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Eggception (thetwo)

Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Mary sighed and wiggled a little bit on the wall next to Aura. "How did I escape? You're not going to like it...Basically the spiders didn't fix the webbing in between them laying their eggs in me and the birthings. The bindings got loose during the fucking and I worked them a bit, and after a couple of cycles I was able to get out while they did their sleep thing." She gave another depressed sigh. "I hate to say it, but our escape may well hinge on these dumb fucks' negligence and a good deal of luck..."

Looking up, Aura was able to see the spiders, they did appear to be resting. It was quite possible that impregnating her with a large sum of eggs left them feeling drained. Not that she was in any position to capitalize on it of course, currently she was fastened to the wall with a womb full of spider eggs.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura swallowed. She'd hoped that the spiders had some weakness they could exploit to escape. But Mary seemed to be saying that their best way out was to stay where they were. Stuck to a wall and pregnant. Until they gave birth. And then let the spiders fucked them more. And give birth again. A couple of times.

That was the best case. Assuming that one of the spiders had been careless while fucking her or Mary, which didn't seem to be the case. On top of that, they'd have to wait until one of the spiders knocked some of their bonds loose while stuffing them full of eggs. And didn't fix it afterward. Maybe that would happen the next time. Or maybe it would happen in a week. Or a month. Or maybe they would birth enough "children" before their chance to escape that there would be a dozen spiders around the room, only two of which were drained and careless. Or maybe when there were more spiders, they'd all take a turn, leaving the girls themselves too drained afterward to try to wriggle free.

The silence stretched on as Aura's mind ran from the best case to the worst. But that wouldn't help anyone. She'd just have to hope for the best. Or at least anything at all short of the worst. "I... I guess we can't do anything but try. And hope."

The redhead struggled against her webs once more, to assure herself that there wasn't anything to work with, and settled down to wait for the birth.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The silence was only accompanied by the slowly growing pressure in Aura's abdomen and the occasional moans and groans that the pressure brought from the girls.

Aura's brief struggles showed that the webbing was very secure, she wasn't going anywhere for awhile. Mary did have a potentially helpful hint and some mildly encouraging words to share. "Save your struggles for when you are giving birth and when the spiders are...fucking you. They will be too busy focusing on other things to notice you loosening the web. Otherwise they will catch on and then they'll just put more web you some more. The good news is that it takes awhile for the spiders to hatch and mature after you've ah...laid the eggs. That way we won't have an small army to escape from unless they keep us here for longer than roughly a week..." There was that to be grateful for.

Time stretched on, as did the two girls' pregnant bellies. Though it was impossible to say for sure, it had been at least several hours, maybe more. At times Aura would wake up without realizing she had fallen asleep, and in the dark room in the ancient sewer, there was no easy way to judge time. Finally though the pressure in her abdomen started to rapidly fluctuate and she knew it was almost time to give birth.

Soon Mary's groans had gotten louder, and the sensations Aura was feeling were more uncomfortable than painful given the size of the eggs, but there still wasn't really any aphrodisiac to ease the process like there had been with the wasp eggs. And there were a good deal more spider eggs. The two spiders were drawn to the gasps and groans of the girls, and they stood by at the ready, weaving a sort of web basket which they positioned beneath each girl's vagina to catch their eggs. It took a few uncomfortable minutes to squeeze out the slimy, peach pit sized eggs. Fortunately they were smooth and slick enough to slide out of Aura's womb without much trouble.

The process was uncomfortable, feeling the pressure spike in her womb each time a wet, slimy egg was forced past her cervix and this time traveling down her birth canal as things were meant to rather than up it. They exited her and plopped down into the web sack, one every fifteen to twenty or so seconds. The grunts, groans, and plops from further down the wall indicated that Mary was birthing as well. After awhile the pressure was finally gone from her abdomen, and Mary's relieved sigh indicated that she was finished as well. The spiders spent a minute sealing the egg pouches and securing them up in another corner of the room, giving the two girls a moment of peace before they slowly started scuttling back towards them. The fleshy appendages and Mary's dismayed groan leaving no doubt what the arachnids had in mind for the girls.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Well, that's good, at least." But Aura couldn't help but notice the corollary. If they hadn't escaped in a week, there would be a small army to keep them there. A quickly-growing army.

Time seemed to blur. After a while - an hour? a day? - Aura's eyes fluttered open as a sudden contraction signaled the start of her labor. She couldn't help thrashing about a bit as the first egg made its way down her birth canal, pushing as hard as she could to remove the unwelcome orbs from her womb. Fortunately, they weren't terribly large. There was only a little pain, mostly from her own body as contractions continued.

The first egg passed her lower lips with a wet plop, and the redhead suddenly noticed the spider practically on top of her, ready to catch it. The second one followed a few seconds later. Then the third. The fourth. Aura lost count as time stretched on and her belly slowly deflated.

Finally, after one push and one final plop, it seemed to be over. The spider watched for a few more seconds as she panted, pussy glistening with the slimy fluid that had coated the eggs, until it became clear that there were no more to come. The spider left, presumably to secure its eggs somewhere else.

Which gave Aura about a minute to recover from birthing, and to appreciate the difference not being pregnant seemed to make. For a minute, escape seemed like a less hopeless proposition.

And then the spider was coming back. Aura's eyes were almost helplessly drawn to the fleshy appendage that hung from the spider's abdomen. She remembered Mary's warning, but couldn't stop herself struggling as that approached her. She tried with all her might to move her pussy away. And failed. She gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and tried not to imagine a giant spider fucking her.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura's noticeable thrashing as the spider approached prompted it to blast her with some more webs to hold her still while it crawled up on her, the fleshy phallus sliding wetly across her stomach despite her writhing. The inevitable insertion shattered her attempts to ignore her current plight.

The fucking resumed as it had before. The rapid pumping, the eggs moving the wrong way up into her womb, more thrusting and some lubricating fluids. And of course there was more of the same sounds from before issuing from Mary. After a few minutes, the spiders had returned to hanging from the ceiling and the two well-fucked and again-pregnant women were left stuck to the wall with their next load of eggs.

During the wriggling and writhing, Aura's reinforced bonds had loosened some, but she was nowhere close to freedom, in fact she was probably a little further back from when she had started.

"How'd you do...those webs any looser?"
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The second time had definitely been worse than the first. At least the first time she'd been practically out of her mind on aphrodisiacs, to the point where she might have offered herself to the spider if it hadn't been for the webs stopping her. This time... lubricating fluid was a relief, because it took a while for the thrusting and eggs pushing into her womb to arouse her to the point where she was wet of her own accord.

Aura shuddered as the spider pulled away, and glanced morosely at her swollen belly. She tried her bonds again, feeling exhausted. They weren't quite as bad as they'd been just after the spider had added to them, but they were tighter than they'd been after her first impregnation. She'd have to work on that, but not struggling while a spider walked up with the obvious intention of knocking her up... it wasn't going to be easy.

"I... no, not really. How about you?"

And worse, between the labor, her struggles, the rape and re-impregnation, she was exhausted.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Urghh...that's too bad, I got a little room...just remember to try to struggle more during....birth..." Mary trailed off, and from the sounds of her breathing, Mary had fallen asleep. Aura wasn't far behind her.

The exhausted redhead didn't awaken until she felt the pressure in her womb crest once again. As the spiders began to move and the eggs began to squeeze their way down her birth canal it was time to see if she could manage to make some better progress towards freeing herself.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura felt the her contractions start again, and instinctively relaxed, focusing her energy on getting the stupid eggs out of her. She had to keep fighting to struggle against her bonds as her womb insisted that the only important muscles, the only ones she could think about, were the ones that let her push each egg out.

When she was finished, and her spider tender was away putting the eggs in a safe place, she was too tired to continue to struggle, even after whatever sleep she'd actually gotten. Which at least meant that when the spider inevitably made its way back, to rape and impregnate her for the third time, not putting up too much of a struggle would be easy.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Despite her exhaustion, Aura managed to loosen the bonds enough that she actually had enough space to move her hands around some. It wasn't enough to get her free yet, but it gave her noticeably more freedom and it wouldn't be long before they got loose enough to wriggle out of.

Unfortunately, now came the part where she was inseminated again. The now regretably familiar process began with the insertion of the spider's fleshy ovipositor. As it began to hump away at her, Mary's nearby groans were interrupted as she muttered load enough for the redhead to hear, "Now is the time to loosen the bonds, do what you can..."
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura struggled as best she could while she was pumped full of eggs yet again. She was tired - almost exhausted - but to escape the life that seemed to lie ahead of her, she was willing to give her all. She could only hope it was enough. The redhead didn't waste breath responding, just trying to get a hand free. She felt egg after egg pushed the wrong way through her cervix, each one a fresh jolt of pain, each one sapping her strength a little more.

She just needed one hand free. Then she could pull the other free, her legs, her body. A fantasy appeared of her pushing the spider off her, killing it with her bare hands... but no. The reality - he fact that she was already pregnant with its spawn again, and getting moreso by the second - intruded, and she was left struggling with the webs.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Finally the disgusting fuck was over. Once again the spider pulled out of her, leaving her swollen with its eggs once again. This time though, she had enough space to be able to remove one of her hands when the spiders weren't watching.

Both spiders withdrew to the ceiling with Mary muttering bitterly, "Ha fucker ran out of eggs. Asshole..."
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Out of eggs? Aura glanced down at her belly, barely resisting the urge to start using her free hand to escape immediately. She responded glumly. "Mine didn't."

After a moment, she wiggled her fingers and shifted slightly, convincing herself that a hand really was free. "But... I think I got a hand free. What next?"
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Mary breathed a sigh of relief, or perhaps it was gratitude. "Finally some good news. Just wait a few minutes for our ugly friends to go to sleep, then get yourself loose and come get me."

It would take Aura another few minutes to get herself free of the bindings if she waited until the spiders fell asleep. She would find it slow going, fatigue and the bulk of the eggs in her womb making any sort of action more difficult.

-2 to all rolls regardless of prior bonuses
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Despite her desires to get out as quickly as she could, Aura followed her friend's advice and waited until the spiders seemed to fall asleep, while doing her best to stay awake herself.

When they finally stopped moving, Aura put her few minutes of relative rest to use, pulling her free hand out of the webs and immediately getting to work freeing her other hand. When that was done, she'd work on getting the rest of her body free.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Stealth Check: 4 vs 3 so far so good...

After a few minutes of peeling at the webbing, Aura managed to get herself free of wall for the first time in what felt like forever. It had been so long since she was on her own two feet that her legs faltered when she hit the ground, and she nearly fell noisily, which almost certainly would have woken up the spiders. Fortunately she fell into the wall rather than towards the desks or floor, and the heavily webbed surface both caught her and muffled the noise of her impact, allowing her to get accustomed to using her legs while not waking up the spiders.

Now that she was standing, Mary was looking at her, silently urging her to undo her bindings. There were other things she could do instead of freeing her friend though, like finding a light or a weapon, but the more she moved, the more chances she would have at disturbing the spiders, waking them up and getting stuck to the wall again.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

It took a moment for Aura to get her legs under control, after hours (days? time was hard to track underground) of being pinned in place, but finally she felt more or less steady on her feet. She took a step and almost fell over, the unfamiliar weight of her belly unbalancing her.

The redhead wrapped a hand around it, and almost fell over again in a confusing welter of emotions. The pleasant maternal feeling of something growing in her, and the flood of hormones being pregnant caused, against the horror of knowing what was growing in her, and that she didn't want it.

Aura pushed that to the back of her mind, and started making her way over to Mary. What she really wanted to do was to run... but that wouldn't do. Even without the betrayal it would entail, there wasn't any safe place to go until she did what they'd come into the sewers to do. Finding her equipment might also be nice - though she'd leave every bit of it behind if it meant a lesser chance of being caught again - but freeing Mary first would speed everything else up. Plus, she knew how it felt to be helpless in the spider webs. So releasing her friend would be the first order of business.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Stealth: 2 vs 17 Spotted!

The look of relief and gratitude in Mary's eyes was truly immense. Though she talked and acted brave, Aura could tell that the idea of being left alone with the spiders truly terrified her. Between the two of them, it wasn't too difficult to free Mary, and after her earlier experience, Aura supported Mary and guided her back against the wall after freeing her so she would have some time to get used to standing again before they set of. Unfortunately their luck ended there.

After helping Mary off of the wall, Aura turned and took a step, and something crunched underfoot. Loudly. Looking down, she would see that she had stepped on the leg of one of the spiders she had dispatched earlier, she had broken through the chitin with her foot. A hissing sound prompted the pair to look up, and they saw both spiders dropping down towards them, very much awake. Mary, her expression one of abject terror, grabbed Aura's hand, and without a word tore down the stairs and out of the building even as webs hit the walls around them, dragging the redhead behind her, regardless of if she would have wanted to look for weapons or not. She didn't stop running until they were a good twenty five yards away from the building when she leaned against a wall and started retching and crying.

"I'm sorry Aura! I couldn't take it any more! I couldn't...couldn't stand the thought of being...." She broke down in tears, unable to finish her sentence.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Mary didn't have to pull very hard. The sight of the spiders coming for them ruined any thoughts that they might turn this mission into a success. When they seemed to be safe, Aura struggled to catch her breath. After a moment, she went over and hugged her crying friend, bending awkwardly around her unfamiliarly large belly. "No, you're right." She glanced down, at her own belly and at Mary's. "Doing what came to do wouldn't be much use if we were still in there when our first eggs hatched... we'll have to find some other way, or live without it."

Of course, getting out of the building didn't really mean they were safe. The sewers hadn't exactly been safe place for a pair of women when they'd started. Take away their lights, their weapons, and their clothes, and things looked bad. And Aura at least was pregnant enough that it would interfere with anything she tried to do, even running any significant distance. Waiting the hours until she would give birth was out of the question, though, without a safe place to do it in. They would have to flee as they were.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

A sniffling, teary eyed Mary looked up at Aura and gave her a brave, if shaky, smile. "Thanks Aura. I appreciate that, even if the outlook is a little grim." She stood up and shyly gave the redhead a thank-you peck on the cheek before gesturing towards the way back to the EGG Corp entrance. "I guess we should go back, maybe Charlie will give us more lights and weapons? That and we need to see about getting you somewhere safe to give birth."
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura nodded. She wasn't sure exactly what sort of supply of weapons the robot might have, but it couldn't be worse than their current situation. She just wished she was so confident that getting back would be easy. "Okay, but let's be careful. There are still other dangers in the sewer."