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Facility, Codename: Last Resort


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael sighs and begins walking back to a teleporter, hearing Ava speak "You're staying on the bridge until you've healed, I can't risk you getting hurt." he says, yanking Keylo into the teleporter and pressing a section, transporting them to the teleporter on the bridge "Adria. Status report. I heard over the radio that some of them are in hiding. Is this true?" he asks, his arms crossed as he looks around and notices the bodies, thinking nothing of it "If they are indeed hiding here. I want those bastards wiped off this ship."
(Lol at "Keylo"... Short post as I have things to tend to)

Allowing exhaustion to overtake her after emerging from the transporter, Ava propped herself against a wall and slumped down onto the ground.

"...Understood sir..."

Closing her eyes, the "super soldier" allowed herself to enter a "stasis" of sorts in which she would be able to recover at optimal speed. From all the gore splattered upon her, the wounds she bore, and the fact that she had ceased to breathe, one might has mistaken her for another corpse if not for the fact she "glowed" ever so slightly...


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Yeah well, I wasn't retired for too long, but my year or two as a hermit at least tought me how to make my meals interesting. Its nice to have a full kitchen to do stuff with too." She says, still a flurry of activity. She spins stuff around a frying pan, then stirs a pot of stuff, then spins around and flips a few slices of bacon on a wide piece of flat metal. "I also suggest that you eat slow at first, for two reasons. One, this will technically be your first meal and whatever you have that resembles a stomach won't be used to doing its job and two, we still don't know what you're supposed to be eating. Of the insects I am aware of, they eat almost everything between them, from fruits and vegetables right up to things like raw meat and wood, or even metal. Here, try some of this first, sit by the window." She says, sliding three plates across the platform separating the kitchen area from the eating one, where several stools are set up in a row. The first contains some raw fruits and vegetables, the second steamed vegetables, and the third is full of rice separated into thirds, one third white, one third brown, and one third white with some sort of sauce on it. Without waiting, she turns back, taking a sizeable piece of steak off a grill with a pair of tongs, then chopping it up into nine roughly similar pieces, then puts them all back on, in different areas of the grill.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria turns to Michael. "It's possible yes. I know of a couple different isotopes that can be used to block out sensors from detecting bio-signs. IF the fallen have anything like that there could be many more still on board we can't detect. It would also mean that they KNEW we were coming as well, and let us take the ship."

There is a brief pause and she adds, "everything should respond to all of you now that the ship has accepted new commands. I'm going to meet up with the others in the mess hall and have a look at that food, determine if I can how long it's been there for exactly."

She spoke into her radio once more to Linda. "Linda, I'm on my way down there to have a look through the area and that food, should be there in a few minutes."

That done she turned back to Michael. "The bridge is yours. I'll return soon." With that she was gone again.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Curiously, she bends almost right into the plate after sitting, eyeing it curiously as she sniffed the aroma deeply. The twin set of blades on either side of her mouth twitched, as did her antennai. Tentitively, she stuck her tounge out- a little bit longer then a humans at least- and gave a few small licking tastes at the food. Nodding to satisfaction, she started eating, if a little bit messily.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Copy that. linda replied as she swept the bits of steak onto a plate, adding a raw piece she had kept off the grill entirely, and slid that plate along as well. "Careful with the bright red one, it hasn't been cooked at all, human digestion can't handle it. All the rest are cooked to varying degrees, to see what you like best. Adria's on her way as well, she'd probably appreciate some good food."

Not a moment later, the sound of the far door opening can be heard over that of frying bacon. Linda turns around with a plate half full of three kinds of potatoes to greet the woman.

"Hey, you want your potatoes mashed or scalloped? If you wait a few minutes, we can have DUCK!!" She yells as she turns fully, seeing not Adria striding through the door, but a half dozen Fallen, all of them wearing strange backpacks and carrying rifles. She dives to the side just as a bolt.of energy passes through the space where she'd been, hitting instead the pot of stuff, melting a hole in the side and flash-frying the contents.

Linda takes her pistol from the disc in her side and fires wildly over the counter at them, forcing them to knock a table over for refuge.

Emergency! We have at least a half dozen Fallen in the mess hall, with odd backpacks and some sort of energy rifles, request backup!


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria heard the call for help over the radio and moved double time.

The Fallen were still trying to pick off Linda and Xerberus when Adria neared the room. She could hear one of them saying something about dissecting the bug after they'd killed it and retaking the ship if they could kill the other human as well. One of them mentioned a small device that sounded a lot like a grenade of types and tossing it towards the human's position, and once that had been said, they effectively had signed the worst possible death for themselves ever.

Somehow over all the commotion from the weapons, all in the room would clearly hear a female voice say, "I think not."

What happened next would be rather unsettling, and downright terrifying for the Fallen. They suddenly found the weapons ripped out of their hands, their bodies lifted off the floor several feet and their breathing began constricting on them. They could be seen visibly trying to struggle to get their breath, and after a good thirty seconds or so, all six of them went wide eyed even more, their heads suddenly twisting to one side, necks snapping somehow. Despite all of this, Linda and Xerberus would have noticed, NOTHING touched them at all, yet something had clearly just killed them.

Ten seconds after their bodies hit the ground with an audible THUD, the doors opened again to reveal a very pissed looking, glowing eyed Adria. She looked over the room then spoke. "Fools. Are you two alright?"


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

At Linda's words she had literally dived around the counter, and now she was trembling slightly as she peered back over, antennai flat to her head. "I-I think s-so..." she said, surprise and a bit of fear in her voice.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

((Darth Vadria has struck again...))

Standing against a bulkhead on the bridge, 366 had lapsed into an internal monologue, trying to work out exactly what felt wrong. Her instincts were never wrong, after all.

The radio transmission jolted her from her thoughts, and the Operative stood upright just in time to see Adria vanish through the teleporter. She gives an uncharacteristic shrug, and paces towards the teleporter. Or, more specifically, the figure slumped just beside it. If she was correct..

"Unit. Status query, authorisation Operative Eight-Delta-Three-Bravo, Three hundred and sixty-six."

As a side note, to anyone else around, 366 adds..

"I've worked with these things before. Or something very similar."


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Unit. Status query, authorisation Operative Eight-Delta-Three-Bravo, Three hundred and sixty-six."

"Project Ava reinitiating... repairs 45% complete...energy field functioning at 100%...synthetic skeleton at full working condition...system check up complete...exiting stasis."

Her eyes flickering open, the girl awoke from her "slumber" to stare into the face of the one had overrided the automated "recovery" command.

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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 smirks, behind her visor. Suspicions had been proved correct, and her access code worked. Perhaps this mission would not be as quiet as she had thought.

"Briefing : The sensors show the ship clear of lifesigns. However, enemies are still on board, using some sort of jammer. Query : Your unit is outfitted with thermal optics, and search-and-destroy night-time modules?"

366 had a plan, it seemed.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa had tensed up when she heard the call for help over the radio, wondering if anyone else would be going to help. As the moments stretched on after the signal, she became increasingly nervous, finally raising a hand to her radio and calling, "Linda, this is Dietrich, what's your status?" She waits calmly, then speaks again, "Adria, situation report." Her foot began to tap nervously as she waits in more silence. Finally calming down when she hears an "All clear" in response, she sighs and replies, "Copy."

With the situation in the mess hall resolved, Melissa turns her attention to Six and Ava. She steps over and says, "It's a good thing she can heal herself, I don't think I could've helped her. So what are you thinking, Six? Have her sniff out the enemies like a bloodhound?"


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

(Short post... But I want to get this going so...)

"...That is correct, however for field testing purposes, such features have been disabled. Unless proper authorization is granted, search and destroy capabilities are at 20%..."

366 was correct about the mission not being a simple as it implied. Units similar to her were rarely deployed even for combat testing unless it was thought overwhelming firepower was required...


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda had spent most of the intervening time taking ineffective potshots from behind the counter. As they were strangled, she stood and watched in amazement, and when Adria came through the door, it took her a few seconds to respond.

"...Yeah, yeah we're fine." She says finally. Then Deitrich comes on over the radio. Linda answers with a quick, All Clear.

Turning around at the burnt remains of the food she was cooking before all this started, turning it all off with a sigh and clearing the rest into the garbage. "Well, that was a waste. Back to work?"


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

She nodded a bit, still shocked. "I-I don't understand, what happened? I thought we cleared them out..."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda walked over and examined the bodies, holding one of the backpacks up after a minute. "Sensor jammers, completely defeats most types of scanning. used some of these myself in the early days. How much of this place have we not searched yet?"


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 stares impassively at the unit for a moment, thinking to herself behind her visor. Finally, her voice emerges.

"And what would constitute proper clearance? Is Operative access level sufficient?"

While waiting for a reply, she turns her gaze to Melissa, nodding.

"I believe if we cut the power in all sections but one, then concentrate our forces there - being careful to ensure they know where we are -, then one or two units could go under their radar, such as myself and this Unit, and take them out as they flock to our trap..."


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"No idea," she muttered, wings buzzing a bit. "Should we split up and look?"


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Operative access level is indeed sufficient, provided an official release order is signed..."

"Projecting" a lengthy override "form" into the air with the use of her energy field, Ava looked on 366 with blank eyes.

"Please sign to proceed..."


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 produces a blade from nowhere, it seems. One moment, her gloved left hand was empty, the next, she held the shining steel.

With a flourish, she uses the tip to sign her number on the "paper", visored gaze never leaving Ava.
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Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The "energy field" shimmered upon coming in contact with the blade, the particles rearranging themselves in accordance with the blade tip's movement until 366 had finished signing the "form". Once that was complete, the "paper" dissipated completely as Ava's eyes "sparked" for a moment.

"Override confirmed and stored. Removing limiters..."

Upon saying this, the energy field surrounding the girl begin shimmering unnaturally to adapt to the newly enabled features as her eyes shifted colors multiple times until finally returning to their original state. After this was done, the experimental unit then proceeded to await further orders, as she always did.

"...Limiters removed. Orders?"