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Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael nods and lets everyone through, his hands releasing the doors as he jumps in. He would then reach all four tendrils forward, grasping at the ladder on one side of the shaft. The way he moved was extraordinary. His tendrils seemed to work like they had minds of their own, working in unison with each other, moving his body in a very smooth movement down the shaft towards subbasement level 5, where he witnessed the blood soaked walls and the dead Fallen. "Impressive, to say the least. Whoever did this is either insane, or very powerful." Michael says, one of his tendrils reaching over and dipping in the blood, then moving in front of his nose "These bastards deserved a much more painful and slow death." is all that is heard from Michael before he begins to walk down the corridor, a massive smile on his face. "This is becoming more and more interesting."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Why even are there so many Fallen down here?" She says to Michael as he reaches the bottom of the shaft.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria smirked. "And they call me a showoff." A chuckle and then she just simply walks off the edge, gently floating downward and depositing herself in the room with the others.

She tilts her head at the sight of the room they are in. "No, whatever did this did it recently and quickly. The blood is still fresh, see how it trickles down still? This couldn't have happened any longer than three minutes ago. Which means it also happened right under our noses. Whatever did this displays great power to have done that without us noticing it, and are those TEETH marks?"

She steps over to one corpse, peering at it for a moment before shrugging and mentally lifting it into the air for the others to get a better look at. "Hmm, ok, maybe both powerful AND insane then."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"When do I get to kill it?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa calmly advances down the corridor, blasting Fallen as they attempted to rush out at her. "None of these Fallen have weapons, and they don't seem very coordinated. Which is very strange for them." From further down the corridor, she can hear the others speaking. "We're getting close to the rest of the team, come on." She picks up her pace, checks the intersection ahead, then joins the others at the elevator shaft. She nods to them, then looks down the shaft and says, "What journey to an abandoned military facility would be complete without a trip down a dark, scary pit into unknown dangers?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"You aren't going to kill it." Michael says plainly, reaching for his radio "366. Why did you go bat-shit on these guys? Granted they're our enemy, but the least you could have done was warned us." he says, walking further into the facility, his tendrils retracting inside his coat and wrapping back around his arms. If one looked closely enough, they would see his arms seemingly grow wider. "366. Could you turn the lights on in the hanger so we can see our new hope?" he says, walking into the hanger and stopping, then turning around and smiling
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

As if on cue, the lights slam back on with almost painful brightness. At around the same moment, a body drops from the bloodied vent, mauled and covered in the same bite marks. Chunks are missing. After a long, awkward moment, the clean black form of 366 drops after it, facing away from the group. From this angle, it can be seen that her helmet has opened up, sliding backwards to reveal her face.

But, she turns slowly, so that the only thing the other see is a glimpse of the Y-shaped visor settling into place as the helmet closes once again.

Michael's questions weren't even worth answering. As CO, he had access to her files, and should know about her methods.

"366 reporting in. All targets down."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria stepped inside behind Michael to look over their ship and her smile froze in place suddenly, her body stiffening.

The ship in question, and the hangar bay itself were gargantuan. The ship was easily in excess of 4000 Meters in length, no question. Circular in shape, but elongated at the end, it was nothing short of a magnificent sight. A dark ring was at the center of it, where a large opening was. A quick check confirmed the dimensions.

"4400 Meters length, 2275 Meters width, 1475 Meters depth. My god."

She paused a moment, a flash of recognition in her eyes. "I've... seen one of these before, but HOW did it get HERE? No, nevermind that, let's see if she works still. That is a Kresharan ship, possibly the LAST of it's kind too."

Adria took a breath, then focused her eyes on the ship. A moment later, after an agonizing moment of silence, the ring in the center suddenly lit up like a christmas tree, turning an almost painfully bright sky blue color.

Adria raised a hand to calm the others, sensing they would be alarmed by this. "Don't. It's alright, I did that. It works, son of a bitch that thing is fully operational!"

She turned to Michael and spoke very slowly. "Wherever you folks got this from, you have a true treasure here. The race that built that type of ship has been extinct for twenty years now, wiped out by some sort of plague that decimated their kind. I should know, I was..... modified with their DNA."

She now grew silent, seemingly warring inside with things she probably thought had been buried forever.

((Description and activation done with Burrito's approval. Ship is loosely based off an Ori ship, but will have several modifications to it, namely, a NAMED type of power supply finally, YAY! Burrito actually came up with the power supply idea.))
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Well I'll be damned." Machine steps out of the elevator shaft and whistles through his teeth, the sound bizarrely distorted by the helmet. Blood and small chunks of Fallen flesh decorate his armor. "This thing is fucking gigantic!"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael turns around to face the ship upon hearing Adria's words, his right hand grasping his goggles as he adjusts them, thinking they were on wrong and disrupting his vision. "Dear god. I didn't even expect a ship this big." he says, laughter building from his heart to his lips and out of his mouth, resounding through the entire hanger bay. "With this! With this we can win the war!" he cries out, arms raised over his head.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

This snapped Adria out of whatever daze she was in. There was a short harsh laugh from her at Michael's words. "Win the war with it? We can go and level the entire Fallen HOME WORLD with this thing and they won't touch us if what we've seen from them is the extent of what they are capable of. And of course if what I know of this thing is wholly accurate. We could fly this thing down their throats and slaughter ALL of them. Now I know why I was assigned here. Gods knows, the technology inside of this ship is light years beyond anything humanity has right now, and as you saw I have a... bond with it."

She didn't seem to be too pleased about this bond of hers with it, though clearly she was also quite certain of the ship's abilities. Still, it was clear now from her pinging back and forth talk, this had rattled her some, though for the moment it didn't seem that would affect her performance in the field.

"Shall we have a look inside sir?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Granted. Let's get this ship operational. We can go back to the base camp and pick up the rest of the soldiers and the scientists once we do." he says, walking towards the ship and sighing. "This ship is so beautiful. What should we name it?" he asks, sliding his hands into his coat pockets.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria replies with to the name question. "Dawn's Light. We're shedding light on a new dawn and day for humanity."

She finds a way into the ship, motioning for the others to follow. "I'll see what I can do about getting this thing operational and flying from it's bridge. If I'm right, most of the systems will only respond through direct neural interface. Hmm, I wonder actually..."

She stops by a panel on the wall, and it comes online. Schematics flutter on the screen, and finally stop at one location. "Ok, that's the bridge, fifty five levels above us. Looks like I'm in for a walk then."

She takes off for the bridge, quickly out of sight, but leaving the panel active for the rest to filter through if they want to.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Why would there be so many fallen outside the ship, but we assume there's none inside?"

Aika takes her LRB out of her weapons disc.

"I'm off scouting. Hello Fallen dickheads! I'm coming for youuuuuuuu!" she shouts as she charges into the halls of the ship.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

*looking about the ships halls once they make it within she is quite certain her big rifle wont see any use inside this place.* gotta stick with the small toys..
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

(Incoming extreme brain-dead post. I seriously need more inspiration)

"Objective complete... resuming previous objective..."

Expanding her "field" once more to combat standards, Ava pulled the great bow from her back and advanced into the ship, an energy bolt already ready to be released upon the first alien life form she detected...

(Probably going to have her encounter a slightly "stronger than normal" Fallen, and then have her demonstrate her unarmed skills.)
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael sighs as he looks up, nothing really on the ceiling. "Motherfucker. I was hoping to rest my feet." he says, looking at the panel. "I need to find some crew quarters. I want to at least be able to sleep somewhere here." he says, looking over the schematic, a grin on his face. "This ship is built like a mobile base. The crew quarters are on decks twenty through thirty-seven. Judging by the looks of it, it's almost like this ship was DESIGNED for protecting the crew." he says, looking it over and grinning. "Oh, Avaaaa~? Could you come here and help me memorize this map, please?" he asks, waiting for her reply, then noticing she wasn't anywhere nearby "Ava? AVA? What the hell? Where is she?!"
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria stepped onto the bridge, pausing as she noted two corpses nearby. Instantly her pistol was out, and she carefully swept the area. When she was sure it was clear, she examined both bodies. They had been smashed to death it seemed, probably by fallen.

She shook her head, then eyed the chair in the room. She sat down in it for a moment, then focused on bringing every system back online.

Throughout the rest of the ship systems and lights would start slowly coming online, seemingly designed to allow people to adjust to the lighting changes gradually.

This done, Adria called on her radio again. "Michael, it's Adria. I'm on the bridge. Got two human bodies up here, smashed up pretty badly and heads caved in. Also, main power should be fully restored to all systems.... now."

As if on cue, every light reached full power in their hallway at once, all through the ship. A slight hum could be heard, and several doors suddenly had lights come on over them.

"According to the layout I have here, doors that have orange lights over them are some kind of instant elevators, transporting you to other sections of the ship. Use the panels inside to select a destination, the device will; place you in the nearest receptacle. I also have access to all internal and external sensor arrays now, as well as the engines for this ship. It seems weapons are online as well as shielding. Everything seems to be in order for pre-flights, all that's missing is the go order. I figured you'd want to be up here for that?"

She pauses as the blips on her internal sensors come up and change. "Ok, I'm picking up our people as well as around two dozen or so life readings that aren't human. Since the only other thing we've come across thus far are fallen, it stands to reason that's what they are. Looks like three in the crew areas, four near the engine cores, five two decks above you, three more outside of what appears to be some kind of armory, and the other nine are..... heading right for me. Perfect."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael sighs, deciding to let Ava handle herself for now, and walking towards one of the doors with an orange light above it, pressing the bottum nearest to the center of the ship, the doors closing, then opening, he himself disappeared from the original transporter and reappearing on another deck. "This place is amazing. I'm going to request keeping Ava as my personal assistant just to keep track of where the hell I am in this ship." he says, then notices a trail of blood along the hallway "Adria. Are you reading any Fallen life signs near me? I found a trail of blood nearby, and I'm hoping it's old." he says, following said trail into one of the living quarters, blood all over the walls and two barely identifiable human bodies laying in one corner, eviscerated and covered in weapon marks "Oh dear lord." is all that is heard over the radio from Michael, his left hand up on his mouth to prevent him from vomiting "Ava. Get your ass to the crew quarters." he says, a distinct tone in his voice, easily from him almost vomiting.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Xer fluttered to the rest of the team about that moment. "What's going on? We under attack?"