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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

*points at FluidHunter's special ending* Dick-like thing implants giant spheroid into Tiki? Check.

Still showing aftereffects? Check.

It's only missing the bit between "vines let Tiki drop" and "screen fades out"... and given that the part with the black background is a fixed animation...

It's doable. It'd take a lot of work, though.

The problem is context, typical rookie writer's mistake (I've made the mistake myself). If you know the story, its easy to say "oh just do a fade to black, the audience will figure it out" but if you don't know the story it turns into a "wait, wtf just happened?" moment.

Heres what you're actually proposing when you put it into a storyboard:

Tiki gets fucked by Alulune
Seed enters Tiki
Alulune releases Tiki
*fade to black*
Tiki upright in the middle of an Alarune flower looking at a vine

Not very interesting when you read it like that is it? Oh and I skipped the whole seed hatching scene cause thats WAYYYY beyond anything eluku has shown us. You're basically talking about a fully colored, animated H-manga at that point.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

I am very keen for the corrupted fairy with the face-hugger (or should that be ass-hugger) protruding from her rectum.

The again I'm a freak...
Re: Fairy Fighting

Seems there is an update, but dl link site doesnt load unfortunatly :(
Re: Fairy Fighting

shitty translation from google

※ game created by me, introduced in this blog
Please do not download links from outside.
Download the file, thank you execute your own risk.

Update location ...
- Add the egg-laying bee's bladder expansion.
- Add bee's missile expansion.
- Secret

Technology could spawn bee's final extension.
Fairies At the time of her breasts are spawning, so move the state,
Remashou obediently laid pee hole.
(Unclear where it is small enough to spawn?)
The following is the male bee's recall time has come ...

Normal finishing time may be lost to make before it's bee ...
I guess is a good choice ...

To lose at HP's Bees
Was selected as a state rather than the death of her nursery fairy →
Male bees will be used to fertilize the egg-laying is a bee's five hole
Was elected to the state nursery →

Take away the nest is,
Koji開Ke's vagina hole is in charge of honey bees
END ass and get a honey like a fairy ...

Added a bee's missile.
But that move and wondered what to eat
Since I stopped the flow of the game will be worse.
Instead, the cut may be skinny ...


The Bee now has a gloop spit attack and now has Urethral egg insertion though it apears it adds more eggs to other holes and seals them. Hope the Male bee and the ending comes fast
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Re: Fairy Fighting

i think the secret is the background of drinking worm and snake lady's stage???
Re: Fairy Fighting

SERIOUSLY? I havent been able to check since im at work currently.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Actual translation:







Patch notes: (Lit: Updates are...)
- New attack : Expand Bee now has a bladder oviposition attack.
- New attack : Expand Bee now has a projectile attack.
- Secret

Expand Bee's final oviposition attack is now done.
Since the fairy cannot move after breast oviposition, she can only remain meek while eggs are laid in her bladder.
(The hitbox for oviposition is small, so hit-detection can be somewhat iffy.)
Next, the male bee would finally be summoned...

Before that, I would like to make a "normal finish" scene if the fairy loses to the Expand Bee...
I wonder what should I make...

If the fairy loses to the bee due to HP loss
-> Since this doesn't really count as a 'death', the fairy won't be chosen as breeding grounds.

If the bee implants all five orifices with eggs, and they are then subsequently inseminated by the male bee
-> The fairy will be chosen as breeding grounds.

The fairy would be carried back to the nest,
and the honeybees would keep her vagina persistently open,
while sticky fairy honey drips from it... maybe this kind of Ending?


Expand Bee now has a projectile attack.
I was thinking of making the fairy unable to move if she's hit by it, but...
... this negatively impacts the flow of the game so I stopped doing it.
Maybe I'll scrape up something else instead...

(Translation end.)

Theoretically, it seems like Expand Bee has been buffed (and it likes to spam its projectile attack), but the added projectile attack turns it into a joke as it cannot hit you if you are up-close. And if you are far enough to get hit, it's rather easy to dodge as well.

This makes it rather easy to Psycho Crusher the bee to death while it futilely lobs gob projectiles at you.

Of course, Eluku still plans to modify the projectile attack in the future.

SERIOUSLY? I havent been able to check since im at work currently.
Yes, that's the secret.
Re: Fairy Fighting

what is the secret? havent found it.

Other than the background change, it seems like Fluidhunter/Snake woman now has a Game Over screen for the Vore game over(or atleast, I don't remember one being there.)

And I don't know if it's been already mentioned, but if you duck to dodge the aphrodisiac attack while near the edge of the screen, the bee will crash into the wall, leaving it stunned for a while, allowing you time to get the eggs out.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

you mean a game over as in CONTINUE Y/N screen, or as a cinematic that shows the snake swallowing tiki from the inside? because. ever since I got the game for the first tiem, it had a game over screen for fluid hunters vore, fluid hunters mega penetration special and for fluid hunters drinking worm attack.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Just wondering but has anybody made a list of all the attack moves? Besides that what buttons do you press to remove the eggs?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Other than the background change, it seems like Fluidhunter/Snake woman now has a Game Over screen for the Vore game over(or atleast, I don't remember one being there.)

And I don't know if it's been already mentioned, but if you duck to dodge the aphrodisiac attack while near the edge of the screen, the bee will crash into the wall, leaving it stunned for a while, allowing you time to get the eggs out.

that is awesome, I never knew that
Re: Fairy Fighting

The problem is context, typical rookie writer's mistake (I've made the mistake myself). If you know the story, its easy to say "oh just do a fade to black, the audience will figure it out" but if you don't know the story it turns into a "wait, wtf just happened?" moment.

Heres what you're actually proposing when you put it into a storyboard:

Tiki gets fucked by Alulune
Seed enters Tiki
Alulune releases Tiki
*fade to black*
Tiki upright in the middle of an Alarune flower looking at a vine

Not very interesting when you read it like that is it? Oh and I skipped the whole seed hatching scene cause thats WAYYYY beyond anything eluku has shown us. You're basically talking about a fully colored, animated H-manga at that point.

I think you are underestimate hetai addicts(people that can fap to stick figures) imagination, or maybe i'm overestimating their brain functions, hard to tell which is more reasonable...

Just wondering but has anybody made a list of all the attack moves? Besides that what buttons do you press to remove the eggs?

Page 43 for tiki's moves, and to get rid of the eggs you keep preeed down+a+d if i remember correctly, where "a" and "d" are "a" and "q" by default on the keyboard.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

I havent managed to get the bee to urethral inseminate me yet.
Re: Fairy Fighting

you mean a game over as in CONTINUE Y/N screen, or as a cinematic that shows the snake swallowing tiki from the inside? because. ever since I got the game for the first tiem, it had a game over screen for fluid hunters vore, fluid hunters mega penetration special and for fluid hunters drinking worm attack.

Continue screen Pic I mean, for Vore Game Over from Fluidhunter. I know that the cinematic for them have been there for quite a while, I didn't notice a continue screen pic for the vore game over till recently.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Continue screen Pic I mean, for Vore Game Over from Fluidhunter. I know that the cinematic for them have been there for quite a while, I didn't notice a continue screen pic for the vore game over till recently.

Yeah, that's been there for a while, too.
Re: Fairy Fighting

that is awesome, I never knew that
I think that it's bugged (or a bug) because I noticed in most cases the bee kept crashing into an invisible wall between it and Tiki, over and over again, while trying to advance.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I think that it's bugged (or a bug) because I noticed in most cases the bee kept crashing into an invisible wall between it and Tiki, over and over again, while trying to advance.

Heh, it's a bug. /lamepun