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Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria's reply is quick, with the sounds of something smashing against metal on the other end. "Three readings moving towards your position, eight hundred meters from you in the corridors. I've got company here, but for the moment I'm keeping the door shut in their faces. FUCK, they're trying to smash them off the hinges."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Ava, at the time Michael was looking for her, was shadowing nine fallen heading in the direction of the bridge. Charging a bolt similar to the one she had used on the door from earlier, Ava followed them closely waiting for an optimal opportunity to shoot.

"...Three bolts remaining."

The "optimal conditions" she had been waiting for finally came when the Fallen advanced stopped at the entrance to the bridge itself, allowing her to have a chance at eliminating the entire squad at once. In one swift movement, the girl turned the corridor and let loose the bolt, timing it so that the shot would superheat and explode before actually impaling one of the aliens. As the explosion sounded out through a good portion of the ship as it had done earlier, Ava strapped the bow onto her back once more and attempted to draw her energy blade, only to have it knocked out of her hand by one of the swifter of the surviving Fallen. As the dust settled, it would be shown that three others had also survived, having been skilled enough to dodge the blast. As the remaining Fallen approached her, it would appear that all was lost for the now unarmed girl. However...


Kneeing the Fallen who had disarmed her, Ava then proceeded slam her fist into its face, bludgeoning its head into a bloody pulp with the force of a sledgehammer. The rest of the Fallen, having watched their comrade's brutal death in close range, opted to open fire from a distance. This however, did not stop Ava from rushing them at an inhumane speed, completely ignoring the searing from multiple laser blasts that found their mark. Dispatching one of the Fallen with an uppercut the instant she came into melee range, it was not long before the experimental combat "super soldier" decimated another with a savage kick. Turning on the last one, she found herself impaled upon a "spear-like weapon". Staring at the alien who appeared to be pleased at what he had done with blank eyes, Ava studied his "expression" closely... then ended its life with running her hand through its head. As the Fallen slumped to the ground lifelessly, the girl proceeded to remove the weapon without flinching in the least, her flesh already beginning to gradually regenerate. Walking back along the corridor to collect her dropped weapon, she then received a transmission on the radio:

"Ava. Get your ass to the crew quarters."


Collecting her blade, she began advancing to where she had been ordered...
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Aika walks down the corridor, hearing all the communications but seeing no hostiles on the part of the ship she is in.

She keeps a close eye out for any Fallen.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda calmsy disassembles and cleans her rifle while the group splits up, placing it back in her weapons disc and removing a smaller, simple-looking pistol. She snakes a cord out from it and sticks it in the side of her head, calmly walking to the teleporter that Michael left from. She turns back just before entering, however.

"Anyone else coming to clear the engine room?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Machine sighs and stores away the heavy grenade launcher, instead producing his Laser MPs. "Don't want to blow up our own ship", he says with a nod at Linda.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Lillius sighs at the explosion. "Enough with the overkill already..." she murmured as she headed a different way through the ship, once again alone. She absentmindedly wandered, having had quite a long bit of calm... until she rounded a corner and stared a small group of three Fallen in the face.

"Uh... ah!" The goo-girl took a punch to her stomach before another one tackled her to the ground. "No you don't!" Her hand reached to the Fallen's (the one on top of her) face, the hand stretching and wrapping completely around it quickly. Then, with a quick squeeze, it crushed the skull. She shoved the corpse off as she spun around and drew out her pistol. The other two attacked, but Lillius was able to back off just out of their range. A couple blasts and the remaining two fell.

Then another blast which left a small whole through the girl's slime body. "AAGH!" Lillius stumbled forward before she spun around and fired a quick series of shots into the quickly dead Fallen that had snuck up behind her with an energy weapon. Lillius fell to her knees as she started to regenerate. "Ughnnn... took out a few Fallen here...."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda nods as she steps into the teleporter. "That's why I changed as well, don't want to start anything potentially dangerous by punching holes through walls, could rupture something nasty."

She waits until Machine and anybody else who was coming along with them to enter before pushing the button. The doors close and open again, showing a smallish room leading out to a walkway over the massive engine compartment. She sweeps the room with her pistol, before stepping to the edge and admiring the view. "Then again..." She says with a wicked gleam in her eyes, removing components for her rifle once more. "This place must be nearly two miles long, I'll just use ammunition that won't punch through their skulls. Go an ahead, I'll cover from here." She says as she finished building her sniper rifle once again. This time, the gun from end to end is taller than she is, with a stand and a large scope attached. She lays down by the edge, placing the pistol to the side and swithcing plug-ins on the side of her head again, interfacing with the rifle as it and her fade into the ground, becoming nearly invisible if you didn't know where to look.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Moments after Lillius's communication, a door opened not ten feet from her, and a figure gently pulled her into the room, closing the door behind them. Before she could say much of anything she heard Adria's voice. "You alright?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Lillius eeps as she is pulled in and readied to fight more. But then she sees and hears who it is. "Ah, Adria. Ya, I'm fine...." She pointed to the hole which had closed up, the slime around the hole having filled it in. "A good meal later and I'll be good.... Or I could keep this slightly thinner figure," she joked.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria chuckles slightly. "Whichever you prefer. By my count there's twelve fallen left on the ship right now, and hey, check out the bridge here."

Lillius would sense though that despite the projected bubbliness, something was bothering Adria.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Lillius frowns. "It is nice... but... what's wrong Adria?" She idly rubbed the spot where she was shot... it still hurt.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

There was a moment of pause, and for a moment Lillius might be unsure if Adria was even going to answer her. Finally she spoke. "The reason this ship is so in tune with me is because I carry the DNA of the race who built it. I don't really remember much from before I was 19 or so, but the few things I do remember of those times are so.... horrifying that I can't explain them. Suffice it to say seeing this ship, it's sort of reminding me about things that I'm not sure I want to remember. I have a feeling though I don't have a choice in the matter. I know that my DNA was spliced with theirs, and several other races, but I don't know which ones. I guess I'm just worried about what secrets I may find out about myself that are better left hidden and unknown even to me."

She pauses then adds, "so what about you? Anything about this situation unnerve you?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Lillius listens to Adria story and frowns again. "Oh...." She shyly offers a hug. "That's... not fun I suppose. Of course, I'm spliced with DNA as well. Just a normal human, now... a 'little' different."

"This situation? Uh... not really. Nothing that I can think of. Why do you ask?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Just... your not even the least bit afraid of my power here? Hell I know I probably would be."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

She flew after Linda, hooping to keep up with her. "What's the situation?" she asked, holding her lazer weapon forward.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda responds casually, not really surprised that the insect can see her, as her camoflage is visual only. "Well, there's apparently five fallen in this area, and-" *BANG*
A flume of flame nearly a foot long erupts from her rifle, followed almost a second later by a smaller explosion down on ground level and three quarters across the room. Linda watched through her scope as the Fallen she ha5 been aiming at fell over, the explosive round she had fired at it taking it's head clean off. She snickers a bit, then starts speaking again.
"Sorry, four Fallen in this area, and I'd rather not have them around to mess with all this complex machinery. I'm not a leader, so I won't tell you how to do your job, but I've got this entire area covered from up here."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

She nods a bit, then idley flips her weapon behind her, releasing a blast into the Fallen that had been sneaking up behind them. "Three Fallen," she quiped with a smile. "Sure you don't need backup?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Shaking her head, Lillius replies, "No, I'm not all that afraid. I'm already quite weird, especially after that melding... not much is all that surprising anyway."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Where in the Hell?.." Linda says, removing her head from the scope and looking behind her, noticing the recessed alcove leading to a hallway that wasn't there before. "Fair enough." She says, putting her head back to the scope and pulling a spare scope from her disc, holding it up to the bug girl. "How's your distance vision? Call the shots, we'll have a little game." She says, and you can hear the grin in her voice without seeing the grin on her face.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Fair enough. Anyways, since your probably curious about my previous assignment... I was assigned to a base for my shakedown run if you will. We fell under attack from the Fallen, and they wiped out everyone else but one other person. I in turn got... angry. When they found us a week later, every Fallen had been slaughtered, their entire bodies half way vaporized because of what I did to them. I guess command figured I would be better off on the front lines."