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ADV [Eushully] 珊海王の円環


Demon Girl Master
Nov 16, 2014
Reputation score
It's almost that time of the year again. Thought we'd be seeing another release in the Ikusa Megami series given Eushully's usual release pattern, but unfortunately for fans of that series (and I guess fortunately for everyone else...maybe?), they're taking another crack at making a real time strategy game!

Dunno about you guys or how many of you played through Madou Koukaku(魔導巧殻), but after going through that experience, I am beside myself with quivering excitement (or is it fear?).

But you know what they say, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

So here's Sankai Ou no Yubiwa (Ring of the King of the Coral Sea):

Link to the game's page itself:

To keep this from being a very bland topic-starting post, talk some (roughly translated) story and mechanics.

Story: There's a legend of a pirate who gathered many treasures and killed many demons and established a powerful kingdom and was probably an all-around great guy to hang out with. Hundreds of year later, he appeared again on a ghost ship, and proclaimed that whomever gathers 6 shiny rings as proof that they are worthy will be granted an audience with him, and he will listen and fulfill any wish they have (or something like that).

What everyone thought was a silly legend turned out to maybe not be so silly when sightings have been reported of a ghost ship out at sea. So people start getting serious about collecting rings before the ship disappears again.

tl;dr Collect 6 rings and win big.

System: In an interesting twist, you get to choose who you start out with! Each character has a different (initial) playstyle (because let's face it, they're all going to be the same at endgame once we figure out how to throw the game's balance out the window), storyline probably, and flavor of H-scenes.

So a quick rundown because I'm too lazy to translate and write everything up, you have your typical male pirate MC, a loli caster, an angel who got cursed, a half-succubus, a vampire who requires sacrifices, and the mandatory fat rich guy. So, basically everyone you would find in a Eushully game.

You sail around on a boat, and you make landfall to gather resources. While you can gather them from the land itself, you can also steal from your opponents, and they can steal from you as well. And nothing's safe until you get it back to your ship. And there's apparently 400+ land areas and sea routes, so probably a pretty big map.

Battle is largely automated, in that you can set a general tactic for everyone to follow and they'll fight it out on their own, and you can go out of your way to set specific orders to each unit if needed.

One last interesting is that unit sizes seem to be set, such that you will have 9-person unit consisting of weaker people, 3-person unit of stronger people, and 1-person commanding unit, but a single person can at most engage with 3 people. So the 1-person commander will only fight 3 of the 9-person mob at once, while the 6 other heads will sit around and do nothing. Basically, establishing a strength/weakness triangle of sorts.

...Somehow, I'm starting to miss the card battle system in Soukoku no Arterial...

Game's due for release on April 28.
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Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

There's already a thread on hongfire for this game.

I'm expecting the demo to be released this Friday or sometime over the weekend. Just looking at the demo gameplay video that's been up for some time, you forgot to mention in your introduction that battles between the factions can sometimes be livened up by the intervention of huge guardians who will smash everyone in their path.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

i wish i could read Japanese! T_T
Realllly want to play this !
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

This game already a plus for me thanks to the originality of collecting 6 things instead of 7. :D

Questions! Because we can start with different char:

1. Are there any info regarding branched story path and route based on the char you initially select? For example, will choosing the Captain Fatt Sparrow there defaulted the route to "Rape and Conquer", and making "True Harem" route much harder to achieve?

2. Will all chars join our crew in the end? Or will there be somekind of rival system? Because seriously if i chose to play initially as the Captain Fatt Sparrow, i have the hard time imagining how did the girls join his fleet without some usual fare of Sex-Slaving and Rape-Hypnosis. (I'm sorry to all gentle and kind-hearted more-than-chubby guys out there for my prejudice. :eek:)
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Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

From the videos so far, the routes look like they're independent of each other. Even the 18+ scenes depend on the protagonists players choose (for example the vampire is likely to turn all of the other girls into fellow vampires after screwing them while the Fat Lord screws all of the girls he conquers personally as prizes).

There's no fixed order to playing the routes, although the website recommends the pirate youth for beginners since his route is the easiest for gathering comrades.

Personally I've always given Eushully's games a pass since they seemed like a lot of work with not much of a reward, but this game looks like it's got the right balance between gameplay and visual eye-candy for me to get into it.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

I would murder a small mid-western town for more of this circle's games to be translated, Kamidori was fantastic.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

I hope this has better hotkeys and controls than Madou Koukaku. Also multi-scenarios should be fun.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

System: In an interesting twist, you get to choose who you start out with! Each character has a different (initial) playstyle (because let's face it, they're all going to be the same at endgame once we figure out how to throw the game's balance out the window), storyline probably, and flavor of H-scenes.

How playing H-games makes you an expert theorycrafter :cool:
Looking forward to this!
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

Demo's been released. Anyone interested can get it off Getchu or the other mirror sites.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

I really wanted to play as the merchant rueai but i'll just settle with sonya. =(
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

So, Sid Meier's Pirates, the H-Game, with Koukaku battle mechanics?
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

This game seems so good, a shame that it will not get translated and even if it does, it will be a long time away.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

This game already a plus for me thanks to the originality of collecting 6 things instead of 7. :D

Questions! Because we can start with different char:

1. Are there any info regarding branched story path and route based on the char you initially select? For example, will choosing the Captain Fatt Sparrow there defaulted the route to "Rape and Conquer", and making "True Harem" route much harder to achieve?

2. Will all chars join our crew in the end? Or will there be somekind of rival system? Because seriously if i chose to play initially as the Captain Fatt Sparrow, i have the hard time imagining how did the girls join his fleet without some usual fare of Sex-Slaving and Rape-Hypnosis. (I'm sorry to all gentle and kind-hearted more-than-chubby guys out there for my prejudice. :eek:)

I'm assuming if you play the pirate MC you're given the option of having most characters join your crew, with the alternative, at least from what I got in the demo, being offering the pirate's welcome (read: rape) before disposing of them. Also, mind control has been already used in Himedori Dungeon, so a true harem as Captain Fatt Sparrow might be more possible than you think ;). Dunno if it'll apply to all the character storypaths though.

But dunno about story branching paths. That might be something we'll have to see when the game comes out.
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Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

Having played the trial for a while I feel that the real time combat is almost as bad as it is in 魔導巧殻, and at the very least not very enjoyable.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

Ugh, Euschully games and I have a love/hate kind of relationship.
I love the complexity. I love that they are actual games. I usually love the stories. I like the Character. The artwork is absolutely top tier, and exactly to my tastes.
I can't understand a lick of japanese. Most machine translations make me cringe.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

Ugh, Euschully games and I have a love/hate kind of relationship.
I love the complexity. I love that they are actual games. I usually love the stories. I like the Character. The artwork is absolutely top tier, and exactly to my tastes.
I can't understand a lick of japanese. Most machine translations make me cringe.

Don't you think it's kinda prejudice to hate games because they're in language the developer is? :p

You're instead giving me impression you love Eushully games to death but cursed yourself for not actually a Japanese native speaker. :)
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

Having played the trial for a while I feel that the real time combat is almost as bad as it is in 魔導巧殻, and at the very least not very enjoyable.

Ah, that game. I spent half the time fusing random monsters just to see what would come out XD
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

Having played the trial for a while I feel that the real time combat is almost as bad as it is in 魔導巧殻, and at the very least not very enjoyable.

They dumbed it down a bit, but now I wish you could actually give units orders instead of tapping them in one direction or the other. Or at the very least, be able to tell one unit to man the cannon while everyone else attack the opponents.

And dat cannon mechanics. It's like they modeled the game after Sega's Sengoku Taisen but took out *just* enough features to not be a flat out ripoff.

On the bright side this is only a demo, and I've seen that Eushully is capable of receiving feedback and making improvements to their system before release, so things might turn out for the better (altho removing the tapping system for something else might be asking a bit much...).
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Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

They dumbed it down a bit, but now I wish you could actually give units orders instead of tapping them in one direction or the other. Or at the very least, be able to tell one unit to man the cannon while everyone else attack the opponents.

And dat cannon mechanics. It's like they modeled the game after Sega's Sengoku Taisen but took out *just* enough features to not be a flat out ripoff.

On the bright side this is only a demo, and I've seen that Eushully is capable of receiving feedback and making improvements to their system before release, so things might turn out for the better (altho removing the tapping system for something else might be asking a bit much...).

Not that you'll read this, but not much has changed since the gameplay video was released months ago. You should be aware anyway that cannon duels rely on the defensive army formation since winning just means blasting the enemy's hull to pieces.

If you're not happy with the passive aspect of combat, complain to Eushully via their feedback system. This game appears to be optimised for touch-screen surfaces hence the passive nature of the combat.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

Not that you'll read this, but not much has changed since the gameplay video was released months ago. You should be aware anyway that cannon duels rely on the defensive army formation since winning just means blasting the enemy's hull to pieces.

If you're not happy with the passive aspect of combat, complain to Eushully via their feedback system. This game appears to be optimised for touch-screen surfaces hence the passive nature of the combat.

Right, but you'd still want to make an effort to reset the opponent's cannons unless you're content in just making it a slugfest of seeing whose cannon power, reload time, and ship's hull is the strongest.

I guess your choices here are either to leave AI on default, which makes everyone rush for the cannons to get it going before attacking the enemy, and one squad/everyone (both cases have happened for me) rushing back to the cannons again after it fires to ready it up again. Or setting the AI on the defensive, which I assume would just have everyone stand around at the cannons, and you can maybe tap a few squads to prod them into attacking the enemy.

You do raise a good point about Eushully optimizing the system for a touch interface, which did not occur to me until now. That would explain some of the UI design decisions and mechanics.