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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hey, leave her alone! Evelen went back to stabbing at the weakest of them, hoping they could knock her out of the fight and make the numbers even this round.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The nearly dead fairy evaded her attack and shoot her a sparckle of fire who was making her dress get on fire Stop bullying me, human!!. Then other fly and shoot more sparkle to her back as the other send a sweet scent to Celesta Yes burn inside too hehehe Celesta make a scream as her insides get hot by the weird air.

Evelen 6 ap 0
Celesta 2 ap 2

EF 8
EF 2
EF 6
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Well this is going really badly. Evelen kept up her strategy, but she was going to need some luck to win this.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

This time Evelen managed to hit the little creatuer making hr scream and fall on the ground gasping and panting as she try cover her wounds Damn you human... you will pay for this. Meanwhile Celesta hit the girl on her back even when more hot air get inside her lungs.

Evelen 6 ap 0
Celesta 2 ap 4

EF 8
EF 1
EF 6
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen tried to press her advantage, hoping to kill the little fairy with her next blow.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen give a last hit to the creatue and this explode sending her away some feets. Meanwhile Celesta was ready to hit the fire fairy when a fire whip hit her get away of her trent girl said the fairy giggling as the other send more powder to the poor Celesta who screamed and touch her wounded back, her legs were driping a her breasts too.

Evelen 6 ap 0
Celesta 1 ap 5

EF 8
EF 0
EF 5
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Well this isn't good, Celesta isn't going to last much longer... Evelen tried to stab at the weaker looking fairy, but things were looking grim.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The polearm girl run to help her friend and hit the one who was sending the spores to her ahhh damm you said the fairy who fly toward her only to be reflected by Evelen´s spear kyaahhh said the little girl before strike herself in a tree. Celesta meanwhile tried to hit the other but the spores where making it efect and Celesta's legs where trembling by the increase desire to be raped.

Evelen 6 ap 0
Celesta 1 ap 7

EF 8
EF 3
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta, we've dealt with worse! We can beat these two, we just have to focus. Evelen ran at the fairy she had knocked into the tree, stabbing at her and hoping to skewer her to the bark.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Even when Evelen 's spear conect the creature this just send a fire whip to the human causing her a fine burn whip damage in her skin, but thanks to the training of Kimberly she avoid any pleasure, as also Celesta who get away of the fairy and get prepared for the next move.

Both fairies went to them trying to hurt them even more but Evelen make a quick slice and kill the creature in the instant. Nooo, sister The other lost the focus on the battle and receive a direct hit of Celesta but the gril dont scream and just get angry as her teardrops fall from her cheeks.

Evelen 5 ap 0
Celesta 1 ap 7

EF 6
EF 0 (counter raped and critical dead)
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I almost feel guilty about this. Why do these illusions keep guilt tripping me...? Still, Evelen slashed at the last remaining fairy. Things were much more in their favor now.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The fairy wait for the human to come and even receive her spear in her little arm before evade the hit of Celesta and then she said I WILL MAKE YOU PAY HUMAN!!!! and then she send a big fire wave to both sending a unconscious Celesta to the floor and Evelen roll on the floor before saw the fire fairy in blue flames making a loud scream and loosing her mind to her hate, the close plants start to burn but at least Celesta was far away to get burned by the berserk fairy

Evelen 4 ap 0
Celesta 0 (unconscious)

EF 5
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Holy shit she's gone crazy. Evelen rolled and then jumped up to slash at the fairy, hoping to cut her before she could get off another attack.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

10 vs 13
16 vs 18

9 vs 5
11 vs 8

Evelen noted how the fairy was increasing even more her flames like trying to banish everything and both girls with her. The plants get burned in the distance and even Celesta was sweating as the fire get stronger, then Evelen tried to get closer but the heat was so intense that she get burner at the first try, then when she look how close was Celesta and the danger in where she is forget the pain and slash the little girl making her hit a tree who banished as she pass throught it, she then saw her spear and nearly melt down by the touch of the blood of the fairy.

Evelen 3 ap 0 -1 to attacks
Celesta 0 (unconscious)

EF 4
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

If I don't beat her fast, this is going to get bad... Evelen rushed at the fairy, trying to stab her again; she was starting to wish she had chosen magic, though, so she could try and cool things down.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The heat of the fire Fairy get reduced after recover her mid and then fly toward Evelen who dodge her and then the small girl fly to her like a fireball andwith a stab she change her course and hit a big rock in her way crushing the stone in the way, the polearm of Evelen was getting realy hurt by the fight.

Evelen 3 ap 0 -2 to attacks
Celesta 0 (unconscious)

EF 2
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I can beat this fairy, if my weapon will hold up... Evelen slashed again at the fairy with the tip of her spear.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

(double counter)

Now the fire of the fairy turn to a red showing her wounded state, she then evaded the spear of Evelen and then the warrior use her polearm to cover the hit of the creature causing a impact that send both flying away Ahhhhh the fairy scream as her little body fall on the floor. Uncounciest was a easy target for Evelen who with a hit kill the poor fairy and then both returned
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Kimberly, these are illusions, right? Evelen asked, back in the arena.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Kimberly wonder herself a moment and then nod, yes they are something like illusions, hmm more lakely like phantoms, i guess. Why something happening? Some persons said that they are very real, but the ruin was maded to create a real illusion using the mind of the caster and his magic, maybe is that i just read many literature heh, sorry to dont had a real answer. The maid said very concerned by the worry of her friend and Ebelen through that Kimberly nature could afect the ruins in more that a way.