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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

These things look tough Evelen thought, readying her spear. Guys, let's go for the wounded small one, if we can kill it quickly we'll have an easier time at this.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The trio rush toward the battle, first the sword of Evelen make another wound to the creature, as this one try to recover Suzanne jump over him and squash him twice leaving him really wounded, both girls evaded the bites of the little ones but Celesta get bitted by the big one, the pain make her dont attack.

B. spider 8
spider 6

Evelen 6/6
Suzanne 5/5
Celesta 4/5 ap 2 (-1 stun poison)
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Damn it, this is bad, we can't afford to get bitten by these things Evelen thought as she stabbed at the wounded spider. Between her and her daughter, they might just be able to kill it.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The spaider payback the wound of Suzanne and bite her, Evelen saw it and furious cut the creature in half taking revenge, the other tried to bite her but Suzanne kick it and send it to the wall where Celesta make him another wound, as avoid another bite of the big.

spider 4/6
spider (puaj, dead)

Evelen 6/6
Suzanne 4/5 ap 1 (-1 stun poison)
Celesta 4/5 ap 2 (-1)
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Alright, this isn't going too badly, just two more left. Evelen slashed at the wounded small spider's legs, hoping to cripple the thing so that it couldn't attack.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen´s polearm get throught the feets of the little spider leaving him without the abbility of walk in a octoplegic state, Celesta even cut him easily.

Meanwhile, Suzanne was caress her wound when sudenly the big spider send to her his web, the surprised girl get completely wrapped in the floor, some kind of substance in the web start to went through her skin and she started to feel aroused.

Evelen 6
Suzanne 3 ap 5 (-2 grappled)
Celesta 4 ap 2

b.s. 8
spider 1 (sandbag status)
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta, get the wounded one, I'll attack the big one! Evelen screamed, worried that her daughter was going to be carried off by the bigger spider now that she was webbed. She lashed at the spider's face, hoping to blind at least one or two of his eyes with her spear.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

the polearm hit the face of the spider, but this move in the last moment avoiding than it hit her eyes, as send strings of web to Evelen, making her traped with the stiky substance. Suzanne try to free herself but instead the web sustance trap her more making her more horny.

The fight of Celesta get a quick end, with the creature indefense she put an end to his misery with a direct slash.

Evelen 5 ap 1
Suzanne 3 ap 6 (-3 grappled)
Celesta 4 ap 2

b.s. 7/10
s. dead
s. dead
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen cursed under her breath as she the webbing hit her. She tried to slash at the spider, hoping to make a clean hit despite the webbing stuck to her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen maked another hurt in the tough skin of the creature who get more closed and bite her, she feels how the poison go inside her body making him more slow. Celesta sword dont reach the big bug, but at least she evaded the bite of the creature. Unfortunately Suzanne get more trapped.

Evelen 4 ap 2 (-2)
Suzanne 3 ap 7 (-4)
Celesta 4 ap 2

b.spiser 6
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen cried out as the spider bit her, annoyed at herself for allowing it to hit her. She was also getting quite worried about Suzanne, who seemed to be getting trapped more and more in the webbing, and also seemed to be enjoying her lack of freedom... Evelen stabbed at the spider, hoping to end the fight before she got into the same position.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The fight continued to get worse, Evelen cant move like before, making her stab easily to avoid and she get bitted again, Suzanne cant get free and she make low lewd moans, her soft skin is easily transpased by the toxin in the net and soon she caress her body with the floor, she desire to rub her body with her hands but they are trapped.

Celesta cut the face of the creature who loss some eyes, furious bite the swordswoman with a potent bite.

Evelen 4 ap 3 (-3 stun poison)
Suzanne 3 ap 8(-4, cant attack)
Celesta 2 ap 6 (-3 stun poison)

b. spider 4
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Alright, this is bad... Evelen was moving slowly by now, and needed desperately to even the playing field. She tried to slash at the thing's legs, and the spin around and slash at its head. Hopefully this would either cut his legs off and hit him twice, cut at his face, or at the very least block his counter attack.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The polearm hit her target in his feet but it was stoped by the fangs of the creature, then was hitted by Celesta making him go back, the warriors believed that the spider was retreating, but isntead he throw more weeb to both making them more slow.

Suzanne saw her mother being bitted and traped in the net, with the remaining of her willpower and strengh she get free, her body was in the floor as she try to get up even with her pleasure reaching her limit.

Evelen 4 ap (-4 )
Suzanne 3 ap 8(-2)
Celesta 2 ap 7 (-4)

big s. 2
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen was getting tired and quite aroused, but still... It's getting weak, I can tell... We can finish this thing, it's not that tough! she yelled as she tried to slash at the spider with the tip of her spear.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen tried to finish the creature with a last stab, unfornately was easily evaded and the creature send another web attack, with her weak state she was sure than it was will a pain free herself. But then Celesta make a nearly letal wound in the head of the creature leaving him near blind, then a crystal of Suzanne put an end to his live, sending his blood and brain to every part.

All were tired and filled with the toxin, but they can rape each other they must kill the baby spiders and free the inocenr victim.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen groaned as the thing webbed her, but watched in awe as Celesta slashed it and her little girl exploded the thing's head. Evelen managed to escape from the web and stood up slowly, her legs wobbly with arousal as a shimmering line of her juices appeared below her skirt. We have to... we have to go free that woman. And then give her an abortion. We can't have more of those things running around...
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The girl had dark hair than reach until her shoulders, completely naked except for a ring bell in her neck and a serial number in her left thig, her breast were engorged by the spider bites, from them a mix of milk and silk come out, her belly was not so big as Celesta was, but it was more than 9 month pregnant of twins, were so many eggs than they could saw their round shape through her belly, she had two little cute horns in her forehead and a tail, her skin had some black tatoes.

They only can accelerate the birth, maybe like how Celesta was helped.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmm... Maybe if we beat her stomach the eggs won't hatch properly Evelen said, but she knew that wouldn't work. Celesta, what kind of a creature is she. She looks kind of like what I think of when I think of a succubus, so I'm not sure if I want to help her properly. Or to let her loose while we're so aroused Evelen whispered, the urge to jump on top of the plant girl strong.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta try to focus and take her tail, it was not like of a demon it was thin whit hair in the end. Dont worry she is just a docile cowgirl, maybe she survive all these years alone, but it had a weird body, maybe she was not well feeded