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ACT Shota [Dystopia Story] [暗黒郷物語] Journey to the West: Wukong's Lewd Prelude / 西誘記 -三蔵と旅に出るまでのお話- (RE273197) (RJ273197)

Hm, seems to always crash for attempting to accessing incorrect addresses.
Demo Ver.0.30 was released today, adding the boss fight that was teased at the end of the last demo.

I've also released a translation for Demo Ver.0.30 Here.

It's not much so far, but I plan to keep working on it as we get new versions. Feel free to let me know over in that thread if there's anything confusing in the translation, or a section of the game you'd really like a translation for.
Very nice, thank you for the hard work
Demo Ver.0.30 was released today, adding the boss fight that was teased at the end of the last demo.

I've also released a translation for Demo Ver.0.30 Here.

It's not much so far, but I plan to keep working on it as we get new versions. Feel free to let me know over in that thread if there's anything confusing in the translation, or a section of the game you'd really like a translation for.
The story may only be translated in small parts, but the translated inventory items were already a huge help! Thanks a lot for your efforts!
Unfortunately, my knowledge of moonrunes is far too limited to be of any use.
The blog has been moved to Ci-en, this is the most recent post on his dlsite blog. The most recent update shows version 0.4 which appears to be a new stage.
but in the second boss it crashes, and i try it playing though it again but it still crashing

V0.42 is up for ci-en supporters only it seems
.42 now appears to be public on the old blog

It seems to just be bug fixes and such
Does he make the sprites? I just can't imagine spending all that time making high res sprites just to distort them with the default view/aspect and then cover up the H with a transparent black screen.

Also..sure wish he would just bite the bullet and do pixel art textures for the 3d models. The stock Unity textures look pretty bad.
Does he make the sprites? I just can't imagine spending all that time making high res sprites just to distort them with the default view/aspect and then cover up the H with a transparent black screen.

Also..sure wish he would just bite the bullet and do pixel art textures for the 3d models. The stock Unity textures look pretty bad.
Yea I'm pretty sure he does all the sprites. It looks like he starts off animating in 3D, then converts it to spritework. You can see a bit of that in an old blogpost:

He definitely still does a lot of hand animation though, on things that flow and deform like clothes and hair.

new update
It still ends at the waterfall for non supporters, that's probably as much as we get for free
Last edited:

v 0.7 update, for supporters only.


Added events
Oh wow, thanks for remembering me that this game exists :D
how i play the new updates ¿? because I can't pass the head of the first chapter then the game ends