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Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

hi im new to the game and have a few questions :D

first of it all how long do we have to complete the current event? i have 3/12 cards neded for the 3 UR

also i have a quest with a HR as a prize but i dont know what to do in said quest can someone tell me what do i have to do?

another thing. should i keep copies of rare cards that i have already evolved?
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

hi im new to the game and have a few questions :D

first of it all how long do we have to complete the current event? i have 3/12 cards needed for the 3 UR

also i have a quest with a HR as a prize but i dont know what to do in said quest can someone tell me what do i have to do?

another thing. should i keep copies of rare cards that i have already evolved?
1a) The Raid Boss Subjugation Reward Event will last until the 28th.
1b) The Event Dungeon will last until the 21st. I believe this is the one you're talking about.

2) The quest with the HR character is for an event that is already over. It is no longer possible for you to get her. The event had you collect tickets that you can trade in for the character, and right now they're just making sure everyone that did that event has had time to trade in their tickets.

3) It is now viable for you to keep redundant copies of characters that you have maxed out if you have room for them. When you click on a character to enter their status screen, you can click a button called "ステータスブースト" to raise that character's stats by feeding them fruit you have collected (or bought with magic stones). Normally you have a limit of 0/30, but you can raise this limit by an extra 30 for a maximum of 0/300 if you buy the World Tree Fruit for 10 magic stones, or feed them an extra copy of the same character. The latter has a chance of failing based on the rarity of the card you're feeding them. Based on the odds of success, you will want to raise the extra copies to their max evolution for the best results:
R: 10%
HR: 20%
SR: 50%
UR: 100%

Unfortunately, space in this game can be rather tight if you plan to keep all of your redundant copies in your spirit space menu if you're a low level player. You gain 5 additional spaces at certain player rank levels, and you can purchase 10 additional spaces from the shop for 500 points (you have to spend real money).

Alternatively, you can purchase temporary Spirit Lodge space from the shop for 5 magic stones for 30 days, or 12 magic stones for 90 days (you can store and remove characters within the time limit, but you can only remove them after the time limit has expired).

You also have ghetto storage with your present box. You can store a seemingly endless number of cards in there, but they will be deleted after 30 days has passed, so make sure you pull out anything important before that happens.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

thanks for the info :D

btw at wich hour does the event ends? also does it ends tomorrow or the day after tomorrow

im missing 5 cards and i really want to get a 4th one from the blue haired girl (whats her name D:)

also if i buy a perfume i will get an O card right?

another thing i wanted to ask

about the scenes. do these only happen with the cards at their latest evo? or do i need to keep certain cards for scenes in diferent rarities of the same card?
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

thanks for the info :D
1) They generally do their maintenance for updates that lasts between 15:00~17:00. To keep track of time, I recommend double clicking your clock, and checking to see if you have the option to add an additional clock at "UTC+9:00 Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo" time. For the summer beach event, you should finish everything before 14:50 on the 21st.

2) Right now, I have:

(I'm probably going to have to purchase a perfume tomorrow.)

3) Yes, the perfume will give you an Atari (O). However, make sure you don't get game over, or abandon the dungeon afterwards.

If you're so far back that you're going to need to spend crystals to get more than 3 perfumes (1.5 characters), then I would probably recommend waiting. Thankfully, you don't need to worry too much about not getting enough copies to evolve them up to UR status; this game is fairly generous about handing out HR and SR mirrors (the 400 point subjugation reward for the raid boss event is an SR mirror). So long as you have the character, you can eventually get them up to UR status if you're patient. I currently have 4 HR and 4 SR mirrors sitting in my spirit space.

During the last event like this, they allowed players to purchase copies of the event characters with the first purchase being for 3 magic stones (any subsequent purchases cost way more, which wasn't worth it). So, if you're at 3.0 instead of 3.5, you might want to wait for this. Though, there isn't a guarantee that they will do this again at the first purchase discount, but even then, you still have the mirrors to fall back on.

4) You get a quest that leads to that character's H-scene at their final evolution if their evolutions are 2-3 tiers rather than 4-tiers. For characters that go from R-UR, they get two quests and H-scenes (one at HR and another at UR). Despite playing this game since January, I don't know if you can skip the HR quest and H-scene event by evolving that character past HR.
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

i actually bought the 1200 points package

(as i said i rally liked lao :D) and bought the x3 chance in the last few hours of farming (using the other 3 stones) i have gotten 2 0 cards for Mira and 1 for nico

leaving me at

Lao 3 (she is playing hard to get -.-)
Mira 3
Nico 2.5

i still have 1 stone left and 300 points left on my balance so i might buy a rare gacha card :D

(also it might be something normal for you guys but for me this is great i just got my SR Will :D yay for me)

just noticed the last part of your post.

so i wont have a problem with these 3 girls right? they only have one Scene?

but i should keep my Og (is she really called Og or is it google tranlate trolling me xDDD? btw i mean the current raid boss reward box card) at a lower evolution level?

*sigh* back to the party she goes xD
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Yes, Lao, Nico, and Mira are both 3-tier characters, so they only have 1 quest/h-scene.

As for the names of these characters, usually these characters are based on something, and they shorten or alter the spelling, so it's sometimes difficult to figure this out. For example, the character (ソイラン) is based off (ソーラン節). Being unaware of this, someone would probably romanise her name as Soiran or Soylan, or something unrelated to what she's based on.

In the case of the 5th RP Gacha character. I think she's based off Ogma Sun Face. Her dress looks Celtic in style (it's closer to a dirndl), and she's a fire elemental, so she fits. Google probably is correct to translate her name as Og.

Note, you need to get 8 copies of her to reach UR status. So you can safely test her at SR to see if her HR quest and H-scene becomes available. The wiki says that doing their quests raises the affection level of all rarities you have for that character that are currently registered in your album. So, I'm guessing that means if you have her registered at R-rarity, then raising her affection won't help for when you reach HR, but if she's registered at R-SR, then doing the quest will raise the affection points needed for the HR-event since you have it registered. It would take 20 days of doing her quests to unlock the quest for the event.

However, if you want to raise affection by taking her with you into the dungeon, then you need to specifically bring the HR-version to raise affection for the HR-event. Taking the character with you into the dungeon speeds up the time to unlock the quest event, so you're probably going to want to do it this way.
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Yes, Lao, Nico, and Mira are both 3-tier characters, so they only have 1 quest/h-scene.

As for the names of these characters, usually these characters are based on something, and they shorten or alter the spelling, so it's sometimes difficult to figure this out. For example, the character (ソイラン) is based off (ソーラン節). Being unaware of this, someone would probably romanise her name as Soiran or Soylan, or something unrelated to what she's based on.

In the case of the 5th RP Gacha character. I think she's based off Ogma Sun Face. Her dress looks Celtic in style (it's closer to a dirndl), and she's a fire elemental, so she fits. Google probably is correct to translate her name as Og.

Note, you need to get 8 copies of her to reach UR status. So you can safely test her at SR to see if her HR quest and H-scene becomes available. The wiki says that doing their quests raises the affection level of all rarities you have for that character that are currently registered in your album. So, I'm guessing that means if you have her registered at R-rarity, then raising her affection won't help for when you reach HR, but if she's registered at R-SR, then doing the quest will raise the affection points needed for the HR-event since you have it registered. It would take 20 days of doing her quests to unlock the quest for the event.

However, if you want to raise affection by taking her with you into the dungeon, then you need to specifically bring the HR-version to raise affection for the HR-event. Taking the character with you into the dungeon speeds up the time to unlock the quest event, so you're probably going to want to do it this way.

i see.. so i need to raise the affection every time i evolve a girl?

i guess this makes sense xD

a question will they remove RB on the 24? or only the event with the UR card?

if we do keep them will i still be able to get the cards from the cow? or will they release the next batch inmediatly?

also do you recomend me to try and get the cow before OG? im making around 200k points daily from the bosses so xD
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

1) Affection's primary purpose is that it lowers the cost of having the girl on your team. For example, UR Harushagiku initially costs 99, and then 69 at max affection. If you only have the R, HR, and SR versions registered, then doing her quest will only raise the affection for the R, HR, and SR versions, and bringing the HR version into the dungeon only raises the affection of the HR version if I understand the wiki.

If your focus is just to unlock their H-events, then you can safely ignore raising the affection of the character on all stages that don't have an event. For example, you can ignore doing Lao's quest when you only have the HR and SR versions registered in your album, since doing that only lowers the cost of her in those tiers of evolution, and won't count towards her UR-version until you have that one registered.

2) They're probably going to remove the 4th RP Box Gacha character (the cowgirl) in one of the upcoming updates. Most likely it's going to be on the 28th, since she was introduced on the 26th of June, and the past ones all lasted for ~63 days.

You would have to do some math to determine whether it's possible to get 8 copies from the RP gacha if you have terrible luck and have to do multiple ~18 11-consecutive draws within the allotted time.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

1) Affection's primary purpose is that it lowers the cost of having the girl on your team. For example, UR Harushagiku initially costs 99, and then 69 at max affection. If you only have the R, HR, and SR versions registered, then doing her quest will only raise the affection for the R, HR, and SR versions, and bringing the HR version into the dungeon only raises the affection of the HR version if I understand the wiki.

If your focus is just to unlock their H-events, then you can safely ignore raising the affection of the character on all stages that don't have an event. For example, you can ignore doing Lao's quest when you only have the HR and SR versions registered in your album, since doing that only lowers the cost of her in those tiers of evolution, and won't count towards her UR-version until you have that one registered.

2) They're probably going to remove the 4th RP Box Gacha character (the cowgirl) in one of the upcoming updates. Most likely it's going to be on the 28th, since she was introduced on the 26th of June, and the past ones all lasted for ~63 days.

You would have to do some math to determine whether it's possible to get 8 copies from the RP gacha if you have terrible luck and have to do multiple ~18 11-consecutive draws within the allotted time.

thanks. i will try since as you said i can always use mirrors if i fail short and she will be removed.

i forgot to ask :p wth do i do with the books? do they serve any other purpose than opening the last skill? if they do can someione explain them to me xD?
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

The regular books are just for awakening skills on a cards final evolution. The books with the orbs on them are pure exp. If your low on box space you can also use the regular books for quick exp. I usually just feed the silver books immediately because they aren't a ton of skill exp and they tend to pile up after finishing dailies.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

thanks for the info :D

they were really making my life hard since i had around 20+ books at one time xD not the smartest idea i know

finally got my foruth Lao :3 also got the fire girl too

but i have one last question

is the last girl (the one with the collar and normal element) worth the 3 stones?

im having problems getting her to drop i have around 15 runs before my time expire and want to know if i should expend the last of my stones on her (havent bougth the perfume yet) i could get a rare card with that or 10 Raid boss spawners (am on the second cowgirl at the moment got really lucky and drawn one on my first try xD) so...what do you think? i also have 3 mirrors

2 HR mirrors
1 R mirror

i could use one to evolve her... but i dont know if the level bonus thingie aplies to mirrors so... ( i also got a HR pirate gal that i got from the rare gacha so... i could evolver her....)
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

I had to purchase a perfume to get the last Mira I needed to reach UR-status. Found out that only the first perfume is worth 3 magic stones, and all subsequent ones cost 15. Ouch!

Also subjugated 500 raid bosses, and got Bean Sidhe (バンジス; not 100% sure about this name since Sidhe sounds nothing like Jisu; it's more like シー/Shii). Unfortunately, her awakened skill is 25% dark-resistance, which means she has 75% dark-resistance. I don't know, all of the subjugation reward characters after Tette and Mamari have been mediocre.

Mirrors count as a max-leveled character when it comes to evolution. R-mirrors are quite rare, so I wouldn't recommend using it unless you get a good gold gacha character that begins as R and then evolves into some UR powerhouse.

As for Nico's worth. She only has 50% non-elemental resistance, and a skill that lets her do multiple attacks at the start of the battle (if she doesn't use her skill). She's not horrible, but she's worthless as a leader, since you want your leader to have 100% immunity. Basically, the only reason you're going to want her is if you don't have a better non-elemental UR character, and for the upcoming event where she gets a buff.

Mira sort of suffers from the same issue, since she gets 50% wind-elemental resistance, and a skill that lets her survive any blow one time per battle, which is only useful if she's in a leader position.

Rawisu (the cowgirl) suffers from the same issue as Nico, except she has a useful leader skill that attacks all targets, so she's well-suited for dungeons that mix up light and dark characters. But her low MP means she has to be partially conservative (but she has the multiple attack awakened ability, so she's not harmless). Basically, she's an inferior version of the dark-elemental (Coud has 100% dark-elemental resistance and immunity to status ailments, which is one of the more useful abilities for a leader to have in many situations).
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

thanks dood

i was reading the wiki and the girl i got at the rare gacha has a 100% darkness mitigation? does this means that she fully nullifies dark atacks? if so she is awesome xD

also about the 100pt gacha if i read right it either gives you a manastone or the card there right?
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

100% resistance means they'll take 1 point of damage. So, you can't have a leader with 1 HP solo a boss monster, but you can leave one that has ~500, and go make yourself a cup of tea while it fights mano a mano with some of the scarier bosses and enemies. However, this resistance doesn't protect the leader from poison damage, and from enemy skills that deal a percentage of damage. The former is why you want status ailment immunity because there are a lot of hard-to-kill monsters that can poison you (i.e. shellsters). The pirate is a good leader, except for her susceptibility to poison, which requires proper management of your team (it would suck if you run into dark shellsters, and don't have a light elemental character there to deal with them).

The 100pt gacha can be used once per day (1 draw or 11-consecutive draw). You have a 5% chance of pulling the character depicted on it. If you don't draw the character, you get a magic stone. Aside from the limited magic stone sets, 900pt equals 10 magic stones from the shop.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

thats actually nice sadly i wont be using it xD

just an update on my search for nico D: just leveled up and made 6 runs of the level.

i saw her once......

i think i will try another 6 times (2 today) and 4 when i wake up tomorrow. after that i will buy the perfume D: (it would suck if i got the item and didnt met her after that T.T it would suck a lot

also for those that are interested in the x3 chance thingie from the shop.

when you buy the item it doesnt iincreases your chances of getting an "o" card but instead gives you another 2 cards each time you receive a card.

this means that you could theorically get a card in one encounter since each one is an independent card.

this means a lot since there is aso a x10 chance in the shop (ten cards each encounter for said girl) its very pricey but if its a really good character and youre planing on overleveling the char to 300 (by feeding copies of the card) it could be very usefull

ill post a image tomorrow :D
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

i think i will try another 6 times (2 today) and 4 when i wake up tomorrow. after that i will buy the perfume D:
It's 13:08 of the 21st in Japan. You only have 2 hours to do the dungeon before the maintenance for the next event.

Also, thanks for the information on the 3x bonus! I never bought one of those, so I didn't know how they actually functioned.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

It's 13:08 of the 21st in Japan. You only have 2 hours to do the dungeon before the maintenance for the next event.

Also, thanks for the information on the 3x bonus! I never bought one of those, so I didn't know how they actually functioned.

oh well

i guess i scrwed up

i have two options miss her and buy a card or try another 2 times.....but since i havent seen nico in a long time...

i got this from the gacha :D ill still try one last time for nico tough xD

btw i have a R mirror and a 2 hr mirrors.... so i need to kill 400 RB and somehow get another HR mirror in order to evolve all three of the girls? challengue accepted xD
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

So I wasn't miss reading her skills. That's really disappointing, just 75% reduction and nothing else is kinda bad.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

I did not do fare well in the previous event as only got 2 copies of Lao, so use a SR Mirror on Her. XD
I hope to get at least 500 kills in the boss rush.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

The newest set of story dungeons keeps on trolling me with their selection of enemy elements. I'm having a difficult time predicting what kind of team I should bring to the point that I'm occasionally forced to leave or get a game-over.

Case in point, the first seven sets of dungeons had a boss of their respective elemental flavour until I reached the big boss of the 2nd light elemental dungeon and found out that its boss was an air elemental that curb-stomped my battle-weary team of carefully selected units that were tailor-designed to survive the 30-level gauntlet.

This game...