.

I looked around and found some pretty useful tips from Sebastian for capturing girls.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/-lOBc3QZD9w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Kiss the girl; kiss her to death, suck out her soul. Worked for me.

Because Higher mood = Higher contract offer chance after battle. I spec'ed out my Laurat to destroy women with his mouth.

You can also use words (Talk), as that function is completely devoted to boosting Mood, but the game doesn't really let you talk them to death, so it becomes very inefficient since you could use the same amount of time spent yapping to instead kill her and move onto another succubus or reset the map to retry. The only time you should resort to using Talk is when you're fighting a rare succubus (an OFE) but kill them too quickly with Kiss.

But you probably already knew this; I just wanted to post the vid. T'is how I imagined every SQ encounter to be. *sniff*
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Anyone have any tips to catch succubi? I know the flower items help and the lowest rank of those can be collected, just not sure where's a good spot to find them.
This had me interested:
Base catch rate is a somewhat random percentage:
+ with critical hits, analyze...
+ with mood maxed (up to x2 with mood 100%)
+ 10% with the item

-3% per level higher than player
/10 if you haven't bothered 'talking' to her
/2 if you haven't EACH had an orgasm

Gotta catch'em all!
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

This had me interested:
Base catch rate is a somewhat random percentage:
+ with critical hits, analyze...
+ with mood maxed (up to x2 with mood 100%)
+ 10% with the item

-3% per level higher than player
/10 if you haven't bothered 'talking' to her
/2 if you haven't EACH had an orgasm

Gotta catch'em all!

Dating has never been more sexy.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

I'm a maths guy, bite me :p It's all about finesse...

Lmao, fair enough.

Now that the romance has died out, I decided to look into the data for myself just to be sure love is dead:

from Scene_Battle 2
  # ● 契約チェック
  def contract_check
    # 契約夢魔の初期化
    $game_temp.contract_enemy == nil
    # 味方戦なら終了
    if $game_switches[85] or $game_switches[86] or $game_temp.absolute_contract == 2
    # パーティもボックスも埋まっている場合も終了
    if $game_party.box_max == $game_party.home_actors
    # 最後に残った夢魔の友好度が100に到達している場合
    if @last_enemies[0].friendly >= 100
      # 贈り物カウントがある場合は無条件
      if @last_enemies[0].present_count > 0
        $game_temp.absolute_contract = 1
      # トーク回数が限界数に達していた場合も無条件
      elsif @last_enemies[0].pillowtalk >= 3
        $game_temp.absolute_contract = 1
    # 友好度100未満だが50を越えている場合
    elsif @last_enemies[0].friendly >= 50
      # 贈り物カウントが1回以上ある場合は別カウント
      if @last_enemies[0].present_count > 0
        perc = (@last_enemies[0].present_count * 30)
        perc -= (@last_enemies[0].level - $game_actors[101].level) * 2
        if rand(100) < perc
          $game_temp.absolute_contract = 1
    # 友好度50に到達していない場合
      # 贈り物カウントが1回以上ある場合は別カウント
      if @last_enemies[0].present_count > 0
        perc = (@last_enemies[0].present_count * 10)
        perc -= (@last_enemies[0].level - $game_actors[101].level) * 2
        if rand(100) < perc
          $game_temp.absolute_contract = 1
    # ここから通常処理
    # 最後に残った夢魔の友好度+ムードが乱数以内ならば契約可能に
    per = @last_enemies[0].friendly * $mood.point / 50
    # ロウラットのレベルを超えている場合、差に比例して確率を減少させる
    if $game_actors[101].level < @last_enemies[0].level
      lv_rate = (@last_enemies[0].level - $game_actors[101].level) * 3
      lv_rate = 0
    per -= lv_rate
    if @last_enemies[0].pillowtalk == 0 and @last_enemies[0].present_count == 0
      per /= 10
    # パーセント最大値は100
    per = [per,100].min
    # レベルの半分は失敗率が現れる。
    per -= @last_enemies[0].level / 2
    # 戦闘に出ているメンバーの補正でごまかせる
    for actor in $game_party.battle_actors
      per += 10 if actor.equip?("友好のメダル")
      per += 10 if actor.have_ability?("カリスマ")
    c = rand(100)
    if per >= c
      $game_temp.contract_enemy = @last_enemies[0]
    # 確定契約フラグが立ってるなら確定で入れる
    if $game_temp.absolute_contract == 1
      $game_temp.contract_enemy = @last_enemies[0]

From what I can make out of it, it explains the green points:
This had me interested:
Base catch rate is a somewhat random percentage:
+ with critical hits, analyze...
+ with mood maxed (up to x2 with mood 100%)
+ 10% with the item

-3% per level higher than player
/10 if you haven't bothered 'talking' to her
/2 if you haven't EACH had an orgasm

Gotta catch'em all!

(For the crits, I've found that in Game_Battler 4 (mentioned in a spoiler'ed out section below).)

However, I don't get where the orgasming comes from though... pls help @.@

Besides that, for those interested, here's a rough break down of the code into simpler terms for the mathematically challenged like myself xD:

1. ~Guaranteed Contract Method:
- maxed out (>=100) "friendly"-ness with the enemy succubus, and either given her at least 1 present/gift or used Talk on her 3 or more times

2. ~Very High chance Method:
- reached 50 or more "friendly"ness with the enemy succubus, and have given presents to the succubus
- each present (including the first) adds +30% chance of getting a contract
- the level difference between Laurat and the enemy succubus adds 2% chance for every level Laurat is higher than the succubus, or subtracts 2% chance of every level he's lower than her.
-> basically, if you've given 4 presents and you're not more than 10 levels below the succubus' level, and you've reached 50 friendly-ness with the succubus, you're guaranteed to get a contract

3. ~Pretty High chance Method:
- have given at least 1 present to the succubus
- each present (including the first) add +10% chance of getting a contract
- the level difference between Laurat and the enemy succubus adds 2% chance for every level Laurat is higher than the succubus, or subtracts 2% chance of every level he's lower than her.

If you've failed all 3 contract rolls from the above (the game runs through each of them), you've still following contract calculation that may fail or succeed to get you a contract offer:

4. Normal method (calculated in the following order):
- your base contract chance is the enemy succubus' "friendly"-ness, multiplied by the Mood and then divided by 50. (e.g. 31*15/50 = 9.3%, assuming a Lesser Succubus, Mood being at 15/100, and that you didn't land any Sensual Strokes)
- if Laurat's level is below the enemy succubus' level, then every level he's lower than her decreases his chance of getting a contract by 3%.
- if you didn't talk to her or give her any presents, your chances are slashed by 10 (e.g. 10% becomes 1%). Either talking at least once or giving a present nullifies the decrement.
- half of the succubus' level then decreases the chance of getting a contract (e.g. level 30 Succubus will have a -15% contract chance from this, level 2 Imp getting -4% chance, etc)
- finally, if you have the Medal of Friendship ("友好のメダル") equipped and/or the Charismatic ("カリスマ") ability/trait, you get +10% chance for each of them. I'm guessing that this is cumulative across all party members, since the code doesn't point towards any particular actor, but not sure.

Each method (#1-4) is mutually exclusive, respectively.

As for increasing this "friendly" variable, I haven't gotten very far, but these sections should explain the "friendly" gains from the Sensual Strokes (critical hits) and starting "friendly" values:
- Criticals dealt to the enemy adds +2 to their "friendly"-ness towards Laurat. src:
from Game_Battler 4
          # ★クリティカル判定(ムードが上がれば上がるほど倍率も加算される:最低1.1倍、最大で1.6倍)
          if rand(100) < plus_critical
            ct_rate = ($mood.point / 2).ceil + 110
            self.damage = (self.damage * ct_rate / 100).floor
            self.friendly += 2 if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
            self.critical = true

- When the enemy uses Check Out" ("品定め") on Laurat and succeeds, they get +5 to "friendly"-ness. src:
from Game_Battler 4
      # 「品定め」は成功すると自分にマーキングを付ける
      if skill.name == "品定め" and rand(100) < 70 and user.is_a?(Game_Enemy) 
        user.marking_battler = self
        user.friendly += 5

- "friendly"-ness has a default of "31", and is decremented by 3x the "contract_level" stat of the succubus type. I.e. a Succubus starts at "1", Caster starts at "25", and a Demon starts at "-29". src:
from Game_Enemy (設定用):
    # ついでに初期友好度も確定
    # 初期値30(レベル1で)
    self.friendly = 31
    # これに種族毎の契約難度に合わせて下げる。
    self.friendly -= $data_SDB[self.class_id].contract_level * 3
    # さらにレベルが1上がっている毎に下げる。
    for i in 1..self.level
      self.friendly -= 1

aggregated from RPG::SDB(種族値・設定用), sorted from lowest to highest contract level (indiscriminate of whether succubus is its normal version or OFE version):
- Lesser Succubus, Imp, Little Witch, (and all the bosses):
        @contract_level = 0
- Caster:
        @contract_level = 2
- Nightmare, Slime, Goblin:
        @contract_level = 4
- Alraune, Matango:
        @contract_level = 6
- Witch, Slave, Familiar, Werewolf, Werecat, Cursed Magus:
        @contract_level = 8
- Succubus, Devil, Dark Angel, Gargoyle:
        @contract_level = 10
- Goblin Leader, Mimic, Lilim:
        @contract_level = 12
- Priestess:
        @contract_level = 15
- Succubus Lord, Demon, Gold Slime, Tamamo:
        @contract_level = 20

- Critical Hits bring all the girls to the yard (aka Sensual Strokes)
- Good Mood is good
- Enemy level and type heavily affect contract rate
- Talking at least once is important
- Laurat's Level matters
- Medal of Friendship and Charismatic help quite a bit
- Presents are nice

Now, some calculations, if the math's accurate:

Examples (all hypothetical and untested, just abiding by the code, not guaranteed to get you real girls),:
Example #1:
Enemy: Lv.47 Succubus
Laurat: Lv.46
Victory situation: Talked 1 time, Mood was at 64%, Laurat didn't land any Sensual Strokes, enemy didn't Check Out Laurat, no special equipment or abilities/traits

>>Calculation: [(31 - 10*3)*64/50] - (47-46)*3 - 47/2 = -25.22
>>Result: No chance of contract (hypothetically)
- This is to demonstrate that high-level enemies have low contract rates

Example #2:
Enemy: Lv.5 Lesser Succubus
Laurat: Lv.8
Victory situation: Talked 1 time, Mood was at 28%, Laurat didn't land any Sensual Strokes, enemy didn't Check Out Laurat, no special equipment or abilities/traits

>>Calculation: [(31 - 0*3)*28/50] - 5/2 = 14.86
>>Result: 14.86% of receiving a contract offer
- This is to demonstrate that low-level enemies have high contract rates

Example #3:
Enemy: Lv.2 Imp
Laurat: Lv.2
Victory situation: Didn't talk, Mood was at 48%, Laurat landed 2 Sensual Strokes, enemy didn't Check Out Laurat, no special equipment or abilities/traits

>>Calculation: [(31 - 0*3 + 4)*48/50] /10 - 2/2 = 2.36
>>Result: 2.36% of receiving a contract offer
- This is to demonstrate that not talking or giving presents will very negatively impact contract offer rates.

Example #4:
Enemy: Lv.33 Mimic
Laurat: Lv.31
Victory situation: Talked 3 times, Mood was at 86%, Laurat landed 12 Sensual Strokes, enemy didn't Check Out Laurat, no special equipment or abilities/traits

>>Calculation: [(31 - 12*3 + 24)*86/50] - (33-31)*3 - 33/2 = 10.18
>>Result: 10.18% of receiving a contract offer
- This is to demonstrate that mood and sensual strokes have a strong impact on contract offer rates.

Example #5:
Enemy: Lv.50 Demon
Laurat: Lv.50
Victory situation: Talked 12 times, Mood was at 100%, Laurat landed 19 Sensual Strokes, didn't give any presents, enemy used Check Out on Laurat, no special equipment or abilities/traits

>>Calculation: [(31 - 20*3 + 38 + 5)*100/50] - 50/2 = 3
>>Result: 3% of receiving a contract offer
- This is to demonstrate that it takes a hell of a lot of Sensual Strokes (criticals) and Mood to get a contract from a high-level high-tier succubus. Once you're past 20 sensual strokes though, you should be alright, but it's highly impractical.

Example #5:
Enemy: Lv.26 Nightmare
Laurat: Lv.22
Victory situation: Talked 1 time, gave 4 presents, Mood was at 0%, Laurat landed 16 Sensual Strokes, enemy did not Check Out Laurat, no special equipment or abilities/traits

>>Calculation: [(31 - 4*3 + 32)] = 51 "friendly"
>>(using method 2 because friendly >=50, but <100):
>>Calculation 2: [4*30 - 4*2] = 108
>>Result: 108% of receiving a contract offer
- This is to demonstrate that for low-tier succubi, you can be a prude by continuously denying her when she tries taking your clothes off (hence the extremely low mood), and still have her wanna date you if you're great with your hands and buy her a lot of gifts.
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

I've found it pretty easy to get even higher level girls to come along with me without having looked at all that but maybe it just seemed obvious (to me) what to do :p

Anyway, anyone know where you're supposed to figure out the answer to the last door for the place with the questioning statues? I think I might have missed an npc (or just haven't progressed to the right places)... yeah, I know I saw someone post the answer back in the thread but it'd be nice to know where it comes from (without just using editor to figure it out like that)... Question prompt bit in japanese for reference is
TLDR; where can we learn the 2nd Demon Lord's true name in game?

There's also a door before that that I basically just guessed the answer based on the 2nd item (「忍耐のルーン」) and the previous pairs of items, but uh... any idea where to get a 「シックなチョーカー」?

Progress wise, got enough magic power to open up the goblin mines which seemed a bit out of my league presently due to the high number of enemies in encounters (and also higher level than most of my people), and also unlock the area with alraunes - naturally immediately went for a contract despite a ~10lv difference and managed it :D
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

*wall of unsexy maths :p*
Yummy :) Nice wiki!

My info was outdated, they wiped out these lines since 1.03:
if @last_enemies[0].pillowtalk == 0 #this one stayed
elsif @last_enemies[0].pillowtalk == 1 and
not $game_actors[101].ecstasy_count.include?(@last_enemies[0]) and
not @last_enemies[0].ecstasy_count.include?($game_actors[101])
per /= 2 #feed her or -50%!
Be nice... Feed the poor hungry girlies... The devs are so mean, really... :(

edit: oh, I'm pretty sure the romanised hero's name is "Lawrence"... I can't remember where I know/suppose that from, though...
It might be "Laurent", a French name... After all, I think "neijuranju" comes from "Oronge", the "Amanite des Césars", a rare mushroom... I might also be wrong here. Anyway, anything beats "low rat" by a large margin...
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

A good indicator to capture a girl is the heart icon appearing over their head, after an action. A triple heart is the maximum.

In my playthrough, I used to talk to them a lot and "accept" their attack (when you have a resist QTE, you can accept it with the cancel key. They like it a lot and it's a really good way to increase the mood quickly, but it can be very risky).
I had a near 100% catch rate with this method but the fights were really long, though.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

I find math to be very sexy... in the form of things other then math :D
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

TLDR; where can we learn the 2nd Demon Lord's true name in game?

Answer is: ギルゴーン

Aluranes are super handy when you want to capture a succubus, they have a skill that automatically increases the mood every turn after its used. Less time spent increasing the mood.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Looks really interesting, hope to see a demo soon!
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

so..the imp and the lesser succubus can rank up twice? 16 and 35?
the goblin can rank up to the gang leader, another rank up possible?
the little witch can rank up to witch, is there another rank up possible?
didnt see alot of confirmation, but it feels like some dont got an evolution at all...
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

so..the imp and the lesser succubus can rank up twice? 16 and 35?
the goblin can rank up to the gang leader, another rank up possible?
the little witch can rank up to witch, is there another rank up possible?
didnt see alot of confirmation, but it feels like some dont got an evolution at all...

-imp and lesser succubus can rank up twice at lvl 12 and 34.
-Goblin ranks up to gang leader at lvl 26
-Witch is the last rank

Important thing to remember is that when you rank up, Hunger rate and Energy consumption also go up. So save before you rank up and see if you can handle it
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

i noticed that too,
but these are so far the only ones that have rank ups? no familiar, slime or wolf with a second or third form?
still, the game is awesome.