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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmmm... It seems possible. At least, it would explain why they would pick a method of test that only your mother could deal with. I'm not sure what we would do about it, though.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The warrior dont look worried compared with the old man that take a moment to think before continued Maybe i could find help, the students or the governor of this city could help us, but this is only a possibility i doubt that he would help us with only rumors. Gerald put his hand in his forehead and then sigh when he heard about use the young soldiers Sorry but i cant allow that my students lost their lives, my family will take care of the problem until we get proof of their plan, please try to find valid clues to give to the governor then he could help us with troops. Then he look to Evelen "dont worry even if this is true, our family had passed for worse things, but maybe we will need your help to had all cover, lets change of topic meanwhile, do you want to ask him about something more?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I just don't know what to do. I've never been very smart to begin with, and I don't know much about this situation. I don't know of anything else I want to ask him.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Gerald smile to her and then get ready to go out thanks Braveheart, we will talk tomorrow in the night the young warrior leave them a time alone as he said goodbye to the old lady. Braveheart use that time to said good bye to Evelen and said some last words I will talk to Darius to get more information, maybe he can help us to get proofs and even find help, do you had a mensage for him?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Sure. Tell him I said that humanity probably isn't worth saving, but even so I'll help him find those keys, if only so I can get out of this wretched place, away from these wretched people, and live happily and alone with my family.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The old man was ashamed to heard the words of the young lady, after all his effort it was sad to heard a heart without hope into the humanity Understodd, i will give him that message, but i hope that the time make you thrust in the humanity

They then leave as the old pair wach them go away, after a time Gerald look to her dont worry, that will be the best way to know what is happening in the shadows of this city, they dont know our real power he dont said nothing more until reach the mansion then inside he said in a hour we will get a meeting in the dinner room, please bring your family he then look for a servant to make him found the Elder Dragan
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Alright, I'll do that. When they were back in the mansion and Gerald was gone, she called out Kimberly? Can you come here a moment?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Kimberly then appear in front of her like if she was there before yes Miss Evelen, how can i serve you ? she said with a curtsy.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

What do you do for fun around here? I have an hour to kill, and nothing in mind to do.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The maid take a moment to remember and then she said after read, play with the dragons and the little animals of the garden... hmm i sometimes play in the pool and... im sorry i cant think in another thing, a long time used my magic to play alone with little plushies and thats all unless you want to talk to Emerald or other maids or butlers Evelen then noted that the girl had a bored and simple life, maybe something happened to her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

That sounds kind of lonely. I guess you really like reading, then. Well, what do you want to do now? I don't have much preference.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The girl take a momen to think hmm, well we can see the nightfall, but maybe you will love a rid over a dragon.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I could actually ride a dragon? That sounds awesome!
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

yes... but they can fly to high, the cave is very little for that, oh i know how solve this, but dont said nothing to Emerald or Elizabeth, please The girl take her shoulder and both were in the room of the dragons, she caress her little one and check around and then return without make noise ok sweetheart, lets had some fun she said to the dragon and take both to the ruins, she caress her and then said, it will last only 5 minutes and you will alone with her, please baby fly a little with my friend Evelen please Then she cast her magic and soon both were in a plain, the young dragon was very surprised by the change and start to growl trying to call to the vampire
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

This is going to backfire on me, isn't it...? Evelen looked at the surprised young dragon and said quietly she can't hear you, we're in a magical space. Umm... It would be... really cool if you would let me ride you for a little while. If not that's okay too, though. She tentatively reached out to rub the dragon's head.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

the youngh dragon hear her and stop to make noises as she look around and smell everywhere then she remember the words of the vampire and let her touch her face as she smell her, then she laid waiting that she get up.

The winged dragon opened her wings and extend them trying to make some warm ups, she then increased the speed and the potence of the flapping, waves of air moved the vegetation and the earth around her and then she stop. Then like if was not the first time she run making the earth quake and opened her wings trying to cath the wind necesary to fly and...fail. The creature lance little sparckles from her mouth and roar a little frustrated, then with more strenght run and moved her wings with all her strenght and suddenly her strong legs left the ground and "fly" a meter and then she just laid exausted.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen gently ran her hands over the dragon's scaly skin, and when the huge creature laid down she carefully climbed onto her back and held on tightly. The dragon tried to pick up the speed necessary to launch itself into the air, but just couldn't. She tried again, and this time managed to fly a very short distance before laying on the ground, too tired to try again. Evelen laid on the dragon's back and rubbed her head, saying thank you for trying, and for letting me ride on you like this.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The dragon look to her and growl before yawn and strech her muscles, then she get up and just walk around the place, ocasionaly she open her mouth and a little fire breath get out, maybe she was trying to make her enjoy the trip even when she still cant fly. Then the illusion turns of and both returned the dragon get close the vampire who was very tired, her face was red and was filled in sweat, she was in her knees with pressing her legs and hugging herself as she shiver and pant. She stay in that way until a minute and said s..sorry, it was to much... i just want that...you had fun but im not... so strong, ahhnn, i..i need blood, j...just wait here miss Evelen
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen patted the dragon's head as she walked around, breathing fire from time to time. When they got back, she looked at Kimberly and a wave of worry swept over her. Damn it, I should have just found some other way to amuse myself. Kimberly... I'm sorry.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The girl shake her head and said with a weak aoused tone as she get up No, is not your fault... Mistress Elizabeth said me ... that will be dangerous use this option of the ruins... i will come back in 10 minutes she said as she dissapear bitting her lips. The dragon make low groans and caress her new friend as she lay in the floor to wait.

Evelen can notice some weird fluid in the place where Kimberly was resting and she then waited until it passed 12 minutes, then the maid return with her eyes red and bow to Evelen. Sorry to had scare you miss Evelen, please forgive my weakness and incompetence to resist this, then she take out the etiquete and hug her dont blame yourself Evelen, i really dont want to make you feel bad, i just wanted to see you fly and that is why i cast a most potent magic