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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The armor certainly was an easy target without his head, but the yells and direct attack of Evelen make him put his spear in a position were the angry mother pass making her a wound in her other leg as he receive the stab of her lance. The armor fall apart in the floor as the other ghost dont make any expression, like he was not worried for his partner.

Do you still want to continue? , in your condition you will not resist to much and i really dont want to hurt that little child, but i will do it as is my job Say the swodsman very calmed and his guard ready if she want to continue

Evelen 1/6
Suzanne 3/5
Celesta 3/4 ap 2 (retired of the fight)

sword 6/7
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen didn't notice the cut made by the opponent's lance as she sent the armor clattering to the ground with a punishing blow. Only as she heard the words of the swordsman did she realize just how much pain she was in; bleeding from every limb, she was doubtlessly getting slower. I probably can't win she said, staring at the suit of armor, but I have to try. Otherwise we'll never find Celesta's sister, and everything we've done will have been pointless. She readied her spear, taking a defensive stance. If she could just turn aside his initial blow, she could easily land one of her own on him. And if you hurt my little girl I'll fuck you up even if I haven't got any strength left to do it.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Nice words little one, i will give you a favor. i will give a weapon to your friend; but your daughter must dont continue in the fight, then we will continue, are you fine with that? Said the warrior in a defense stance too, waiting the answer of Evelen
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen looked to her daughter, and then to Celesta. She walked over to Suzanne and gave her a hug, whispering Mama and Celesta are going to fight now. We need you to stay here as part of the deal, okay? It's part of the test. She turned again to look at the suit of living armor and replied That sounds fair to me, raising her spear again and waiting for him to give Celesta a new sword, so that the battle could resume.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanna was a little worried by all the wounds on the body of her mother but she nodded, as this time was different than the others, she hugged her as some tear drops fall of Suzanne's eyes, as she went were Celesta was.

The armor use her powers making appear a steel swords from a dark mist Plant girl Celesta i trust you this weapon, even if you lost you can keep it (looks like he can heard very clear the whispers of Evelen : p) Celesta wall to him an take him saying a little thanks. Now all ready, the armor give the chance to continue the fight when they are ready
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Alright, here we go then. Evelen decided that her strategy against the fish-men would work just as well against the suit of armor, or at, it would in theory. She began to circle around it, indicating that Celesta should go around the other way, and at least one of them would have the living armor's back. Still, she would need to be careful if she wanted to stay in the fight; hopefully she could use her weapon's superior range to keep his blade at bay.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen and Celesta were walking around the armor than dont move a inch, maybe waiting them, Evelen had his back and attack him, but he avoid and parry it with his sword like if he had eyes in the back, then evade the attack of Celesta making a quick step and move of his sword and making lost her balance that filthy body make you an easy target, lady Celesta, sigh... i know how make this more interesting

The two girls repeat their moves and attack him again, but this time done move and receive both hits Ok, now we can start, just try a better tactic, please

Evelen 1/6
Celesta 3/4 ap 2
Swordsman 4/7
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

There's no need to taunt me Evelen said, a tinge of anger in her voice, it's not like I was trained as a warrior. Still, she tried her best to come up with some sort of strategy that would help the two of them to defeat him. Of course, she came up with nothing; tactics with ancient weapons wasn't a course they offered at her college. She finally decided to run at him and strike at his sword with the tip of her spear, then to swing it around as if it were a staff, trying to repeat Suzanne's success against the lancer by knocking his head off. In the meantime, Celesta could probably get in a decent hit if she moved at the same time as Evelen, despite the hindrance posed by her enormous breasts.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

hahaha, yes more courage, give it all, move more faster. hahaha Said laugting the swordsman as he parry the attacks of both girls.

Then Evelen send a blow than the armor cant avoid completely, hurting his left shouder as he saw of Celesta try to hit him to Well done, but you need more speed lady Celesta said at the same time than avoid Celesta´s sword and make her a bloody cut in her left arm, making a low pain moan the green girl retreat a little.

Evelen 1/6
Celesta 2/4 ap 2
Swordsman 3/7
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen felt more than a little mocked by the armor, but still, at least she had managed to hurt the thing. She decided on a plan that would hopefully make up for her partner's deficiency in speed; trying to cut at the armor's sword arm while also trying to sweep his legs out from under him. If he were on the ground, Celesta could probably connect a blow, and maybe Evelen could keep him on the ground with her superior range.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The armor was faster enought to avoid the lost of his arm, but the polearm of Evelen continued the attack and break his left leg, making the armor fall on the floor, making a funny wtf surprised by the attack. Celesta try to hit the easy target but the swordsman parry her again arghhh, you know than you can use the weight of your giant breasts to hit more faster and hard Celesta move away of the armor very brushed as she shout him "DONT TALK ABOUT MY BREASTS".

The armor that the chance to had a better position to fight them in the floor.

Evelen 1/6
Celesta 2/4 ap 2
Armor 2/7 -2 at in the floor
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Maybe we can defeat this guy after all. Because he wasn't giving it his all, but still... Evelen carefully approached the now ground-bound suit of armor, knowing that she had a significant advantage due to the length of her spear. She stabbed at him numerous times from out of his range, pressing her advantage.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

(OCC: a diference of 12)

Evelen try to beat him with a rain of hits in a secure distance, but the armor block all the attacks of both girls as he said nice try, but you forget something, IM A MAGIC ARMOR The swordsman parry in a diferent way the lance of Evelen with a strong hit send it out of control and using his unnatural light fast body make a quick jump grabing the shoulder of Evelen as with the other nearly make a last hit but stop it and only touch her neckYou are dead, please wait with your daughter until the fight end

Evelen (out of the battle)
Celesta (2/4)
armor 2/7
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

(OCC: a diference of 12)

Evelen try to beat him with a rain of hits in a secure distance, but the armor block all the attacks of both girls as he said nice try, but you forget something, IM A MAGIC ARMOR The swordsman parry in a diferent way the lance of Evelen with a strong hit send it out of control and using his unnatural light fast body make a quick jump with her sane leg and grabing the shoulder of Evelen to dont fall as with the other nearly make a last hit but stop it and only touch her neckYou are dead, please wait with your daughter until the fight end

Evelen (out of the battle)
Celesta (2/4)
armor 2/7
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen cursed as the armor moved far faster than it had been moving, and slapped her spear away from her, and then forced her out of the fight. She walked over to her daughter, dejected, watching as Celesta continued the fight. Hopefully she can beat this thing, but it's not looking good.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta rush forward the armor than try to dont lost the balance, every time he block her attack Cmon, you are very close lady Celesta, try the move than i said you, use your new body and dont fight against yourself, look me i even dont have a body[/b] Said the armor as if he was more worried to train her than end the battle, even he make her sword fly two times.

Stop that nonsense and end this fight, Dragansaid the helmet of the other armor as start to repair himself.

Ok, Strider. You know than i love to teach my skills, well we will talk after the battle miss Celesta

The plant girl try to find a weak spot in the nearly broken armor and tried to take out of balance but he was reading her like a book and hurt her right hand, then she using her weight attack him, the left of dragan not resist more and fall, in the last minute he drag her with him and defeat her when he put his blade close her head even when his face was below her breasts he said ...Dead, nice fight

Dragan wins
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen watched the battle unfold, puzzled at the motives of the living armor, but still somewhat impressed at Celesta's performance. She had been more or less completely useless up till that point, so maybe she was getting her skills back after being used at the plants fuck toy for so long, or perhaps she was simply getting used to her new proportions. You did well she told the girl, cringing a bit as she felt the wounds in her legs burn as she tried to stand. So what happens now?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta get up feeling a little used by the armor below her,maybe she dont had a chance against him even with her old body and skills.

Well we can only alloy the stone if we are defeated, but we can change that, as there were some problems in our duel

We cant do that, Dragan, is again the rules. These girls lose the fight they must... Dragan raise the hand and interrupt Strider.

yes punished, but that little girl show a incredible superhuman strenght and her mother had a innate talent in battle tactics, she even make me fight serious for a moment and... heh they defeat you even when you were not playing at the end, lets call it a tie

Tie? we won. But if you call it tie is ok for me, they the mother and the plant girl must be punished for some time, then we give them the stone all are fine with this?

Dragan nodded and Celesta acept it even when she had fear and strated to think lewd things.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Punished...? she asked, though really she could guess what was going to happen. Do you really intend to "punish" me in front of my daughter? she asked, worried about the effect it might have on the girl; Suzanne had objected to all previous such lewd displays, and had certainly been traumatized by them. Of course, it's not like I have any options here. If only Celesta had had a better weapon from the start, maybe we could have won, and we wouldn't be in this situation.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

[color"grey"] Dont worry the punishment will be in a magic room that avoid that the noise go out, i never will let a child saw that terrible event, certainly it will be traumatized for the rest of her life.You will acept, now[/color]

Meanwhile Strider lift his hand and a red wodden door appear in a wall of the room.