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ADV [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

Right, but you'd still want to make an effort to reset the opponent's cannons unless you're content in just making it a slugfest of seeing whose cannon power, reload time, and ship's hull is the strongest.

I guess your choices here are either to leave AI on default, which makes everyone rush for the cannons to get it going before attacking the enemy, and one squad/everyone (both cases have happened for me) rushing back to the cannons again after it fires to ready it up again. Or setting the AI on the defensive, which I assume would just have everyone stand around at the cannons, and you can maybe tap a few squads to prod them into attacking the enemy.

You do raise a good point about Eushully optimizing the system for a touch interface, which did not occur to me until now. That would explain some of the UI design decisions and mechanics.

There's a setting which sets the active squads to charge the cannons and forego loading your own cannons, something to consider if your ship army outclasses the opposition making it "cleaner" to get rid of the opposing army rather than relying on the cannons.

On the other hand, if your ship has been upgraded enough to hold multiple cannons and your cannons outnumber the adversary in quantity and hull strength, save your armies by camping at your cannons and let the enemy come to you. This is good since it means you can match the invading squads with the appropriate units on your own side.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

I'm so going to play as the fat bald happy merchant and turn this into some kind of Liquid game.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

Not as hard as other people have made it out to be. Starting out with the former boss at level 7 and a few decently levelled troops actually allows players to take out Sonya's main squad with a bit of magic help.

After that it's a matter of keeping the squads healed up and at maximum troop capacity. The AI tends to use smaller squads to claim islands which isn't a good idea if you can swamp them with a higher quantity of inferior troops.

Cannon fights vary in difficulty depending on the ship garrison. If Sonya and her level 5 grunts are out on the islands, she'll have level 3-5 bats left on the ship which are easy prey for a levelled Aritz, the captain and a few sailors and archers to fill out the squad. Setting the AI to "suppression" means the squad will go out of its way to stop the enemy cannon whilst making sure the ship's own cannons are reloaded each time they finish firing.

Ship boarding is the cheapskate way of draining the enemy faction's command when a bombardment isn't possible. Again depending on the number of garrisons on the ship, it can be hard or really easy.

Sonya's magic is fire-based and designed to barbecue your troops. If players expect her to use the flame pillar then saving up the anti-magic field for that might be a good idea since the regular 100 damage flame circle usually helps you by barbecuing Sonya and her armies as well.

Agnes is going to be harder because her main squad is ridiculously high-levelled and she has the whole south island to herself if you concentrate on taking out Sonya. One way to do it is to pick off weak shore parties and then retreating the squad when it's counter-attacked.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

It sounds pretty good when you put it like that!

I can safely say this game is nothing like sid meier's pirates unfortunately. Some basic concepts are there like upgrading your ship. Though it is done through a simple menu, not docking at a port and talking to a shipwright.

There does not seem to be any ports or bases for you to dock and go into sadly, or towns for that matter (at least in the demo). The navel combat is over simplified, there is no actual maneuvering of the ship to fire the guns then board the enemy. It just starts off side by side already boarded... then firing the guns.... which is not very pirate like. No options for keeping their ship either and making a fleet. There is no free roaming, just a set path. Oddly enough nearly all the combat is done on land lol. Your ship is little more then a short-cut to move your armies around on land.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

I can safely say this game is nothing like sid meier's pirates unfortunately. Some basic concepts are there like upgrading your ship. Though it is done through a simple menu, not docking at a port and talking to a shipwright.

There does not seem to be any ports or bases for you to dock and go into sadly, or towns for that matter (at least in the demo). The navel combat is over simplified, there is no actual maneuvering of the ship to fire the guns then board the enemy. It just starts off side by side already boarded... then firing the guns.... which is not very pirate like. No options for keeping their ship either and making a fleet. There is no free roaming, just a set path. Oddly enough nearly all the combat is done on land lol. Your ship is little more then a short-cut to move your armies around on land.

Considering the whole aim of the game is to defeat the other competitors and sink the opposing ships in addition to fending off the wild card NPCs also roaming the map, there doesn't seem to be much point in increasing the gameplay aspects towards a more conventional game when the main focus remains on the 18+ scenes triggered when an enemy faction has been defeated.

Ship-to-ship combat is available and is a useful tool depending on how many garrisons the opposing ship leaves behind. It's also free to initiate unlike the cannon duel.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

Cant use cheat engine on this one, dont know how to create/find the base number for the unique value type. Previous game's does not work. =(
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

its out on sukebei btw
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

Cant use cheat engine on this one, dont know how to create/find the base number for the unique value type. Previous game's does not work. =(

Cheat engine has never worked for Eushully's games, it using random variable so the address you found will immediately change into something else. There's a program called SpoilerAL that works for eushully games but someone needs to find the code for it. There was one game that you could use cheat engine, but that was because some genius managed to decode the algorithm for the random variables somehow.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

somehow my download has its language totally messed up :(
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

somehow my download has its language totally messed up :(

Probably uploaded by someone who doesn't have their settings in Japanese.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

its the one uploaded by girlcelly
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

I hope you guys aren't looking forward to translation for this one.

Eushully's previous game Madou Kohushu something is currently at 20% overall done and its' been like 3 years or so. One dude working by himself. He probably got another translator to help.

Which sums to if you wanna get stuff done, gotta pitch in.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

A due warning for those who still expect Kamidori in every Eushully game, this one is rapey.

Actually, if you don't play with Aritz or Agnes, you're bound to see rape if you choose certain options after defeating other factions.

You can go lawful or Chaotic, Himegari style, depending on your protag, that approach has more or less advantages, for example, I'm playing with Arvid, and being lawful implies turning other commanders into vampires, so you grow stronger for getting good commanders.

Try to keep the AI's from expanding too much, or they will grow fat and strong and once it's down to two, you won't have any space to recover your losses and drain the enemy.

Rafaella is giving me a hell of a time, since she's not letting me level up and claim territory (she is summoning her stupid dogs and hunting the weaker groups, while avoiding Arvedo and Agnes, and their murder teams)

Try to avoid the enemy ship while it's full of troops, bid your time until it only has one or two squads, and that's an easy raid, meanwhile hunt lonely groups, that hurts as much, and it's usually a much cheaper and easier victory (since you can spam your skills on the get go, unlike ship combat, where if you spam skills, your second or third team, won't benefit from that)

ALWAYS Kill steal the enemy commanders, yes, you get the ring when you defeat the killer, but you may as well recruit commanders from the defeated faction, if the enemy ship is too far away, taking out a lonely team will do just as well.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

I would murder a small mid-western town for more of this circle's games to be translated, Kamidori was fantastic.

so, any ideas besides that one above on how to get someone to translate this ? :p
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

wow another game i want to play but never will :rolleyes: time to invade japan and force them to translate every game english from start. probably gonna be easier than learning japanese :p
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

Can you guys keep the translation requests in the translation thread instead of here?
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

ALWAYS Kill steal the enemy commanders, yes, you get the ring when you defeat the killer, but you may as well recruit commanders from the defeated faction, if the enemy ship is too far away, taking out a lonely team will do just as well.

All players need to do to get the ring is to reduce the enemy faction's command to zero. The method doesn't matter, so long as the score hits zero it doesn't matter where the ship is, it'll still sink. Players can keep track of the command score for each faction at any time, so if one faction is down to the single digits it's a good idea to make a beeline for it and engage in some kind of combat to get the score to zero before the AI does the job for you (and costing you scenes).

The Hongfire crowd imply Law and Chaos endings don't really change much for each character's ending but a few minor differences. I personally can't comment since I'm aiming to finish each faction at least once before going for the alternate ending.

Assuming players aren't sick of the combat mechanics and emphasis on raiding, finishing with one faction does unlock additional scenarios allowing players to use their high-level units for an appropriate cause.
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

Aritz ending is REALLY different should he be chaotic

In Arvid's route there are differences depending on your alignment, since if you stay lawful, you're turning everyone into vampires, and so you have more people to talk to other than Vito
Re: [Eushully] 珊海王の円環

Aritz ending is REALLY different should he be chaotic

In Arvid's route there are differences depending on your alignment, since if you stay lawful, you're turning everyone into vampires, and so you have more people to talk to other than Vito

That's good to hear, because others have been saying there's little difference between the two poles. I'll find out for myself when I get to that point.