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ACT Active Ryona Guro [Eluku] Wolf's Dungeon

how do I add a new save? There is only one file format in the game .exe, how to cram the downloaded save in there???

Well looky what I have in my magic sack.
Also, there should be an update either in 15 minutes or an hour.
how do I add a new save? There is only one file format in the game .exe, how to cram the downloaded save in there??????
how do I add a new save? There is only one file format in the game .exe, how to cram the downloaded save in there??????
you have to overwrite the game.data (dont forget to buckup)

can someone explain me why i cant pick up things? not sure what i'm dowing wrong, wasnt it crouching and pressing E?
how do I add a new save? There is only one file format in the game .exe, how to cram the downloaded save in there??????
get the save folder, place it next to .exe, easy
can someone explain me why i cant pick up things? not sure what i'm dowing wrong, wasnt it crouching and pressing E?
no crouching, press down and E at same time
It start getting worrysome, Eluku had not been reply nor posting new items on both his blog and social media accounts for two whole days already.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Update Released

In this update
SlugGirl gets really intimate with Nona's cock

Next Update
SlugGirl's straws explore deeper
Nona has a bad hangover and notices her penis is missing
If the slug girl can remove the futadick-symbiont so quickly, then there's no need to go to that doctor behind the harpy rape cave anymore. From the looks of it, the slug girl will then also slurp on the ovaries of Nona as a finisher.
Man what's stopping us from losing to Slug girl on purpose, let her rip out that parasite cock, then beat her ass afterwards and walk away? Nona can put up a good fight despite having her breasts enlarged evidently
The goblin doctor is the start of the guro content for this game.
Man what's stopping us from losing to Slug girl on purpose, let her rip out that parasite cock, then beat her ass afterwards and walk away? Nona can put up a good fight despite having her breasts enlarged evidently
Plus, it's a bonus if they stay that way. Tho knowing Eluku, that's unlikely :/
Happy (belated) New Years everyone!

As always, Eluku draws a picture to bring in the new year, this time it's most likely going to be Nona and..
So look forward to that in the near future
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MMM guys the last time I played the game was in 2020, where I can never get past that cum milking machine. Now I'm still struggling with that, after collecting enough cum it simply keeps going. How do I solve that?
MMM guys the last time I played the game was in 2020, where I can never get past that cum milking machine. Now I'm still struggling with that, after collecting enough cum it simply keeps going. How do I solve that?
Got a screenshot of the the cum collector? It'll help us identify what you're having trouble with
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New Update.
Nona gets put on Slug Girl's lap and somehow has her ovaries forced..out through her stomach somehow.

Eluku confirmed that Slug Girl ripping out Nona's cock will never be permanent, as it results in an instant game over.

"To the fetal birth finish (not implemented) " ...I have no clue what this means or how you get there from your ovaries getting ripped out in a future update.
Sadly, Eluku hasn't been able to make the annual New Years image due to various reasons.

"To the fetal birth finish (not implemented) " ...I have no clue what this means or how you get there from your ovaries getting ripped out in a future update.
I think this just means this game over continues in a future update.
Eluku has pretty much said he's gonna go all out on this game, given the fact he's primarily a guro artist.
Problem is, I'm not exactly that convinced that he'll follow through, due to the fact that one of the earliest updates he made to the game was for one of the menu backgrounds.
Nona + catgirl on a horse type thing, with a tube connecting their anuses together.
Previously the tube was semi seethrough and they would, for lack of a better explanation, poop back and forth.
Then, not too long after, the tube would be completely opaque.