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Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

With a final pump, the spider sprayed its load into Bea, letting out a mighty roar. The woman could feel something wrong right away, the cum had harder objects in it. Dozens of them flooded in as the spider shuddered in extasy, throbbing member creating a seal around Bea's pussy lips stopping any from escaping.

Bea didn't orgasm, not at first, but then the spider noticed. It unfortunately could not pump anymore without spilling the load out of her, but it really wanted the battered woman to climax again. It slowly lowered itself down on top of her again, then began to rock back on forth. This stimulated her breasts, and more importantly, her clit, all without spilling the seed. The next time Bea bucked, she'd cum, and the spasms deep within her would pull the objects into her womb.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The smaller spider's roar was nowhere as intimidating as its much larger brother/sister/father/mother/whatever, but hearing it do that right over her face made Bea flinch just a bit as the bug started pumping its load. The sudden feeling of something small and hard sloshing around in her pussy immediately made her eyes go wide. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" That voice telling her to escape was now screaming in her ear, and she renewed her efforts for freedom only to find the spider pressing down on her body once again.

Bea tried to shift, to somehow let the monster's seed flow out and carry whatever those...things inside her were, but no matter what she did the expanded and overgrown cock wouldn't let anything escape. A slight bit of panic began to show in her face only to be replaced by a surprise and a grunting moan when that damned spider began to rock across her body. Her hardened nipples and exposed clitoris were suddenly under a fierce attack that was nearly forcing the woman to climax right then and there, but somehow she held back.

Somehow she knew she had to hold back her impending orgasm, but with each rolling press she found it harder and harder to keep her body from betraying her. As this torture continued she wondered if this was what she actually agreed to, and if it was then what was going to happen to her afterwards. That thought was destroyed as she felt the knot building in the pit of her stomach starting to unwind. She put every waking effort into holding back, but she could feel her grip slipping with every motion. "No..." Her muscles began to quiver. "No...!" She couldn't keep herself from bucking up into the spider. "No no noooOOOOOOOooooo!" That final scream was the end. The floodgates opened, and once she felt those things slide past her cervix she knew she was about to go through something terrible.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The spider, now weakned from the effort, came to a halt on top of Bea as she spasmed. The tiny little objects were soon all sucked into the pinned girl. The sensation didn't exactly ruin the orgasm, but it made it feel wrong somehow. The two lay there, both panting, in a strange parody of aftersex.

After a minute or two the spider stood up, but didn't leave. It reverted to watching Bea with a mixture of curiosity and perhaps a little bit of pity. Bea was hardly an expert on the emotional expressions of giant spiders, but these things really did seem to give off alot subtle clues to their mental state.

The rest of the spiders went back under the bridge, leaving Bea lone with her mate. Her pile of things was still right where it was, the spiders clearly had no need of any of those human objects. It was fully night now, and Bea started to shiver. She had no clothes. The spider had been nice and warm, but now that she was no longer tangled up with it she couldn't share its warmth.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea didn't move much herself once the spider moved away. Mostly she rolled to her side and curled into as small a ball as she could. There was something very wrong about those things she felt shoot into her, and all she could see was that those things were eggs. It sounded ridiculous considering that the bug had a massive cock, but cocks don't usually spurt anything more than sperm. So maybe that thing wasn't a cock. She didn't remember seeing a couple of videos of some animals actually using a small tube to lay their eggs instead of popping them out like chickens, but she never heard of anything using them like that. That tube was too much like a penis to be accidental, and considering how the spider wanted those things flooding into her womb she could only assume that she was now pregnant.

Her body shivered at that thought, more so than if she was just reacting to the cold air. How many eggs had been planted? How many little spiders would they make? What would happen when they finally hatched? Would they actually be birthed, or would they find another way out? A rather nightmarish image of her belly swelled to the point where she looked fully pregnant filled her mind. She could almost feel her body fighting to hold itself together as her stomach continued to grow until she felt something rip. Her body simply split from her belly button up to her chest, and the last thing she saw were a million little spiders breaking free before they crawled over her entire body and began to bite.

A scream broker her out of that nightmare, and when she realized that scream was her own she broke down and started to cry. "Oh god, I'm gonna die... I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die I'm gonna die..."
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The spider seemed greatly distressed by Bea's sudden break down. It waited untill she was in a ball before acting thought. It nudged the girl, as if trying to get her to respond somehow. It nestled in close, concerned she'd get too cold, sharing heat once more. It continued to nudge every once in awhile, trying to get Bea to seak shelter instead of laying in the street.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"BACK OFF!!!" The moment the spider tried to comfort her Bea shot up to her feet and swung a balled fist right in front of her while at the same time taking a step back. She wouldn't hit the thing, but the anger in her voice combined with the tears in her eyes should have been a clear sign she didn't want that bug anywhere near her. "It's YOUR fault I've got these things inside me, and it's YOUR fault that I'm gonna...I'm... gon~na~" Her feet weren't as steady as they should have been, and after stumbling over her words the world began to spin out of control. The fear of death combined with the days activities and the small amount of food she'd eaten made her look rather pale, and soon enough she fell back to the ground.

After a couple seconds of forced rest some of the color came back to her face, but the act of sitting up had her slightly dizzy once again. Thankfully she landed right next to her pile of goods, and since most of everything was still in their bags she found the can opener and some random tin. Instead of sitting down and eating something, however, she held on to the things while carefully returning to her shaky feet. Once she was up her free hand brought her reclaimed driver up and pointing straight at the spider before she started looking around. One of the vehicles on the bridge had to be unlocked, and after she shambled her way to the nearest or the next or the next she would pop herself inside and lock the door behind her. She wanted nothing to do with the fucker that sentenced her to a premature death, but she wasn't dead yet. Maybe if she could catch up with her friends they could find someway to get these damned eggs out of her, and if she wanted to last til then she needed to eat something.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The spider moved away slightly, but still kept watch. When Bea moved down the bridge the spider followed, but at a "safe" distance. She came to a wrecked taxi, the hood smashed in from an impact with something. The door was unlocked, and Bea quickly slid in. The power locks were of course out, but locking the doors by hand worked. The spider crawled up now that there was saftey between it and her. It circled around a few times, inspecting the vehicle, before letting out a statisfied grunt, and skampering off back under the bridge.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Finally finding a refuge in a somewhat smashed taxi Bea shut herself inside and made sure all the doors were locked. The spider followed her the entire way, and while she desperately tried to stare the thing to death it appeared to be inspecting all the doors and windows. For some reason it seemed to approve her makeshift shelter, and soon after it joined its brethren on the underside of the bridge.

Bea waited a few more minutes to make sure she was lone before she popped the seat she found herself in and laid the thing back. Once she was somewhat comfortable she hugged herself and rubbed her arms to try and generate some heat. In a few minutes the interior of the cab would be warmer once her own body heated the air trapped inside, but until then she'd have to suffer in the cool night. This wouldn't stop her from eating, however, and once that can was open she ate what was inside.

Finally fed and feeling slightly better she laid back in the seat once again and placed her hand over her stomach. She was still a bit light headed after what had happened during the day, but she calmed herself and tried to remain as still as possible. Her fingers traced the outline of her abdomen to check for any out-of-place bulging. That spider pumped a lot of...spunk?...into her, and since very little was coming out she knew she had to have expanded somewhat, even if it was just a little. After she had an idea of how bad this would be she finally laid still and stared at nothing. Her condition made getting some sleep difficult just because it was such a big worry, but she knew she'd need some rest. She would fall asleep eventually.

After a few minutes the sound of someone slapping their head broke the relative silence of the night. "I left all the stuff back there. Fuck it, I'll get it in the morning... If I'm still alive..."
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Nothing disturbed Bea, all was silent outside the cab. Her activities inside warned the interior soon enough so it wasn't too cold, but it wasn't warm either. She could feel a slight bulge in her belly having expanded a bit, though no more then after a large holiday feast. If she focused, she could feel the things lining the walls of her womb. The feeling wasn't bad, but not really good either, strange was perhaps the best word. Laying back, Bea would be allowed by the cosmos to fall asleep peacefully, but there was no reason to assume she'd remain that way the entire night.

(You can have Bea wake up if you want, the reason will be birthing time, and the time will be about 1 am)
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Rest was a rather fitful affair. Her dreams were immediately filled with the sensation of the countless eggs trapped within the woman, her flesh vanishing as she saw tiny cracks developing over the shells before a small spider the size of a tarantula was finally free. The other eggs followed suit, and she could feel their tiny legs and bodies pressing against the lining of her worm as they started searching for an exit. The first one to find her canal immediately tried to dive through that tunnel, but the others sensed their brother trying to escape and immediately crowded around it. Their fight for freedom caused them all to get stuck on one another, and as they continued to struggle their frustrations started to mount. It caused their little legs to instinctively harden to sharpened points, and the started slicing into her flesh to ease their escape.

Bea woke with a start, her hands immediately flying to her stomach before she realized she was just having another nightmare. She felt around her belly once more and silently thanked god that those eggs were still intact, maybe a little bigger but not squirming around trying to slice her open. She laid back down to try and get more rest, but a slight twinge caught her by surprise. Her hand flew back to her stomach as a reaction, and after she swore she felt one of those little bundles move that twinge hit her once again.

"Wha...what the hell? All ready?!" Something in her body was telling her it was ready to get these things out of her, and she felt an overwhelming urge to get out of the taxi. Now. She fumbled with the lock, her body's preparation for the big event making her a little clumsy, but once she popped it open she spilled out and landed on the street rather harshly. The scream caused by her landing turned into a rather loud and uncomfortable groan, and all Bea could do was try to get on her back. "S... someone... help..."
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea's cries would go unanswered. By humans, that is. She could hear a spider or two still skittering under the bridge. Sounded like one was comming to see what she was making a fuss about, she couldn't see it against the black sky. She couldn't do anything about it anyway, as all attempts to get up would be met with a spasm from within. Bea could feel her nether lips dialate somewhat, though not as big as a normal birth. It seemed these babies would be born the "normal" way. As he body began to expel the newborns, a little smaller then Bea had imagined, the spider came into view, stopping and watching. For some reason, Bea knew this wasn't the same one that had impregnated her.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Urgh... Fucking... Hell...!" Grunting, groaning, screaming through gritted teeth, Bea was not having any fun. She had no idea what the hell was going on with her body, and she couldn't tell if she should be grateful or not that it only took a few hours to carry these things to term.

A spasm knocked that question out of her mind, and as she tried her best to find someway to speed things along she could hear one of the spiders underneath the bridge crawling around the edge to investigate. She couldn't do much about it considering her entire body felt like it was convulsing, but after a few seconds she felt the little balls starting to settle. Her natural instincts urged her to push, and once she did she found it wasn't all that difficult getting them to pop out. They were nowhere near as big as she'd feared, and after the first one finally passed through there was an odd sense of joyful relief that these things weren't going to hurt her.

With the first one free she laid back for a second to gather her strength for the next push. A bit of movement made her realize the spider she heard approaching had finally arrived, and as she looked at it she surprisingly found herself a bit disappointed that papa hadn't returned. Before she could wonder why the hell she wanted to see him again a sharp twinge told her the next baby was ready, and just like before she managed to deliver that one without much fuss. She was definitely thankful for that. The lack of any immense pain was helping put her at ease. She could still feel a number of them waiting to be born. At least this wouldn't be the ordeal that she feared.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The spider watched Bea finish her birthing. All told, around ten spiders were now crawling around down near her legs. They quickly skampered over the edge of the bridge, down to where a nest must be. Bea was left alone with the spider that was concerned about here, though it seemed to be a bit on edge about something. It stared at her, awaiting her reaction to this event.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

With her task finally complete Bea stayed on the ground to somewhat relax. She could hear the little things skittering around by her legs, and after a bit of an effort she brought herself up so she could see what she had been used for. Unfortunately the babies were already starting to scatter. The rather dark night didn't really help, but after zeroing in on a small bit of movement she shot a hand out and caught one before it could escape.

To keep her catch from escaping she had used a finger to lightly hold it down so she wouldn't squash its very vulnerable body. She used her other hand to actually grab the mini-monster between her thumb and index finger. Once she was sure it was safely held she lifted it up above her head so she could at least get a good look at its silhouette against the odd light still hanging around in the sky. She watched its little legs kick around a bit before using her free hand as a platform to place the newborn. "You know..." As carefully as she could she used a single finger to rub her baby from head to thorax, nearly giggling as she did. "...you guys could be kinda cute. You just need to stop-" She quickly turns to the large spider still watching over her. "RAPING PEOPLE."

Feeling slightly better letting some of her frustration out she returned to the road and placed the baby on her her stomach to let it do whatever it wanted while she placed her hands behind her head to get a better look at the sky. Her nightmare turned out to be a rather bearable experience, and she had to admit that feeling the little spider crawling around on her skin felt oddly comforting even if it tickled a tiny bit. After taking a couple deep breaths and a few seconds to shoo the newborn away if it was still hanging around she finally sat up and returned to her taxi for more rest. "This has been a strange night."
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The little spider was very confused by being allowed to walk around on Bea's belly. It emitted small squeeking souinds, making the larger spider uncomfortable, it shifted from side to side. When Bea got up to get back in the taxi, it started hissing, but didn't stop her. Like the last time, it ciricled the car before leaving, though this one did tap on the glass a few times. Her rest would not be disturbed, but the spiders were upset with her now for some reason.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea's rest was no longer filled with images of her insides being ripped apart to make room for her bastard children. Instead her dreams took a turn for the surreal. Bea had somehow become a military commander, and as she pointed forward a platoon of spiders swept by her all screeching in excitement as one carefully approached and scooped her onto its back. Her soldiers were attacking a wave of those Leaper monsters, some of the Ass Cannon bastards firing shots into her flanks trying to bomb her troops. "Advance! Make Mama proud!"

When she finally awoke she noticed it was still a bit dark, but the faintest hint of light over the horizon meant the sun would be rising soon. She shook her head to knock some of the cobwebs out, and once she was mostly fully conscious she stepped out of the taxi with her driver and can opener in hand. Her naked body stretched a bit to try and relax her muscles, but since it was still cool outside she could tell it really wasn't going to help.

Since it was almost daybreak she figured now would be a good time to get moving, so the first thing she did was check the area to see if anything was out to greet her. That spider that watched her give birth looked somewhat upset with her, she couldn't even guess why, and she needed to reassess her situation. Bea had kept up her end of the bargain, so they should as well even if a couple of them were a bit grouchy. After locating whatever spiders were wandering around on top of the bridge she would return to her belongings and do her best to take them all before she started over the bridge and hopefully toward safety.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The morning was still, not even the normal chirping birds were out. Bea could faintly hear some shuffling movements under the bridge, indicating atleast two spiders were down there. None were up top right now, though. They did not emerge as the woman gathered her things. The lack of pockets in clothes was the only hinderance, and seeing as she had not yet made extensive use of them, she could carry most of her stuff, despite being nude.

It was only when Bea tried to leave the area did the spiders react. She'd made it about half way over the bridge when she heard a few squeals from behind her. If she started running now, she could probably get away, unless she wanted to stop and see what the matter was now.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

With nothing to bother her and nothing holding here there Bea's trek up the bridge was undisturbed. Aside from what had happened yesterday she was quite thankful that her shoes hadn't been ripped apart, so walking across the asphalt would not be a problem. Holding all her belongings was, especially since the spider did manage to rip through the strap she would use to hold her rifle, but that was semi-solved by tying the two ends into a knot. It was going to be INCREDIBLY uncomfortable having that thing strapped directly to her back, but that was a sacrifice she'd need to make.

Once she started rounding the top, however, she could hear some excited little squeals from behind. Her body suddenly tightened, and her thoughts returned to that spider from last night that was angry at her. She considered just making a mad run for it, but to escape she would need to drop everything she carried and haul ass. She really didn't want to just leave all her stuff behind, and she was nearly certain the spiders had been given orders to let her pass by the alpha. She wasn't stupid enough to just stand still and wait, but she could at least turn around and see what was approaching and in what kind of mood they were in before high tailing it out of there. If it looked like they weren't going to run her down and fuck her again then maybe she'd stick around to see what was what.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Two spiders were running full tilt towards her. While the creatures only had a limited range of ways to express how they felt, Bea got the distinct impression these ones were angry. Sort of like when they first attacked the group yesterday, but more energetic.

Escape Attempt (sort of)

2 + 32 = 34 // 1 + 25 = 26 ... success

Bea is able to get over the crest of the bridge before the spiders catch her. While they still follow her, they can't catch up all the way either. However, if Bea is to evade them for good, she'll need a plan to escape. Ahead she can see light suburban development, a few convienence stores along the side of the road. She'll have cover, but she'll need a good trick to fool the spiders into losing the trail. Alternatively, if Bea can somehow seperate the two spiders, she stands a decent chance in one on one melee.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Fucking hell..." As soon as she saw the spiders making a mad dash straight toward her Bea reluctantly dropped her bags of food and supplies and quickly grabbed the ammo for the rifle before she started running. Once she was finally over the top of the hill she had a pretty good view of what waited for her down below. Stores, abandoned cars, and not much else. There was a couple places to hide down there, but she still needed to fool her pursuers somehow.

Once an idea popped into her head she kept pace going, but as she ran she also started fiddling with her ammo. Doing so at full speed was incredibly difficult, and during her escape she managed to drop a couple bullets, cursing as she did. Her path would take her speeding toward one of the convenience stores. She pushed herself for as much speed as she could then to round the far side of the building, and once she was somewhat hidden she started looking for any open window she could find. Once she found one she purposely dropped one of her bullets on the ground right in front of it before quietly dashing for more cover. The spiders would have seen her 'accidentally' drop those others on the bridge, and if they saw one near an open window she was guessing they were smart enough to think she hopped inside. If they took the bait they would be within the building, and once she was sure they were preoccupied with their search she could make a break for any nearby trees or shrubs or whatever piece of landscape that was as far from the road as possible. Once they found nothing they would exit to resume their search, and the most likely path someone fleeing would take was down the path of least resistance. They had to figure she would have started running down the street, right? At the very least she'd be hiding in some other building instead of behind some trees.

Of course this was all hinging on the fact that she could find an open window. If she couldn't she would need to figure out some other plan and fast.