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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen groaned as she dropped her weapon, unable to keep struggling against the tentacles that were now slathering slime all over her body. She tried to relax as the tentacles rubbed Celesta and her together and began to use her, at first fairly gently, but then quite roughly as multiple tentacles penetrated her lower holes. She moaned loudly until another tentacle shoved its way down her throat, muffling her as she watched the tendrils work Celesta over. She tried to wrest her hand free of the tentacles so she could reach out to the plant-girl.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Soon the tentacles saw her desist to struggle and left free Evelen's arms, she then feel the warm liquid fill her mouth and both girls start kiss each other and mix the cum of their mouths a big tentacle sprout from the center and the brests of both girls were used to pleasure it, the smell of its precum was more intense and even if Evelen could not apreciate the essence she was pressed against it, the slime of the big one was also most potent and soon Celesta start to lick it, as both feel the warm cum of the tentacles cover them in a frenzy orgy, then in the last moment of sanity Evelen saw a dimensional hole close her feets and the mouth of an bizarre giant creature opened, he will eat them for sure and this big tentacle was her toungle, far away she can note breasts and lifeless faces inside of the creature, the victims were pregnant and just moans can be heard of the other side of the portal, the body of thes girls was been fused with the beast and only their holes and sexual organs were left, they were just part of the creature and soon Evelen will join them when she pass the portal. Sudenly all get dark and all the arousement disapear, the three girls appear in the ruins like nothing had happened. Evelen for more than focused cant remember any info from the books that could say her what was that beast.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen reached out and grabbed Celesta, wrapping her arms around the plant-girl as the tentacles filled her mouth with their cum. As the tentacle withdrew she kissed Celesta passionately, the two of them sharing the creature's cum between them as a huge tentacle sprouted between them, using their ample breasts to pleasure itself. She licked it along with Celesta as she pressed her breasts together around it, moaning occasionally as the slime worked to make her incredibly aroused, the tentacles covering the two of them from head to toe as they came. For a moment she was terrified by the sight of the giant mouth filled with girls, but then she remembered that this was just an illusion, and she returned to giving the tentacle between her and Celesta attention before the illusion ended. When she found herself back in the arena she sighed. We still need to get stronger, but we're doing fairly well against groups of enemies that outnumber us. How hard are you making these enemies, Kimberly?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

well, i... the girl stop for a moment and take her book, as she walked toward them Im taking them from this history book of the army and this other named legends of the city. Hm... in this last battle i use the story of "Yamir the dark witch soldier and the gate of the beast" i just increased every time a little the strengh of the opponents, sorry miss Evelen, this time as maybe was the last time...i... increased even more their skills the girl was blushing a little more that the usual, maybe for the high adult scenes in the book.

Meanwhile Suzanna sit in the floor hearing all and Celesta was very blushed, with her dress a little wet in some parts.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It's okay. It should be good practice this way. In any case, it's probably close to dinnertime by now. Time to take a break?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The maid then dissapear the books in a purple cloud and nod We still had 15 minutes for the dinner, but its not enought to another sesion and i need to do something before continue doing the spell The girl then transport them to the dinner room and when she take the weapons to their place Celesta take her arm and whisper her something, bot dissapear andleave the other two alone in the room Suzanne sit close her mother for a moment in the seat of Celesta and hug her arm Sorry Mama, that mage was very hard to beat,in that illusion Mama dont get hurt, right? then after heard the answer she rest her head on Evelen thighs and continued Suzanne will train more after the dinner and then ask Gerald for a personal training. Mama, which place Mama love more the mansion or our farm
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Alright then Evelen replied, allowing herself to be transported to the dining room and stretching a bit. It's okay she said to Suzanne, it didn't hurt me. She stroked her little girl's hair and thought for a moment about the answer before saying I'm not sure. There's nice things about both places. But I do miss Mitsuko. I wish we had brought her with us, I didn't expect to be gone this long.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The young girl caress the thighs of her mother with her soft hand and said after think a little Suzanne also miss her, Mitsuko was very nice with us, but Suzanne will miss Jean and all the persons of this house then she turn and look to her mother with her bright eyes Maybe we can ask to Gerald to... no, Mitsuko love her house, its her unique propety and she use it to remember her first family and its her life.But if we get stronger, we could go there as we want, right Mama? her daugther's eyes look to her and then some staps come from the corridor.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

We could. Maybe the same sort of spell Kimberly uses to get us around in this mansion could get us long distances, you could learn it and take us there whenever. Evelen's ears perked up and she turned to look down the hallway, wondering who it was that was coming.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne get up of her place very happy by the solution of her mother and now hug her as she sit in the other side Thats an Amazing solution!!, Suzanne have the best Mama of all! she giggled kiss her cheek before heard the steps, from the corridor Richard the most sane of the four high soldiers of Gerald get inside Hi to both i just come to talk with Gerald to know his orders, dont worry the three crazy witches arent with me said smiling in the last part as he sit in an unused chair. He look to other side playing with a spoon, as he know that he may not be welcome in this moment be the woman at his side.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Ah, okay. As long as they aren't around it's fine. Evelen hugged her daughter and watched the man carefully, wondering if he was someone they could trust. He had seemed a decent enough guy, but you never could tell.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It pased a pair of minutes and then he spoke, maybe to take out the silence The practice exam changed to the 11:30am and any person who join as mercenary must be in the entrance of this mansion before the 11:00 am. Your daughter is very young, i will try to protect her in the test. She need to be at the academy at the 6:30am for the first exam, isnt?

After a moment the voices of the female Dragan appear in the corridor, mixed with the one of Teresa, they then get inside of the room and Jean look everywhere very scared to saw the three soldiergirls, then they get on their seat and Suzanne give a little last cute kiss to her mother before to return to her seat.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Alright, thank you. I'll be there before 11 for sure. I'm actually not sure what time she needs to be there, I've let her and Gerald handle most of that while I trained. I'm still fairly new to fighting. Evelen smiled at Suzanne and watched as the others began to filter into the room. Good afternoon. How have you two been today? she asked Teresa and Mrs. Dragan.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Her daughter smile in return at her mother and touch the shoulder of Jean, maybe to ask her something, but stop to answer to the soldier Gerald said that we must go to the academy before the 6:30, maybe we need to get ready before the 6 , she said in her good mood playing with her cute hair with her left hand. Then Both women return the salute to Evelen and then Teresa talk with her, as Elizabeth and Richard talk with a normal tone that all can hear. Richard was asking about the orders of Gerald and the elder said him to wait and eat until he return, it looks like he went to the city to solve some busines after go out of the academy. Then Evelen heard to her big sister, she talked about what they will do tomorrow but Evelen miss a little part hearing the other conversation ... then you will try to find Suzanne to protect her until Elizabeth said us to start to beat all the others
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

After what? I'm sorry, I spaced out a little there Evelen said, turning to face Teresa.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Just then Celesta come, she had taked a bath and was realy calmed and in good mood until saw the soldier, she look everywhere and even behind the table They are not here, right?

Now with her sister, Teresa repeat the plan Looks like we will appear randomly in the illusion, we must find each other and survive, then we must detect any anomality or weird action of the merceneries or the armored guys, then we will try to find and protect our little girl and defeat the students, until we get the order to defeat the old people, we will talk later

It was clear that Teresa dont want that some person dont heard the instructions, the young girls talked and Richard was talking with Elizabeth. Then all stop when Gerald come with his clothes a little tear Hi Richard, i will return soon when i change my clothes Suzanne stay without know what to do and just look to her mother maybe worried.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I thought you were going to protect the servants who couldn't fight. Have we got someone else on that? She looked to Suzanne and leaned in close to her, whispering is something wrong?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa nod and said a little "yes" to answer Evelen's question. Meanwhile, Suzanne shake her head and a little blushed run to where Gerald was going Its nothing Mama, Suzanne will return soon the dinner continued normaly, Celesta giggled a little by how Suzanne run to aid her white knight Awww, that make me remember my first crush

Some minutes later both returned to the desk and eat normaly, it was clear that the talk between both soldiers will be in private.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Alright Evelen said, giggling at her little girl once she had gone. It's pretty cute, really. She ate her meal and talked with the others normally, wondering what she would do when dinner was over.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The dinner end without any problem and Teresa talk to her sisters before follow the elder of the house i would advice that dont train to much, but this could get hard, train a little in the ruins and rest well to be in a perfect condition tomorrow, i want you in the room before the 10 pm Celesta, or i will go for you, do you understant? said in a serious tone and the plant girl said a little in joke Yes... Mom she then cover her mouth to avoid laught and the gaze of her big sister make her repeat [color="darkgreen"} Yes i understand,my beloved Big sister [/color] in a serious way. After she go away Celesta look to Evelen and apologize herself for that moment.Suzanne will dont follow them if they were to train, as she said that she will train with Gerald a little.