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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

nobody(I think) has said she can't. But normally when one thinks of faeries the more traditional tinkerbell-esque idea comes to mind, at least to me. I'd just love to see this become more of a rape fighting game than a fighting game with rape (I know it sounds the same but I wanna see a wider variety rape moves that are effective versus everyone.) If in the tiki/tiki match she would pin down and orally molest tiki. Why for example can't we see her attacking some of the other characters this way? I know some are just out there like the eggplant and meatcatcher or green amoeba but I'd like to see tiki be able to apply some moves on the more humanoid opponents at least. Then again I'd be just as pleased if he just removed the FC fights altogether. Black teddy bears with huge cocks is just lame imho.

not everyone dislike FC (me example), so I prefer FC stay in the game :(
Re: Fairy Fighting

trying to drag real physics into a fantasy world with magic and fairies...

i like that game. have no complaints, well first bosses are boring, fairy crusher is fucking crazy to beat (only beat them once after countless trys). looking forward to the wolf girl. my favorite is fallen fairy but she is to easy atm. you can literally run around for hours masturbating and she wont stand a chance... if she doesnt kill herself while using this breastsucker thing.
oh so i still have complaints... and this giant worm thing is just annoying.
i hope there will be more humanoid enemies. i know this sounds boring, but i think disgusting things like worms, slimes or tentacle blobs are overused in hentai business.
doesnt have to be game over because of forced orgasms or shit like that all the time. she could lose to someone "normal" just because she doesnt want to fight anymore due to the "he/she is so gorgeous/handsome/cute"-effect and is "persuaded" to have a good time instead.

to the subject of tiki having more sex moves against enemies i just have to agree. it is clear, that her enemies want to mate/rape/whatever with her, so why not use their sick urges against them...
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Re: Fairy Fighting

succubus... mhh why not!? or an evil fairy witch casting weird spells ... did not think about what i want exactly.
but a male fairy wouldnt be so bad either. or any other magic "thing" that can be called a male.
im just bored with tentacles, parasites, vore and stuff like that. egglaying or preg offers some kind of unique gameplay so im fine with that. but just some tentacles vomiting green stuff into a fairy (for example) is lame imo.

futa succubus would be nice. or something changing tiki into futa and going into berzerk/lust mode (losing control for a while and player trying to escape rape moves that heals the enemy or something like that).

but i also think this game needs some less extreme enemies. enemies, that do sexy moves and are nice to watch but less ... my english is at its limits here... i wouldnt say disgusting... well, less extreme?! ^_^

since i am a huge fan of rance, i would say a mini-version of rance has to be in it. just for the GAHAHAHAHAHz.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

Extreme is kinda what this game does, though. There's other games for what you're asking for.
Re: Fairy Fighting

example? ...

i dont think there is anything out there with this kind of quality in both artwork and gameplay.
toffis games are quite good, though.
of course there are a lot of games offering everything imaginable, but they just suck.

but i would be really happy to see other works as good as this.

and... im not asking to remove any content from the game. i just think that the whole project would benefit from having more variety in terms of erotic style. there is a limit to the level of extreme if the author wants tiki to remain sexy. he can of course let her stomach expand to cover the whole screen, but there is no point to it trying to do even more extreme stuff, so maybe it would be wise to think of other ways to keep the player interested. im not against adding other sick moves... i actually find them kind of funny, but it gets old.
for example i like to fight against tiki for a change... its fun and sexy... even without superdeformations.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

A panda bear....even smaller than Tiki....


Re: Fairy Fighting

She's a fairy, a.k.a: Fairy sized, you could add in a normal sized human and it'd make for an interesting enemy...Talk about overstuffing Tiki though...

Any real animal could be kinda swanky too.

Not suggesting a new character, but you could just do this for "normal sized humans"


Then again, this could easily be done by FC so...
Re: Fairy Fighting


*snatch - downloads picture.....

*chuck - throws it in concept folder



Re: Fairy Fighting

I guess a frog could be in or some kind of bird...
Re: Fairy Fighting

I'm too lazy to read through the hundred and something pages, so could some please explain to me how exactly to play this game? XD
I have version b I think, and I'm not even sure which keys I use to move :/
Re: Fairy Fighting

I'm too lazy to read through the hundred and something pages, so could some please explain to me how exactly to play this game? XD
I have version b I think, and I'm not even sure which keys I use to move :/

Seriously? I suggest doing some reading there turbo. Its good for you. Probably get your questions knocked out in the first few pages or so. :rolleyes:
Re: Fairy Fighting

Well, first of all Kakku left instructions for the controls ON THE FIRST POST. Secondly, there're only about 60 keys on your keyboard that would likely be your movement and attack buttons. Unless your fingers are fat sausages or missing altogether, it shouldn't even take two fucking minutes to experiment to find out the controls. Finally, it's pretty damn clear you didn't even try to explore the menu bar. Because if you had, you would've seen the Options tab, where you can see what buttons are bound (which you can even edit for your pleasure).

So I have to say, congratulations. You've somehow proven that there are people who're so unmotivated, they refuse to even play a video game.
Re: Fairy Fighting


lol, .

Well, I read the instructions.
I better go try this game out again.
Re: Fairy Fighting

New ending on the egging...pretty much all I've noticed.
Re: Fairy Fighting

i saw something about expandbee having changed, and from what i can see during the finishing move, tiki changed pose after getting her boobs pumped full of eggs. she's now on her knee with the boobs hanging under her.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Hopefully he plans on changing the grapple right after the boob grapple. Looks a little strange going from her being on all fours to suddenly being on her back.
Re: Fairy Fighting

You can also eject the eggs from her boobs using the same buttons from other egging stages in the ExpandBee Level. Animation is quite nice. :)

Aside from that and the new GO scene for Arachne Egging and the internal for Facehugger I dont know what else was updated.