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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Also, to add onto succubus evolution:

- The ability/trait "最高の姿" ("The Highest Form") makes it so that the succubus's stats are as strong as its fully evolved form.

It's meaningless on a Succubus Lord, for example, but nice if you don't like the fully evolved form's appearance or abilities/skills (e.g. I found her breasts to be way too big, and she looks like a cougar xD). All evolve-able succubus can gain this ability at Lv.30 for 5000 Contract Beads (契約の珠) at the home party menu.


On a general note:

From what I can see from the game data, the game's still got quite a lot of unimplemented stuff; I'm sure some could tell by the Demon's lack of dialogue (she's from one of the two starting succubi families; it's pretty odd to have her suddenly go absolutely silent after evolving from Devil).

Now I'm currently around midway through the game I think (level 38ish, just got to Hell). There's anal dialogue and hooks in the game script, yet I've still not encountered any anal circumstances in game.

Has anybody got some anal action yet?

If none as of v1.09, then I'd guess the game's stable point should probably be around ~v1.40-v1.60, because anal is 20-25% of the game's hold/insertion content (alongside vaginal/oral inserts, paizuri and dildo/tentacle stuff). :x
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Has anybody got some anal action yet?

None and I was quite saddened by that.
I don't even remember seeing an anal insertion skill on the strapon maid or the tentacle girl too, it would have been great (Unless I'm misremembering or if a specific rune is needed).
Hopefully they will add the possibility later.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

This mod "誰でもパフパフ他MOD" has an anal dildo hold that any can learn for 1500 contract jewels (didnt test it but i could buy it)

-You can find the mod here: scrp.cswiki.jp/index.php?MOD%E7%B4%B9%E4%BB%8B

-Use this program to open it hibara.org/software/attachecase/ (suggest using 2.8 since 3 was wonky and error prone)

-In advance settings, check the use images as passwords(its the top most checkbox)

-The password is the "icon.ico" in the game folder, just drag and drop it in attache case to decript it

Edit: @x421 the ones i mentioned are the only ones that evolve
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

The basics for some moves, holds, including:

-most anal stuff except for the special familiar (and it was buggy last time I unwillingly checked)
-reverse straddle (butt-in-the-face)
-'heaven's feel' (head locked between breasts)
-'legs held spread apart' hold
-some kind of assjob, supposedly?

...have been set, but are not implemented AFAIK. It would require relatively little work to get them up & working, and I suppose the devs are counting on the ever-reliable japanese modding community...

That being said, I hope the English community, this time around, does more than just sit around.

If someone is willing, a github project would be great for dabblers like me to help around, either just translating, or scripting in new English movesets/dialogues... That would require some knowledge, and informing the devs we're doing so.

I know I won't have the required time myself, but I hope to see a project at least the size of the MGQ Paradox one bloom...
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

edit: oh, I'm pretty sure the romanised hero's name is "Lawrence"... I can't remember where I know/suppose that from, though...
It might be "Laurent", a French name... After all, I think "neijuranju" comes from "Oronge", the "Amanite des Césars", a rare mushroom... I might also be wrong here. Anyway, anything beats "low rat" by a large margin...

Haha yeah, I really couldn't find myself comfortable with "low rat" xD. I simply went with Laurat because Laurence was a little long (given the combat text box width limitations).

Great job getting Orange out of that name though - it gave me a headache, lol.

A good indicator to capture a girl is the heart icon appearing over their head, after an action. A triple heart is the maximum.

In my playthrough, I used to talk to them a lot and "accept" their attack (when you have a resist QTE, you can accept it with the cancel key. They like it a lot and it's a really good way to increase the mood quickly, but it can be very risky).
I had a near 100% catch rate with this method but the fights were really long, though.

Interesting find... never noticed it 'til now!

Also, didn't know about the Acceptance thing with cancel key; thanks for mentioning this!

After some testing, it would seem that accepting with the cancel key increases the friendliness variable, and that those hearts are indicators for the friendliness variable... and that double hearts from the picture meant I had reached >=50...

Tried going higher, but my Laurat didn't have enough VP to keep accepting xD. Will try again later on weaker mobs.

That being said, I hope the English community, this time around, does more than just sit around.

If someone is willing, a github project would be great for dabblers like me to help around, either just translating, or scripting in new English movesets/dialogues... That would require some knowledge, and informing the devs we're doing so.

I know I won't have the required time myself, but I hope to see a project at least the size of the MGQ Paradox one bloom...

Likewise. I've no experience with github, but I'll look into it later. I've already finished most of the UI, skilltext, skill descriptions and ability descriptions roughly based off of your skill translations while I was goofing off. Would like to see this game in complete English.

EDIT: nevermind, figured it out. It would seem that some of the talk system in the .rb files construct the sentences by case... might become quite tedious. T'was a good thing I didn't get too invasive with the personalities! Now learning github.
The biggest problem I bumped into however was the Talk skill - I couldn't find the text for when you use the Talk skill on enemies. I'm guessing it's in the .rb files in the system/talk folder, which I've also little experience with. @.@
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

The biggest problem I bumped into however was the Talk skill - I couldn't find the text for when you use the Talk skill on enemies. I'm guessing it's in the .rb files in the system/talk folder, which I've also little experience with. @.@

I took a look by curiosity.
You just have to open "C_Talk.rb" with notepad++ or something, in system/talk/monster_folder (for example "05_LesserSuccubus_07").
I can clearly see the text.

Can't help more, I haven't done anything ruby related in years (I'm more of a C++ guy).

EDIT: I saw your edit too late.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

I haven't done anything ruby related in years (I'm more of a C++ guy).
Grab notepad++ if you don't already have it:
it can edit .rb (ruby) files without "harming" them - unlike basic text editors. There's also a handy 'compare' plugin you might want.

No Ruby knowledge whatsoever is needed to edit the japaneses strings. Speaking Japanese, or alternatively being creative or imaginative enough, however, would help lots...

I'm not so hot about the 'talk' files being external - they're the ones slowing down the startup THAT much, but they're easy enough to edit for anyone, that's the plus side, I guess.

I haven't used Github much, and that was some time ago, but it is really great for managing such projects. Basically, you work on 'clones' of the base project, can browse all files easily, break down or compile larger files, compare any and all changes with a new patch, or with another helper's work... It's really great IMO, perfect for this specific job, for what little I've seen and used of it.

I'll (finally!) buy the game this w-e, but the next time I work on it, I think I'll need to have a serious look at the message interpreter issue ('w', 'y', 'H' disappearing & replaced by hearts, pauses... [rant]Dang commuters and dang non-unicode...[/rant]). Advice from Ruby/RPGM badasses would be appreciated. :confused:
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

I don't know why but I don't have the percentage of the mood. Can someone explain to me if it is bugged my version or if I have to enable something in the option? :confused:
Thanks in advance :D
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

I don't know why but I don't have the percentage of the mood. Can someone explain to me if it is bugged my version or if I have to enable something in the option? :confused:
Thanks in advance :D

It's more than likely a bugged version.

I haven't found any cases where the percentage would be hidden (just checked the prologue instance, even it has the percentage displayed). :s

I took a look by curiosity.
You just have to open "C_Talk.rb" with notepad++ or something, in system/talk/monster_folder (for example "05_LesserSuccubus_07").
I can clearly see the text.

Can't help more, I haven't done anything ruby related in years (I'm more of a C++ guy).

EDIT: I saw your edit too late.

Yeah I was a noob. Thanks anyways! xD

Grab notepad++ if you don't already have it:
it can edit .rb (ruby) files without "harming" them - unlike basic text editors. There's also a handy 'compare' plugin you might want.

No Ruby knowledge whatsoever is needed to edit the japaneses strings. Speaking Japanese, or alternatively being creative or imaginative enough, however, would help lots...

I'm not so hot about the 'talk' files being external - they're the ones slowing down the startup THAT much, but they're easy enough to edit for anyone, that's the plus side, I guess.

I haven't used Github much, and that was some time ago, but it is really great for managing such projects. Basically, you work on 'clones' of the base project, can browse all files easily, break down or compile larger files, compare any and all changes with a new patch, or with another helper's work... It's really great IMO, perfect for this specific job, for what little I've seen and used of it.

I'll (finally!) buy the game this w-e, but the next time I work on it, I think I'll need to have a serious look at the message interpreter issue ('w', 'y', 'H' disappearing & replaced by hearts, pauses... [rant]Dang commuters and dang non-unicode...[/rant]). Advice from Ruby/RPGM badasses would be appreciated. :confused:
I've watched some tutorials, and I think I get a good idea how to use it. I'm uploading my translated files to it now (edit: linked below in p.s.), with the scripts in their own .rb files. Will post a link of it when done.

And about that damn message interpreter issue (caused by Window_BattleLog):
- I've commented out the lines for \y since I haven't found the scripts using it anyways.
- For some reason \n doesn't make "n" disappear; haven't figured out why
- for "m" and "w", I replaced all my translated "m"s and "w"s with double-byte versions. The double-byte "m" is pretty much indistinguishable using the game's default font; the "w", only if you look closely.
- for "q" and "H", I've done the same as I did for "m" and "w", but they're ugly as fack; unless I find out why "\n" plays nice but the others don't, I'll probably change these out for numbers (like \5, or \2, unless that's already a command...).

I've still kept all by \y untouched so far, because I didn't have a complete grasp of the game yet. Now that I feel more confidant, I'll probably start fixing the problem.

p.s. made .
- Figuring out github from conflicting tutorials gave me a headache, so the stuff I uploaded isn't much different from what I had a week ago. Going to sleep after editing this post.
- The translations are quite invasive because I don't know enough ruby (or even programming above the barebones basics) to do much else than replace strings.
- It's stable though; only the occasional aesthetic bugs as of translation v1.01 (based on v1.08).
- I've broken down the Script.rxdata into sections in .rb files. The prefixed numbers on their file names keep them listed in the order when they're listed in the RPG Maker script editor.
- Fresh gitnoob here; hope it's acceptable/legible enough. :p
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Grab notepad++ if you don't already have it:
it can edit .rb (ruby) files without "harming" them - unlike basic text editors. There's also a handy 'compare' plugin you might want.

No Ruby knowledge whatsoever is needed to edit the japaneses strings. Speaking Japanese, or alternatively being creative or imaginative enough, however, would help lots...

I do have notepad++ and I like it a lot.
I wasn't sure if there some sort of constraint with the strings when I posted. I tried to edit some texts and it seems to work.

I made a quick program to dump the interesting lines (the ones where tx[] is modified) in a separate file, modify them and then put them back in the .rb file. It's rudimentary but I will share this later if someone is interested (I need to clean up the code first).
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

ok I will try to redownload it :p
thanks man :D
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

The enemy dildo Familiars in 1.07 at least do have デイルドインバック ("dildo in back") but unless they use it on your male character, it seems they don't actually do anything in that hold.
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

And about that damn message interpreter issue (caused by Window_BattleLog):
- I've commented out the lines for \y since I haven't found the scripts using it anyways.
- For some reason \n doesn't make "n" disappear; haven't figured out why
- for "m" and "w", I replaced all my translated "m"s and "w"s with double-byte versions. The double-byte "m" is pretty much indistinguishable using the game's default font; the "w", only if you look closely.
- for "q" and "H", I've done the same as I did for "m" and "w", but they're ugly as fack; unless I find out why "\n" plays nice but the others don't, I'll probably change these out for numbers (like \5, or \2, unless that's already a command...).

I've still kept all by \y untouched so far, because I didn't have a complete grasp of the game yet. Now that I feel more confidant, I'll probably start fixing the problem.
Quick answer, if that helps:
- \y inserts a "wait_count" (4,8 or 12 depending on system settings). \m and \w as well, with another delay - I'm not sure what is the 'default' one for message display. I'll give a try with "slow" battle speed sometime.
- \n inserts a line return (the \n commuter is native to RPGM) which is reinserted in the log by: $game_temp.battle_back_log += "\n". Still unsure why the line return command isn't applied in that case, but it's a good clue, I'll look into it.

Edit: 2 examples of possible solution I'm not so satisfied with:
if c == "\H" and text.size == 0
# basically, only draw a "Heart" if it's the last character in the string
heart = RPG::Cache.picture("heart")
self.contents.blt(x + 6 , 24 * y + 10, heart, Rect.new(0, 0, 16, 16))
x += 16
# 次の文字へ

# ウェイト文字(長時間)の場合
if c == "\w"
# ウェイトを入れる
case $game_system.ms_skip_mode
when 3 #手動送りモード
@wait_count = 1
when 2 #デバッグモード
@wait_count = 3
when 1 #快速モード
@wait_count = 4
@wait_count = ($game_system.battle_speed_time(1) * 3)
$game_temp.battle_log_wait_flag = true
# 今の座標を維持して返す
@keep_flag = true
@last_x = x
@last_y = y
### return
# theoretically, now "w" will show now - as a character OR a commuter
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Quick answer, if that helps:
- \y inserts a "wait_count" (4,8 or 12 depending on system settings). \m and \w as well, with another delay - I'm not sure what is the 'default' one for message display. I'll give a try with "slow" battle speed sometime.
- \n inserts a line return (the \n commuter is native to RPGM) which is reinserted in the log by: $game_temp.battle_back_log += "\n". Still unsure why the line return command isn't applied in that case, but it's a good clue, I'll look into it.

Edit: 2 examples of possible solution I'm not so satisfied with:
if c == "\H" and text.size == 0
# basically, only draw a "Heart" if it's the last character in the string
heart = RPG::Cache.picture("heart")
self.contents.blt(x + 6 , 24 * y + 10, heart, Rect.new(0, 0, 16, 16))
x += 16
# 次の文字へ

# ウェイト文字(長時間)の場合
if c == "\w"
# ウェイトを入れる
case $game_system.ms_skip_mode
when 3 #手動送りモード
@wait_count = 1
when 2 #デバッグモード
@wait_count = 3
when 1 #快速モード
@wait_count = 4
@wait_count = ($game_system.battle_speed_time(1) * 3)
$game_temp.battle_log_wait_flag = true
# 今の座標を維持して返す
@keep_flag = true
@last_x = x
@last_y = y
### return
# theoretically, now "w" will show now - as a character OR a commuter

While the "and text.size == 0" didn't work out, I did very much like that \w fix - it gave me some hope.

Hopefully we'll find out how "n" made it through and get "m"/"w"/"q"/"H" to do it as well some time this week - having to replace "m" in particular is incredibly tedious. lol
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

I made a quick program to dump the interesting lines (the ones where tx[] is modified) in a separate file, modify them and then put them back in the .rb file. It's rudimentary but I will share this later if someone is interested (I need to clean up the code first).

I'm done with what I promised, check the attachment.

It's to dump the text from the .rb files of the system/talk folder, to make it a bit easier (hopefully) to translate.

Intructions and source code are included but here's a simple step by step :
1) Drop the ".rb" file(s) on extract.exe
2) Open the new file (same name, with ".dump" added at the end) with notepad++ or something similar and start modifying.
3 optional) Make a backup of the .rb file that you want to modify. (Simple precaution)
4) Drop the original ".rb" file and the modified ".dump" file on repack.exe to put your translated text in the ".rb" file.


  • tool.zip
    650.1 KB · Views: 2
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

I'm done with what I promised, check the attachment.

It's to dump the text from the .rb files of the system/talk folder, to make it a bit easier (hopefully) to translate.

Intructions and source code are included but here's a simple step by step :
1) Drop the ".rb" file(s) on extract.exe
2) Open the new file (same name, with ".dump" added at the end) with notepad++ or something similar and start modifying.
3 optional) Make a backup of the .rb file that you want to modify. (Simple precaution)
4) Drop the original ".rb" file and the modified ".dump" file on repack.exe to put your translated text in the ".rb" file.

Neat! That's pretty cool; however I found it important to be able to read the code alongside the strings, so that I'd know how the dialogue was used (the whens, the ifs, the developer's comments). I.e., I need context xP.

Example 1:
For example, I've decided to go with using Strange's translation of the Facesit skill (from "Exciting View"). I needed to know exactly what line of dialogue was used from which skill, since the literal Exciting View combat messages were as vague as the original skill name itself - there was very little about sitting on anybody's face, only stuff along the lines of ~'showing the target her intimate area'.

Example 2 (probably a better one):
In the case of these talk events, context is also very important (imo):
  tx["tx1"] = "「うふふっ、逃げちゃだ~め♪\n ほらぁ、もっと可愛い声出してよぉ\\H」" if $msg.t_target.crisis? #対象がクライシス
  tx["tx1"] = "「んふふ、可愛い顔しちゃってる\\H\n もっとしてあげたくなっちゃうなぁ……\\H」" if $msg.t_target.weaken? #対象が絶頂中
The "if $msg.t_target.crisis? #対象がクライシス" tells me that the message is meant to tease a nearly-climaxing Laurat. Same for the "if $msg.t_target.weaken? #対象が絶頂中", which denotes that the message is directed toward a just-climaxed Laurat. I'm not critically fluent with Japanese yet, so I wouldn't be able to tell from the message's text alone.

I think I will however use your tool if I find any non-context dependent talk files though. Thanks!

Now we just gotta fix those disappearing m/w/y/q/H letters. Gonna play around with the script some more, but hopefully Strange's found a solution.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Neat! That's pretty cool; however I found it important to be able to read the code alongside the strings, so that I'd know how the dialogue was used (the whens, the ifs, the developer's comments). I.e., I need context xP.

Example 1:
For example, I've decided to go with using Strange's translation of the Facesit skill (from "Exciting View"). I needed to know exactly what line of dialogue was used from which skill, since the literal Exciting View combat messages were as vague as the original skill name itself - there was very little about sitting on anybody's face, only stuff along the lines of ~'showing the target her intimate area'.

Example 2 (probably a better one):
In the case of these talk events, context is also very important (imo):
  tx["tx1"] = "「うふふっ、逃げちゃだ~め♪\n ほらぁ、もっと可愛い声出してよぉ\\H」" if $msg.t_target.crisis? #対象がクライシス
  tx["tx1"] = "「んふふ、可愛い顔しちゃってる\\H\n もっとしてあげたくなっちゃうなぁ……\\H」" if $msg.t_target.weaken? #対象が絶頂中
The "if $msg.t_target.crisis? #対象がクライシス" tells me that the message is meant to tease a nearly-climaxing Laurat. Same for the "if $msg.t_target.weaken? #対象が絶頂中", which denotes that the message is directed toward a just-climaxed Laurat. I'm not critically fluent with Japanese yet, so I wouldn't be able to tell from the message's text alone.

I think I will however use your tool if I find any non-context dependent talk files though. Thanks!

Now we just gotta fix those disappearing m/w/y/q/H letters. Gonna play around with the script some more, but hopefully Strange's found a solution.

Well, I was thinking of keeping some context but I was not sure how to do this without overcomplicating things. I went for the simplest.

I could change the code to keep at least the end of the line (for those having a if statement following the string), if you want.

EDIT: maybe I will try to get the when statement which seem relevant, I got some ideas.
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Well, I was thinking of keeping some context but I was not sure how to do this without overcomplicating things. I went for the simplest.

I could change the code to keep at least the end of the line (for those having a if statement following the string), if you want.

EDIT: maybe I will try to get the when statement which seem relevant, I got some ideas.

I'm personally not too worried about it, as the Japanese strings pretty much pop out of the code, and I have strings highlighted for me in my text editor; it's pretty hard to miss 'em. :)

I'm just having trouble understanding what sort of mad sorcery guides the underworkings of "gsub"... the messaging system's got it all over the place, and google's presuming too much of me xD. My migraines have gotten me to the point where trial-and-error is the most efficient method fixing things, lol.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

I'm personally not too worried about it, as the Japanese strings pretty much pop out of the code, and I have strings highlighted for me in my text editor; it's pretty hard to miss 'em. :)

I'm just having trouble understanding what sort of mad sorcery guides the underworkings of "gsub"... the messaging system's got it all over the place, and google's presuming too much of me xD. My migraines have gotten me to the point where trial-and-error is the most efficient method fixing things, lol.
Lol headaches are also coming my way this w-e; I'll buy the game and try to spend some time flirting with the code... No promise.

I used these guys a lot before for my Ruby needs:

In the current case adding "p c" like:
while ((c = text.slice!(/./m)) != nil)
p c

should help you understand what's going on. The message is actually deconstructed, then actually displayed character-by-character. Using 'slice!' make it so 'text' is chewed up little by little ("abcd"->"bcd"->"cd"->"d"->nil), hence my text.size == 0 previous attempt :/ (stoopid 'cus nil has no size... -_-)

What I fail to understand, is how c == "\m" can be triggered by "m" OR "\m"... And I'm wondering, how to FORCE it to recognize actual text from commmuters... I'm thinking, either altering the message string before the loop, or finding a satisfactory 'condition' (which was my first objective...). Well, I'll just throw a sample string in there and see what it spits out, depending on the alterations... Meh. :eek:
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Lol headaches are also coming my way this w-e; I'll buy the game and try to spend some time flirting with the code... No promise.

I used these guys a lot before for my Ruby needs: ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.4/String.html#method-i-gsub-21

In the current case adding "p c" like:
while ((c = text.slice!(/./m)) != nil)
p c

should help you understand what's going on. The message is actually deconstructed, then actually displayed character-by-character. Using 'slice!' make it so 'text' is chewed up little by little ("abcd"->"bcd"->"cd"->"d"->nil), hence my text.size == 0 previous attempt :/ (stoopid 'cus nil has no size... -_-)

What I fail to understand, is how c == "\m" can be triggered by "m" OR "\m"... And I'm wondering, how to FORCE it to recognize actual text from commmuters... I'm thinking, either altering the message string before the loop, or finding a satisfactory 'condition' (which was my first objective...). Well, I'll just throw a sample string in there and see what it spits out, depending on the alterations... Meh. :eek:

Maybe check if "m" == "\m" in Ruby? (Is it "/m" or "\m" you are comparing? You use both in your post: one in the code example and one later on...

I haven't used Ruby at all, but I know that there are usually multiple ways to compare items in programming language, and they don't always give the same result. Maybe you need to use "===" instead of "=="? I also see mention of "equal?" and "eql?" options for Ruby mentioned online. Maybe one of these will work the way you want it too...