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ACT Active Ryona Guro [Eluku] Wolf's Dungeon

Am I the only one put off by the sheer tedium and one-sidedness of the mechanics of these fights? Like I know there's supposed to be some cheese for fighting the grey cat where you just get in a corner and use the heavy kick to keep her at a distance, except she has the ability to cancel any of her attack animations into a block, or if she doesn't, sometimes your kick just mysteriously doesn't hit anyway for unknown reasons. Coupled with her attacks doing twice the damage of yours, all it takes is having her get in once to remove all progress (which she can easily do since she can block and move forward at any time; your attacks have recovery, hers don't if the game doesn't want them to.) And if you dare try to fight her outside the corner of the screen she has that invincible dash to get through your attacks and get behind you for free at any time.

And she's the easy one. I've gotten to the slug girl, and all I can do is get knocked away, get spit on, and then get dragged in, and at that point the fight's basically over already. Game over, go end up in a stalemate with the cat for another 20 minutes if you want another shot at it because of that other brilliant idea where you have to do these fights consecutively. I haven't even seen this tiger girl yet because even when I do get to the slug girl, she wins pretty much automatically by virtue of having ranged attacks and me not having a block button. Unless there is one and I missed when it was added.

It's just amazing to me that the person designing the gameplay of this segment also did fairy fighting, where the game was still pretty unbalanced in the enemy's favor but it at least showed some competence and at least a passing familiarity with how fighting games work. But is there something I'm missing, or do you really just have the two attacks and that's it?

Nah, it's not just you. This entire arena section is pretty janky and is tedius far more than actually challenging. I mean, Fairy Fighty wasn't a anywhere close to being as smooth as even the shittiest fighter game, but it was servicable and at least had a good range of animations thrown in for the fight. These pretty much have a small subset of animations and not a whole lot of interesting mechanics for the fights themselves. Kind of sucks this is where the game has been sitting for so long; can't wait until we leave it far far behind and finally move on to the new zone. Couple years at this rate, though, lol.

But yeah, it's worse than fairy fighting, which is weird. I really hate it. You can cheese it, but you sort of have to, and it's not exactly fun or entertaining.
Am I the only one put off by the sheer tedium and one-sidedness of the mechanics of these fights?
Definitely not.
I find the entire combat mechanics unplayable and only go in via cheat engine.
In these arena fights, I just move the HP bar of the boss via manipulation of the corresponding variable.
I have neither the time, nor the stamina to deal with some weird button mashing mechanics in a friggin' erotic game.

Luckily for me, the arena area does not contain animations I find fun to watch, so currently I am just waiting for Eluku to move on to actual overworld content again.
Gotta be honest, none of Eluku's games have balanced combat, it's like he balances them all based on people using the cheats he puts in and is like "how do i make it challenging for someone with infinite health." Been like that since fairy fighting
What the actual fuck
I got banned from getuploader
Not only can I not download Wolf's Dungeon anymore, but I can't download ANYTHING that gets uploaded to getuploader. ANYTHING.
I did nothing wrong.
I'd appreciate it if Eluku would stop injecting artificial difficulty into these fights by having the opponent either noclip through attacks that would otherwise hit them (Graycat with her dodge, Tigergirl with her ovary milking grab) or flat out NoSell attacks that do connect when they're not otherwise blocking (Tigergirl when she powers up her super punch).
I got frustrated to the point where I had to use cheatengine to change TigerGirl's HP in order to see the new animation.
If you thought that was bad the new hungry tiger cat mode is literally unwinnable to my knowledge.
somehow Eluku made raper beast but even more unfun with tiger girl's overpowered grab parry.
...because her grab has the same yellow flash animation and you literally cannot react. if you attack she'll grab you. if you dont attack she'll grab you. At the very least if Eluku wants to have a guard grab at least make the colors different like yellow for grab and blue for parry or something. just give me something because by the time I check tiger girl's hand gesture im already getting grabbed.
My strategy for beating tiger up till then (till eluku adds more BS to this fight)
dodgerolling INTO the big punch is pretty reliable when you get the timing down.
short range claw attacks (tap button 1) does wonders if you can get close (be it tiger girl forcing you close or you dodgerolling into her). long kick is a decent second option.
Elukus patch notes is accurate in now Nona should track tiger girl better when she "Nothing personal kid"
I'd appreciate it if Eluku would stop injecting artificial difficulty into these fights by having the opponent either noclip through attacks that would otherwise hit them (Graycat with her dodge, Tigergirl with her ovary milking grab) or flat out NoSell attacks that do connect when they're not otherwise blocking (Tigergirl when she powers up her super punch).
I got frustrated to the point where I had to use cheatengine to change TigerGirl's HP in order to see the new animation.
Slightly deviating off topic but I think Tiki in fairy fighting actually has a decent moveset. The problem is that almost every enemy has a cheap spammable attack that stuffs out any sort of strategic play you would want to muster.

...and honestly I think it's intentional. Eluku seems to really like enemies being purposely overpowered to the point where the only winning strategy is to use extremely lame AI-abusing tactics.
I'm of the opinoin that it's probably for lore/story reasons. You are meant to be weakened and not as strong as your opponents in both games, so it makes sense thematically that your opponents are incredibly difficult to beat. This plays well with the people who like that sort of thing in their porn. The problem is that it makes for incredibly frustrating and unfun gameplay.
i'm confused. how do you let tg do the new animation?
Could all this perhaps be fixed with Grinding at this point in the game and being a higher level?
Could all this perhaps be fixed with Grinding at this point in the game and being a higher level?

No the arena seems to be a completely separate system not affected by stats from the main game.
I hacked my save to be very high level long ago and that seems to have no benefit to the arena.
No the arena seems to be a completely separate system not affected by stats from the main game.
I hacked my save to be very high level long ago and that seems to have no benefit to the arena.
Shit, that probably also explains why freezing my health with CE didn't affect it in the arena
No the arena seems to be a completely separate system not affected by stats from the main game.
I hacked my save to be very high level long ago and that seems to have no benefit to the arena.

Yeah, I thought that was obvious, but hey now you all know. It's basically a game within a game and your stats don't affect it at all. If Eluku doesn't give wolf a far better moveset or tones down the opponents, I suspect it's going to be the place everyone ends up keeping before and after saves for so they can just skip it.

Having beaten them all once through cheese, I never want to fight them again and the animations for them are so uninteresting to me that I really honestly can't wait until he moves on, lol.
So if I read his blog correctly, it seems like Eluku wants to go the crowd-funded route in 2023. If this is true, I have many mixed feelings about the whole thing.

On one hand, the guy creates unique things I haven't really seen anywhere else before, so I think it would be worth some support. On the other hand, however, this guy has been working on this "part-time job" area for almost two years now.

Shit, that probably also explains why freezing my health with CE didn't affect it in the arena

I tried going in there and the cheat table I was using had all the values change and not work. However, if you mess with the values outside on the cliff, your changes are carried over. If you increase your attack and defense, the increases should be noticeable in the arena. I had to lower my attack since I was taking TG from 100 to 20 in a single kick at one point, so I'm assuming it'd work for you.
No update this week
Eluku's still working on BeastMode TigerGirl

UN is right
After January 2023, Weekly Wolf's Dungeon updates will be available on Fantia and Fanbox for 300 yen (about 3 dollars, I think) a month along with rough drafts, sketches, the sort of preview stuff Eluku used to post on the blog way back when.
You also have the option to give 1000yen (about 10 dollars I think) which, while not giving further benefit, allows you to further support Eluku (and by god, I say he deserves it).

This guy has been working on this "part-time job" area for almost two years now.
I think it's a fair amount of time considering he works on the game during the weekend and maybe on a friday night, that's 2 and a half days a week.
He's also made Fairy Fighting, so he's been making games for more than a decade. I say he deserves all the support he gets and am surprised he hasn't switched to crowdfunding sooner.
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also the entire game is kinda complex and pretty multigenre, every bit of the game must be played and mastered differently
this thing must have costed a crazy ammount of time to be done or eluku is too damn skilled :3
No the arena seems to be a completely separate system not affected by stats from the main game.
I hacked my save to be very high level long ago and that seems to have no benefit to the arena.
I set my power, defense, and speed to 3000 and I can one hit TG. I guess the only thing that matters are the attributes.