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Re: Evony

Our alliance just got into war with a top ten alliance. An alliance, I might add that has only one member near me. Who has less than half my prestige.
Re: Evony

Well... my alliance decided to randomly declare war on someone who was much worse than them, before the host decided to run off to do whatever for about a week. Most of the people got pissy and started their own alliance and promptly declared war on us, and now the original alliance we had declared war upon now is in the top ten... *sigh*
Re: Evony

I got lucky in the last war. There were virtually no enemy alliance members near me.
Re: Evony

Obe,I don't really think our alliance is that keen on warfare. In fact, I would go so far as to say THEY'RE A BUNCH OF PUSSIES.
Re: Evony

Re: Evony

I looked at that for a bit, wondering if it might be better or what. I don't like it as much. Oh well.
Re: Evony

Haha o wow that's exactly the same game
Re: Evony

i have decided to test the game out and have ended up in server 32. so far so good it doesnt seem so bad.
Re: Evony

I plan to find out when a new server is starting, and I think we should all aim to start cities in it!

Then we can make a ULMF alliance :)
Re: Evony

Sounds good to me. I'm still able to keep my old cities and still make a new one on another server without making a new account or anything, right?
Re: Evony

I plan to find out when a new server is starting, and I think we should all aim to start cities in it!

Then we can make a ULMF alliance :)

This would be an EXCELLENT idea.
Re: Evony

Sounds good to me. I'm still able to keep my old cities and still make a new one on another server without making a new account or anything, right?

Yes. I'm at the moment on both 24 and 32 (the most recent).

As soon as I see 33 go up, I'll alert everyone and we can get the ball rolling.

EDIT: Zomg it's up! (Sometime in the last 12 hours..) gogogo!!!!

Make sure you start in the state Romagna.
Re: Evony

On my way to Romagna, 33. Wonder if it's hard to manage four cities, two on each server.

EDIT: Flag name should be ULMF of course, amirite?
EDITEDIT: Name is Obeliskos on this server too, of course. City name is Yrotagrup (purgatory backwards, yay for unoriginality), coordinates are 424,377.
Last edited:
Re: Evony

496,480 here.

You can have the two different servers up in different tabs in firefox without any problems.

Flag ULMF, city LineMarvin for now, might change it.
Re: Evony

Yep, permatab'd both tabs.

I've just finished wasting all of my speakers telling people that they're retarded. So what IS the idea behind having to BUY shit just to talk to people? I guess on the bright side, it filters out most of the retards, but still.

Starting a brand new city without having one of your old city hand over hundreds of thousands of resources is tough.
Re: Evony

Don't forget to prioritize getting resource buildings to level 2 and 3, and getting enough population to manage that. I suggest at least 5 sawmills, and probably get that up to 8 when you first upgrade your TH.
Re: Evony

Tough on me, I mean. It's rather painful to see my income for everything not in the 20k+ range. And the population, gods, the population! It's too low! I'm burning!
Re: Evony

But don't you enjoy the quests that make all your buildings free? ;)
Re: Evony

496,480 here.

You can have the two different servers up in different tabs in firefox without any problems.

Flag ULMF, city LineMarvin for now, might change it.

I just made my new city. Do we have an alliance yet? Work on that!

Flag: ULMF
City: Spoonlian (my own tribute to The Spoony Experiment, google it if you want to be happy in your pants)
Name: LordMomiji
Coords: 453, 473
Re: Evony

No we do not have an alliance yet, be patient, I am building more important stuff. Like, you know, a town hall.