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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Uhm... the side effects. You have nothing to fear, they will start to appear at the 4th or 5th day, the magic must get inside your womb and this will grow as the time passed, around the 8th day or maybe before all that magic will colapse and inbue you with a great pain and needs to get pregnant, it will be temporal, but it will be enough time to be in danger.

With all said the Grand Matriarch yawn and sit in her throne Talk about that? not all of our people try to learn to defend themselves, i even try to solve all with words before use the force. Why dont you go to the arena or the magic school? there are a lot of warriors and mages who can help you in your battle style.

Evelen, we need a permission from the Grand Matriarch or the female warriors will dont teach us anything. Teresa said, slighty stunned by the look of both males, she had sense their eyes looking her body behind the invisible fabric of her very skimpy dress. Meanwhile Celesta was gasping, her body was getting affected by an invisible force, this cause to be completely silent in her fights against her lust.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hm. That doesn't sound too bad. And I think we can get done before then, unless something particularly bad happens" Evelen replied, nodding. Teresa's statement reminded her of the issues they had run into at the warrior's arena. "I believe they could help me, a great deal" she said, looking up to the matriarch again, "but many of them were reluctant to do so without your permission. It would be an aid that I would appreciate greatly if you would put in a good word for us, so that we might learn what we can."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The chamber was filled with a soft yawn, as the woman nod and rest on her throne So only i need to send them a message... is that all you need ? Then i suppose that we must just discuss how many days do you need to stay.

Around the ruins are some natural barriers that avoid the use of our secret pass, the next time to be opened will be in three days. Even then it will be dangerous and many things could get wrong, so give your best to have all ready for your trip.

The Grand Matriarch clap a time and the door behind Evelen get opened, the time to eat had passed a time ago and Evelen could feel her body ask for food, but there was also the needs to take a bath and start their trainings. When Evelen turn behind, she reached to see only some guards standing looking to them, but then some lust noises make them notice that Zunasse was also there.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Yes, as far as I know that's all I need. I think we were planning on staying for three days, so that should work out. Thank you for your help, we'll try to prepare ourselves as much as we can before then. I'm always looking to improve myself" Evelen replied, turning to leave with a nod towards the matriarch when the door opened. She felt quite hungry, but also very dirty, and she desperately needed a shower and a snack. Looking around for Zunasse, she couldn't see the guide, but she could hear lewd noises that gave her away. "Zunasse? We need your help" she called out.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Just remember that the last day, all must come here again, in order to receive the runes or nobody will be allowed to get inside the ruins. The Grand Matriarch said before they leave the room.

Just give me a minute... im a little busy♪ The four soon heard and in a moment Zunasse appear, using her femenine fingers to clean her lips. Heh. My apologize, i was just passing the time, how was all? Said cheerfuly with a smile.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Alright, don't worry. We'll be here" Evelen replied on her way out, not about to miss their chance to go through and leave this place. Soon afterwards, Zunasse returned, cleaning a bit of cum off her lips, and Evelen chuckled. "Any chance we could find a shower and a quick snack? I'm starving, and I'd like to be clean before going out again to start some lessons."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I see, please follow me. Said the halfhuman before point the direction, it was clear to be in a good mood now and soon they reach a place behind the ruins where a exit reveal many persons using white pools to "clean" themselves and drink of the strange liquids.

I doubt that a bath of cum or milk will help you to feel refleshed, so the only choice is use a slime pool, the girl in charge of it make a great job so there will be not any problem... except that all must give me the virgin outfits, i cant leave these old relics get destroyed so easily. Said before continue walking toward a corner and there was a wide circular pool filled with blue light slime. Some girls and even males were there and even some couples kiss and foreplay inside and close the pool, but this was the same in the others pudles.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen followed Zunasse towards the baths, finding many people in white pools, rubbing it over themselves and even drinking it. It was odd; if this were the Dragan mansion, Evelen couldn't help but think that she wouldn't mind a nice cumbath, but here it seemed somehow threatening. "As long as you stand near us and keep people from trying anything, that's fine with me" Evelen replied, not really expecting to bathe in her clothing. She stripped down when they got to the slime pool, finding it occupied by a number of men and women, many of them kissing and groping each other inside. With a sigh she slipped into the pool, trying to wash herself off quickly so she and her family could get out of there.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Oh c'mon, miss Evelen! there is nothing to fear. Dont see us like animals in heat, no one come here when they are in that natural state, it could be very dangerous[color] Answer Zunasse joking when the four undress and give their clothes to her.

Zunasse get close the slime pool, just when Evelen and the others get inside the pool, who easily reach to reach below Evelen breasts. Justy!! No games to these new four, just a full clean bath ok? Said the guide and suddenly a female whine sprout from the jello, just then Evelen noticed that she was unnable to get out of the soft slime and this start to act strange and even pressing it a little more deeper until her breasts were fully covered.

What is this? dont say me that this giant pool is a monster...aghhh... someone pinch me

Justy is not a monster, now be a nice little girl and enjoy your bath.

Evelen could feel an army of apendages giving her a relaxing bath at every part of her body, sometimes feeling that the slime creature want to get at the next step and clean deeper.

Suddenly after some minutes a person behind them appear, but they were unnable to turn to see it Awww...It will be not enough fod for Justy's payment...can Justy drink more of someone, please?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen frowned at Zunasse's joke; she pretty much did see them as animals in heat, and she didn't feel like she was very far from the truth in thinking so. As soon as she got into the slime, it began to move against her, rubbing at her body, apparently to get the dirt and sweat off of her. Of course the bath is alive she thought, feeling it try to go further than just washing her a few times, though never going through with it. It took a few minutes before she actually did feel clean, but the slime seemed unsatisfied, asking to "drink" more from one of them. Evelen sighed, saying "if milk will work, feel free to drink some from me I guess." If it wasn't enough, she would offer to let it "drink" her other juices, requesting that it be quick about it.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

delicious Milky for Justy!? Yaay! thanks miss! Shout happily the creature before a slimy woman jump over Evelen back and hug her cheerfully and then Evelen could feel two suction cups forming around her ample breasts, slowly taking her warm liquid and feeding the pool, just some an instant later Evelen noticed her little girl trying to get close her in vain and just whimper softly with hungry eyes when she look how her mother get fully milked. Meanwhile Celesta whispered something to the slime and she looks to be used too.

Thanks miss, it was delicious and it make me notice that the young woman is completely dirty, dont get scared when she get completelly inside Justy Before Evelen could said something, the figure behind her get inside the slime and appear at Suzanne side with a wide smile, her purple eyes were as if they were amathists and her factions were of a 14 or 16 years old, her slimy body leave to fall little slime fragments to the poll and her hair was easily more dark than the rest of her body. Hello... Justy? you really move fast, how do you... hey, wait! Suzanne get interrupted as Justy hug and make her get deeper at the pool, the time passed and Teresa get histeric hitting the slime and shouting for help, but the people around just look for an instant before return to their bussines, Celesta who was gasping get worried too and call the little girl name until suddenly Suzanne and Justy get out at other side of the pool.

Suzanne get out the pool filled of transparent slime and Justy return to the slime completely scared and just when dissapear inside Evelen could move free once again.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen answered, suddenly what felt like a slimegirl glomped her back. The slime bath seemed almost like a child, but she didn't get much time to ponder it before she felt a pair of suction cups cover her breasts, applying gentle suction and quickly drawing milk out of her. She tried to look at Suzanne reassuring as the girl tried to make her way to her, not wanting her to get too distraught. It was a pleasurable experience as always, though it didn't last long before Justy was full, leaving Evelen only slightly aroused.

The slime's next words made sense to Evelen, since basically everyone had commented on how her daughter smelled of monster fluids. As a result, she wasn't afraid when the slimegirl dunked Suzanne under, though she started to become so as time ticked away. Finally both her daughter and Justy appeared on the other side of the pool, Suzanne covered in transparent slime, a look of fear on the slimegirl's face. When Evelen could move again she hopped up out of the pool, running over to her daughter to see if she was okay.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen son reach the side of her daughter who was pushing her body away of the slime pool, she was completely filled in the jizz and it could be even inside her, as she srout some of it from her mouth before rest on the floor. Teresa and Celesta also moved to her side, but they were stoped by Zunasse "Give her some space to breath" said to both as she had to use all her strengh to mantain the histeric blonde away of her niece.

Mwaaaahhh she hurt Justy, Said the slime crying, her tremble can be feeled in all the pool, just then Evelen reach where was her daughter. She looks lost in the space licking her lips and just babbling something when her mother get close her, maybe she was starting to get very weak to say something.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen could soon see that the slime covering Suzanne seemed to be like some sort of slime cum, and she became quite mad as her little girl spat up the slime. She walked right past Zunasse to get to the girl, but not before backhanding her hard across the cheek, saying "even your damn baths here are rapists" with an angry tone. "All I want is to get myself and my family clean and I can't even do that in peace in this shithole."

When she got to Suzanne she knelt down and wiped some of the slime off her face, trying to make out what the girl was saying as she got her ear close to her mouth.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Zunasse was off guard when Evelen rise her hand against her, with this class of events happening so quickly, the halfhuman just turn her head to a side and eat her pride as she calm herself and dont make this bigger.

When Evelen tried to clean her daughter face, she noticed how this was unable to clean all as more sproud from bellow her child hair and this slime was white and more smelly that the one in the puddle Suzanne's body acted alone, it feel so warm and weird... Sorry Justy....

It was all what Suzanne said before fall uncouncious and when Evelen notice her guide was already going out the bathrooms, maybe pissed of Evelen words.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen tried to clean her daughter, she found that she couldn't; the slime seemed different from the slime in the pool... Suzanne's apology confused her a little, and suddenly she had a flashback; long ago, seemingly a lifetime, her daughter had been trapped in a mimic, and had destroyed it with spikes that had looked about this color... "Zunasse, wait!" she shouted out, realizing her mistake. "I'm sorry, I need your help!" She didn't know if something was really wrong with Suzanne or not, but she had some idea that the girl might be coming of age, like the guide had said she was, and she had no idea what to do to help her daughter.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Leaving her daughter with her two sisters, Evelen run to where Zunasse was leaving, the guide soon turn to where was Evelen and sigh slighty frustrated when the human ask apologizes Fine! i will help you, but dont expect that i forget your insult against my land so easily, maybe the next time i will be unable to control myself Said still angry as she return to where was Suzanne, there she check her for a time, looking her signs and then lift her and take her on her arms softly she need a better place to rest before this get worse, i dont know exactly what is happening, but her libido will be out of control if she is growing and her body is very soft to be walking alone, lets back to the second floor. Zunasse said as all return to where the matriarch are.

Thanks Zunasse, could you take me to the archives of the town, maybe i could find something

You know than that is impossible Celesta, we cant read their texts

Nosenses, i will learn it and find what is happening

Fine, but first i must inform this and then maybe someone could help us

All was starting to get in place, only they have to decide a place to put Suzanne and what will do Evelen.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen didn't say anything back to Zunasse's angry reply, though she was grateful that the guide came back to help Suzanne. The woman picked up her daughter and began to carry her up the flight of steps, explaining that she would have to find somewhere to rest. "If we can't find anywhere else, that second matriarch seemed nice, we could have Suzanne rest with her. I'll stay with her until she's feeling a little better" Evelen said, helping Zunasse take the girl to the room with the four-armed matriarch. As she did so she leaned in to whisper with the guide "I really am sorry. I thought something had hurt my daughter, and I get... really, really defensive about my little girl. How can I make it up to you? I did say I would spend some time with you... If everything quiets down a little and we can find a suitably private place, you can punish me for the insult." She had been acquiring a taste for BDSM recently, but she didn't really expect to enjoy whatever the slighted warrior would dish out to her if she accepted, it was just the only thing that sprung to mind at the moment that Zunasee might want to do to get even with her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

When Evelen get close to help, she noticed that the virgin clothes were resting on Zunasse's shoulder, as this carry the young woman toward the second floor, dont showing any expression when Evelen comented how she could pay her fault.

They knock the door and the matriarch take a time to answer, she was completely naked and yawning with a little cloth in one of her hands and a little needle on the other Yes? do you want more lessons or... what happened to that girl? said looking to Suzanne and letting them get inside.

We dont know yet exactly, it looks like she is growing toward her maturity, please matriarch, let her rest a little in your house

let her here? but... you know how the girls on her age act...oh no! this place must be cleaned, quickly help me to store all the clothes and writings Said the woman before start to clean her room and even take out her hammoke with the help of Teresa and Celesta.

Zunasse place the little one over a monster skin on the floor and roll other to make her rest her head. Just then when the others were busy, she answered to Evelen I will only accept your terms if you understand that im not just a guide, but also the personal guard of your family and im giving all my effort to protect all of you. So, no more violence or insults and when we get alone remember that nothing really bad will happen you

When all the room was ready, Zunasse give the clothes to Teresa and Celesta, as she let the matriarch to store the other two, just when all was calmed Evelen noticed that all except Suzanne were clean and free of slime, maybe from were they leave the bathrooms. Leaving Evelen and Suzanne with the matriarch, the other three girls leave to look for help.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The group soon got to the four-armed matriarch's room, and found her naked and apparently doing some sewing. Evelen quickly moved to help her and the others clean up the room in preparation for Suzanne's rest; there was apparently a chance that the girl would act up as her body matured, her libido apparently increasing. After a short time the space was cleared out relatively well, and Zunasse set Suzanne down on the monster-skin floor before going over to talk with Evelen. "Alright, I'll keep that in mind. And don't worry, as long as I'm able to fight unhampered afterwards, I'll be fine. I want to be even, after all" she replied, somewhat annoyed with herself for having lost her cool so much earlier.

With that done, the others left, leaving Evelen alone with her daughter and the matriarch. She knelt down next to Suzanne, cradling her head and trying to make sure the girl was comfortable. "Thank you for letting us use your room like this, I appreciate it" she said to the matriarch, pondering what to talk about with the four-armed woman.