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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Help with Yuki...? Like, how?" Evelen asked, a little bit worried about what she might have to do. She wasn't sure if she could deal with "helping" Yuki significantly.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Kimberly smiled wondering herself if she must say more or make the woman find it for herself, finally she decide to continue playing Dont worry, just help me to make all acept her as my daughter, even myself if is needed

Celesta can resist more and decided to join the talk Why you will need our help for that? do you have a problem with Yuki? or something more is happening to you?

Maybe i will be very afected by the stress of had made something against the mansion rules, its all. Anyway , lets go for mistress Elizabeth and master Gerald, unless you want to ask me something more miss Evelen Evelen could note how Kimberly was very happy of being the atention center, expecting to continue the talk.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen sighed, not quite sure what was going on with Kimberly. "How would you be affected? What exactly is going on with you, Kimberly?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With a deep sigh Kimberly answer her looking a little sad by take away the game Its a shame, if Suzanne would not being in danger i would continue this for more time. The succubus sit in a chair and proceed She was really worried for your family, Miss Evelen", so i accept a deal with that little coccon. Dont worry i will return after end all this to my room, with my new toys of course. Yuki is needed here, so i will let her here, even when i want to take her too
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Wait... You're actually the succubus, aren't you? I didn't really expect that" Evelen said, coming to the sudden realization that Kimberly had somehow given control over to her succubus side. "That explains some things. Anyway, let's go find Elizabeth and Gerald. You might be able to help us find a way to cure Suzanne too."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Yami Kimberly nearly jump of joy after being discovered and applaud her as laughting answer her Nice. I really was feeling bad for the poor coccon after all of you were unable to note the true, i suppose that the plant girl noted it first but she dont have the courage to say it...sigh the succubus free a little her tie dress on her neck showing her cleveage a little and proceed after Evelen words pass, We have a deal this time, so after talk with Elizabeth i will return. My dear Evelen, you really get blinded of the others when your child is in danger, who said that i could not read the demonoly books and get more power in this body. For the good of all dont tempt me to break my word and just let me go, even when i could find the cure As she said this Kimberly take out her bra and panties, it was clear that this side think than hide this perfect body was nearly a lethal sin, anyway her maid uniform cover her enough to be presentable, she get up and said before touch both in their privates areas nobody must know about me or Elizabeth will get mad as they get teleported, the sucubus get away fast before anyone of the new room could see her dirty hands and then Evelen saw Gerald talking to some elders and Elizabeth healing some soldiers afar close the front wall.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I wouldn't say I'm blinded, just that I don't understand much about the world, or about you" Evelen replied, sighing as she thought about just how little she knew. She allowed the succubus to transport her to where the Dragan's were and nodded when she asked for secrecy, and when she was gone she walked forward and tried to subtly get the attention of Elizabeth and Gerald.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Kimberly stay, as she need to answer to the problems in case if Elizabeth had knowledge of the spell that she made to control the mansion rooms, it was clear that it was the case. Evelen slowly get closed and the experimented warrior noted her soom making and giving a last words to his minions before walk to her. Kimberly tie a little her outfit and Celesta tried to cover her, even when have some doubts of her. Gerald then talk to then, showing that he dont know what had happened Hi miss Evelen, Suzanne. I just give the last orders to the service leaders, do you earn any information of where is Yuki, i have been searching for her. All the mansion is looking for her for a long time, but my mother said that she is still in the mansion

Elizabeth remain healing the last wounded and let in charge some maids as she walk to them, lookind to Kimberly without look angry, more likely with a motherlook sight.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Uh... We've found Yuki, yes" Evelen said, reasoning that Kimberly would say something if she felt it was right to. "I think that situation is... sort of dealt with..."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Kimberly noted soon the gesticulation of Evelen, she was the only one able to explain all without make the things worse for her other her.

With a curtsy Kimberly get ready to explain all Dont worry Miss Evelen, i will explain all. In order to find her we went to the last floor and we localized Miss Yuki who was running toward the exit after the battle and she would have escaped as all were hurt after the battle except her, if i dont decide to use the control spell . Im really sorry for have breaked these two rules and know that nothing is so important but Kimberly started to cry then and get blushed M-miss Suzanne was in danger and... i would never forgive myself if i dont make all the possible to save her or anyone of you. i will...accept.."sob" any punishment my Mistress Her tone and way to act were like the true Kimberly and only both girls were able to know that she was the succubus thanks to the last conversation. The mistress accepted her feelings and let them sit in the now empty table as Gerald ask to Evelen if Suzanne was right. But Kimberly taked the word saying that after a big fight they make her talk and she said something about someone giving her orders to do the seals on Suzanne or something could happen to her and Dragan family. After a long time they make her change and decide to help Suzanne. It was clear than Evelen must acredit her words.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Yeah, that's right" Evelen said, nodding and corroborating Kimberly's story. "Please don't be too hard on Kimberly. In any case, what more do you think we need to do?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Elizabeth doubt for some parts of the story, but the quick moves of the succubus make her see as she dont have other option. the elder look to a "devastated" Kimberly who tremble and remain ashamed and decide to believe her by her many years of loyalty I see, then we will pass all this this time, as Suzanne health is first. Do we have any treathment in the library who could help us Without think much Kimberly shaked her head Sorry mistress, our books dont have the info needed Then Gerald taked the word So we only can found the info in the govern library.

After a time talking, Elizabeth decide to talk with all the servants for any info and Gerald ask Evelenn if she acepted to go to the governator date.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I suppose I can go, but I'd like to have someone with me. At least Celesta, to help me figure some of these things out. I can't read any different languages, and I know just about nothing about magic, so I feel like I would need help to find anything useful" Evelen replied. "I'd rather not have to go out into the city, but it looks like I have to."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

If you need it, Teresa could come with us, even when she is not so good as me reading dead idioms Said Celesta smiling very proud of her superiority in this topic in relation to her big sis. I really sorry, but we cant even get close the goberment zone without aroused suspicion. then Celesta add after remember how this city threat the half human but will be not problem of how i look? Maybe they will try to lynch me or something worse

Gerald smiled as he shaked his head Dont worry miss Celesta, the governator himself invited Evelen to check the library and he saw you, so he will prepare all for your welcome. After a deep breath she express herself a little more That sound great, do you think that we must take Suzanne with us, sister? said looking to Evelen, as Kimberly remain hearing all, as she wait very bored for Elizabeth.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"What makes you think we can really trust this governor, or his subordinates? You're a very trusting person, Gerald. How has that worked out for you? Still, if we go together as a family maybe we'll be okay" Evelen said, frowning a little as she thought of the people outside the mansion. "And I don't know if we should take Suzanne with us or not. If we do, she might have an incident relating to the seals, and that could be very bad. I also don't know if she could help us find information, though she might. She's a fast learner, and I have no idea how much she knows about magic now."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The young man get surprised by how Evelen was leavind in doubt the loyalty of the governor, but he calm himself after remember the incident with Yuki. I understand you, after the academy and Yuki incident it would be very hard for you thrust in him, but we dont have other choice, if we want to have access to the great library of the goverment.

Sudenly Kimberly join the conversation Sorry to take the word, but i could teach Suzanne the correct way of find information in a library and also ancient idoms. Unfortunately, i could be unable to go to the goverment with you miss Evelen, but if we check the changes in Suzanne these days, we could decide if she will be able to left the mansion.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"That's true. If she can be taught how to help us, that would be an option, and it'd also give a chance to gauge how she reacts to the spell, but at the same time we might not have enough time. I don't know how much time we have, anyway."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

After think for a moment the maid answer her a little needed to end this quick After talk with Yuki and see how fast the darkness get spread, i would say that Suzanne will get losed completely in a week, but her soul will get tainted as the time pass. I sugest to bring all the persons and info who we can get when we get permission and then we must act quickly to make all the nescesary to create the cure of the sickness. All get angushed by the words of the succubus and Gerald remembered that the governor will let them get in the library. Before could say something Celesta ask But how about if Yuki increase the times to heal Suzanne, that could maybe give us more time. The maid shaked her head Sorry Miss Celesta, but Yuki is in her limit at the numbers that she could cast this without get damaged permanently by the spell and if she get broke there will be not a way to heal Suzanne and of course she will get corrupted in maybe a few days, maybe two if we are lucky
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Alright. It's too late right now to do much but go to bed, but someone come wake me up early tomorrow morning so I can get a head start on finding the info. Kimberly can teach Suzanne to help us look while we're gone. Hopefully we'll find something to help us get a cure early so we can work on getting it done."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Fine, i will continue talking with all about this problem, maybe this could guide us to a clue. Kimberly i will let you take care of Yuki as your daughter, but mantain her inside the house until all get calmed, i trust that you will make a great work taking care of her Then he said good night to all and walked out of the room, maybe toward the house of the servants.

The succubus smiled and look to Evelen Well, looks like it will end fine for the shy girl, anyway Elizabeth will maybe call me for a private talk. She then teleport them to their rooms and when Evelen reach her room it was alone, maybe Suzanne was with Jean. Before leave the place Yami Kimberly get closed to her and reach her cheek with her hand It was great to see you again, face to face, you look more cute than the last time. But i doubt that it will be against the coccon's will to take you right now. Well, lets meet again one of these days, i will say to the shy girl all the needed With these words the Succubus was ready to go away of her room to prepare all to her return.