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ACT Active Ryona Guro [Eluku] Wolf's Dungeon

Re: Wolf's Dungeon

So it seems the start is bugged for me, I defeated the first enemy (that shite that keeps spawning the floating blobs) and he shows his death animation but nothing else happens and enemies keep spawning.

Sounds like you have the old version of Wolf's Dungeon.

The link in the very first post at the top isn't the link you want, scroll down and find the post from November 1st.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Okay after going through about 20 ish pages I couldn't find an answer so......please just tell me if anything is meant to happen after beating the konfu orc as I took out the last bit of his hp and he fell over backwards but nothing else has happened......I've also tried going around the room spamming space bar and E while jumping and standing to try and get some interact thing. Or is that just it? Because then.....how do I get to the jungle stage?

PS I have 50 power in my stats and did nice damage to him.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

There is one girl where you have to pull out something in the room of the Kung Fu guy if you have the newest version
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Uhhh you mean the one right by his chair? Because I thought that too and jumped around her pressing e and such around her a lot.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

New update is out


The village is still not accessible and the vines is still a bitch to pass
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Yup. Mostly balancing and tweaking from what google says.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

There's a lake right after the last save point, press down and you enter a new area. Control E and she gushes her cum collection out into the pool
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

oh wow never mind about my question after trying a ton more times and rebeating the kung fu orc I found the TINY hitbox area you need to be in to activate it......the hit boxes need to be improved a lot with entering stuff and such...
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

New update


It's an entrance to the futa village
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

eluku added the futa guardian at the entrance of the futa village. She does have combat moves (quite sweet-looking), but you can't harm her, and neither can she harm you. Also, eluku made it easier to get to the futa village. Now the rape vines don't shoot their cloth-dissolving slime at you anymore, they only plop it near the ground. You can run past them if you're fast enough.
And there is a set of clothes on the ground at the futa village.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Hey guys, first post. I have the same bug as some people in here, where my menu / inventory (tab) doesn't show up. I can still use it, but I can't see anything and there are some stats shown on there, right? :confused:

EDIT: I found a fix, it's in my post #1069 on page 72 of this thread (sorry, can't link yet as a new user).
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Okay after going through about 20 ish pages I couldn't find an answer so......please just tell me if anything is meant to happen after beating the konfu orc as I took out the last bit of his hp and he fell over backwards but nothing else has happened......I've also tried going around the room spamming space bar and E while jumping and standing to try and get some interact thing. Or is that just it? Because then.....how do I get to the jungle stage?

PS I have 50 power in my stats and did nice damage to him.

After beating that motherfucker, - congratulation for succeeding - you go to the rightmost girl, and activate her, you will take out the ball from her pussy then go to the left end of the room and activate the claw there. As for WHAT it does, I'll leave it to you to discover^^
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

The futa guardian is indeed there though i feel once she can hurt me she will be hard as shit. Also i dont know about u guys but that slime plant still shot acid at me like always. That aside i can't wait to see the futa rape and game-over animations.
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Sorry to ask this again but,

Doesn't the game currently have guro? I asked the same thing a long time ago, but the game has changed since then (adding, changing, and removing content), and while I've seen people talk about potential guro in the future, I don't really know what's in the game as of now.

If it's only one or two enemies/hazards than I feel like I could avoid it, whereas if it's every enemy it wouldn't exactly work too well if the game is hard.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Well, if you dont count extremely large penetrations, that can potentially rip her apart, then no, no guro yet.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Well, if you dont count extremely large penetrations, that can potentially rip her apart, then no, no guro yet.

I mean, I'm no stranger to vaginas that defy the laws of the universe...

That said, absurd capacity is the sort of thing I can ignore (or interpret as somehow not painful) just because of how far removed from reality it is. Unless of course you mean it actually DOES rip her apart, in which case...can't really ignore that...
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

I mean, I'm no stranger to vaginas that defy the laws of the universe...

That said, absurd capacity is the sort of thing I can ignore (or interpret as somehow not painful) just because of how far removed from reality it is. Unless of course you mean it actually DOES rip her apart, in which case...can't really ignore that...

I'm all for slight ripping and tearing + screams of pain and such. But yeah not one for splitting in half or ripping apart.

Eluku is keeping it pretty tame for now. Which for people like me is a shame. But it's Eluku so that's never a bad thing.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

I'm all for slight ripping and tearing + screams of pain and such.
Well, any ripping or tearing would be too much for me. Porn is only appealing to me if both parties involved are enjoying it, so where I draw the line more or less comes down to what I imagine to be too painful.

On a side note, (out of curiosity)
For those of you who like guro or violence towards one gender or the other; who in the scene do empathize with? That is, is it masochistic, the other way around, or neither? Do you make the same distinction you would with rape fantasy in games? (That is, playing the victim VS playing a rapist.)