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Eggception (thetwo)

Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura escapes: 5 vs 6 nope
Slavers don't do something stupid: 11 vs 17 they do something stupid
30m to theater

As they got closer, the slaver with the injured leg piped up, "Hey hold up!" The man dragging Aura stopped for a moment, keeping the bag secured.

"This bitch has been enough of a bother, lets have some fun with her!"

The man dragging her shook his head. "You know the rules, first the boss gets a go with her, then us. You break the rules, its all of our heads. If you wanna get off, you gotta do it yourself."

Sighing dejectedly, the man with the wounded leg whipped out his junk and started stroking himself as well, rapidly catching up to the first masturbator, and the two of them blew sticky white loads on Aura before continuing on to the theater.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura shuttered, but bit her tongue. Two of them had jacked off on her, and now she knew why. Their leader had to rape her before anyone else. Well, at least that meant she still had time to escape. Or she could try seducing them... which probably mean they ended up punished and she still ended up a slave. She considered it, but it would mean not trying to escape for a minute. And with two of them having just finished all over her, the threat of death for fucking her early, and the knowledge that they could have her later... and between the fact that between the net and what the wasps had done to her panties... no, she'd keep trying to escape.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Escape: 15 vs 18 nope
1 turn until dragged inside

Having finished and put away their bad-smelling tools, Aura was left still struggling in the net, with warm, foul cum on her face, hair, and increasingly frayed clothes. They were almost to the entrance, she knew that if she didn't get out of this soon, she would be in an even worse situation than being raped by the three men dragging her now.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura couldn't take it anymore, now she did scream. "Help! Help! Somebody! Anybody!"

She remembered, belatedly, her idea not to talk. Well, a bit late for that now. And she also remembered the earpiece, which should let her communicate with the security system in the Egg building. She couldn't imagine how that could help her, but maybe she could feel slightly better knowing that somebody knew what was happening, even if they couldn't save her. The redhead also made one last attempt to struggle free of the net, for all the good that would do.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Escape: -1 vs 11 captured
Perception: 5

"Eh, look she speaks! Oh you got a good mouth on you, gonna enjoy making you use it I am!"

Then men continued to laugh cruelly, and dragged her into the theater. No one came to help her. Though she had lost track of her ax and pack, and she saw the earpiece lying on the ground behind her. And then she was inside the theater, and she couldn't help thinking she had just seen the last of the sun for quite awhile...

There were many big, nasty, smelly men walking around inside, all of whom leered evilly at her, doubtless imaging what they would do to her given the chance.

Perhaps more alarming was the large number of women in cages, most of them nude, but some in outfits designed to be provocative. Not all of the women were caged though, there were some stadium rooms that could only be described as orgy rooms. Inside were a number of men and women, rutting furiously, and most of the women actually seemed to be enjoying it on one level or another.

After a brief, disheartening tour through the theater she was dragged into the main theater room, and pulled before a crudely constructed throne. And probably the ugliest, most horrifying man she had ever seen.

Easily over seven and a half feet tall, and uglier than sin itself, she was cast from the net and dumped before the biggest, ugliest, most horrifying human-thing she had ever met. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say the man weighed a good 350-400 pounds. And that wasn't the worst. He looked far more like the corrupted man she had encountered in the office building than he did the other slavers. He was covered in hideous, puffy boils, obscuring whatever his face might naturally look like. But instead of one tentacle coming out of his abdomen, he had three, and these were far more active than the one on the Class 1. In fact, he seemed to be able to control these at will. He was...repulsive.

"My, my what have we here? New breeding stock I take it?

Slaver Master: Class III Corrupted Human
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The man was disgusting. Repulsive. Aura didn't try to hide it. And... they were going to try to breed with her? The sex was obvious, but... the wasp eggs hadn't been so huge, and had only been in her for an hour. That had been bad enough. But if she escaped here in an hour, would she spend the next nine months carrying a mutant baby? The thought that escape might not be the end was bad. The thought of giving birth to a slaver... or worse yet, if she had a girl... it didn't bear thinking about.

She yelled out again. "No! I won't do it! NO!" And... he wasn't asking her. That seemed obvious, but the protest had gotten out before she could think about it. He was going to fuck her whether she wanted to or not. And the 'breeding' part would be decided by her body, without asking her mind.

The redhead tried to shy away from the slave master, but at the same time couldn't keep her eyes off the three tentacles. She'd seen what one had done to her clothes before... it seemed likely she'd be learning more about them shortly.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Hahaha!" The monstrous man's laughter bellowed throughout the complex. "Wasn't asking girlie! Com'ere!" Without another word he grabbed her and roughly hauled her into another room, with a side room with a large, dirty bed that smelled of sex. Lots and lots of sex.

The man easily tossed her on the bed, and looking around for a weapon, Aura saw the room was disappointingly bare, not even a loose rock she could throw at him.

"Strip. This will be a lot nicer for that soft cunt of yours if you play nice."
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura looked frantically about the room. Nothing she could fight back with. And overpowering him? He could easily have two feet and three hundred pounds on her, plus three extra prehensile limbs. Not a chance. She grabbed the hem of her shirt as if she was going to pull it off, then bolted. It would be easy to get past the enormous man, it wasn't like he would be able to catch her.

Of course, all the other slavers might have something to say about her escape attempt, but the redhead was desperate. It wasn't over! It couldn't be!
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Escape: 14 vs 18 nope
Tentacle Hentai: 22 vs 1 ( I swear I will remember how bad the dice are fucking you when you get out of this)

But on that note, this guy's arousal is a 1d4-1 and arouse on 1 or less, since he's a tier 3 hombre.

Arousal for 3 tentacles: 1,0,0 about your clothes...

Aura tried her hardest to bolt, but she wasn't quite fast enough. As she ran past the giant, he didn't even move, but one of his tentacles shot out and grabbed her around the waist and hoisted her up in front of him. Immediately the other two tentacles were rubbing all over her, spreading their slime over her bare skin and clothes. Unfortunately her already threadbare clothes proved highly susceptible to the slime and were almost immediately reduced to see through tatters. What's more, the aphrodisiac effects seemed even more potent in this slime, causing her nipples to harden perceptibly, poking out into the cool air after her shirt and bra disintegrated.

One of the tentacles ran over her pussy, causing it to dampen noticeably, and earned a laugh from the monster holding her. "Aha! No panties! You've just been waiting for me to fuck you this whole time, haven't you? What a good little breeding slut you will be!"

AP: 3/10
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

This seemed to be it. She was restrained, her clothes were falling off her body, and what did in fact seem to be an aphrodisiac was being spread over her skin. He was going to fuck her, and make her get off on it. She couldn't deny the reflexive response of her body, but she wasn't going to let him think she was a willing part of all this. "No! I've seen bugs I'd rather fuck than you! Let me go!" Aura continued to struggle against his grip.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The man-thing just laughed as she insulted him. "I'm sure you have little lady. You've got some spirit in you, you do! And for that you get the privilege of bearing my child before ANYONE else's! But you're going to have to beg for me to stick this in you first!" Laughing as his tentacles suspended her in the air, continuing to stimulate her in terrible, yet effective ways, he used his free hands to drop his pants revealing his disgusting groin.

He was well endowed, there was no doubt about that. Though it wasn't the monstrous proportions one might have expected, certainly nothing that would tear her apart, though she would likely be rather a bit more flexible after he was done.

Apart from the size, his equipment was as putrid, boil-coated, and generally disgusting as she had expected it to be. But that cock would probably feel sort of nice filling her up, wouldn't it?

AP: 5/10
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura tried to swallow an anguished moan as arousal continued to build, with limited success. "In your dreams! I'll cut it off and fuck you up the ass with it!" She yelled as loudly as she could, just trying to provoke him now. Watching that... thing... while slowly getting more and more aroused was... maybe not quite as bad as getting fucked with it, but if the choice was both or just one... maybe a few insults to his manhood, loud enough for the others to hear, would spur him into action. She just hoped she could take whatever it was he decided to do.

"You probably wouldn't even notice. On account of how the cocks you usually have up your ass are so much bigger!" the redhead cringed, trying to brace herself for whatever he might do.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

More laughter. The monster that was molesting her seemed to have a keen cruelty about it as well. "Sorry sweet-cheeks, I've got some thick skin, you want to get hit around? Don't worry, my men have plenty of foul mood among them. I'm all about the pleasure baby!"

Now one of the tentacles was still holding her waist, while one probed each of her lower holes. The ones at her holes slowly started writhing against them, spreading their aphrodisiac lubricant over them as they slowly pushed against them.

"Gotta warm you up first before the main event! Don't want'cha to break too early!"

AP: 7/10
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"I'll.... ahhh... ohhh.... God." The writhing of the tentacles was too much, and Aura forgot what she was going to do to him. After she fucked... no! She started struggling again, this time to get away from the tentacles pushing at her lower entrances rather than to escape. She was getting warmed up, all right. And the foul creature seemed intent on using her ass as well as her pussy.

And she was going to cum, hard and fast. She wasn't there yet, but she recognized the feeling from the wasps. The aphrodisiac was taking over. It wouldn't be long before she couldn't resist any more. "Please..." She wasn't sure exactly if she was pleading for him to let her go, or fuck her now rather than making her beg first, or just to fuck her in general. Maybe all three.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The monstrous person before her laughed cruelly. "Please what? Would you like me to stick my nice, ass-ugly cock in your sweet, tender pussy? Maybe give you a baby to remember me by? Would you like that? If you ask for it, then it can be yours!"

The tentacles started pushing into her slowly, their unique, slick texture allowing them to slide around in her and lubricate her insides without feeling any sort of pain. In fact, it actually felt a good deal nicer than the wasps had, for what comfort that may have been worth...

His large dick was fully erect now. It was vile and disgusting, and it would be inside of her pussy soon. Not long after that, it would probably be spewing this creature's foul sperm into her womb. It was also rather big, it would probably feel very satisfying to have that thing thrusting away inside of her.

AP: 9/10
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"N... No! I won't... beg for... oh, god!" Aura was breathing heavily, and unable to stop herself squirming against the tentacles that were now inside her, or to stop the moans of pleasure that interrupted her speech. "Don't want you to... fuck me!"

Of course, he was already fucking her. He was just doing it very gently with a pair of tentacles rather then with his mutant cock. His big... no! His meaty- No! Aura could feel her resolve melting away, and realized that she wasn't so much struggling to get away from the tentacles now as struggling to get them further inside her. She really did want to cum rather badly. She closed her eyes, and felt herself give in. Maybe she could have held out for another few seconds, but... she couldn't stop what was about to happen, just try to have some dignity left. At least until it did happen.

She wondered if she'd get pregnant. She wondered if she could get pregnant, given that she was pure and he was highly mutated. Somehow she doubted that finding out would be fun either way. The redhead tried to remember when her last period was, but then recalled that she'd technically been pregnant a few dozen times since then, and that had probably screwed things up. Did he even need her to be ovulating? She thought about anything she could to avoid thinking about the big, disgusting cock that was about to fuck her. "Please... fuck me."
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Well, I am a man of my word. So to speak. I'm no man of science, but I'm pretty sure I'm a bit of an oddity among my fellow man. Regardless. So you have asked, and so you shall receive."

The tentacles thrust into her a little more forcefully. And after a few moments, the tentacle in her ass pulled out, and actually slid into her pussy with the first tentacle. Together, the two of them stimulated her to her first orgasm of the day, spreading the aphrodisiac throughout her pussy. Afterwards, the tentacles pulled out and she was carried along as the mutant walked over to the bed. She was placed on her back, and the man lay over her. The tentacles withdrew, and the bulbous head of the monster-man's cock lay against her.

"You ready baby? I'm about to make a mommy out of you!"

Slowly but steadily the man pushed his putrid dick into Aura's vulnerable pussy. "Ready or not sexy! If you feel the urge, just shout out Jeb in your passion." He laughed loudly as he began to slide in and out of Aura, her sex clenching onto the deformed memo.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura felt herself cum. Relief flooded through her body. The aphrodisiac was still there, making her needy, but in the afterglow of her orgasm it wasn't quite overpowering. Which gave her just enough time to regret giving in before she felt the monstrous member against her pussy. He wasn't messing around teasing her anymore, it went straight in without warning. The slaver wasn't slamming her - at least not yet - but his sheer size, and the thought of what it looked like was enough to make Aura start trying to pull away. At least until her orgasm wore off and the aphrodisiac was still there, just as strong.

The redhead couldn't help crying out in pleasure and pain with each new thrust, gritting her teeth and grabbing handfuls of the bed as she tried not to hurt herself. She was just glad he hadn't wanted her face to face. She felt a second orgasm starting to rise against her will, and the mutant surely couldn't be far behind. He would spill his seed into her womb. She didn't want to be a mother, but the choice wasn't being left up to her.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

As Aura cried out in pleasure, 'Jeb' continued thrusting into her, causing her breasts to jiggle freely. Several thrusts later, warm and slimy tentacles wrapped around her waist and torso, hoisting her up off the bed and holding her against his chest, ensuring her arousal didn't dim. Her back against Jeb's huge chest, he continued to buck his hips, essentially wearing her like a sexy, horny, red-haired condom.

After a few minutes of this, she felt the cock inside of her thickening, tensing. Jeb shoved her against the wall, keeping her impaled on his cock the entire time. He thrust against her, keeping her stuck to the wall in order to leverage himself deeper and deeper into her. Aura felt him knock against her cervix. As the penis within her engorged, Jeb thrust in as far as he could go, and she felt his burning, filthy, corrupt, sperm jet into her vulnerable womb.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura felt the mutant tense. He was about to cum. He was about to cum inside her. Nobody had ever done that before, not really. She'd never been fucked by another human without a condom, and this man wasn't even going to try to pull out, he was going to -

The redhead cried out as she suddenly hit a wall. She hadn't been paying enough attention. And then he started pushing into her, harder. She tried to grab at the bare wall, to get something to hold onto, to pull herself up. It was no use. The filthy cock bottomed out against her cervix, making her cry out again. He pushed harder, and finally exploded inside her. Hot cum spurted around, and a trillion sperm started looking for something to fertilize.

She felt abused, and filthy without even considering what she'd seen of the slaver's dick. With that... she wanted to find someplace to clean herself off. And out. She also felt tired and sore. And horny. Way too horny. She hadn't reached a second climax, but it could't have been far off. And the aphrodisiac was not only still in her system, but still being applied by the grip of the tentacles. Was he going to fuck her again? Aura couldn't quite remember if she wanted him to or not. As if it mattered. She was pinned between his body and the wall, his cock still inside her, two arms and three tentacles capable of making her do whatever he wanted.