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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen stifled an evil giggle as the maid tried to cover up her fangs, following her to the section on monsters. It was simply huge, and she had no idea where to start. She got uncomfortably close to the maid again and whispered in her ear you don't need to hide them from me, you know. They really are cute. A bit more loudly she asked do you know where I might find a book with brief introductions on a lot of different monsters?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

the girl stop of cover her mouth and said then miss Evelen dont hate us? i love my fangs, but many people kill monsters and sometimes we had soldiers as guests the girl go direct to the book and take it as if the book was shining or she know where and what contain every book, she then take other three and put them in the hands of Evelen the book of below contain resume info about nearly all the monsters families, then this brown had pictures of them, the black talk about the half monsters and the last is about how fight them and special attacks ofsome monsters. Miss Evelen need something more? she said with a bow and smiling
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Well, I have my reasons for not minding monsters as long as they aren't trying to rape or kill me. Though I wouldn't mind too much if you tried to rape me~ Evelen whispered in the girl's ear. She took the books and walked over to a desk to read. Thank you for your help she said, smiling at the girl, and she started to browse the books about techniques for fighting monsters.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The girl get blushed and put her hands in her cheeks i..i never...unless my mistress. no, no. i never will rape a guest or anyone. then Evelen put the books and started to read as you wish miss Evelen, you will able to read them in two days and you can take them away the library but not away the house, if you need me just call my name then in a wink she was not there. The tactic book was filled with moves of monsters and how evade them or notice when they will use them, from easy things like the suit to protect agains bees and spores, as when a creature will try to attack many opponents with a special move, weak points in some monsters, etc.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It's a figure of speech Evelen said, winking at the girl, there's no need to be shy. She set to reading, and it was quite fascinating stuff. There were so many different kinds of monsters in the world. Once she had finished up her reading for the day she called out Kimberly, do you have a minute?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen not ended to say her words when the maid apear in a blind point at her side Yes, miss Evelen, had finished to read or need other book?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I'm done reading for the night, but I don't really know how to get to my room. Or where that is. Could you help me? Evelen asked, walking over to the girl and smiling at her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Kimberly bow to her and a purple smoke get out of her hand and then she had a black book, the book opened in a pag and she read, then she closed it and the book disapear in another cloud of purple smoke. Miss Evelen your room is in the fourth floor i will send her there when you take my hand the girl waited for her and when she take the hand both were in the room with a surprised Suzanne in the floor half dressed with a dress of Jean, Gerald´s sister was dressed with a white dress to sleep maded of silk.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Thank you Evelen said, taking the maid's hand and suddenly appearing her room, which was at the moment occupied by Jean and her daughter, playing dress-up it seemed. Oh, hey girls. If you want to play a little longer I can find something else to do she said, gripping the maid's hand so that she couldn't leave.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The maid maded a bow to the little mistress and blushed put her other hand in her mouth when she heard the words of Evelen. Jean then help Suzanne to get up and said Hi, miss Evelen we were in the middle of the game, but we can let it for tomorrow if is time to rest. Suzanne then get up and nodded still astonish by how they appear in the room
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I really don't mind, you can play for a while longer Evelen said, and she whispered to the maid take me somewhere, I don't really care where.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The girl take a moment to think of a good place Which place miss Evelen will love? we could go to the pool, the garden or where the other maids are resting or eating The other two girl returned to play meanwhile, but Suzanne stay watching her mother and the maid wonder herself how they get inside the room
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The garden sounds nice Evelen said, not really wanting to swim at this late hour.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

the girl smile and turn to Evelen Good choice miss Evelen, you will love it they them left a amazed Suzanne and the room and now were in a cute well cared garden, it was illuminated with a low silver light imitation the light of the moon ant the little diamonds in the ceiling were like stars This is the one of the few place were are flowers of the outside, a mage is in charge to take care of these flowers and trees and with the magic change the light of the room from a light that imitate the rays of the son in the day to a romantic moonlight in the night, maybe i could take miss Evelen here to saw it in the morning the girl sit in a bench and look a beautiful fountain in the center of the garden and some little fur cute animals drinking of it, some bugs little noises cover the place and around the fountain were pretty flowers of many colors filling the place, some trees had fruits and a pair of maids are taking care of the plants far away.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

This is amazing. I've never seen anything like this. You even have little animals here. Evelen sat next to the maid and put her arm around the monster girl's shoulder, watching the fountain and relaxing for a while before asking so what are you, exactly?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The girl blushed and then after a moment she decide to say her i...im half vampire and had a very little of sucubuss too ...but dont worry i never will drink the blood of a guest or her soul, im well feeded here. the girl start to sweat a little and her heart speed increase a little as she wait the expresion of Evelen washed in the light of the false moon
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Half vampire, huh? Evelen turned to look for the girl's cute little fangs again, before rubbing her shoulder. It's okay, I'm fine with you. She smiled as she leaned back against the back of the bench. And part succubus too? You sound like a fun girl she whispered playfully.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

my grand-grandmother was a sucubuss, im not a sex addict and i ussualy feed of blood and i can eat some kind of food too, so i dont had to use my sucubuss powers... maybe i could use a little trick with that cute fluffy animal. she look the fluffy animal and the little creature jump to her arms and caress the body of Kimberly and she give it to Evelen, it was a little big squirred fused with a bunny.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen carefully took the strange furry critter into her lap and petted it, in awe. What did you just do, charm magic? she asked, rather curious about the subject. What a cute little animal...
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

She giggled yes is some kind of easy charm magic, i was teached to dont use my powers against humanoid creatures and i never had do it...well maybe two or three times but was to defend myself. Miss Evelen want to go to another place or start to walk around the garden?, we could be here more time too