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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen made a quick move to stab the crawling, wounded man, and then turned her attention to the man with the club.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With her spear ending the life of the wounded man, she was unnable to protect herself of the stab of the mercenary´s sword, but instead of go for him, she combine her strenght with the recluid to fight the club one. With his eak weapon maded to stun opponents he was unnable to protect himself of the brutal rain of stabs and slashings, his chest was and arms were serious wounded and his pertner was easily dodge by the woman of the spear.

Evelen 7
Meecah 6

Wounded 0
Sword 6
Club 3
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen kept up her assault on the man with the club, hoping to kill him quickly and then fight more defensively against the swordsman. Then again, maybe she should give him the option to leave. Was I supposed to avoid killing the mercenaries early? I forget.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen remember that she must avoid kill the mercenaries just when her spear stab the poor guy once again. Of course that the young boy dont had oity or doubts to continue the combat and soon a open wound was maded in the chest of the club man. Then the word break a part of the damaged armor with other slash of his sword, the armor stay in his place but who know how many impacts could resist befre get completely useless

Evelen 6
Meecah 6

Wounded 0
Sword 6
Club 1
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen prepared to stab the man again, but held back for a moment, saying alright, I think this is enough. Go elsewhere, leave the girls, and let us alone. Or you could just keep fighting and die. She made ready to act as soon as they rejected her offer, trying hopefully to cripple the man instead of killing him.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The man make a feint trying to make her believe that he will give up, then he attemp to hit her in the head to make her fall uncouncious, but Evelen was ready for that action and soon with a quick hit of her staff in his head she put him to sleep for a while. The other Mercenary try to wound her again, but the quick intrusion of Meecah stop it and soon both fight in a close combat, the edges of both soon hurt each other and then the young boy back steb with a new wound in his arm

Evelen 6
Meecah 5

Wounded 0
Sword 5
Club 0 (uncouncious)
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Try not to kill him Evelen said, carefully moving around behind the man and stabbing at his legs and arms, trying to cripple him.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

three natural 20 ?

The young man was surprised by her words but only nod and shrung his shoulders. The swordsman focus on her dodging her weapon for a while until the young man wound his armed arm, the mercenary changed of hand but the skilled recruit cut his nerves with a incredible prescision in a counter move, his specialized weapons soon let his foe indefense and then Evelen cut the back of his legs, leaving the man unnable to move and groaning of the inmense pain.

[end of the battle...wow]
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Alright, they can stay here for a while. Now it's time to free those recruits, and move on Evelen said, looking to the girls that had been tied.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Both girls were uncouncies maybe by the impact of the club in their heads, Evelen could saw the proof of that in the wound of both naked girls and then start to free them of the ropes. One of then just started to wake up and still drowzee believe that Evelen was one of the captors, she shake her head slowly and try to struggle as she whisped some words beetwen mumbles No... please dont harms us more, please . The other had many wounds and hits in her body, she could need more time to wake up.

Meanwhile Meecah prepared some clothes for both girls using the clothes of the 2 Mercenaries that were inert on the floor (uncouncios and dead) and his own clothes in his backpack.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It's okay, we won't hurt you. Just rest a little Evelen replied as she untied the girl. We need to be moving on, though. Time is important.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The girl was a little scared until she saw the young man with the colors of the school, soon she saw that she was naked in front of maybe a future student of the school, she was ready to scream when Meecah turn to other side and throw the shirts of the Mercenaries to her body and then he take the ropes to tie the uncounciest foe. Evelen could saw the face of the young man who was a little ashamed to had saw the young naked girl, also saw that the second girl was very hurt to walk and maybe one need to lift her, she maybe had to dress her and then any student could lift her, the girl could do it but she maybe will not endure too much and she was very hurt to fight right, in other hand Meecah will need to left her down before start to fight.

After take the weapons of the girls (a sword and a lance) the four walked and the enviroment was changing to a scrublant one, the Mountain was maybe near with 20 minutes of walk.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen quickly helped the second girl dress herself and had her companion carry her onward towards the mountain, not wanting Meecah to be caught unable to fight. This scrubland was probably an ideal setting, really, since nothing could sneak up on them. If the girl ultimately couldn't keep carrying her friend, she would encourage Meecah to do it instead; Evelen could defend until he was able to set her down and get ready.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As they walked they saw a road of bodies, it was like every 40 or more feets they could find a body or two of students, mercenaries and even soldiers. They only clue was that nearly all had their bodies split in two or more pieces in a nearly bestiality way, the trial continued afar of them, but this could afect their plan in a bad way. They could saw a road that guide then to the mountain afar of this massacre, but could her family avoid this vile murder?. The girl nearly return her food and decide to continue carring her friend to had two warriors to protect her even when she was really tired.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

This could be bad. Maybe they'll go to the alternate rendezvous. Even so, Evelen started down the path that led away from the carnage, hoping to avoid whatever it was that was doing this.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

They soon leave the zone and walked a time until the girl fall on her kness "I cant ...more, please take her guy" Meecah was ready to said something, but he saw how the girl was on her limit My name is Meecah and you should had lend me your friend before reach your limmit The young man help her to get up and then he take the uncouncies girl with caution to dont hurt her with his weapons. Then after a time they feel the earth start to shake just when the path was getting up now that they were in the mountain. From the earth three giant bugs get out and they were surround them Protect your friend, girl Meecah will need a time to prepare himself.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I didn't really want to have to fight monsters. If there's a chance for all of us to safely get away, we take it, alright. Evelen took up a defensive position, trying to defend the girls and Meecah while he was preparing.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With her spear she easily cut two of them when they get close, then the third attemp a rush tackle and she with all her strengt experience and skills make him change of course, they tri again but she stay firm on her place and then Meecah hurt one with his deadly weapons to return behind her again. The very wounded creature start to produce an strange dust of his body.

Evelen 9
Meecah 7

girl 3/6 [sword]

bug 6/7
bug 8
bug 4/7
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Guys, that dust is probably either poison or aphrodisiac. Try to avoid it. Let's try to find an opening to get out of here. Evelen continued her defensive behavior, trying to avoid inhaling any of the dust.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The bugs continued their attempts in vain against the nearly impenetrable Evelen's defense wall, but then one of the impacts make her fall in her back and then the creature tried to grapple using his weight, then Meecah wound the creature to free her, the fight continued and Evelen get up to block them again Damn, we are surrounded, how we must make then get away of our path the girl lift her friend and get ready to run even when she was still a little tired

Evelen 8
Meecah 7
Girl 3/5

Bug 6
Bug 7
Bug 3 [special]