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RPG Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [Enokifu] Liebe's Quest (working title)

To be fair, I don't think it's the fault of Kunoichi Botan per se. As I recall, the Kunoichi Botan project was born primarily out of frustration in working with RPGMaker MV. If Enokifu is still struggling to work with MV, or doesn't enjoy it, then it's understandable that Liebe's Quest may fall by the wayside.

That or they just don't have the time to work on it anymore. Life throws all kinds of surprises at people.
Aw not going to lie i thought we finally got an update haha.

More then anything i was excited for Liebe's quest in hopes to see if we would get more of Sachi since red collar's true ending had a pretty open end
Sorry to bump up his topic, but is this confirmed dead or on hiatus? I'm looking through his twitter and the only things I see are his latest doujin (TS BAD END) and the Kunoichi Botan game. It's a shame cause this looks really good.
Moving the thread to the Games Under Construction section.
Sorry to bump up his topic, but is this confirmed dead or on hiatus? I'm looking through his twitter and the only things I see are his latest doujin (TS BAD END) and the Kunoichi Botan game. It's a shame cause this looks really good.

To the best of my knowledge, this is still technically on hiatus, in-so-far that the last time Enokifu mentioned this project, they said they were taking some time off to work on Kunoichi Botan. However, given how long ago this was, and the fact it hasn't been mentioned since, I wouldn't hold out any hope of this game being completed.
man.... seeing this not having been done for a long time with no mention at all is very upsetting, I really liked the red collar one but didnt like the ninja one, is there anyone able to ask him directly whats going on with the project? mabey a reminder of the game might help spark it back up.
Hey, guys. The author writes a blog on ci-en. Instead of this game I think he started making a new game about Botan.
ci-en (dot) dlsite (dot) com/creator/4988
Hey, guys. The author writes a blog on ci-en. Instead of this game I think he started making a new game about Botan.
ci-en (dot) dlsite (dot) com/creator/4988

That's amazing, it seems like he has already completed all of the basic systems and even rigged his characters for animation. I completely missed this, we need a thread about this
If you look at the author's ci-en cover picture, you can see the heroine of this game crying. Poor girl...
There is a thread about it, but it's in the Hentai section rather than Hentai Games/Games Under Construction, and it's been locked because of a lacking OP. But yeah, following him on Twitter is pretty cool. I personally really loved Kunoichi Botan, and still replay every now and then, so I'm definitely looking forward to this one.
I actually just recently replayed the girl in the red slave collar myself, still such a great game so i'm really glad to see he's working on a new game even if he did drop this one (at least i think)? A selfish part of me wished the sequel was for the slave collar game personally though but regardless i'm just glad to see him back to making games
I can't say I'd feel bad about seeing more hot female ninja's getting fucked silly. Though we really should have another thread for that game and If this game never comes out; then it'll just be another curiosity that never materialized.
Enokifu's games are usually good. While it's a shame that this game won't be seeing any release soon, I'm also excited that there's another Botan game in the works as I quite enjoyed the CR in the first one. The character animations in the new Botan is also a plus.
Yeah. :confused: I love Kunoichi Botan, and I know it turned out to be a fully fledged game in the end, but for some reason the minigames and the simplified fighting system always take me back to when it started out as a minigame for a con...

So I can't help but feel kind of sad every time he doubles down on some other project. Again, Kunoichi Botan is a great game (one of my all time faves, even), but Enokifu has shown some real creativity with fighting systems now and I really wanted him to tackle a more standard RPGmaker fighting system again and see how me manages to put his creative spin on it.

Maybe it's kinda cringe to talk about artistic direction and stuff like that in porn games, but damn it, he really does manage to sell the whole "damsel in distress" fetish through gameplay in his works!
(combat < stealth & limited resources -> she's outnumbered in hostile env.; dice roll combat -> no mentor, so she just throws moves)

But I get that you need to want to work on a big project like this. Ofc if you don't have inspiration it's going to turn out wrong... I just hope he gets it back some day 😭