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Eggception (thetwo)

Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The brutal pounding being administered to Aura's ass didn't let up. The ugly slaver just continued to ram his fuck-stick back and forth, in and out of her ass, giving her insides a vigorous, uncomfortable workout. While he was raping her, he reached around and roughly mauled her pliable breasts while continuing to saw into her ass. Much like the dick up her ass, the groping was rough and was entirely focused on the slaver's gratification as opposed to giving her pleasure.

This went on for an unpleasant five minutes before the grimy man finished inside her and pulled out with a disgusting sound. He gave a self-satisfied sigh and gave her ass one last smack. "There, that was a good time, wasn't it?" Still wearing a pompous smirk, the man went rummaging off to the side and came back with what could only be a reverse strap-on. He stood in front of her, dangling it in her face tauntingly. It was pretty obvious from the lock on it that once he put it on her, she was going to have the medium-length dildo in her pussy until he deigned to remove the belt.

"Well, baby, you ready for the next part of your training?"
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura jerked away when she saw the device. Or tried to. The stockade kept her in place, barely able to look away. She felt herself squeezing her eyes shut, then forced herself to open them and look back at the bastard. Her ass was sore inside and out, and between that and the groping at her breasts whatever arousal remained had nearly been worn away, the aphrodisiac practically a memory. Which left her able to focus on just what the brute meant.

'Training'. That wasn't good. Being raped wouldn't have been nice, but she'd endured it practically since waking up in the future. She could put up with it for a while and then escape. But 'training'... escape while wearing the cruel device he was dangling in front of her now would leave her helpless for whoever wanted her. She would almost certainly have to wait until he took it off before she could even try to get away. And that might not happen until she was broken, like the girls she'd seen on her way into the theater.

The redhead moved her feet nervously, glaring at the slaver. He'd proved that trying to evade his penetration in the stocks was impossible. Instead, she readied her foot to lash upward as soon as he touched her with the device. It was stupid, but the terror that she might spend the rest of her life a slave wasn't allowing much in the way of logic at the moment. "Does it matter?"
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

6 vs 12 shot failed to connect
The slaver grinned, sidestepping the kick and firmly sliding the dildo into Aura's cunny and locking the belt into place. "No, no it doesn't." Once inside her, Aura could feel a warmth to the dildo, the gentle warmth spreading throughout her loins. Likely there was a mild aphrodisiac on the dildo. With the belt locked in place, the slaver turned a switch and the intrusive toy began to gently and slowly vibrate, steadily teasing her.

"Alright honey, time to go to your new room!" The slaver tied her hands behind her back and released her from the stocks. He pushed her out of the room and into the hallway, pushing her towards what she remembered to be a cellblock-like area. "Move your ass, sweet cheeks!" The dildo continued teasing her and her cunt remained warm as they moved.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The redhead couldn't help but struggle as the dildo was pushed in and the lock secured. It didn't help, but trying to pull away from the unwelcome source of pleasure was almost instinctive. The vibration started, and... it wasn't quite as bad as she'd thought. Uncomfortable as hell to be walking around with something shoved into her, but between the buzzing and the aphrodisiac she was left still able to walk and think at the same time.

The man was bringing Aura to a cell. Wonderfull. Still, it wasn't as if she could expect them to just leave her to escape. Certainly not while she was still trying to fight. Of course with the cells she had seen earlier, there was no reason why they wouldn't lock her up whenever she wasn't being used even once she stopped fighting. She groaned, and couldn't keep a hint of arousal out of it. For that matter she was marching, naked save for the active vibrator and the device that held it in place, through a public area. She hadn't seen anyone else so far, but it was only a matter of time.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The slaver opened a cell door and shoved her into what had likely been a store room some centuries ago. There were two other occupants, both female, one blonde and the other brunette. They both had similar torture devices to hers, however the blonde's was buzzing noticeably louder, probably vibrating much more insistently than her own. It showed too, the woman was squirming on the floor and bucking her hips, her tongue lolling from her mouth. She seemed to be solely focused on the pleasure as she didn't even acknowledge Aura's being thrown in. The brunette seemed lucid, she just looked at Aura and sighed.

"Back later, sluts." The slaver walked off, leaving the girls alone for now.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura waited until she was fairly certain that the man was gone, swallowing her arousal and trying not to show the other women the effect that the device was having on her. It wasn't easy, and every few seconds she found herself shifting, hoping that she could find a position where the dildo didn't press into her as much. Nothing seemed to help.

"Um... hello? I'm, ah..." the redhead paused for a second, unsure if she should say her name. She decided that there was no real point in withholding it. "Aurora. Most people call me Aura." And there was the blush. Both of them with their breasts hanging loose, wearing vibrators against their will, and she was trying to make polite conversation. Still, it might be better than just stewing in her own juices.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

At first the girl didn't respond, merely stared straight at Aura, but still not really making eye contact. It seemed like she wasn't in the mood to talk, but after a minute she arched her hips, groaned in pleasure, and sagged back to the ground. Aura could see the juices of the girl's orgasm begin to seep out from around the device.

"Sorry, that's been building up for awhile. Name's Mary, and this place sucks. You look new, how'd you get captured?" Mary leaned back and looked at Aura, idly touching herself from time to time, clearly at least somewhat used to the treatment from how casually she was working with the urges the dildo was inspiring in her.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Um... I slipped on some rocks. There were four of them, and I wasn't fast enough." The device really was distracting. Aura didn't feel on the edge of orgasm herself, but it was definitely building. She couldn't sit still. She shifted to a kneeling position, hoping that would help. "How can we get ou-"

The redhead cut herself off with a moan. She hadn't meant to say that out loud, not until she was sure Mary wouldn't betray her. "Um... what about her? What did she do to get... that?" She indicated the third woman with her head, then tried laying down on her side. "And what about you?" The new position was a mistake, and she quickly struggled back up, trying to imitate the other girl's pose. After all, if Mary had been here a while, she would know how to deal with this. Of course, having her hands free might help.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Mary grunted and shifted position slightly before facing Aura again. "Both of us got caught raiding their supplies. I don't actually know her, we just chanced into trying to pillage their storerooms at the same time. Then we both got caught. She's given in to their 'training' a bit more easily, it's weird how they do it. At first leaving this vibrating thing on a low setting is a reward, but after awhile it becomes a punishment as you start to want the stimulation more and more. I'd say its not long before they add her to the regular whores. On the upside though, it seems like these guys aren't nearly as fertile as some of the things outside, I've been here about two weeks and still no pregnancy. And they've been trying, as I'm sure you know."

Saying this all seemed to exhaust her, perhaps from resisting the dildo's affects, as she sagged and pressed the outside base of the strap on, apparently trying to mash the thing in farther. It seemed to work as she shuddered in orgasm again. "I need to get out of this place, I don't think I can keep resisting much longer, I'm already starting to want them to turn this thing up." She groaned and started to more actively massage her nipple. "Got any friends on the outside?"
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura shuddered, partly from her inevitably growing arousal, but mostly from hearing Mary's description of what was going to come. And Mary was the one who was resisting? After two weeks she was already masturbating on top of the vibrator. "I might know a safe place. A... relatively safe place, at least. For a little while. If we can get out." She spoke in a near-whisper. It wouldn't do for anyone outside to overhear. At least the third woman didn't seem to be a threat.

And Mary brought up a point. The redhead had mostly avoided thinking about pregnancy, but even if the mutants here weren't as insanely fertile as everything else... it was only a matter of time. If she was unlucky it could have happened already. "But how can we get out? I couldn't outrun them before. Wearing this stupid thing... starting in the middle of their building... not even able to use my hands? There's no way..."
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Hmmm..." Mary seemed to consider Aura's offer of sanctuary, however she was understandably hesitant to accept a stranger's offer of safe haven. However she got a slight twinkle in her eye as Aura seemed doubtful of their ability to escape. "Don't worry about getting out, I've got a plan...I just need to get back into their training room. These guys aren't too bright, basically all of the women in here except for us either don't know how to speak or don't care to unless one of them orders her to. They've got a pretty huge hole in their security, and its name is Wally."

It dawned on Aura that perhaps the slavers had only trained it to answer by command and not by voice. Mary cracked a grin. "Yea, you get it now, don't you? I already tried this once, so I know it works, I've just been waiting on an opportunity to bust out of here. I think if we can get the sleezeball to take us both in their at once we could get loose and overpower him. He's got the keys to these things, so we can't do it without him. What do you think?"
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"If you've tried it once... if we can get to that point then we'll have to give it a try. But a lot of things have to go right first." Aura thought about it. It was something to keep her mind off the dildo, which was getting seriously distracting. "I mean, we have to earn enough punishment to end up in there, but not enough that they do something worse... and they have to decide to do us both at the same time without bringing two of them. And if we... get caught... on the way out... ohhh..."

The redhead let out a low moan, fighting against an orgasm. "What... what do... they do.... oh god... to slaves that try to... uhhh... escape!?" She was right on the edge now. She couldn't give in. She didn't want to end up like the blonde, or even Mary. Would the woman be able to stop pleasuring herself when the buzzing stopped, or was she kidding herself?
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura questions seemed to give Aura pause. She sat quietly, contemplating her plan for a moment, one hand cupping her chin while the other teased her nipples insistently. When a moan escaped her lips she seemed to realize what she was doing and appeared to recover a shred of her modesty as a blush touched her face. "Okay so it's not completely figured out yet, but that guy's a serious perv, I'm sure we can get him to do what we could get him to take us there if we put our minds to it..." As she thought some more her hands magnetized to the thing over her crotch, grabbing it and shifting it around to provide her more stimulation.

"Gah! How about you-hah- brainstorm some ideas aaahnd I'll enjoy this thing for a little bit..." Mary seemed to get absorbed in the pleasure of her belt, jamming the covering around with her hands as she tried to get a little extra stimulation out of it. She hadn't been kidding about that thing taking a toll on her... Time was definitely not on Aura's side if she wanted to have an ally in her escape.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura didn't trust herself enough to speak, but couldn't hold back increasingly passionate moans as she thought. The obvious thing would be a 3-way. But if I just told him I wanted that, he'd be suspicious. Maybe after a few days he would believe it... The redhead glanced at Mary. She pretty clearly would already prefer the high setting. If the slavers see her like this, they'll switch her over and she'll be gone. Or at least unable to help. And... oh god...

A few seconds later a shaking Aura shifted position and immediately regretted it. She was always a little more sensitive after an orgasm. The second one would come more quickly. She won't last a few days until he might believe me if I said I wanted a threeway. And even then, why not just do it here? The second problem... didn't have an easy answer. But the first one might. "You... Mary!" She tried to catch the masturbating girl's attention. "You'll have to hint at a three-way. In the right room, maybe using one of the things in there? He wouldn't believe me, not so soon after... um... what I said to him. Even then it's not foolproof..." She turned away slightly, embarrassment and arousal warring on her face.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Mary didn't stop, or even slow down her efforts to masturbate herself, however she did look Aura's way. She was able to maintain eye contact throughout her explaining the plan, however it became awkward as she continued to stare into the redheaded slave's eyes as managed to climax herself yet again. "Threesome huh? I....think I cannnn sell that! Oh!"

With that she fairly launched herself at Aura, in a display of agility that would probably not be possible if it wasn't in some way connected to her desires. And sure enough...she straddled Aura and started grinding the metal covering of her strapon against Aura's simultaneously increasing both of their penetrations. Moaning gratefully, she raised her breast to the captive's mouth. "Bite my nipple! Please! Chew it and suckle it! Haaa...we might as well make a good show of it, right?" She winked at Aura, but it was hard to believe she was in control of herself at this point.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura found herself trying to pull away, but between her bound arms and the magnified stimulation of the vibrator, it was nearly impossible. Mary seemed out of control. They ended up on the floor, the brunette grinding her hips and practically forcing one nipple into Aura's mouth. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea... maybe I'd be better off on my own... maybe....

She sputtered around the breast. "Mary! We don't actually have to do it until we hear him... ah... coming!" Of course, she wouldn't actually bite her potential ally. And even being found like this would be enough to get the idea of a three-way into the slaver's head. Of course, it still seemed just as likely that he'd just fuck them here.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Trapped in a haze of lust as she was, Mary seemed to react to Aura's pleas. She stopped her furious humping, and though her bound hands behind were now behind Aura's head, she eased up on the pressure creating some space between Aura and her breast. "Please I can't ah! Focus...haaa... Just please do this for me! It will help meeeee! I'll...whatever you want...pleaseee..." Mary seemed to have regained some lucidity for the moment, just enough to ask a little more nicely, but that could all change in a moment.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The redhead froze for a second. She didn't actually feel quite in the mood to be doing this, but it wasn't like she could actually stop Mary at this point if the girl lost control, and she needed the Brunette in control if there was to be any hope of success. Plus the whole point was to make the slaver think a threesome was a reasonable possibility...

What finally decided it was the vibrator. Aura shuddered as she was again pushed to nearly the edge of orgasm against her will. She took the other woman's nipple in her mouth and began working it, hoping that it would give her another minute or two of enough distraction to avoid her second orgasm.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Ohhhh thank you...so much..." Mary's bound hands gently held Aura's head to her breast, clearly wanting her to continue the treatment. "That's it, that feels sharp enough that I can focus on it and not be completely overtaken. We'll have to...have to...uhhh yea... probably start here and then convince him to take us to the other room." Almost automatically, Mary reached up and started pulling on one of Aura's nipples, pinching and twirling it between her fingers.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The additional attention to her nipple was too much. Aura gasped and helplessly rolled her hips, any other response being impossible a second orgasm rolled through her. And neither Mary nor the vibrator stopped the stimulation. By the time it ended the redhead was already moaning, her sensitive flesh almost painful to touch. "M-Mary, slow down! I'm... not used to this yet!"

Hopefully she never would be, but somehow the plan already seemed to be falling apart. How long until the slaver even came back? He could have decided to leave Aura to stew for a few hours before the next 'session'. Or he could come unlock her just to let some of the others fuck her. Or- Arua cut that line of thinking off. It wasn't going to help. Instead, she bit and teased gently at the nipple hanging in front of her mouth, hoping to keep Mary thinking clearly.