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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

So she is the little Suzanne? i expect her be smaller, but she must be really bulky to lift that big armor Said turning to Suzanne and then leading them to a little room away of the kitchen, not before Suzanne closed the entrance door after get inside. The man opened the door and wait for her guests to sit and then remaining close the door start. Suzanne shouldnt be out the mansion, there is a rumor around the army and many believe now that the creature is nobody else than Suzanne, any half human is also a possible candidate to be the creature and many persons have starting a hunt against them. But lets talk about this later, do you come here to talk of something else? Darius? its his last day here.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"That's likely why the Dragans put her in this plate armor, to keep her from being recognized. I'd say it does a pretty good job at that" Evelen replied. She chose to ignore the bit about the hunts for now; she didn't really need to get pissed off right now. "Yes, that's exactly what I wanted to talk about. Recent events have showed me that I need to help him out on his project."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne turn down, not very comfortable with the heat inside the armor, lately the wind in the street was calming her needs to talk but she was reaching her limits. Could Suzanne take the helm out at least, its so hot inside here... Braveheard who was smiling after know that Evelen will continue to look for te keys, soon get serious and shaked his head Im sorry little one, but we are not alone, three soldiers were ordened to protect my wife until the danger had passed. That dont make too much sense so i decide to work in house,

The old man used a pencil and paper over the desk and write some instructions, certainly where Darious was Its all what i can do, i would had take you personaly but i cant leave my wife alone, maybe these soldiers are against us, waiting the moment to make their move
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hmmm... You be careful, now. Watch out for these soldiers, especially now that I've been here. I don't know if anyone knows who I am, but you never know" Evelen replied, a little worried about the old man. "Thank you for your help. Hopefully soon I'll be able to repay you with results."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Thanks, but dont worry about us, i can handle these novices easily with all my experience in battle. The man give some last advices to both girls before open the door The place where Darius stay is very dangerous, dont thrust in anyone

Saying this, he get outside and escort them outside when he expected that was not danger. The time to say goodbye to the old soldier come and Suzanne tried to give him a huge, but it have to be soft with the armor on her, they get inside with Braveheart's best wishes and depart when Evelen give the new instructions to the driver, the travel to the new place was a little dangerous, as two soldier make the car stop, but with a quick reaction Teresa hide the plant girl behind the chairs and close a little trap door on the floor made of wood. Fortunately the soldiers made only a quick peek and let them continue. After some minutes more they reach the place, it was an old hotel close a lot of closed stores, some girls were standing on the place and some were invited by some guys to get a drink and pass the night together. It was sure one of the most poor places to live in the city. If the instructions were right Darius must be in a room in the third floor of the hotel.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen grinned at the old soldier, replying "you're telling me not to trust anyone? You remember me, right?" playfully sticking out her tongue. It simply went without saying that she wouldn't trust anyone out in the city. With a brief hug and a wave goodbye, she and her daughter got back into their carriage, gave the driver his new instructions, and were on their way. They seemed to be moving into a poorer part of the city, and were stopped by a few groups of soldiers, though Teresa hid her sister quickly, and they made only a cursory check before allowing the carriage to move on. Finally they reached a hotel in a run-down part of town, the shops nearby all closed except for the bars. "Alright, Teresa, you wait here and keep Celesta safe. She should probably be in hiding the whole time, honestly. I'll take Suzanne with me and get back with our guest as soon as possible" Evelen said, getting down out of the carriage, and she decided to get up to the third floor where Darius was supposedly staying as quickly as possible. She almost wished she had brought a dirty and frayed dress with her, if only to look a little less out of place here.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa accept to follow the plan and stay on the carriage, meanwhile Celesta remain "sleeping" in her hideout making some little muffed sounds who where reduced by the wooden trap door.

As Evelen and her Children get inside, they see a old entrance hall with some persons playing carts and others having some time with some women who look needed for money, Evelen fine dress was starting to call the attention of the people, but soon thanks to Suzanne presence they think that it could be some kind of rich people looking for a mercenary or other dark business that only could be do it here. As they get up stair their eyes spot many broken doors and a lot of pairs using the rooms with even the doors opened, some girls shout for help as groups of males prepare them to use them, and even a woman with some monetary symbols was wrapped in a bed ready to be used for anyone, the third floor was more normal, the wooden doors even when were old stay in their place and only some lovers sounds could be heard in some of them, nearly at the end of the passage Darius room was.

The door had a signt of dont disturb in the doorknob and it looks like was closed from the inside, Evelen then decide to knock on the door, but she dont receive any answer, before she could try to open it a sudden force send Suzanne to impact herself to the wall and a knife stop close Evelen Neck before a known voice admit his mistake Evelen?, what are you doing here with that soldier?
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen and Suzanne walked into the run-down hotel, finding the people in the lobby area playing cards, or sitting with women who looked like they might well be prostitutes. Her own fine dress was drawing some attention, but people turned away when they saw the suit of armor next to her. She wondered at that for a moment, having thought that having what looked like a soldier with her might have been more dangerous, but then she realized something with a stifled laugh as she walked up the stairs. Oh crap, I probably look like some rich bitch looking for a hitman. That's great. The second floor was much more run-down, with many broken doors, and people still not too shy to avoid using the rooms with prostitutes. A few rooms seemed to be taken up by groups of men with an unwilling female, and Evelen had to stifle the urge to rush in and help them. The third floor was in better shape, and she quickly walked up to Darius' door, knocking on it with no reply. She thought about opening it briefly before the door shot open, slamming into Suzanne and sending her into the wall across the hall, and Evelen soon felt a knife at her throat. "Holy shit, paranoid?" she asked as Darius calmed down a little. "Believe it or not, that's my daughter. Celesta and Teresa are outside in a carriage, ready to go where we need to go."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The man return his knife to his belt and look if Suzanne needed help, lockily the armor reduced a part of the damage. Sorry, i was not expecting your visit, after heard where had you living all these days. Are you sure to put all your family in danger ? He then invite them to get inside the room to talk more calmed without the chance to be heared by others hosts. Darius looks completely like the last time, but maybe his "work" tools had better quality.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"My family is in danger even there, I've found. Nowhere is safe, so I figure it's better to go out and try to do something about it rather than sit back and wait for the inevitable" Evelen replied. "Unless you have something specific to talk about, I'd rather not leave the others waiting outside for too long."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Very well, just let me get inside to pick up some things Darius then take the room key and opened the door, he after get inside half closed the door, avoiding that Evelen see what was inside before the mercenary could have the chance to maybe hide something or tidy a little the room. Meanwhile Suzanne get up and walk to the door Should we get inside? maybe we could help him to get all ready

As all this happened, Evelen could heard a increase in the noises below her, maybe from the first floor.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Alright, that's fine" Evelen replied, allowing Darius to go gather his things for the journey. As Suzanne suggested that they head inside to help the man, Evelen heard more noises coming from below them, seemingly far below them. She knocked gently on Darius' door and said "hey, I'm going to go on downstairs, come whenever you're ready" before leading Suzanne back down the stairs, wanting to get a look at whatever the cause of the noise was. She very much hoped it didn't have to do with Celesta or Teresa.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As both women go down, they reach to see many guys running to the high floors and leaving some of the tied women who were been raped a time ago, it was soon clear what was causing all this, when Evelen reached to see two soldiers in the hotel doors.

But it was not only the hotel, others three soldiers were getting close the carriage and it looks like this could turn bad, as the prostitutes and customers were not pursued by them. It was like they are looking for someone and maybe she was their objetive or maybe Darius.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen made her way down the stairs she found her fears realized, as soldiers stood in the doorway and heading towards the carriage. From the way they payed no attention to the prostitutes or the men doing business with them, it seemed as if they were looking for someone... Perhaps it was Darius, perhaps it was her. Whichever was the case, she cursed herself for not bringing her weapon, wishing that she could just impale the soldiers and be done with it. Still, she kept going towards the door, not sure what else to do. She would try to look friendly and nonthreatening.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen get close the door, both soldiers focus their sight on her and and turn to each other before decide to act. With a quick move they close her path and were ready to secure her hands. My apologizes Miss, but we have orders to take you to the court... Gaahhhk the words of the soldier ended suddenly, as a weak wind sound pass over Evelen. A split of blood start to fill the wooden/meat floor, as the soldier feels the arrow in his neck who luckily dont kill him.

The other soldier call the attention of the others, so two of them go to help, as the last try to return to the army's carriage, action who was stopped by Teresa who with a quick jump get out of the carriage with a one handed sword that she swing to cut the soldier back.

Now with a strange fine dressed woman slaying one of them and other dangerous wounded, the possibility to focus force was nearly imposible for the few soldiers who decide to divide forces. Now Evelen have three soldiers (one very wounded) in front of her, they are with their hands close their weapons, ready to luch to them, as Teresa should fight alone the two remaining soldiers.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The soldiers quickly noticed Evelen and moved to restrain her; before she could try to do something about it, an arrow shot into one of their necks, perhaps from Celesta. Teresa soon joined in, nearly cutting one of the soldiers in two as she leaped out of the carriage, and the soldiers seemed to frantically try to figure out what was going on. Again Evelen cursed herself for going in unarmed, but she made a quick move to try and yank the arrow out of the solider's neck before the others drew their weapons, hoping to use it as an improvised stabbing weapon until she could make a break for the carriage.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The fight get really confuse, as Evelen jump over the wounded man to take the arrow from his neck, the man struggle with all his remaining strengths to avoid it, as his wound let escape the vital liquid in trials who end in the floor. Suzanne just cant decide what to do, this was so sudden and her pure mind was not ready to attack and kill someone who she dont have any against, but her mother was fighting and that should be enough... right? she wonder and try to run to aid to her mother, as Teresa get stopped in her attempt to slay the soldier by the other armor warrior, his sudden join in the battle give some moments to the back wounded guard to get close to escape, but another arrow hit his toe and make him fall in agony.

Just a moment later Evelen succeed to pull the arrow and with a stream of blood the soldier roll away making painful muffed sounds, the other soldier rise his sword against Evelen and wound her arm, this cause Suzanne to react and with her full strength send the soldier to fly outside the building and roll some feets away, even losing his sword who fall close him. Teresa meanwhile counter the soldier easily when this try to swing to her right side.


Evelen was wounded
a soldier is nearly dead, other very wounded and two more slighty damage, a last one is still fine and will try to fight agains Suzanne too
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

In the confusion of the battle the soldiers initially did a decent job of helping each other out, one of them keeping Teresa from finishing off the man she had sliced with her sword, though the man was soon hit with an arrow that forced him to the ground. For her part Evelen managed to yank the arrow out of the soldier in front of her, nearly killing the man, though one of his comrades managed to slash her arm. Before she could really react, Suzanne slammed into the man, blasting him through the wall. Now there was only one enemy Evelen was worried about, though she didn't have much means of attacking; she would try to be defensive, and wait until she found an opening to stab him with the arrow.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The battle turn more easy now, as Evelen sdodge the attack of the last unharmed soldier, Suzanne then push him away and hit him to start a street fight with the soldier, they roll in the floor and hit each other in a figght that Suzanne will win... until the man try to use his sword, Suzanne soon was focused in defend herself and start to struggle to earn control of the weapon.

Teresa was earning a complete victory against the soldier who easily is readed and countered, soon will be unable to fight as the other who still struggle to reach the carriage. The other two soldiers have also problems, giving to Evelen the space to take a weapon.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen easily dodged one of the soldiers, which allowed Suzanne to slam into him, knocking him to the ground and starting a sort of brawl that she was much better equipped to win. The rest of the battle seemed to be going well too, as Teresa kept up her excellent battling. In all the confusion, Evelen had a clear shot to get to a dropped sword, which she reasoned would be a much better weapon than a random arrow, so she ran for one, hoping to take down one of the soldiers soon.