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Eggception (thetwo)

Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The blonde girl brightened at the mention of the power source. "Mmmm...Oh that thing? I stole it from those slaver guys awhile back. I-haaaa...thought it looked valuable, but you can have it if you want since you got me out of there." She continued to ride out the tentacles as she listened to Aura, uttering rather distracting coos all the while, seemingly oblivious to the social awkwardness of it all.

"Mmmm...well it's sweet of you to offer, but aside from this one time I actually do pretty well on my own. Feel free to come back for a visit though, I might have something worth trading!"
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Well, that was certainly a fortunate turn of events. And Aura wasn't terribly surprised that the girl wouldn't be joining them. She seemed to be reasonably happy with her life. Even when she'd been a slave she hadn't seemed terribly upset, though probably that wasn't being fair. Enough time wearing the 'training' panties and anyone would be like that. "Thanks, um... what's your name? I'm not sure if you heard ours?"

Once that was taken care of, the redhead turned to Mary. "Well, I guess it's time to go?" There was a slightly nervous tinge to her voice. They did have to go at some point, but it would going near the theater again. Risking being recaptured. It didn't seem likely they'd make the same mistake twice. Or be gentle with escaped slaves. She looked longingly at the axe... but they couldn't leave the blonde woman helpless or unable to heat her 'home', and they were already taking one pretty valuable thing.

If her companion agreed, Aura would peek outside, and if it was all clear, lead the way towards the EGG building, careful to plan a route that would avoid the theater as well as possible.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Don't mention it cutie! You did totally save my butt back there and I didn't have much practical use for that thing anyway. Name's Beth, and don't worry Aura and Mary, I've got a knack for names! If you're ever in the neighborhood, don't be afraid to give me a shout.

Looking out, Aura found it to be in the pre-dawn hours, the sky beginning to lighten, but still no sun to be found. Mary gave her a nod, and they headed out, closing off Beth's hideaway as they went. Finding themselves at street level, they crept back towards the EGG building. They didn't run into much trouble getting to the very tall, concrete wall that enclosed the courtyard and blocked them from sight of the theater. It seemed like they had made their journey during the time window where the nocturnal creatures were bedding down and the day walkers were still asleep.

As Aura and Mary were crouched on the wall, peeking around the corner, there was no obvious movement coming from the slaver base. It would be a roughly fifteen foot dash from the corner of the wall to the entrance to the courtyard, and if anyone looked, they would see them. Additionally, there was no guarantee that there weren't slavers in the extremely overgrown courtyard, however given the amount of animals she had also seen during her comings and goings, it seemed unlikely any slavers would have stayed overnight. What drew her eyes most, however was what lay in the middle of the road, her ax. It likely wound up their during the struggle the previous day. The catch was that it added another fifty feet to her journey and left her very much exposed if anyone looked that way.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura bit her lip. The axe wasn't a perfect weapon, but she more-or-less knew how to use it. At least better than anything else. And it wasn't like she had a huge selection of the things to pick from. But was it worth risking enslavement again?

She bit her lip for a moment, considering. Her initial thought was no, that nothing was worth that. But she'd have to come out of the Egg building again, for food and maybe even more power. Given how close it was to the theater, she'd always be risking that on some level. And without the axe, she'd also have a much higher chance of ending up in another hive, or captured by one of dozens of other things that wanted her body.

The time she'd spent a 'guest' of the wasps hadn't been that bad at the time, given whatever drugs they'd been using on her. But she wouldn't want to be a permanent fixture there any more than she wanted to be one of the girls kept by the slavers. She'd have to get the axe. As quickly and stealthily as she could, but she had to try.

The redhead gestured at Mary, trying to indicate that the other girl should stay hidden while she ran out. Then she went.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Stealth: 8 vs 13 Spotted!

Running out in a low crouch, with Mary staying back by the wall, Aura approached the ax unnoticed. Unfortunately, as she picked it up, a slaver group of slavers walked out the front door of the theater. "Hey! It's that BITCH from yesterday! Get her!" With a chorus of shouts, the group of four slavers charged at her. Looking at Mary, the woman was already in the overgrown courtyard, waving for Aura to follow. The slavers were lightly armed with an assortment of clubs and nets, while only wearing ragged clothing. It was up to Aura whether she wanted to stand and fight now that she had an ax, or run for safety through either the tall grass or overgrown trees of the courtyard.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura gripped her axe tightly and looked at the men. They weren't wearing armor, just rags. Of course, she herself was completely naked. And while an axe was probably a better weapon than a club, she knew from experience that a net wasn't something to ignore. Maybe if there had been only one. Or even two. She could have hit them once and slowed them down. But with four of them... the only thing for it was to run. And hope she was faster than them.

The redhead considered leading the slavers another way. They hadn't noticed Mary yet, as far as she knew, and they certainly didn't know about her place in the EGG building. Taking them another way before losing them would be smart, and in the event that she wasn't fast enough it would help at least Mary get away. But she could remember too well the feeling of the inverted strapon vibrator, and it didn't take too much imagination to figure out what the four men would do to an escaped slave... she wouldn't even have the dubious protection of needing to be fucked by their leader first. And anyway Mary had signaled to follow. So Aura got a tight grip on her axe, turned, and ran.
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Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Distance to EGG Building: 60m
Wasp 1 attacks Aura: 8 vs 8 defender wins
Wasp 2 attacks Mary: 3 vs 9 miss
Ape 1 attacks Slavers: 15 vs 3 Hit
Ape 1 Pheromones Aura, Mary: 6 vs 11 Aura no effect 10 vs 15 Mary no effect
Mary attacks Wasp 1: 9 vs 9 defender wins
Taking off after Mary, her new friend led her through the grassy section, the better to hopefully lose the slavers. They could see the EGG building looming over them. Attracted by the noise of the two girls crashing through the brush and the slavers chasing them, two wasps shot out of the treeline towards the girls. The first one made for Aura, but she ducked under it, feeling the wind of the stinger made as it passed just by her arm. The second went after Mary, who ducked as well.

With an alarming crash, Aura observed one of the Class three corrupted primates crashing through the underbrush, however it charged past her and towards the pursuing slavers, a trail of pheromones following it. Fortunately she was able to clear her mind and power through it. From the sounds of it, more of its primate brethren were joining in, driving the slavers off. While that may have been good, it added a sense of urgency as the primates would likely be coming for the two women as soon as the slavers retreated.

One of the wasps came back around to take another pass at Mary, but she fended it off again.

Aura: HP: 6/6 AP: 0/10

Mary: HP:5/5 AP:0/10

Wasp 1: HP: 2/2
Wasp 2: HP: 3/3
Ape: HP: 4/4

You can choose to either move 20 meters and get 0 attacks, 10 and get 1 attack, or 0 and get 2 attacks.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The decision was an easy one, this time. The two girls together could surely take out the two wasps - Aura had nearly managed two herself when she had first arrived - but they couldn't likely fight either the slavers or a group of apes large enough to attack a group of armed humans and win... even if only one or two survived, between the wasp stings and the scent that was already trying to worm its way into the redhead's mind... a win against the wasps would be a short-lived victory. They would have to run and hope enough of their pursuers would fight each other to let them escape.

"Hurry! Run, while they're distracted!" She had intended the words for Mary, who looked almost ready to fight the wasps, but realized as she said it that the slavers would hear it too, and might even break off the fight rather than lose their prize.

Move 20 meters
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Wasp 1: attacks Aura 15 vs 14 Hit +1 AP
Wasp 2: attacks Mary 3 vs 15 miss
Apes and Slavers: ???

Travel 20 yards, distance to go: 40

Aphrodisiac rolls for Aura, gain AP on a 1: 3 no gain

Wasp 1 attacks Mary: 9 vs 7 hit +1 AP
Wasp 2 attacks Mary: 18 vs 20 miss

Travel 20, distance to go 20

Aphrodisiac Aura, Mary: 2, 4 no gains

Wasp 1 goes for grab on Aura: 19 vs 19 defender wins
Wasp 2 grabs for Mary: 4 vs 11 miss


As the continued their dash through the tall grass, the wasps circled back around for another attack. Focused more on maintaining her footing so she could avoid tripping, Aura received a sting to her arm. As she had come to expect the pain wasn't very intense and mostly receded after a few moments, to be replaced by a sense of pleasure. Alerted by the attack on Aura, Mary managed to once again evade the wasp's attack and continued onward. She heard the continued sounds of a struggle behind them. It sounded like the slavers were having a bad time and were trying to retreat.

The girls kept running, and when the wasps came back the focused on Mary alone. While she managed to dodge around one, the second one caught her in the leg, causing her to cry out even as she continued running. From the cries of fear, anger, and pain coupled with the enraged roars of the primates, it sounded like the slavers were in the middle of their last stand. They had chased the girls into the ape's territory and they were now paying for it. Perhaps because of her experiences, Aura was having some success in resisting the effects of the wasp's sting.

Finally the girls were within sight of the lobby doors to the EGG building. The sounds of the struggle behind them were gone, signalling the slavers' demise. The wasps seemed to realize they were about to lose their prey and changed tactics again, this time seeking to grab onto the girls. The one going for Aura caught her off guard and nearly got her, its pointy legs scrabbled over her nude flesh, looking for purchase. Ultimately, she was able to shake it off of and keep running as Mary ducked the one coming for her before both of the girls made it inside the sanctuary of the EGG building. These wasps were smart enough to stop before they came within reach of the security system. Speaking of... she knew what was coming, she could try to avert it, or just sit back and watch.

I figured you would want to keep going until you got to safety or something major happened (taking 1 AP damage not being major) in order to save time, and cut out repetitive posts. I'll probably do this in most situations so just let me know in advance if you don't want that.
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Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura stood just inside the secure area, panting and slightly flush after the wasp's sting. The slavers were driven off if not outright killed, the apes hadn't chased in any sort of time to matter, and the wasps hadn't managed to secure or incapacitate either of them before they had made it to safety. "We made it!" She threw her arms around Mary, the thrill of escape and adrenaline coursing through her. After a second she pulled away, flushing slightly as she noticed that the other girl must have gotten a dose of the wasp's poison as well.

And in any case, she'd remembered something else important. The violation she'd suffered shortly after waking paled by comparison to any other day in this bleak future world, but it was still something that Mary should at least be warned about. And that was assuming that the little robot didn't find... whatever it was he had been looking for with her. And also that the girl didn't completely freak out at seeing the robot. "This is where I've been living... it's safe here, protected by a sort of automatic security system. It, um... might want to check to see if you're... healthy."

She turned to address the area where she'd usually seen Charlie. "Charlie? This Mary. She's a friend."
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Mary returned Aura's hug, and though she didn't get touchy feely she did press herself against Aura a little more closely than the situation, and their nudity, called for. There was a slight blush to her cheeks as well, likely part venom and part embarrassment despite all of the far more lascivious things they had gotten into just a day earlier.

Aura's fellow escapee looked a little confused at her warning. "Healthy? What do you..." Her query was interrupted by Charlie. "NEW SUBJECT DETECTED, IDENTIFIED AS NON-COMBATANT. INITIATING CONTAMINATION SCREENING." Mary's eyes widened at the mechanical voice. "Wait, what..." She didn't have time to finish her question as mechanical tendrils shot out and seized her. "HEY!" Aura observed the familiar process as the machine probed her delicate nethers.

CONTAMINATION SCREENING COMPLETED, SUBJECT NEGATIVE FOR CONTAMINATION. WELCOME TO EGG CORP!" The tentacles promptly released Mary who slumped against a wall, panting and looking mildly aroused from the treatment. She looked at Aura with a quizzical look on her face. "Ummm...where should I start asking questions?"

Aura: HP: 6/6 AP: 1/10
Mary: HP: 5/ AP: 2/10
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura considered for a moment. "Well... I'll explain what I can, and of course Charlie - the robot - is good at answering questions as well. He's been fine since he decided I wasn't contaminated."

She thought for a second more. "Unless you meant what to ask instead of who. In which case... where ever you like. I think we should have some time. Especially now we have this." She gestured vaguely at the power source Beth had given them. Then, on reflection, turned to the robot security system. "Please tell me this will work..."
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

GOOD NEWS! THE POWER SOURCE YOU HAVE RETRIEVED IS ADEQUATE! YOUR EFFORTS WERE NOT IN VAIN!" A tentacle shot out and grabbed the power source, whisking it somewhere into the EGG compound. Mary shook her head and sighed, slumping down to the floor. "Ohhh man...where to start?"


The two women and Charlie the security system spent a good deal of time talking, catching Mary up on what Aura already knew. It took awhile, but Mary already knew a lot of the 'what', having lived in the world Aura had only recently been introduced to, what she had a difficult time wrapping her head around was the 'why', namely the biological agent 'TARFOLK' and its affects on the planet and the way it had corrupted everything at a genetic level. Genetics were also a foreign concepts to her, requiring further explanation.

Once she was caught up, however, she was able to share a good deal of information with Aura and Charlie, both about the surrounding area, and about the habits and weaknesses of some of the area's creatures.

After day had turned to night and the two women had talked for a good while and eaten, Mary stretched and yawned. "Well, not to sound ungrateful, but what do you do for sleep around here? I feel like I could pass out at any minute."
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Sleep?" It took a minute for the question to register, and then more time to recall the answer. It felt like years since she'd actually slept in an actual bed. "There's a bed back near the nurse's station that should be pretty safe. Um..." Aura couldn't recall there being a second bed, but all the accumulated excitement of the her time in the future was catching up to her. Plus, after their time in captivity together, sharing a bed was hardly intimate. "Well, I think there's only one bed... we might have to share. But I don't think there's a safer place in the city then that bedroom, especially with Charlie watching out for us."

Which brought up something else to bear in mind. The robot would almost certainly record anything either of them did within the area he controlled, even if his 'face' wasn't there.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

At the mention of the bed, Mary perked up considerably. "That sounds fan-tastic!" She gushed. Mary happily followed Aura to the old clinic and looked around curiously, sure enough there was only the one bed. Beside the bed, she spent a good deal of time looking over the rest of the room, not seeming to know what anything did. "Are you sure this room is the most secure in the city? It doesn't look like much..."

Turning her gaze back to the bed she said, "Looks big enough for both of us, I've got no problem sharing body heat with you. Umm...that is, if you don't mind sharing a bed with me after what happened...do you?" She said the last bit with a noticeably less enthusiastic, cocksure tone. Clearly she felt guilty about what had happened in the slaver compound.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The redhead left the comments about security alone. Discussions of how the room was kept safe would take up most of another day, to get Mary to the point where she could understand. It didn't really matter right now.

"I..." Aura shuddered at the memory, then shook her head. "It wasn't your fault, what those bastards made you do. And after what we went through together, just sleeping to- in the same bed... well, it isn't that big a deal."

She shifted slightly, a little uncomfortable with her own thoughts. "I mean... that's all intend to do, right now. Sleep. And, um, not naked. But just knowing I'm close to someone who doesn't want to rape and breed me might be comforting. You know what I mean?"

Assuming Mary agreed, Aura would crawl into the bed after removing only what was on her feet, and fall asleep quickly regardless of what Mary decided.
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Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Thanks Aura...that means a lot to hear you say that." A contrite Mary didn't say anything after that, but she seemed visibly relieved that Aura said she didn't hold what had happened against her. Without further ado, she kicked off what passed for her shoes and socks and climbed into bed with Aura.

In moments Aura could feel Mary's warm body curled against her, the girl seeming nervous with the foreign surroundings and was likely curling against her out of nervousness. Regardless, the trials of the previous day quickly caught up with the two and they slept heavily.

GOOD MORNING LADIES! Aura awoke to Charlie's voice and Mary clinging on to her for dear life, the robotic voice scaring her to wakefulness. After a moment she relaxed and released Aura, sitting up and yawning. "Sooo..." She was wondering why Charlie had woken them up early and the robot continued. WHILE THE POWER SUPPLY IS NOW STABLE, THERE IS A BIT OF A PROBLEM THAT I'M AFRAID REQUIRES YOUR ATTENTION... A pair of warm breakfasts appeared before the two ladies, looking like a gift from the heavens themselves. Mary was too surprised by the food's appearance to react. I'LL JUST LET YOU EAT FIRST..."

"At least you're not pregnant from...Wally." While her tone was somewhat dry as Mary picked up on the way Charlie was doubtless preparing to spring some bad news on them, she was still genuinely happy to deliver the news. "You would generally have given birth by now, and you would have been showing a long time prior. I didn't want to say something earlier in case the baby was just slow to develop, but you still aren't showing so I'm confident you're in the clear." She gave Aura a warm pat on the arm and a happy smile before sitting down and tucking into the food.

When both women had finished eating, the dishes were removed Charlie's voice returned. SO ABOUT THE PROBLEM I MENTIONED EARLIER... THE SEWER SYSTEM THAT RUNS UNDER EGG CORP ISN'T SECURE ANYMORE. THIS REPRESENTS A SIGNIFICANT HOLE IN THE OVERALL SECURITY OF THE FACILITY. THERE ARE A NUMBER OF SPECIES IN THE SEWER THAT COULD OVERRUN OUR OTHER DEFENSES IF THEY APPEARED IN SUFFICIENT NUMBERS. THE GOOD NEWS IS YOU DON'T NEED TO GO FIND ANY SPARE PARTS, YOU JUST NEED TO DO SOME WORK AT A LOCAL TERMINAL AND ESSENTIALLY FLIP SOME FUSES, ALL OF WHICH I CAN TALK YOU THROUGH... The pause was palpable. It sounded like this was a serious security breach. She didn't know what sort of creatures inhabited the sewers, but it would obviously be bad if any sort of creatures were given essentially free access to less-protected parts of the facility. Still, it from what Charlie had said so far it seemed like an easier task than retrieving the power source had been. Charlie knew where she needed to go to fix the problem, and would be able to talk her through fixing it.

Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura nodded grudgingly to Mary's news. Technically it was good news that she certainly wasn't present, but that didn't erase her shame at what she'd done there in the end. And in this crapshoot of a world it seemed like the main consequence was that she was 'available' for something else to try to impregnate. It was hard to muster much of a positive reaction to that.

And ugh. Naturally she wouldn't have any time to relax. This wasn't even like the power situation, where she could take a break when things didn't go well. If this was as serious as it sounded, there wasn't a safe place *to* take a break. Well, maybe her room itself would still be shielded, but she couldn't stay there very long.

"Um... what sort of creatures are we talking about, here?" Aura had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that she probably knew the answer. "And what sort of danger will we be in from them, if we go down there?" If the answer was 'they'll try to knock you up' instead of 'they will kidnap you and use you for breeding indefinitely', she'd feel lucky.

After she'd heard his answer, she turned to Mary. "You... don't have to come. I mean... I'm sure I'd appreciate the help, but I wouldn't make anyone risk that for a night's sleep."
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Re: Eggception (thetwo)


To her credit, despite Charlie's less than stellar peptalk and Aura saying she didn't have to come, Mary shook her head resolutely and stood by Aura. "I'm here to help. I won't let you down Aura. You're the first shot I've had in a long time at having a friend and I'm not about to let you do this alone."

I ALMOST FORGOT! YESTERDAY WAS CHRISTMAS! IN HONOR OF THE LONG FORGOTTEN HOLIDAY I GIVE YOU A PRESENT! A robotic tentacle emerged from the wall, presenting Mary with a miniature sledgehammer that looked like it could be used effectively with one hand or both hands. there was even a bow attached to it. She shrugged and took the hammer, hefting it easily with both hands. Charlie verbally guided the two down a damaged hallway to an unmarked and faded door that apparently led to the metropolitan sewer system. WHENEVER YOU GIRLS ARE READY
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura nodded. It wasn't like she intended to let things fuck her just because they might not decide to 'keep' her, but it would be nice to know whatever she could about what she was facing. She'd pitted her aggressors against each other before, hoping to end up with the lesser of two evils, but that would be difficult now that she was unlikely to know which that was.

At least the facts about light were useful. Having a light would only benefit her - it would either hurt her foes, or they would be totally blind. It wouldn't be drawing monsters like moths to a flame. A pity she didn't actually have anything like that, then. Still, maybe there would be working light switching down there or something.

She lifted her axe, glad that Mary would be with her and armed, and approached the door. "Ready as I'll ever be. Lets go."

Not wanting to give herself a chance to back out, Aura stepped through as soon as the door opened.
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