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Eggception (thetwo)

Re: Eggception (thetwo)


Charlie had indeed fixed the earpiece, giving it back to her along with a sandwich made of the smoked meat she had brought back the day prior.

Before she departed, Charlie informed her of two things.

"NOTABLE INFORMATION: RECORDINGS INDICATE THE QUEEN LEAVES THE HIVE AT NIGHT AND RETURNS BEFORE THE SUN RISES. FURTHER OBSERVATION FROM A BETTER VANTAGE POINT REQUIRED TO EXTRAPOLATE DESTINATION AND OBJECTIVE." So the queen leaves the nest at night, but Charlie couldn't tell where she went or why. She would need to do her own recon if she wanted to figure out why. This could provide her an opportunity to kill her and throw the hive into disarray.

"ADDITIONALLY: IF WE WERE TO COLLECT ENOUGH COITAL-FLUID FROM YOU, IT WOULD BE POSSIBLE TO CONSTRUCT A DEVICE TO DRAW THE WASPS AWAY FROM THE NEST FOR A PERIOD OF TIME." Sooo...if she jilled herself enough or allowed Charlie to fuck her enough, she could collect enough girl cum to create a 'stink bomb' to attract the wasps away from the hive... So go out at night or spend a really long time getting sexed up by Charlie...

When she did go outside, she would get to the road with no incident. The streets appeared empty for now.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Of the available options, going out at night seemed like the best bet. There might be more dangerous animals then she'd seen during the day... but somehow Aura doubted they would be more dangerous then human slavers, which would probably be more comfortable during the day. But that was only if she really did have to get into that hive again. Which she would avoid if she could.

There were several places she could still go. She decided to go across the street and to the right, to the ruined diner. It could obviously have food, and maybe even a power source for its freezer or ovens or something. It was also exactly the opposite direction from the wasp hive. She approached it with her usual caution, holding her axe and wearing the empty bag she'd found the meat in.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The diner was as she remembered it, there was a strip out front for the customers, with a counter for the food and waitresses, and a swinging door that led back to the food prep and receiving area. The tables were in a state of disarray and decay, as was most of the facility. The doors had long since fallen off of their hinges, there was a large hole in the roof and a lot of debris on the floor, and all of the windows had long since been busted out. She could either enter through the front, or go along the back alley and enter through the back. She could tell there wasn't a lot in the front of the diner, certainly no food or power supply.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura decided to avoid the alley. Maybe dark allies being dangerous required a human civilization that didn't really exist anymore, but she knew the front entrance better anyway. Once in she would make her way back through to the kitchen, at which point she'd be more or less in unfamiliar territory. She'd keep her eyes out for anything unusual, useful, or dangerous, and continue to tread carefully.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura stealth: 1 vs 22 :( You would have been good if you weren't on the wrong side of a min-max roll...

Aura walked slowly and stealthily into the diner. A quick look around the entrance showed nothing out of the ordinary, and unfortunately also nothing of interest. She slowly padded towards the back of the diner, and as she neared the doorway she heard voices.

Trying to listen in and get an idea of what or who she was dealing with, she was paying as much attention to the ground as she should have and slipped on a piece of rubble. This unfortunately sent her sliding into the room, landing in front of the owners of the voices. Two very rough-looking, club-wielding, and bad smelling men.

The smaller of the men leered at her, saying to his partner, "Well lookee here, we got us one fine piece'a ass, don't we?"

"Oh yes...she'll fit in real nice with the other girls. And that cunt looks nice'n tight...mmmm..."

They both advanced on her, wielding clubs. "Why don't you just let us have the ax and come with us honey?"

Aura: HP: 5/5 AP: 0/10

CIICH 1: HP: 4/4
CIICH 2: HP: 6/6
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura looked up at the two men. They didn't look pleasant. They were intelligent enough to speak. Unfortunately, that appeared to mean that they intended to enslave her instead of just raping her. Well, she wasn't going to take that lying down. She'd taken on one of their stupider relatives earlier without trouble, but these were armed, there were two of them, and she was starting at a bit of a disadvantage... so maybe it seemed likely she would end up taking 'it' however they wanted to give it to her, but at the very least she'd try to fight.

The redhead opened her mouth to spit a comeback, but at the last second decided to just spit instead, and kept the comeback inside her head. I'll let you have the axe alright, bastard! She remembered the other woman she'd met, not obviously corrupted, and how she hadn't spoken. Talking might set her apart, make her easier to remember in the event that she did escape, make them try harder to hunt her down... it wouldn't matter once she was captured, but that hadn't happened yet.

She followed the spit with a swing of the axe at the one who had talked about her cunt, and started looking frantically for a way out.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura attacks 2: 9 vs. 9 Hit
C1 attacks Aura: 18 vs 18 :confused: miss
C2 attacks Aura: 3 vs 17 miss

The man's eyes tracked the spit, proving to be a bad mistake the momentary lapse prevented him from reacting to the ax swing until it was almost on him. He got his club up, but it just made the ax hit his arm at a deflected angle, slicing a large, bleeding gash down his forearm.

Looking around, she saw there was a large, crumbled out hole in the wall behind her, leading to the alley behind the diner.

Aura: HP: 5/5 AP: 0/10

C1: HP: 4/4
C2: HP: 5/6
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Everything was going well so far, but barely. Apparently they hadn't expected her to really fight back, so she had the element of surprise. And now it was time to turn that into the element of escape, if she could. She'd throw another swing at the same man, hoping to keep him out of the chase, then bolt for the hole. She might not like the alley, but it was better then near-certain enslavement.

The problem would be what to do next, if she made it out into the street. If she led them to the egg building she'd be safe... as long as she stayed inside. Nothing would stop them trapping her as soon as she was out, though.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Rolls: Aura vs C2: 18 vs 7 hit
C1 attacks: 3 vs 4 miss
C2: Loses turn

If the man was surprised by the gash he received on the arm, he was even more surprised by the wound he received to the thigh. The ax bit in, drawing more blood. Turning to run, she ducked a swing from the other man and was out into the alley, making it to the road with the first man hot on her heels.

Aura: HP: 5/5
C1: HP: 4/4
C2: HP: 4/6 slowed
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura felt that her plan so far was going swimingly. Her plan after finding herself at the feet of two men who clearly intended to enslave her, that is. Unfortunately, this was the end of what she had so far. She had made it out into the street. One man was hot on her heels, and the other wasn't terribly far behind.

Improvising, Aura stepped to one side as soon as she was in the open, ready to swing the axe at the man as he came flying out.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura attacks C1: 18 vs. 14 hit ( I did give you a tactical bonus there, and I will do so arbitrarily in the future to reward good planning, use of environment, and such, though you didn't actually need the bonus this time.)

C1 attacks: 7 vs 5 hit
C2: Will be there next turn
I have decided that an instance of slowed will make it so that Aura gains ground at a 2:1 ratio on slowed target (you ran 20 feet, he only ran 10), if this ends up not working, I'll change it between battles. Actually, I already know I will have to balance it differently for hardier things that will still be able to outrun you with one instance of slowed...but that can wait.

As the man rounded the corner, he didn't even see the ax coming as it bit into his upper torso. Fortunately for him, he had made a wide turn coming out, so he was far enough away that the wound was relatively shallow, though it still probably hurt like the dickens, the man crying out in pain as blood flowed down his side. Still, he lashed out with the club and managed to catch her arm, bruising her badly, but not causing any damage she couldn't fight through.

Aura: HP: 4/5
C1: HP: 3/4
C2: HP: 4/6 slowed
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Where to run? Aura had already decided not to head for the reception area, at least not unless there was no other choice. The office building also didn't seem like a great idea. The wasps might have run into the tree thing and been shredded, with the rest giving up or forgetting about her, but these foes were smarter. And of course there was the strong possibility she'd end up back with the wasps. Instead, she set her sights on the run-down convenience store. She might be able to hide there, or at least set up a trap if she could get there with enough lead time. And she needed to get off the streets before these guys managed to call in some friends or something. If they had multiple other slaves, they'd surely have friends somewhere...

She took a second swing at the one who had come around the corner, hoping to slow him down as well, and started off towards the store.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura attacks C1: 10 vs 12 miss
C1 attacks: 7 vs 19 miss
Aura runs in front of the theater: 4 vs 21

After the two traded blows and missed, Sara was off, running for the convenience store. Unfortunately, this took her directly in front of the theater.

Luck was not on her side as another rough-looking man in furs stepped out of the theater. He looked her way, and saw her being chased by the two men. With a predatory look in his eye he stepped in front of her, wielding a club in front of him.

Aura: 4/5
C1: 3/4
C2: 4/6 slowed
C3: 3/3
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura nearly screamed as she finally put it together. It had been days since she'd seen another woman carried off into the theater, and they hadn't been good days. Now one man stood in front of her, another behind her, with a third not far beyhind him. She was better armed then any of them, and two were wounded, but now she was outnumbered 3 to 1. She couldn't go back to the diner, an unknown convenience store seemed a stupid idea when there would be three of them, and going into the theater would be madness.

She turned towards the Egg building, running as fast as she could. It wasn't a high percentage strategy, but maybe they would think she had run in that direction simply by chance. If she managed to get away, or escape later, they might not have any particular reason to look for her there. In the mean time... maybe she could lose them, if she made it as far as the grass. It was tall enough, if she could get into it and drop to the ground, hope like hell they couldn't track her...
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura runs: 4 vs 15 doesn't escape
C2: not there yet
C1: attacks 18 vs 8 hit
C3 attacks: 5 vs 12 miss

Trying to flee, Aura turned towards the relative safety of the EGG courtyard concealment. Unfortunately the second slaver was fast and ran into her, basically body checking her to the ground.

She was able to spring to her feet, but the two slavers were right there, and the slowed one wasn't far behind.

Aura: 4/5
C1: 3/4
C2: 4/6 slowed
C3: 5/5
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura scrambled back to her feet. Two of the slavers were right on top of her, and she wasn't sure which one had been faster than her. She took a step towards them and swung her axe again, hoping this would surprise them enough to be effective. She aimed at the uninjured one on the basis that if all three were injured it might be more difficult to follow her, then tried again to reach the tall grass.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura attacks C3: 12 vs 20 miss
C2 tosses a net: 21 vs 16 ouch caught
C1 enhances binding: 22 vs 15 slavers be rolling high today... 18, 19, 20... closes the net
C3 makes situation worse: 8 vs 17 gets kicked in balls cuz I feel bad

Aura took a swing at the newcomer, trying to get some space so she could make her escape, but as she turned to run, the slowed slaver got close enough to toss a net at her, it fell over her, the stone weights on it causing her to stumble to the ground.

Quick as a flash the other slaver from earlier was on her, grabbing the ends of the net together, making escape a very difficult proposition. The newcomer came closer, trying to help, but Aura lashed out with a leg through the netting, getting him a good hit to the balls, doubling him over in pain.

Aura: HP: 4/5 snared, can't attack, -4 to escape

C1: 3/4
C2: 4/6
C3: 4/5
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura felt something hit her back, and fell forward. She just had time to notice the net over her, with stone for weights along the edge, before someone grabbed them. He pulled, and she felt the world move under her. She was caught in a net. Just like the woman she'd seen her first day. The third slaver got close enough to try to help his fellows, but pulling the net tight had ended up with one of her legs through a loop and outside the net. A swift kick to the balls doubled him over.

She had to escape! All three slavers around her didn't look good, but the net made it almost a done deal. She could still squirm around inside, and if she was lucky... maybe she could get out. Then she'd just be cornered by three men and only probably enslaved instead of almost certainly getting carried into the theater.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura tries to escape: 2 vs 14 nope
Gets dragged 10m/turn 40m to theater. Will restat enemies if you get out if you get out

Aura struggled against the net, but she couldn't get a good leverage point to get herself out as one man dragged her in the net and the other two walked, or stumbled after him towards the theater. True to form though, the man she had kicked in the balls had pulled out his dick and was stroking it fondly. Did they seriously do this to everyone, or was it just standard initiation into the bandit camp?"
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

He's going to cum on me. Just... masturbate in the middle of the street, and finish on me. Why? Maybe he just liked humiliating girls. Or some sort of show of dominance. Aura had to suppose she shouldn't really complain, though. On the one hand, it would be disgusting and humiliating. On the other hand... well, it would be that much longer before he could rape her.

She continued her struggles, but it was looking increasingly futile. If she managed to pull the net out of the bandit's hands, what was to stop them from just grabbing it again before she could struggle free? It would have to be fast. And then she'd still be standing between three slavers armed with clubs.