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Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

  • Yes. We want to talk to the other tamer in a calm setting.

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • No. Yell to attract their attention, but keep going.

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Forget him. He's a dunce, and his sister is rude.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Careful. That dex is a out of date, but it can still provide a decent base line for understanding the other Pokégirl types.

Meh. At least it'll give me something to reference if I'm trying to make a decision or come up with a suggestion for a pokegirl to catch.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Decision paths will now require 4 votes, and I will try to provide an advance in the story at about once a day. Long sections like that last one take up more time to wright, so that will affect my update rate.

Action Plan: Introduce myself to the other tamer, then try to catch some ferals.

Knowing full well the psychological effect of the Pokegirl World shower systems, I avoid them, and simply use the dry parts of the bed sheets to wipe myself and Sunset clean. Clean (or at least dry) I start to quickly dress, noticing she isn't.

"We're going out into the woods to catch some ferals. I suggest you get your clothes on. I don't wanna be distracted by you tempting flesh." I say to hear, swallowing nervously. It was really tempting to stay in the room and tame her more.

She shakes her head, and holds up her hands apart as if tugging on something between them. "Tug? Tear?" She nods. "Don't want the dress to be torn? That makes sense. Can we leave the dress here?" She nods again. I figured I was the room's occupant for as long as I held the key, but I decided to be sure. "Do you want to go back into your ball?" I ask my new travelling companion. She shakes her head, then heads for the door.

I head out, and she allows me to pass her, and following me out to the front counter. I can hear her light foot steps a few feet behind me. I'm a bit apprehensive about having a cute naked girl following me around, but I don't say anything, since that kind of thing is common in this world. For some reason my cheeks hurt.

"Welcome back, sir," the NurseJoy behind the counter says as I approach. I get a good look at her features. She's pretty, a warm inviting face that naturally seems to smile, framed by the looping braids of her bubblegum pink hair. The white cap atop her head seams right at home, though the rest of her uniform looks a bit to tight for her bust. "Are you enjoying your starter Pokégirl?"

I suddenly realize why my cheeks hurt. "Immensely," I answer.

"What can I do for?" she inquired.

"We are going into the woods to hunt ferals, then come back here after a few hours anyway. Would it be all right if I kept the room?"

"Certainly," she answers. "The MaidYvvette will have it tidied up while you are gone. She won't remove anything you left in there."

"Thank you. I'm also wondering about the other guy that just became a Tamer today. I didn't get a chance to properly introduce myself."

"That boy?" She tilts her head. "He selected the Boobiesaur we had and was requesting a Taming room, when the girl that was with him told him to tame her outside. Then they left." She then giggles before commenting "I'm not sure which of those two is the tamer"

"Well, that's interesting. Next question. What kind of ferals are there around Spanking Meadows?" I inquire, trying to repress the urge to giggle at the town's name.

She blinks in confusion. "You don't know what kind of ferals there are around, and you walked here all by yourself?" I shrug and she sighs before continuing. "Well, I've seen all sorts of feral bunny types get brought in here by wandering Tamers, as well as Racks and Pidgys. There is a swamp to the south, and most of the tamers that come out of there have caught a few Titacools and Titodile, and a pair of Nagas that one time. Those that come out of the rest of the forest have come out with Titmice, Cutiepies, and Buzzbreasts. I' also seen some Statues get brought in from the northern forest.."

I nod as I take it all in. "Well that's compressive. Thank you very much ma'am. We'll head out now," I answer before turning to leave the PokéCenter with Sunset.

"Good luck! Don't get eaten!" I hear from the nurse. I laugh and wave behind me.

As we exit, I turn to Sunset and ask her "What do you think we should do? Swamp? Forest? Think we'll bump into the other tamer?" She answers by making a fist in front of her open mouth and bobs her head back and forth.

Decision: Where should I go to hunt ferals? There's bunny and birds where ever I go, but the other areas have different types on top of that.
  1. Head south to the swamp where the Titodiles and Titacools, and the rare Nagas can be found. (5 votes)
  2. Head out into the northern forest, where the Titmice, Cutiepies, and Buzzbreasts and the rare Statues roam. (4/6 vote)
  3. Head to the west. It's like the north, but doesn't have Statues. Perhaps another rare type could be discovered? (1/3 vote)
  4. Head to the east. Same option as the west, but I'll have to walk through the town instead. (Zero votes)
  5. I really wanna introduce myself to the other tamer. Let's put in some extra effort to find him. (4/6 vote)
  6. Forget ferals. I've got all the Pokégirl I need right here! (Zero votes)
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Eh... kind of a combination between 5 and either 2 or 3. Be sure to be on the lookout for the other tamer, but if he's not on the way, it's not that big of a deal. Torn between 2 and 3 because for 2, you know there's Statues, but for 3, it'd be intriguing to see if there are any other rare pokegirls wandering around, but then again they could be strong against your Psychic type...
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I say 1 or 2.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1, methinks.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

5 then 1
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Bah, I'll chime in. 1, in the hopes of taming something with tentacles. And hopefully being able to evolve said Titacool into a Titakren, so Rocky doesn't end up with an aggresively lesbian Pokégirl.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

A naga? I like the sound of that. Let's see if we can find one.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

After finally reading through all the possibilities I'm going to agree with the Naga option.

Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

You guys and your fractional voting. :rolleyes:

Decision Made: Head to the swamp and hope to catch some Titodiles, Titacools and Nagas.

"You certainly have a one track mind," I say to Sunset. "Time to switch gears, though. We are gonna hunt for ferals in the swamp, and that takes focus. Can you stop thinking about sex until later?" She nods. I pause before realizing how smart A-bras really are. "I want you to stop thinking about sex while we are hunting ferals." I command. She pauses as if considering what I said, then nods. "Good. Let's figure out what you are capable of. Can you teleport?"

As if to answer, her eyes glow and she suddenly isn't standing next to me, instead twenty feet away. "All right. You're mobile. Next, do you know some form of Hypnosis?" I ask as I walk towards here. She shakes her head. "Well, that's a bummer. How about any telepathic attacks?" She shakes her head. "Telekinetic?" Her eyes glow again, and she lifts a couple of pebbles. "Is that it?" She nods, and I frown. "That's not very much. Got anything else?" She holds out her hand and little sparks of electricity dance between them? "Thunder.. wave?" She nods, then makes a fist that also glows and shoots out tiny lightning bolts. "Thunderpunch?" I ask, furrowing my brow. From what I remembered from Pokémon, an Abra could learn the various punch moves, but they didn't have the Attk to use them effectively. She nods as she dissipates the energy harmlessly. She then points to her head and then her behind, then hold her hand together as if holding a cup. "Headbutt..." I say, but knowing there was more to it than that.

Then she again makes a fist in front of her open mouth and begins bobbing her head back and forth. I roll eyes at that, knowing full well she was trying to claim it was a sex attack. Technically we weren't hunting ferals at the moment, so I went along. "Well that'll be good if we run into a Dildoqueen, but what about other Pokégilrs? Do you know any other sex attacks?" She shakes her head. "Well then we'll just have to forgo that approach until you learn some. Let's go."

With that, we head south to the swamp.


Finding the swamp was easy. It's endless expanse of trees growing out of algae covered water in most places, bushes and ferns growing out of thick mud, and deadfall in various states of decay, vines hanging from the canopy. I can here all sorts of chirping noises from the various bugs. The kind of place old fairy tales would house evil hags and ghosts, while real world thinkers know these places are teaming with more life than walkable forests.

That said, the trees are huge. While the swamps I've visited before had trees about the thickness of my torso at best, the one I'm currently walking in looks to be right out of a high fantasy adventure. You could build a house out of a single stump of theses trees, and no doubt many feral Pokégils did just that. I can easily climb my way across this swamp and stay dry simply by walking along the large roots and trees. Sunset keeps teleporting, apparently not tiring her in the least.

It isn't long before I spot a wild Pokégirl. A brown bunny type, bouncing along a huge fallen tree, a large fern leaf in one hand with chunks missing from it. I look to Sunset and point to the Bunnygirl, and she nods in response.

Sunset follows the attack pattern I instructed her to. She teleports some distance away from the feral, and with a crackle, unleashes a wave of electrical bolts which strikes Bunnygirl. Thunderwave from hiding. The Bunnygirl yelps and twitches, trips and falls face first into the stump, dropping her fern. She's twitching in spawns and barely stands back up before Sunset appears before her and brings her forehead down. Then follow up with a physical attack. The 'battle' is quick and anti climactic, but that's what I was looking for.

I pull a Pokéball off my belt, and toss it towards Sunset. My aim is off, but her eyes glow and the ball changes trajectory. In a moment, the unconscious Bunnygirl is swallowed by a red light. Sunset teleports to me with the now filled Pokéball and hands it to me. We've made out first catch.

"Good work," I say to her quietly, smiling.

Decision: What next?
  1. Keep hunting. Something more worthwhile must be acquired.
  2. Sunset deserves a reward. Give her a victory fuck, then hunt for more ferals.
  3. I need more girls. Head back to the centre and tame the Bunnygirl now.
  4. KO'ed girls can't say no. Take the Bunnygirl out and tame her right here, right now.
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I say #3 first then go back and do #2 or #1.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1 to proceed
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1. A bunnygirl probably isn't going to be that helpful and it's probably not safe to tame out in the open when a feral might show up at any moment and attack during the distraction.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1. If the game plan is go catch 1 thing then fuck it this is going to take forever. Plus there's got to be something cooler out here.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1. then 2. she should get a better reward for more work.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

2 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1. Keep on pushing.

Hot dickings in a swamp full of stuff that wants to rape and/or eat you and your awesome shiny A-bra does not sound like a good plan. I'm not familiar with the pokegirl setting, but I'm assuming they still have mosquitoes and roaches? Roaches trying to crawl up your ass and mosquito bites on your tender bits are anti-fun.

Do have like a weapon or something? Even if regular humans are all ineffective or whatever, you should get some crap to look menacing so Sunset can maybe catch a breather or get into a better position should we get into an extended fight. You could poke stuff in the sides, that's always irritating.

I mean, how dead could it get you?
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert


My vote may be ineffective, but I think we should Tame the Bunnygirl then return. She could be used as bait to lure out a Naga while Sunset attacks the distracted Naga. The Bunnygirl may not be much use after that, but there are a couple evolutions that are very interesting, especially the Cabbit.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Decision Made: "Let's keep hunting."

We wander around the swamp, quiet as I can manage, and Sunset teleporting soundlessly. Nearly twenty minutes after catching the Bunnygirl, I get the strangest sensation crawling up my spine. I have no idea what it means, but I got the feeling something important was nearby, so I look around from my current vantage point, a large root on a massive tree over looking a pond.

Noticing that I stopped, Sunset appears next to me, trying to make eye contact. "I feel something," I whisper. For the first time, I see her facial expression change, an eyebrow raising. I could understand that, as she is a psychic Pokégirl, and I'm just a human.

I keep peering around me, looking at the foliage, the canopy, at the pond. Nothing. It's quiet, aside from the occasional chirping of a swamp bug. I keep looking for several minutes before something actually does catch my eye. It almost looked like a thick vine coming out from under the roots I was standing on and into the pond, but it moved out of the water and I could see it's end, sponsoring a tiny sharp stinger. Titacool. I trace the tendril into the foliage at the base of the stump, and gently move it aside.

What I see would have scarred me for life if I hadn't perused the internet for so long. I see is the upper body of a beautiful woman, black scaled and deadly yellow eyes, atop several feet of large black serpent coils warped up around the torso of a blue girl with two nearly black tentacles hanging limp, the Titacool's head and shoulders engulfed in the black scaled woman's unnaturally stretched jaw. The Naga's eyes turn and see me, and she begins to shudder as her meal begins to slide back out of her jaw.

"Sunset! Get in there now!" I shout to my companion. She reacts instantly teleporting behind the Naga and unleashing electricity. The Naga begins twitching, but retains enough control to flail her tail out, almost striking Sunset before she teleports to the other side of the interior. Seeing an opening, Sunset steps up to the serpent girl and brings her forehead down upon her. The Naga reels in pain, both from the hit and the paralysis. Sunset performs the same manoeuvre again, but this time the Naga manages to flail her tail out and strike the A-bra, sending her tumbling into the thick roots.

Seeing the fight going south, I lob a Pokéball at the Naga. It connects, and a red beam engulfs her. No longer held up, the Titacool's body falls to the ground, as does the ball, which continues to rock back and forth. The respite gives Sunset time to recover, and she walks closer to the ball, ready to strike as soon as the Naga is free. It isn't needed, as the ball stops rocking, and the red light blinks, indicating a successful capture.

I climb into the alcove, concerned with Sunset's condition. "Are you okay?" I ask her. She shakes her head and points to her left side. I can already see some discolouration. "Let's get back to the centre then." I declare, before retrieving her ball and putting her in it.

Before climbing out, I decide to tag the Titacool, and by some miracle, she is still alive and gets absorbed by the ball.

A half-hour later, I'm out of the swamp, somehow not attracting the attention of any ferals, and walking down a forest path. I can see the centre in the distance when I hear a familiar voice. The other tamer's, coming from a short way off the path.

"It's not working," he says with a mixture of wonder and confusion.
"Boobie boob-saur!" I hear another voice say.
"Will you two stop doing that!" the pantless Pokégirl shouts. At least, I'm certain she still doesn't have pants.

Decision: Pokéballs keep their contained Pokégirl in physical stasis. Sunset and the Titacool are not getting any worse. Should I walk off the path and see what's up?
  1. Yes. We want to talk to the other tamer in a calm setting.
  2. No. Yell to attract their attention, but keep going.
  3. Forget him. He's a dunce, and his sister is rude.

Made this the thread's poll. I can delete and start new polls, right?
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

The jackass in me says 3, but take 2 as a secondary option.