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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I'm not in a huge rush, we were intending to spend a little bit more time in Faiyun, so we have a few days.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Gerald nodded and then pointed a little low green zone in the skin of Evelen the transformation need three days, Suzanne rested at least a full day, she is the only who know how much time had really passed, do you had another question?, dont need to be about the keys. the warrior stand up prepared to go out in case than Evelen had finished, she could ask about something more personal, as the warrior dont look like want to lie.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hm... Alright. She eyed the man for a moment before asking how old are you? Just out of curiosity.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The young man get surprised and said 19 or 20. sorry, it was a while before i saw a calendar the man wonder himself why she ask that
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmm... I guess he's not too old for Suzanne. She thought silently. The question is, would I really want that to happen? She looked at him with an odd look, before smiling and saying don't worry about it. You've got a cute little sister, I hope she gets along well with my daughter.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Gerald calm himself and smile, I will be i who need to said thanks, our names make hard to found a true frendship and she always had tried to find at least one.Looks like is time to train the novices before sleep, i had given orders to all to follow the orders of all your family miss Evelen, good night the man give his and, Evelen could ask something more or just leave it for another chance and just look around.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Alright, and thank you for letting us stay here Evelen said, taking his hand again. After that she decided to go find Celesta and see what Gerald's mother had wanted to talk to her about.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The young man nodded and go to prepare himself to kick some novices butts, Evelen then look for Celesta in the dinning room and was just a butler starting to clean the table, she then find her caressing her sister as Teresa sleep and she looks fine like nothing important had passed
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta, I think I'm going to take a look around the mansion Evelen whispered, and went out the door to see what there was to see.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

the plant girl nod and when Evelen left the room she said dont get lost So, Evelen started her long journey inside the house with the size of a building, the corridors were iluminated with little magic stones able to give light in 30 feets around it, the pricipal hall was filled with pictures of warriors with names bellow them all with the last name of Dragan and the year graved in stone, some pictures were very old of more 500 years, others even more. There was maids and butles passing every moment, cleaning or other classic things, gardens, storage rooms, bathrooms, restrooms,etc. all was like if she was in one of those tv shows who show celebrity mansions, this maybe was bigger with many floors and corridors, she had to go using stairs as there was not technology, soon noticed some weird the maids and butlers were using magic to move through the mansion and nobody uses the stairs.

After 1 or 2 hours she found a very courious room in the center of the mansion in the biggest room was a gian picture of the Heroic Dragan the first of all in a golden full armor with a very familiar aspect not only in the armor of Gerald but it was similar to an armor than she saw some weeks ago, maybe the point more important was that he was fighting in the day with a big mountain and forest behind him.

Just then she heard a voice behind her cant you sleep miss Evelen or you get lost?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

This is intense. How big can a home get? No wonder they have rooms for us. And yet, the people outside are starving to death in the streets... Evelen's gaze lingered on the picture of the first Dragan, a name she knew she had heard elsewhere; it looked just like one of the suits of armor the three of them had been tested by in the castle. The voice startled her, and she turned around and said no, I was just admiring the mansion.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The woman grind and said you must be carefull, this building was maded by old magic, you could get lost forever if you arent so lucky, can i guide you? i want to talk with you Elizabeth touch Evelen shoulder and a green light cover them and sudenly are in the last floor a place where she could see the full city and she make appear two chairs and sit in one, behind them was a big picture of the full mansion with names everywhere. look around and ask me anything
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Oh, thank you she said, curtsying to the mother before sitting down. What a creepy mansion... This is a beautiful view she said as she looked out the windows. I didn't really have anything I was looking for, and I can't think of any questions I have, really, I was just curious and wanted to see what I could see.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

oh, then let me help you she pointed the mansion picture and now she can saw inside it showing to her exactly what was inside the mansion in the moment, the names dissapear and appear in another side, she can count the number of bathrooms and even she can see the name of her family in it and her one in the last floor with the name of Elizabeth, there was a pool in the basement and a river behind the house a private arena a teasure room, a room named dragon pet and oracle room and many other interesting things in the 10 floors of the basement, around the floor 12 and 11 was the library and the theater in the 18, the mansion in total had 70 floors and 10 of basement, Evelen could find nearly anything there.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Oh wow, this is amazing Evelen said, looking at all the rooms and things to do. I think I'd like to go to the library, maybe find a bestiary to read through. I've fought a lot of monsters, but I don't really know anything about them. She looked outside, over the city again. And what is the arena?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The woman stand up and get close her, the arena was used a long time ago to fight fake monsters like illusions like a way of train novices, but they were very real and some of them lossed the will of fight again, in the library are a person in charge he could find a bestiary for you
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Alright, that would be nice. And I might see if I could use the arena to train a little tomorrow, I need to get stronger before I go out again.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Elizabeth was behind her and just put her arms over Evelen shoulders and hug her as she whisper in her ear As you wish, miss Evelen she giggled with her eyes closed and soon they were behind a maid over a wooden ladder put in their place some books but she get surprided by the magic escence of Elizabeth and she fall in a funny way getting buried by books, Evelen and her mistress help her to get out and she bow to them Welcome to the library mistress, can i help you? Elizabeth get close her and fix her maid outfit yes, you can help me. This is Miss Evelen a very important guess, she is looking a bestiary, fullfil her any wish Kimberly. Well i need to go to another place, good night Miss Evelen she then dissapear in the green aura and now Evelen was alone with a blushed maid with short black hair and purple eyes and a pair of little fangs were showing in her open mouth my mistress know my name!?.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen almost jumped when Gerald's mother hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear. It was a little bit creepy, for some reason she couldn't quite understand. She giggled a little when the maid girl was buried by books. Goodnight she replied to Elizabeth, and her eyes settled on the maid. She's pretty cute she thought. Apparently she does Evelen told her, getting perhaps a little bit too close for the maid's comfort and bending down to stare into her mouth. Cute little fangs you have there she said, not sure why she did so.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The maid get surprised and put her hands over her mouth "mnnhh... i dont had little fangs, im a normal human maid, whit normal teeths. please follow me, i know where is the bestiary hall they walked for many minutes as the half of the floor was the library, the ceiling was covered by shining crystals as also in the walls giving the perfect light to read without need any dangerous torch or lamp, until reach a place with many old and new books, this is the place all of them are filled with tales and any information of nearly all the monsters on these and other lands she smiled until she noted than she forget to cover her mouth, she instantly cover her mouth again.